06 06 1996 RAC Minutes . MXNUTES OF THE ORO-MEDONTE RECREATXON ADVXSORY COMMXTTEE MEETXNG HELD THURSDAY JUNE 6,1996 AT 7:00 P.M., ADMXNXSTRATXON CENTRE Present: staff Present: Also Present: Regrets: councillor Ron Sommers, Nancy stoddart, Bill Groves, Dave Knox Deborah Broderick, Tara Mittermayer Anne Brousseau, Rick Yule, Bruce Quinn, Brenda Yule, Neil Bumstead, Bev West Mayor Xan Beard, A. Graham Councillor Walter Dickie Nelson, Barb Swanson, Act ion Requ i red 1. Minutes of the May 2,1996 meeting . . 2. 3. It was Moved by Dave Knox, seconded by Ron Sommers That the Minutes of the May 2, 1996 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee meeting be adopted as circulated. Carried. Disclosure of Pecuniary Xnterest and the General Nature Thereof - Xn Accordance with The Act: No disclosure of pecuniary interest was made; however, Bill Groves advised he had acted as a volunteer technical advisory person to the Oro-Medonte Lions Club and the Moonstone and District Recreation Committee who were making a deputation to the Committee. Nancy Stoddart advised that her sister is the Secretary of the Oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary, re: Correspondence Item 6 (b). The above was provided for the information of the Committee and both involve non-profit organizations and do not represent pecuniary interest or gain of any nature. Adoption of the Agenda. Moved by Bill Groves, seconded by Dave Knox That the Agenda for the Recreation Advisory Committee meeting dated June 6, 1996, be adopted as printed and circulated with the addition of the following: 6. (b) Oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary, Arena Concession Booth. re: correspondence Carried. . Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Page 2 June 6, 1996 4. Disposition of the May 2,1996 Recommendations to Council: There were no recommendations from the May 2, 1996 meeting. 5. Deputations: 7:10 p.m. Members of the Oro-Medonte Lions Club and the Moonstone and District Recreation Committee attended to present to the Committee the proposals for the first year of their five-year recreation plan. . The presentation concentrated on the former Medonte Administration Centre and the proposal of the interested groups to utilize the facility as a community hall. The Moonstone and District Recreation Committee are members of the Hall Association and currently operate without a hall. There is a considerable need for a facility in the area and the group outlined the various organizations that would make use of such a facility as well as the fundraising events the hall would accommodate. The required renovations to the interior of the building as well as the fundraising efforts to finance said works as a cooperative endeavour by the two groups was discussed. It was noted that much of the expertise required for the work was available from within the Lions Club. It was further stated that the Lions are committed to raising money for the good of the community and would utilize such a facility for that purpose in future. Other areas reviewed included the Pump House Property which was recommended as a possible soccer pitch and the Burial Ground Property for development of a horseshoe pitch and toddler sand boxes in a park setting complete with a heritage monument depicting the site's historical significance. . The group indicated that much of their five-year plan fringed upon the approval for use of the former Medonte Administration Building. The two groups would assume the responsibility for the operation of the hall. Subsequent to the deputation, the Committee discussed the proposed use of the Medonte building and the timing of the proposal. Considering that the Township is currently developing a Recreation Master Plan and areas for recreational use are being analyzed, it was felt that the proposals should be considered in concert with the master plan process. . D. Broderick - prov ide copies as requested. . D. Broderick - meet with for clarification -report to Comm. . Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Page 3 June 6, 1996 Moved by Ron Sommers, seconded by Dave Knox That it be communicated to Council that the Recreation Advisory Committee supports in principle the five-year plan presented by the Moonstone and District Recreation Committee and the Oro-Medonte Lions Club for the development of the properties identified within their plan for recreational uses, including the former Medonte Administration Building; however, it is recommended to Council that the total proposal be extensively considered in conjunction with the Recreation Master Plan and the recommendations forthcoming from the Plan. Carried. Councillor Sommers requested copies of correspondence referred to during the deputation pertaining to the property behind the Medonte Administration Building as well as the appropriate recommendations contained within the Medonte Recreation Plan. Deborah Broderick will provide same. Correspondence: a) stevenson-Dusome Xnsurance, reI insurance requirements for possible land acquisition (CN). It was Moved by Dave Knox, seconded by Bill Groves That the above-noted information. received for correspondence be Carried. b) Oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary, reI Arena Concession Booth The correspondence regarding a contract for the operation of the Arena Concession Booth was reviewed. There was some question and concern regarding the term of the contract and the Auxiliary contribution, as stated in the correspondence, varying from previous discussions. The Director will meet with the Auxiliary and prepare a submission for further consideration by the Committee. . All Members - special meeting July 4, 1996 5 :00 p.m. . . Recreation Advisory Committee Page 4 June 6, 1996 Director's Monthly Report: The Director advised the Committee that a special meeting in July was necessary in order to keep to the Recreation Master Plan timetable. It was agreed the Committee would meet at the Administration Centre on Thursday, July 4,1996 at 5:00 p.m. Master Plan Update; Xntroduction of Tara Mittermayer: The Director introduced Tara Mittermayer, the student hired to work on the Recreation Master Plan. The meeting was turned over to Tara who provided an update on the progress to date. The first four tasks as outlined in the Master Plan timetable are all underway and include an inventory of township facilities, an inventory of community facilities (public, private, and institutional), an inventory of recreational programs, as well as an inventory of community groups and associations. Tara reviewed the information sheets completed to date on areas including but not limited to, Trafalgar Drive (Lot 1, Pt. Blk, A, Plan 1396): Line 2 and Range I: Shanty Bay Ball Park: and the south side of Bass Lake. Areas were examined as to existing conditions, planning context, constraints and opportunities, and possibilities regarding development potential. Committee recommendations were discussed and noted on the sheets as appropriate. Dave Knox reviewed the status of his site visits to certain road ends at the lakefront. Some areas will be revisited and additional road ends are to be viewed. Issues arising from review of the information sheets included the need to address a policy regarding private/public lands and dedications where residents are utilizing public property as their own, and the feasibility of signage for road ends/public access. It was also agreed that a list should be compiled of properties requiring searches and/or legal opinions prior to recommendations being made by the Committee as to their use. Bill Groves made general comments on his review of the institutional properties noting that with reductions to education funding there will be no monies available for school yard improvements by the schools themselves. It is anticipated these endeavors will have to be undertaken by community or parents' groups. It will be a difficult task to determine where new schools within developments are to be located as the viability of some existing schools may be in question. A decrease in public school enrolment is predicted. . Recreation Advisory Committee Page 5 June 6, 1996 c) d) e) . 8. Kim Allen Report, reI review of arena operations January to April, 1996 The overall revenue picture for the arena is encouraging. The expenses are higher at this time due to numerous break-ins and a boiler breakdown. Another analysis of operations will be provided at the end of the current season. Councillor Sommers complimented the Department, noting that this breakdown is the most positive he has seen in five years. Tender Update: Tenders have been advertised for a new ice resurfacer and the replacement of existing arena boards. There is a possibility that the low emissivity ceiling work at the arena will not go to tender as there is only one company in Ontario providing the combined strength and insulation value proposed. All three tenders are expected to be completed by mid September. Calendars were circulated for upcoming events from May to September, 1996 and the Committee was requested to keep said calendars updated as they will be verbally advised of events in future. Committee Chairman's Report: 9. No Report. Questions: None. 10. Adjournment. It was Moved by Dave Knox, That the meeting adjourn at 10:45 p.m. . Recording Secretary