05 02 1994 COW Minutes f TIlE CORPORATION OF TIlE TOWNSHIP 01' ORO-KBDON'l'E SPECIAL COlIKI'l"l'BB 01' 'l'HB WHOLE KBB'l'ING REPORT NO. 94-9 MONDAY MAY 2 1:00 P.M. - COlIKI'l"l'BB ROOK Present e Mayor Robert E. Drury Deputy Mayor Ian Beard Reeve David Caldwell Deputy Reeve Norman Dalziel Councillor Alastair Crawford councillor Walter Dickie councillor Murray Martin councillor Leonard Mortson Councillor Donald Bell Absent: Councillor Joanne Crokam staff Present: Gary Cunnington, C.A.O., Henry Sander, Treasurer, Ron Kolbe, C.B.O. Mayor Drury chaired the meeting and called the meeting to order @ 1:10 p.m. 1. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT None declared. 2. DEPUTATIONS: (a) 2:45 p.m. Mr. Henry Sander, Treasurer, reviewe preliminary estimates for Council an Administration portions of the 1994 Budget. 3. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: (a) Oro-Barrie-Orillia Airport Commission re: Budgets (Capital & Operational) . 4. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: None. 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES: None. MOTION NO.1 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Bell It is recommended that the agenda for the Special Committee of the Whole Meeting held Monday, May 2, 1994 be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. " - 2 - MOTION NO.2 Moved by Mortson, seconded by Dalziel that We do now go In Camera @ 1:12 p.m. It is recommended carried. MOTION NO.3 Moved by Dickie, seconded by Bell that we do now Rise and Report from In Camera @ It is recommended 2:25 p.m. Carried. MOTION NO.4 Moved by Dalziel, seconded by Caldwell It is recommended that The Corporation of the To~nship of Oro- Medonte ratify the Collective A~reement as,negotlated between the. corporation and the Canadian Unlon of PubllC Employees Local 3640, And further, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same. Recorded vote requested by Mayor Drury Deputy Mayor Beard Councillor Bell Reeve Caldwell Councillor Crawford Deputy Reeve Dalziel Councillor Dickie Councillor Martin councillor Mortson Mayor Drury Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Carried. MOTION NO.5 Moved by Crawford, seconded by Caldwell It is recommended that Oro-Medonte agrees to pay their percentage of the Orillia 1992/93 capital expenditure of $9,710.67 in 1994; And further, that Oro-Medonte's total capital expenditure for 1994 is $17,910.07. Carried. MOTION NO.6 Moved by Mortson, seconded by Caldwell It is recommended that the Township of Oro-Medonte authorize the Oro-Barrie-Orillia Regional Airport Commission to borrow from the City of Barrie $148,620.00, effective July 1, 1994 or on a later date when the money is first needed, at a rate as determined by the City Treasurer based on the City's investment rate plus half the difference between the prime rate and the City's investment rate as of the date of the loan; And further that the interest rate be adjusted annually on the anniversary of the loan, and that the rate of pay back for Oro- Medonte be as shown on Appendix "A" Form 3, correspondence from Oro-Barrie-Orillia Airport Commission dated April 27, 1994, for a period of four years. Carried. . " - 3 - MOTION NO.7 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Bell It is recommended that the Township of Oro-Medonte approve the Oro Barrie-Orillia Regional Airport Commission 1994 Operating Budget i the amount of $106,673.00 (as shown on Exhibit "D" in correspondence from the Oro-Barrie-Orillia Commission dated April 27, 1994) and that Oro-Medonte's share be $17,835.73; And further that the grand total for Oro-Medonte including operating and capital costs for 1994 will be $35,745.79. Recorded vote requested by Reeve Caldwell Councillor Mortson Councillor Martin Councillor Dickie Deputy Reeve Dalziel Councillor Crawford Reeve Caldwell Councillor Bell Deputy Mayor Beard Mayor Drury Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Carried. MOTION NO.8 Moved by Beard, seconded by Caldwell It is recommended that we suspend Rule 7 of By-law 94-38, Procedural By-law, in order to allow the meeting to proceed past the normal adjournment hour of 4:00 p.m. Carried. MOTION NO.9 Moved by Bell, seconded by Mortson It is recommended that we do now adjourn @ 4:39 p.m. Carried. ~,~ . . OR R BERT. D RY ~~.dg~ ÆLERK DARLENE SHOEBRIDGE