03 19 2002 PAC Minutes
MARCH 19, 2002
Peter Wigham, Susan Grant, Robert Barlow, Fran Sutton, Don
Bell, Councillor Paul Marshall, Councillor Ruth Fountain, and
Councillor Harry Hughes
1. Call to Order by Chairman
In the absence of the Acting Mayor, Councillor Paul Marshall assumed the
Chairman's position for this meeting and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
None declared.
3. Minutes
Moved by Bob Barlow, seconded by Susan Grant
That the minutes of the meeting of the Township of Oro-Medonte Planning
Advisory Committee held on February 19, 2002 be adopted as printed and
4. Correspondence and Communication
None Received.
5. Deputations
7:00 p.m.
Ucci Consolidated Companies Inc. P-115/01
Concession 5, Part of Lot 27 (Ora)
Proposed Official Plan & Zoning Bylaw Amendment
In Attendance: Cheryl Shindruk, Applicant's Planning Consultant, Brian and
Andrea Davidson, Applicants
Ms. Leigh provided an update on the status of this application and explained that
the applicant's had now made formal Official Plan and Zoning By-law
Amendment applications for a residential condominium (adult lifestyle
community) and 18-hole golf course. She indicated that for the past year the
applicant's had been completing the technical studies required in accordance
with the Official Plan policies and that the applicant's consultant would be
providing an update of the results of those studies and then presenting the
studies to the Municipality for review. Ms. Leigh indicated that once the
Municipality completed those reviews a further planning report would be
prepared and presented to the Planning Advisory Committee with further
Ms. Shindruk, the applicant's consultant, explained the work that had been
completed over the past year. She explained the technical studies that had been
completed and were in the process of being presented to the Municipality for
review. These included a Traffic Impact Study, an Environmental Impact
Assessment, a Hydrogeological Study, a Storm Water Management
Assessment, a financial impact assessment and a marketing review as required
by the Official Plan. She explained that the studies generally supported the
development being proposed.
Ms. Shindruk explained that the application proposed approximately 300
residential units and an 18-hole executive golf course. The residential units
would be mixed between detached units (200) and semi-detached units (100)
and a retirement home was also proposed in the long term. The proposal was to
be serviced by well and communal septic. The Committee was provided a copy
of a conceptual plan, which identified the proposed road configuration, the
location of the residential units, the location of the golf course, and the related
The Committee discussed the location of the storm water management and
communal sewage facilities, the use of lake water for irrigation purposes, the
involvement of Lake Simcoe Regional Conservation Authority, and the potential
for phasing of the development.
Moved by Peter Wig ham, seconded by Susan Grant
"It is recommended that the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-
law Amendment for Development Application P-115/01 (Ucci), Concession 5,
Part of Lots 26 to 28 (Oro), be deferred until all studies as required in
accordance with the Official Plan policies are received and reviewed for a further
planning report and recommendation to the Planning Advisory Committee."
7:10 p.m.
Jonathan and Vanda Palter
Concession 5, North Part of Lot 3 (Oro)
Proposed Official Plan Amendment
In Attendance: Jonathan Palter, Applicant
Ms. Leigh explained the proposed Official Plan Amendment that was intended to
site specifically designate this property to permit five residential severances to
occur. She explained that this property was outside of the Horseshoe Resort
Settlement node and that it would be premature to consider this application
before the Oro Moraine Strategy was completed and the 5-year Official Plan
review was underway.
Mr. Palter explained that the property was currently wooded and that the
development of five 7 -acre residential lots would maintain the natural character
of this area. He indicated that the area was already well developed across the
road and that leaving the lot as one 36-acre building lot did not make sense.
The Committee asked the applicant about the servicing of the lots and if he
believed this would affect the wooded nature of the property. Mr. Palter
indicated that he wished to connect to the existing water system depending on
the cost and that with the large lot sizes the number of trees removed for the
septic and building would be minimal.
Moved by Bob Barlow, seconded by Fran Sutton
"It is recommended to Council that Development Application P-127/01 for
Jonathan and Vanda Palter, a proposed Official Plan Amendment for
Concession 5, North Part of Lot 3 (Oro), to permit five rural residential lots
by consent be deferred pending completion of the Oro Moraine Land Use
Strategy and the 5 year Official Plan review in 2002."
... Defeated.
Moved by Don Bell, seconded by Peter Wigham
"It is recommended to Council that Development Application P-127/01 for
Jonathan and Vanda Palter, a proposed Official Plan Amendment for
Concession 5, North Part of Lot 3 (Ora), to permit five rural residential lots
by consent be denied as the application does not conform with the intent
of the Official Plan pOlicies and does not represent good planning."
7:20 p.m.
Paul Miller
Concession 10, Part of Lot 20 (Ora)
Proposed Official Plan Amendment
In Attendance: No One
Ms. Leigh explained that this application required additional work to be
completed before a formal deputation before the Planning Advisory Committee
should be considered. She explained that additional clarification was required in
regards to the need for a County Official Plan Amendment and the studies that
the County would require. Ms. Leigh stated that she intended to discuss the
matter with the County and then provide a response to the applicant in regards to
the additional materials that would be required to consider their application. She
stated that this application would be consolidated into the Official Plan review for
consideration but that the applicant would be required to provide technical
information to support the rationale for considering such an amendment.
Moved by Don Bell, seconded by Susan Grant
"It is recommended that Development Application P-132/02 a proposed Official
Plan Amendment be deferred until:
(a) a determination is made on the need for an Amendment to the County
Official Plan;
(b) the required technical studies are completed and reviewed by the County;
(c) the required technical studies are completed and review by the Township;
and further that this application be reviewed in conjunction with the 5 year Official
Plan review."
7:30 p.m.
John Strimas
Concession 8, North Part of Lot 12 (Medonte)
Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment
In Attendance: No One
Ms. Leigh explained that the applicant's solicitor had sent a request by facsimile
today indicating that the applicant's intended to proceed through the Committee
of Adjustment for a Consent application to add the one dwelling to an adjacent
vacant parcel also owned by the applicant and therefore this application was
being withdrawn.
6. Other Business
7. Adjournment
Moved by Don Bell
That the meeting now adjourn at 8:05 p.m.
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