05 30 1989 Oro History Committee - MinutesTHE TOWNSHIP OF ORO HISTORY COkMITTEE
MEETING - LAY 'Oth. 1989
Members of the Township of Oro History Committee met this evening
at the Township of Oro Municipal Building in the Committee Room,
at the call of the Acting Chairman and Secretary, pursuant to
adjournment of the Last Regular Meeting held on March 14, 1989.
All members having been duly notified. The following members
were present:
Howard A. Campbell
Ruth Fraser
Loreen Lucas
Henry Neufeld
Walter Hutchinson
Bernice Hickling
Earl Robertson
Absent: Marlene Mawdsley and Neil McNiven
Opening The meeting was opened at 7:45 p.m.
Appointing or Election of Chairperson and Secretary
Walter Hutchinson nominated Howard Campbell - who declined
Henry Neufeld nominated Loreen Lucas
Howard Campbell nominated Walter Hutchinson as the alternate
Loreen Lucas agreed to act as the Chairperson for one year
on the condition that the Committee understood thatshe would
be away for a period of time as she would be in Hospital for
part of the summer. She was appointed accordingly with Walter
Hutchinson by the following resolution: -
It was moved by Howard Campbell and seconded by Earl Robertson
that Loreen Lucas be the Chairperson for 1989 and until re-
placed by an appointment or election, with Walter Hutchinson
as the alternate Chairperson.
Henry Neufeld was nominated as Secretary with no other
It was moved by Walter Hutchinson and seconded by Bernice
Hackling that Henry Neufeld be appointed as Secretary until
replaced by future appointment.
Adottion of Minutes of meeting held on March 14, 1989, which had
been printed and circulated to all members.
It was moved by Howard Campbell and seconded by Walter
Hutchinson that the Minutes of the last regular meeting
held on March 14, 1989, be adopted as printed and received.
Business arising from the meeting of March 14, 1989.
(a) Appointing of an Ad Hoc. Committee to meet with Oro
Council re: design of Township of Oro Chain of Office.
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It was moved by Henry Neufeld and seconded by Walter Hutchinson
that Loreen Lucas, Howard Campbell and Earl Robertson be a
Committee tc meet with Oro Council regarding the design of a
Chain of Office for the Township of Oro
(b) Flaque in Memory of Marian Keith (nuthor)
It was moved by Howard Campbell and seconded by Ruth Fraser
that a Committee of two, namely Walter Hutchinson and Earl
Robertson be a Committee to pursue the erection of a Plaque
in memory of Varian Keith (author) at the site of the Old
Rugby School, now the Rugby Community Hall.
(c) Other - no other business arising from the Minutes was
brought forward.
Corresrondence and Communications
(a) Memo from Administrator/Clerk forwarding letter from the
County of Simcoe Archivist - advising that the Township of
Oro Assessment and Collector's Rolls cannot be accepted for
record retention and storage until this fall.
It was moved by Bernice Hickling and seconded by Earl
Robertson that the History Committee recommend the Oro
Township Council pursue the matter of record retention and
storage in the County of Simcoe Archives in order that they
may be deposited in 1989 and further that an appropriate
By -Law be passed by Council to authorize the transfer of
the documents..
(b) Memo from the Administrator/Clerk forwarding resolution of
Council with respect to letters received from Earl Robertson,
Bernice Hickling and Neil McNiven, advising interest and
willingness to serve as member of the Township of Oro History
Committee. (three of four persons approached) Ruth Langman
had by letter declined at this time.
(c) Memo from Administrator/Clerk forwarding resolution of Oro
Council re: Correspondence from the County of Simcoe Historical
Association with respect to their Annual Meeting and dinner -
which was held on May 16th, 1989.
Howard Campbell, Vice Chairman of the Association had attended
and gave a verbal report.
(d) Presented Brochure with respect to Dufferin-Simcoe LACAC
meeting and Workshop to be held on June 22, 1989 from 3:30 p.m.
to 9:00 p.m., as received by the Township and referred to the
History Committee by the Administrator/Clerk.
It was moved by Ruth Fraser and seconded by Bernice Hickling
that Oro Council be advised that no member of the Township of
Oro History Committee is prepared to attend the Dufferin-
Simcoe LACAC Meeting and Workshop on June 22, 1989.
(e) Presented letter from Jean Cameron confirming that she is not
able to continue as a member of the History Committee and a
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letter from Ruth Fraser advising that after three History Books and
many years on the History Committee, she feels it is time for her to
retire but indicating that if in the future she can be of any help,
in any way, she wc'.11d be willing to assist. Letter further states
that she has written a letter to Cro Council indicating her desire
to resign as member of the Oro History Committee.
Also a letter from Joanna McEwen to the Committee Members expressing
thanks to all past and present members for their support and encourage-
ment during her tenure as a Committe member and Chairperson. Letter
further indicates that she is always willing and ready to help the
Committe if needed.
It was moved by Howard Campbell and seconded by Earl Robertson
that the letters of retirement from the History Committee
from Ruth Fraser and Jean Cameron and verbal communication
from Wallace Key, as well as letter from Joanna IicEwen express-
ing her appreciation, be received with regret and recommend
that Oro Council be requested to respond to the letters of
retirement and resignation and express Cnuncil's and the
Committee's appreciation for their service over the years.
Moved by W"lter Hutchinson and seconded by Ruth Fraser
that the Correspondence and Communication as presented be
received and filed.
Unfinished Business
(a) Secretary reported on the progress of the rebinding of the
"Story of Oro"
(b) Secretary reported that no correspondence had been received
from the Harvie Settlement W.I. regarding their interest in
a Plaque in Memory of Marian Keith, in reply to letter from
the Township of Oro History Committee.
Lateen Lucas to contact the Harvie Settlement W.I.
(c) Other - none presented.
(d) Recognition and Appreciation - Joanna McEwen for her years
of work on the History Committee
and editing of two books.
It was moved by Henry Neufeld and seconded by Howard Campbell
that Ruth Fraser and Loreen Lucas to prepare/the wording for
a Plaque , which the History Committee recommend that Coucil
present to Joanna McEwen for her dedication and hard work while
serving as a member and Chairperson and Editor of two Books.
And further, that the Plaque be presented on Canada Day.
New Business
The matter of taking care of and looking after presentation
of the History Slides was presented by Howard Campbell for
Howard Campbell advised that Joanna McEwen had indicated that
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she would assist the Committee in this regard and be responsible
for the Slides Lnd showing of same when requested.
Bernice Hackling indicated that she would assist with the Slides
and presentation of same, when necessary, should Joanna not
be able to at a Particular time.
It was moved by rarl Robertson and seconded by Walter Hutchinson
that Joanna P, .cEwen be the person responsible for the History Slides
and presentation of same and that Bernice Hickling assist with
presentation of the Slides, when necessary or whenever Joanna
McEwen is unable to make the presentation requested.
It was suggested that the "various Hills" in the Township, with
referred names be indicated on a map for record purposes.
This matter was left to Howard Campbell, Walter Hutchinson
and Earl Robertson for preparation and presentation to the next
Committee meeting.
There being no further business for the evening it was moved
by Ruth Fraser and sconded by Walter Hutchinson that the
meeting adjourn to meet again on Tuesday June 27th, 1989
or at the call of the Chairperson.
Henry Neufeld, Loreen Lucas,
Secretary. Chairperson