03 15 2001 C of A Agenda Committee of Adjustment AQenda Thursdav March 15th 2001.9:30 a.m. 1. Communications and Correspondence 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 3. Hearings: 9:30 A-2/01 Richard Doyle Con 8, Part of Lot 15 (Medonte) 9:40 A-51/00 II ija Sormaz Con 5, W pt Lot 16 (Medonte) 9:50 B-2/01 Canadian Pacific Railway Con 8, Part of Lot 7 (Medonte) 10:00 A-4/01 Margaret Dynes Con 11, Plan 626, Lot 63 (Ora) 4. Decisions 5. Minutes of February 15, 2001 6. Other Business 7. Adjournment