02 01 1996 RAC Minutes . . . MINUTES OF THE ORO-MEDONTE RECREATION ADVISORY COKKITTEE MEETING HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1996 Present: AT 7:00 P.M., ADMINISTRATION CENTRE Staff Present: Absent: A. Graham Nelson, Councillor Ron Sommers, Nancy Stoddart, Bill Groves, Dave Knox, Councillor Walter Dickie, Barbara Swanson Deborah Broderick, Anne Brousseau Mayor Ian Meeting) . Beard, Jennifer Zieleniewski (Assessment 1. 2. 3. Minutes of the December 7, 1995 meeting. It was Moved by Dave Knox, seconded by Bill Groves That the Minutes of the December 7, 1995 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee meeting be adopted as circulated. Carried. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof - In Accordance with The Act: Barb Swanson declared a conflict of interest regarding Item 5 b) on the Agenda being that she is on the executive of the Oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary. Mrs. Swanson did not take part in the discussions concerning this matter. Disposition of the December 7,1995 Recommendations to Council: council at their regular meeting of December 20, 1995, passed Motion No. 15, adopting the December 7,1995 recommendation of the Committee regarding the proposal by Debra stringer for use of the Old Town Hall. Council at their regular meeting of December 20, 1995, also passed Motion No. 16 authorizing the execution of an agreement with Pro Shop (Linda Richardson) for skate sharpening at the Oro-Medonte Community Arena. 4. Deputations: None. . D. Broderick -request . Ora Ring- and Ora Figure Skating Club -further info to next mtg. . Parks' Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Page 2 February 1,1996 correspondence: a) Deborah Broderick, Parks & Recreation Manager, correspondence, re: thank you note for flowers. Received. b) Linda Pfrimmer, Oro Minor Hockey correspondence, re: Arena Concession Booth. Auxiliary, Correspondence requesting a long-term contract for the Arena Concession Booth, with a commitment from the Auxiliary for financial contributions to the capital projects of the facility, was discussed in length. It was decided that more negotiation with the Auxiliary, and research regarding the feasibility of such a partnership are required before a recommendation can be made to Council. As well, written confirmation from Oro Ringette and the Oro Figure Skating Club is required to verify the verbal understanding that they have no interest in, and no objection to, the Oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary running the concession booth over an extended time frame. The Parks & Recreation Manager will survey other comparible municipalities as to their concession booth operations. The Manager will also review the operating costs of the concession booth with respect to hydro and lighting to establish a basis on which to consider the monetary feasibility of an extended contract. The matter will be brought to the attention of the Treasurer/Acting Administrator, and the Auxiliary will be approached about the possbility of a year-round (12-month) operation. It was Moved by Walter Dickie, seconded by Ron Sommers That the issue be referred back to staff for more information and upon receipt of same, the Parks & Recreation Manager prepare a draft lease agreement for further discussion at the March meeting of the Committee, complete with figures. Carried. . D. Broderick A. Brousseau -forward to .cil A. Brousseau . Parks' Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Page 3 February 1,1996 c) Oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary, Minutes of Meeting held January 8, 1996 for the information of the Committee. Received as information. d) ontario Parks Association, 1996 Educational Seminar and Trade Show Information Package. Received as information. Parks' Recreation Manager Monthly Report: a) Review of Mandate The Parks & Recreation Manager reviewed her memorandum to the Committee regarding the terms of reference for the Advisory Committee. Suggested amendments to the terms of reference as submitted consisted of the following: c) d) f) replace the word "research" with "examine"; remove the words "research and"; replace the words "deemed necessary" with "as appropriate" . Subsequent to a discussion on the qualifications listed for Committee members, the Secretary was directed to inquire as to the requirements within The Municipal Act regarding committee members. It was Moved by Graham Nelson, seconded by Barb Swanson That the recommendations received from the Parks' Recreation Manager and the terms of reference as amended, be approved and forwarded to Council. Carried. b) *Proposed* Department restructuring and job descriptions: The Manager gave the Committee a brief update on the proposed restructuring of the Parks & Recreation Department, stressing that the modifications will be dealt with by Council on February 7,1996 and have not as yet been adopted. The matter was Tabled and the information presented by the Parks & Recreation Manager was received for information. . D. Broderick -further fication required re: Parks Master Plan . D. Broderick (K. Allen) D. Broderick A. Brousseau -place on Agenda for next meeting. . Parks' Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Page 4 February 1,1996 c) Discussion, re: Parks Kaster Plan A discussion regarding the preparation of the Parks Master Plan revealed differing perspectives on the extent of involvement by the Committee in its preparation. Some members had understood Committee responsibility would be limited to the preparation of a "conceptual" plan as opposed to a full-fledged Master Plan which would require a considerable amount of research time. One understanding had been that once a conceptual plan was developed, the final product would be completed by consultants. The Committee discussed the process involved and the amount of staff time required to complete this undertaking. It was the opinion of the Manager that the Parks Master Plan was a project that would require Committee involvement. Clarification is required and it was proposed that the matter be brought forward to the March Committee meeting. d) Cost Study prepared by Kim Allen The Parks & Recreation Manager outlined the report prepared by Kim Allen, Facilities Foreman, explaining the cost breakdown. A revenue report based on expenses as submitted in the report was requested as well as more detail on the training account. The Manager will confer with the Facilities Foreman and provide the requested information at the next Committee meeting. e) Verbal Update proposal: community Budget Hall on Hawkestone Deborah Broderick, Bill Groves, Ron Sommers and Dave Knox met prior to the Committee meeting to evaluate the recent budget proposal by the Hawkestone Community Hall. Several areas need to be addressed before any recommendations come forth, including specific details on the playground proposal. This matter will be placed on the March agenda for further report by the Parks & Recreation Manager. f) Public Skate sponsorship, January 5,1996: As previously agreed to, the Manager collected funds from the Committee members for the sponsorship of the January 5, 1996 Public Skate. . All mEmbers . . Parks' Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting page 5 February 1,1996 7. Committee Chairman's Report: No report. 8. Other Business: a) The list of upcoming events for the month of February, 1996 was received for information. b) In response to an inquiry, the Manager reported that arena operations are running smoothly. The deadline for Agenda Items for the March meeting will be February 26, 1996. Adjournment. c) 9. It was Moved by Graham Nelson, That the meeting adjourn at 9:35 p.m. Carried. ~. Anne Brousseau Secretary