2023-070 By-law to Authorize the Use of Internet/Telephone voting as an Alternative Voting Method for the 2026 Muncipal and School Board Election for the Township of Oro-MedonteThe Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte
By -Law No. 2023-070
Being a By -Law to Authorize the Use of Internet/Telephone voting as an
Alternative Voting Method for the 2026 Municipal and School Board
Election for the Township of Oro-Medonte
Whereas Section 42(1) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended, provides
that the Council of a municipality may, by by-law, authorize the use of an alternative
voting method that does not require electors to attend a voting place in order to
vote, and the use of voting and vote -counting equipment.
And Whereas Section 42(2) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended,
provides that a by-law passed under Section 42(1) applies to a regular election if
the by-law is passed on or before May 1 in the year of the election.
And Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte deems
it expedient and necessary to employ Internet and Telephone Voting for the 2026
Municipal and School Board Election and all subsequent elections thereafter or until
directed otherwise.
And Whereas Section 89 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended,
provides that a person is guilty of an offence if he or she attempts to do something
described in Section 89.
And Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte
approved, by Resolution No. C230712-12, that the 2026 Municipal and School
Board Election be conducted utilizing Internet/Telephone Voting and vote counting
Now Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Oro-Medonte enacts as follows:
1. That the use of electronic voting by Internet and Telephone as alternative
voting methods is hereby authorized in respect of the municipal and school
board election to be held in 2026 and all subsequent elections thereafter
pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act or until directed
2. That the use of electronic voting by Internet and Telephone as alternative
voting methods is hereby authorized for the duration of the advanced voting
3. That the Municipal Clerk/Returning Officer shall establish procedures and
required forms for the alternative voting methods in accordance with Section
3 of the Municipal Elections Act.
4. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to secure and execute an
agreement with an appropriate service provider for the provision of
internet/telephone voting services.
5. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon the final passing
By -Law Read a First, Second and Third time, and Passed this 16th day of
August, 2023.
The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte
ayor, Randy Greenlaw
CI rlj, Yvonne Aiibichon