12 05 1996 RAC Minutes . ~!;!!Qf:I . . MINUTES OF THE ORO-MEDONTE RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD THURSDAY,DECEMBER 5, 1996 Present: AT 7: 00 P.M., ORO-MEDONTE TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY ARENA Mayor Ian Beard, Councillor Walter Dickie, Councillor Ron Sommers, Graham Nelson, Dave Knox, Bill Groves, Nancy Stoddart, Barb Swanson Staff Present: Deborah Broderick, Anne Brousseau, Tara Mittermayer Also Present: Bob Earl, Warminster Optimist Club; P. Amos, Warminster Soccer 1. Minutes of the November 7, 1996 Meeting Moved by Bill Groves, seconded by Walter Dickie That the minutes of the November 7, 1996 meeting of Recreation Advisory Com~ittee be adopted as circulated. the Carried. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof - In Accordance With The Act: None stated. 3. Adoption of the Agenda. Moved by Barb Swanson, seconded by Bill Groves, That the Agenda for the Recreation Advisory Cormnittee for December 5, 1996 be as printed and circulated \d th the addition of the 6. a) of 6, for Christmas Skate Party, Carried. 4. Disposition of the November 7, 1996 Recommendations to Council: Four recommendations from the Recreation Advisory Committee were to Council at their regular of 20, 1996. Four Motions were subsequently by Council, copies of which are appended to these minutes. . . D. Broderick & K. Allen - meet with repre- senatives . Recreation Advisory Committee Page 2. December 5, 1996 5. Deputations: Mr. Bob Earl of the Warminster Optimist Club, Amos of the Warminster Soccer League were the Committee with to the and the suitable a current s) with the baseball league. and Mr. Paul to address Soccer League fields. The soccer of 256 children Several scenarios with respect to fields were discussed, in which can only be by a Optimist Club and the Soccer League are raise all the required funds themselves to soccer and inquired as to what extent would to assist. The parking at current location(s) was a of additional property The Warminster in a position to additional Mayor Ian Beard advised the be faced with further cuts the implications of the with respect to the that access to the a problem which required delegation that the Township will to provincial funding and until cuts are known, decisions made. It was recognized at these locations was The minimum, immediate identified by the were the for parking at both s) and at least one-half the south end of the field being developed into two full size Also was the need for safe access the Richelieu fields. The Optimists and the Soccer League have some funds available; they do not have the resources to raise all the funds The Director and the Recreation Facilities Manager will meet with the and Soccer League representatives to develop a to address the concerns as expressed. 6. Correspondence: a) Flyer: Children's Christmas Party December (Nancy Stoddart) :The flyer was circulated information of the Committee. All plans are the and flyer has been tc area 6, 1996 for the for . . D. Broderick. to Committee Deferred to meeting. . Recreation Advisory Committee Page 3. December 5, 1996 Director's Monthly Report a) re, CN Lands: Recreation Facilities the Committee with a verbal will be submitting to the Chief The report concerns a he was conduct on how other who a trail system are same. requested to currently have In that recreational wi th respect the Beard explained in this regard. from the Com~ittee, it was Mr. Allen was conducted a and did not contain a recommendation of the abandoned rail line. there have been no negotiations as Once a direction is established Council, the Recreation Committee will be for comments regarding components with respect to the lands. Members of the Committee felt that in order to comment and make recommendations to Council in this more information on the ect lands is required. Director will provide the with whatever information is currently available (some information regarding the rail line was circulated to the Committee at its meetings of March 7, 1996 and 2, 1996). The matter will be discussed with the Chief Officer prior to further action by the Committee. It was Moved by Graham Nelson, seconded by Barb Swanson That the issue of the CN Lands be referred to the further to the Recreation Staff providing to the ComITlittee. Carried. Director circulated her WATERWORKS will not be the Memorial Park Park Day and that the Township be b) Report, re: Summer Programs: for 1997 summer day camp(s). with the to in and it is the be scaled down to one week in at three other locations . D. Broderick. prepare priority list for Jan. meeting TABLED . . Recreation Advisory Committee Page 4. December 5, 1996 for a period of one week each. It Director that this could be achieved who would be trained to program for would then conduct the camps in the Township. was suggested by the hiring summer staff groups, and who areas of the It was further Ontario Sailing location. that a be c) Three-year Capital Forecast: capital forecast was circulated Cornmi t tee. Further to a list of the capital January 2, 1997 meeting will be provided. A draft of the three-year for the information of the Graham Nelson for a matter was Tabled to at which time a priority list 8. Committee Chairman's Report: The Chairman thanked the Committee for flowers sent to his wife following her hospital stay. 9. Questions: Tara Mittermayer Master Plan. The Master Plan has been and be available later scheduled for will be on the Plan on the status of the section of the Draft and work is It is in December a public January. The Director advised with the to it proceeds to view 10. Adjournment. It was Moved by Graham Nelson, That the meeting adjourn at 9:40 p.m. Recording Secretary