07 04 1996 RAC Minutes . . . ,'" MINUTES OF THE ORO-MEDONTE RECREATION ADVISORY COHHITTEE MEETING HELD THURSDAY JULY 4, 1996 AT 5:00 P.M., ADMINISTRATION CENTRE Present: Staff Present: Regrets: Councillor Ron sommers, Nancy stoddart, G. Nelson, Dave Knox, Councillor walter Dickie, Barb Swanson Deborah Broderick, Anne (Student, Master Plan) Brousseau, Tara Mittermayer Mayor Ian Beard, Bill Groves This meeting was a special Meeting of the Recreation Advisory Committee called for the purpose of evaluating 19 recreational properties in the preparation process for the Recreation Master Plan. 1. 2. 3. 4. Minutes of the June 6, 1996 meeting It was Moved by Ron Sommers, seconded by Walter Dickie That the Minutes of the June 6, 1996 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee meeting be adopted as circulated. Carried. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof - In Accordance with The Act: None declared. Adoption of the Agenda. Moved by Walter Dickie, seconded by Ron Sommers That the Agenda for the Recreation Advisory Committee meeting dated July 4, 1996, be adopted as printed and circulated. carried. Disposition of the June 6, 1996 Recommendations to Council: The recommendation from the June 6, 1996 Committee Meeting pertaining to the deputation by the Moonstone and District Recreation Committee was received by Council on June 19,1996. . Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Page '2 5. Deputations: None. 6. correspondence: a) Oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary - re: Operation of the Arena Concession Booth. The Director explained that a decision by the Committee to either recommend acceptance of the proposal by the Oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary to operate the Arena Concession Boo1:h, or tender for same, ',¡as required as time was of the essence in ensuring an agreement is in place prior to the winter season. A lengthy discussion and evaluation in this regard resulted in the following recommendation. . Moved by Ron Sommers, seconded by Graham Nelson, It is recommended to Council that the Township accept the proposal of the Ora Minor Hockey Auxiliary for the operation of the Arena Concession Booth as presented, with the exception that the agreement be for a period of one year, specifically september 1, 1996 to April 1, 1997; It is further recommended that a Financial statement be provided to the Township by the oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary upon completion of the 1996-1997 season, prior to negotiation of an extended contract. carried. 7. Director's Monthly Report: a) The committee reviewed 19 recreational properties as presented by Tara Mittermayer and completed data sheets on same making recommendations as to further action required and! or recommended uses. Copies of the data sheets appear as Appendix "A", forming part of these minutes. . The Recording secretary left the meeting at 5:50 p.m. due to a prior commi ttment, and the remainder of the meeting was recorded by the Director. . page 3 Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting 9. 10. 8. Committee Chairman's Report: No Report. Questions: None. Adjournment. It was Moved by Dave Knox That the meeting adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Nancy stoddart, Chairperson . . Anne Brousseau, Recording Secretary