03 14 1989 Oro History Committee - MinutesTHE TOM?SHIF OF ORO EISTOR1 CCF:J.ITTEE
:..FETING - L arch 14. 1989
;.:embers of the Township of Oro Histcry Committee i.'=t this evening
et the Townshi:. of Oro unicipal Building it the Committee Room,
pursuant to adjournment cf the last regular meeting of February
15, 1 ,89, pith the following members present:
Hownrd A. Carbell '„'alter IIutc'Lirson
Loreen Lucas Henry Neufeld
Losent: Ruth Fraser :iso members who wish to be Ex-cfficic
Joann_ :v.c7wen and _..ar1ene Laedsley es
well es Jeen Cameron
:'allace key hoc' presented his resignation to Council
which had been acceTted by Council.
xercintine of a Choircerson for the meeting -
It was moved by Walter Hutchinson and secorded by Henry Neuf^ld
that Howard Campbell be Chairman for the meeting.
.,anutes - o_' rneeti.nl held on February 15, 1989 along with copies
of Correspondence and Corr:municetions from that meeting
hed been forwarded to all members of the Committee.
It was moved by Henry Neufeld and seconded by Welter Hutchinson
thet the minutes of the last regular meeting held on February 15,
189, be adol ted as printed and received.
Business arising from the Linutes - of meeting of February 15, 1989.
(a) Secretary advised that a letter along with meterial in res-
pect to the i rop osed erection of a ilaque in memory - f Merian Keith,
hedi peen forwarded to Harvey Settlement W.I., es directed.
(b) Resolutions of the Committee hd been brought to the attention
of the Deputy -Clerk for rresentation to Council re:-
- forwarding of .s::essment Rolls and Collector's Rolls to
the County of Siracoe Archives
- Future of History Committee and recommendation of names of
he,:sons to be eprroached by Council -s pos ible members
- Request to include ` 1r)(r in the Township udget 'or the
::i: tcry Committee as well es alloc ting an amount for the
prof osed Flaque
- 1989 irojects (suggested
(c) How' rd Campbeil advised that he hr c. conm;unicr.ted with. John
Stoddart, Vancouver, B.C. and .:<as still trying to get some
family :iistcry froma relative in Peterborough end if success-
ful would forward any inforr::aticn.
Correspondence and Conururication
(a) i'resented cosy of letter fore .riled to the Harvey Settlement W.I.
(b) Presented letter received from the Rugby '..I. advising th•rt
the Rugby W.I. h'•d agreed to xursue the matter of the erection
of E. plaque in memory of Marian Keith, Te _ cher and author.
1'_lso that the Rugby W.I. is r_retared to give Fin_anci: 1 supj ort
to the project.
(c) Presentee letter from th- Adn..inistretor/Clerk forty: riling
resolutions of Council in res-onse to the History Comr:itte
Resolutions and requests from. the 1, st regglapttog -
(1) "The ClerkjAdministratcr to contact the County of Simece
r.rchives to arrange for the transferOf Assessment and
Collector's Rolls from the yer 1851 u: to and including
any year not required by the Township T-x Collector and
further thLt jr Iaration for the transfer of same shall
be crried out by the Oro Township History Committee."
(ii) Le it resolve: th' t the proposed Townshii Chain of Office
may include - Townshir Crest, African Church, Geodetic
Tower, L.crigold Flower, Oro Townhall, Tow rshir Offices -
Gld and New.
And further the History Committee is requested to "orrn
a Sub -Committee to design the above noted Chain of Cffice
with the above noted mentioned items to be included with-
in the Chain -nd further will meet with Council ae a
subsequent Committee of the Whole L.eeting to discuss the
st ecifics of the design.
(iii) Be it resolved that $1000 be s_t aside for the Budget of the
Oro ToTnshir History Committee as well PS the cost for the
rebinding rf the Story of Cro Books and further the
Administrator/Clerk is to request from the History Committee
an amount to be included in the I udgdt for the i rorosed
,arian Keith j lague.
(iv) Be it resolved that the Administrator/Clerk correspond
with tt.r following persons to ascertain their interest in
serviaft on th,- History Committee: Ts
Earl Robertson Bernice Eickling
,Neil :.:c'diven Ruth Largrcan
i resented copies of letters forr.nreed to the four rersons
tc sscertin their interest in serving as a member on
the To:nshir. of Oro Hist ory Committee.
Cot y of lettr to the County cf Sirrcoe Archivtst, leter
I.iorpn regarding the transfer cf the Townshir of Oro
Assessment and Collector's Rolls.
It was moved by Loreen Lucas and seconded by Walter Hutchinson
that the correspondence and communications as presented be
received anc filed.
•,' (3)
It ,Av s moved by Writer Hutchinson :.nd seconded by Loreen
Lucas that ;N copy of the letter received from the Rugby
be forwarded :o Council along with a recommendation th:t the
Council include in the 1989 To nship ;2udget an amount of up to
$400.0C for the Township share of the financial sulport to
erect a Plaque in memory of Larian Keith, Teacher and Author
at the site of the Rugby Ccrn:_unity _call. .tnd further, that
should the P_<_rvie Settlement W.I. be prepared to give financial
surport th:e Townshilportion could be reduced accordingly.
New Business - At the next regular :.eeting ,-
(a) Appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to Irepare th-, inscription
to be included on the I laque in memory of Marian Keith.
Committee to include member fromthe Rugby W.I. and the
Harvey Settlement W.I.
(Howard Cams bell to look into estimate costs for the
i roposed plaque and erection of same and rei ort results
of same at the next regular me_,ting)
Appoint r ::ub Committee to prepnre Lrc. osed design
for the To nship Crain of Office as requested by
Appoint persons to be responsible for the History
Slides and showing of same when requested.
Also f ersons to be rest onsible for I ictures that ::a•
be received or are made available to the History
It was removed by Henry Neufeld and seconded by hiOlter Hutchinson
that the meeting adjourn to meet again once advised by the
Administr. for/Clerk reg; riling any additional members that may
have indicated an interest to serve on the Committee. i.fter
which all members will be notified of a date in April.
Henry Neufeld Howard A. C: rmr bell
Secretry Chr iri 'n of .:eeting