08 08 1996 RAC Minutes . ACTION . . MINUTES OF THE ORO-MEDONTE RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD THURSDAY AUGUST 8, 1996 AT 5:00 P.M., ADMINISTRATION CENTRE Present: Knox, Staff Present: Regrets: Councillor Ron Sommers, Graham Nelson, Councillor Walter Dickie, Bill Groves Dave Deborah Broderick, Tara Mittermayer (student, Master Plan) Anne Brousseau, Nancy stoddart, Barb Swanson This meeting was a special Meeting of the Recreation Advisory Committee called for the purpose of evaluating 27 recreational properties in the preparation process for the Recreation Master Plan. 1. 2. 3. Minutes of the July 4, 1996 meeting It was Moved by Graham Nelson, seconded by Bill Groves That the Minutes of the July 4, 1996 Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee meeting be adopted as circulated. carried. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof - In Accordance with The Act: None stated. Adoption of the Agenda. Moved by Bill Groves, seconded by Walter Dickie That the Agenda for the Recreation Advisory Committee meeting dated August 8, 1996, be adopted as printed and circulated. carried. . . Staff, Dave Knox, Bill Groves: . Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Page 2 August 8, 1996 4. Disposition of the July 4, 1996 Recommendations to Council: The recommendation from the July 4, 1996 committee Meeting pertaining to the proposal of the Oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary was received by Council on July 17, 1996 as follows: "That the Township accept the proposal of the Oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary for the operation of the Arena Concession Booth as presented, with the exception that the agreement be for a period of one year, specifically September 1,1996 to April 1, 1997." The resolution as passed by Council was identical to the recommendation of the Committee with the exception of the following, which was deleted from the Committee recommendation: "It is further recommended that a Financial Statement be provided to the Township by the Oro Minor Hockey Auxiliary upon completion of the 1996-1997 season, prior to negotiation of an extended contract." Graham Nelson suggested that for the purposes of the Recreation Advisory Committee minutes that a cross reference with committee motions be provided with Council's resolutions. 5. Deputations: None. 6. correspondence: None. 7. Director's Monthly Report: a) District Letter from Joan Wardman Recreation Committee Moonstone & Further to a previous request from R. Sommers, this information was circulated for the information of the Committee. Staff, Dave Knox and Bill Groves will meet to review the Moonstone & District Recreation Committee presentation prior to meeting with the Moonstone group. Both meetings will take place prior to August 3, 1996. . D. Broderick to arrange for iegai opinions once property info compiete D. Broderick T. Mittermayer . D. Knox to assume Chair untH December, 1996 . Recreation Advisory committee Meeting Page 3 August 8,1996 7. Director's Monthly Report: ... Cont'd... b) Proposed Park Classifications The proposed park classifications as prepared by the Director were reviewed and it was reported that the Consultant will recommend the acreage per population. c) Review of Property Information Sheets The Committee reiterated the need to seek legal opinion on the phrases "sole exclusive use" and "area of user common" in subdivision agreements. Legal opinion will be sought after the completion of the property inventory. Wal ter Dickie suggested that the zoning classifications be separated to show end-of-road allowances. Since the July meeting, a problem with Plan 626 has been realized. This plan has no subdivision agreement and staff will pursue this issue through the Registry Office. 8. committee Chairman's Report: None. 9. Questions: Nancy Stoddart has resigned as Chairperson and it was, Moved by Bill Groves, seconded by Graham Nelson, That Dave Knox assume the Chair until December, 1996. Carried. 10. Adjournment. It was Moved by Walter Dickie, That the meeting adjourn at 8:40 p.m. Recording Secretary