03 26 1986 Oro History Committee - MinutesMINUTES OF THE HISTORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MARCH 26, 1986 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING At request of Council, the following members of the History Committee attended a Committee of Council meeting: Joanna McEwen, Howard Campbell, Ruth Fraser and Henry Neufeld Reeve Robert E. Drury requested that Council be brought up to date as to pro- jects of the Committee for 1986 and future proposals. Joanna McEwen reviewed with Council what the History Committee was presently preparing - churches in the Township of Oro, past and present. Proposals - re -printing and updating the "Story of Oro" - this publication was published in 1972 - no copies left. History Committee would request Council to consider re -publishing of same. - the Story of Oro was compiled by volunteer personnel for the 1972 publication it is not known whether volunteer labour will be available to re -publish. - publishing cost is available - printing of approximately 1500-2000 suggested - estimated quotation available - approx. $15000.00. Questions to Council - are Council in favour of approval to re -publish and are they prepared to act as banker for same? - suggested cost of sale of book - $10.00 - printing and publishing cost $7.50 approx. - preparation costs will be involved - have not addressed costs for gathering of material - possibly a student could be hired under a Grant Program to compile material - since some costs will be involved to gather material, photographs, etc. should Council approve re -publishing of "Story of Oro" - possibly $2000.00 should be included in 1986 Budget. From survey of Council by the Reeve it would appear that Oro Council look favourably upon request to re -print the Story of Oro which would be a two-year project. Prior to leaving the meeting the Reeve enquired as to further information re- garding the designation of #93 Highway (Penetang Road) as a Heritage Road. Joanna McEwen related information and advised that file is available at the Warden's Office at the County of Simcoe, and that she would be prepared to review the material and suggested Reeve to attend next meeting of the History Committee. - 2 - It was left that the Reeve would attend the next meeting of the History Committee now scheduled for Tuesday, April 1, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. Henry Neufeld, Joanna McEwen, Secretary Chairperson