04 12 2001 C of A Agenda Committee of Adjustment AQenda Thursdav April 12th 2001.9:30 a.m. 1. Communications and Correspondence Ontario Association of Committees of Adjustment and Consent Authorities March 2001 Newsletter 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 3. Hearings: 9:30 B- 7 /01 Karon West 55 Greenwood Forest Road Con 5, Part of Lot 28 (Oro ) 9:40 B-6/0 1 Edward Beaton & Anita Beaton 1816 Line 8 North Con 8, E Half Lot 10 (Oro) 9:50 B-5/01 David and Mary Ann Wilkins 3836 Line 8 North Con 8, East Part of Lot 4 (Medonte) 10:00 A-48/00 Frank and Sharon Horton 2323 Lakeshore Road East Con 13, Plan 728, Lot 29(Oro) 10:10 A-6/01 Al Haines 3351 Ridge Road West Con 1, Part of Lot 1, 51R-28412, Parts 1 and 13(Oro) 10:20 A-7/01 David and Pat Cameron & Martha Cameron 28B Cook Lane Con 14, Plan 794, Lot 15 (Oro) 2:00 Meeting with Ian Bender, Director of Planning, County of Simcoe (see attached memorandum) 4. Decisions 5. Minutes of March 15,2001 6. Other Business 7. Adjournment