07 16 2002 PAC Minutes
JULY 16, 2002
MEMBERS PRESENT: Peter Wigham, Susan Grant, Robert Barlow, Fran Sutton,
Councillor Don Bell, Councillor Ruth Fountain, Mayor Neil
MEMBERS ABSENT: Councillor Paul Marshall
STAFF PRESENT: Andria Leigh, Senior Planner
ALSO PRESENT: Councillor Harry Hughes
1. Call to Order by Chairman
Mayor Neil Craig called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the absence of
Councillor Paul Marshall.
None declared.
3. Adoption of Minutes
Moved by Susan Grant, seconded by Fran Sutton
That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Ora-Medonte Planning
Advisory Committee held on May 28, 2002 be adopted as printed and circulated.
4. Correspondence and Communication
5. Deputations
7:05 p.m. 1500494 Ontario Inc. P-132/02
Concession 1, South Part of Lot 1 (Orillia)
Proposed Official Plan & Zoning Bylaw Amendment
In Attendance: Ron Spears, Applicant's Solicitor, and Hans Meier,
Mr. Spears provided an overview of the subject property and the background of
the rezoning praposal to the Committee members. He explained that the
applicant was intending to maintain the existing building, which had recently
been converted from a restaurant to offices and a portion would also be used for
the self-storage business if it were approved. He explained that after
discussions with the Township, the applicant would prefer to maintain the current
General Commercial (GC) zoning and have the additional use of the self-storage
establishment added as an exception rather than rezoning the property to
industrial where such a use is permitted. He explained that although the
property is located on Highway 12 there are a number of existing residential uses
in the area and the property is immediately south of the settlement of Prices
Corners and therefore an industrial zoning would be out of character with this
Mr. Spears further explained that the applicant was currently proposing to buy
additional lands to the south of the existing property to ensure sufficient area
was available on site for the units and buffering from the neighbouring
Ms. Leigh explained that it would be appropriate given the location of the
property and the proposed use to have a concept plan of the site available prior
to the scheduling of a Public Meeting to ensure that sufficient technical
information on the layout of the site and the proposed use was available for
public review.
Ms. Leigh further explained that the praperty would be subject to Site Plan
approval prior to the completion of the zoning by-law amendment to ensure that
all matters outlined in the Official Plan such as landscaping, buffering, parking
are addressed to the satisfaction of Council.
Moved by Susan Grant, Seconded by Bob Barlow
"It is recommended that the applicant be requested to submit a concept
plan of the proposed self-storage establishment showing the following: parking
and loading facilities, landscaping, location and size of storage units.
It is further recommended to Council that Development Application P_
132/02, a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for a self storage
establishment proceed to a Public Meeting in accordance with the
requirements of the Planning Act only after the concept plan is received
and reviewed by the Senior Planner."
7:20 p.m.
Ucci Consolidated Companies Inc. P-115/01
Concession 5, Part of Lot 27 (Oro)
Proposed Official Plan & Zoning Bylaw Amendment
In Attendance: Cheryl Shindruk, Applicant's Planning Consultant, Bryan
Davidson, Applicant, Don Fraser and Steve Usher, Gartner Lee, and Shane
Large and John Lackie, Jones Consulting Group
The applicant's planning consultant submitted an outline of the items for
discussion at their deputation. Essentially the purpose of the deputation was to
update the Committee on the technical studies that had been completed and
how the applicant was addressing the technical comments that had been
received on behalf of the Township. They explained that they had met with the
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and intended to meet with the
township staff and consultants as soon as possible to determine the means to
resolve their concerns.
Ms. Shindruk explained that they had a number of meetings with the County of
Simcoe but had not yet submitted an Official Plan Amendment application for
their consideration.
Significant discussion occurred with the members of the Planning Advisory
Committee in regards to all of the technical reports submitted. The Committee
had a variety of questions related to the environmental component of the
technical work, the traffic impact on Line 4 South and Line 5 South, the layout of
the golf course, the private communal servicing of the proposal and the
requirement for a responsibility agreement to satisfy the Ministry of the
Environment, the hydrogeological assessment and the impact on neighbouring
wells, the marketing analysis completed and the need for such a facility in Oro-
Medonte given current appravals, and the need to determine how this
development will be maintained as an Adult Lifestyle Community and not a
residential subdivision.
Moved by Bob Barlow, Seconded by Susan Grant
"It is recommended to Council that Development Application P-115/0 1, a
proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment for a golf course
residential community be deferred until the outstanding technical matters are
received and that the application then proceed to a Public Meeting in accordance
with the requirements of the Planning Act."
Moved by Susan Grant, seconded by Fran Sutton
"It is recommended to Council that Development Application P-115/01, a
proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment for a golf course
residential community, be deferred until all matters identified have been
completed to the satisfaction of the Committee and that a Public Meeting
not be scheduled until these items are reviewed at a Planning Advisory
Committee meeting. It is further recommended to Council that the
Development Application be re-submitted to the Planning Advisory
Committee for a further review and a recommendation to Council
subsequent to the Public Meeting in accordance with the Township
6. Other Business
(a) County of Simcoe Shoreline Policy Document and Report on Proposed
Revisions to County Official Plan
This item was deferred until a future meeting of the Committee at which time the
Public Meetings regarding the proposed policy amendments would have been
held by the County of Simcoe and may provide additional revisions to the policies
for consideration by the Committee. Ms. Leigh explained that the intent would be
to pravide a report and recommendation to the Planning Advisory Committee for
consideration on the policy amendments with a recommendation being
forwarded to Council for consideration.
7. Adjournment
Moved by Bob Barlow
That the meeting now adjourn at 9:15 p.m.
Ca rried.
Mayor Neil Craig, Acting Chairman
Andria Leigh, Senior Planner