01 10 1994 Inaugural i- .. .,.. COItPOItA~XOR 01' .,.. 'f01OJ8BXP 01' oao-1IBDON'IB XDUGUItAL DftntG 01' COV1lCXL ~Y, JaBUaRY 10, 1114 . 7100 P.K. - COV1lCXL CBaK8BR8 PXR8~ DftXNG 1114 COV1lCXL council met this evening @ 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Robert E. Drury Deputy Mayor Ian Beard Reeve David Caldwell Deputy Reeve Norman Dalziel Councillor Donald Bell Councillor Alastair Crawford Councillor Joanne Crokam Councillor Walter Dickie Councillor Murray Martin Councillor Leonard Mortson staff Present: C.A.O. Mr. Gary Cunnington, Mr. W. Henry Sander, Treasurer/Deputy C.A.O. Mr. Fred Haughton, Public Works Administrator, Mr. Paul Eenhoorn, Fir Chief, Mr. Ron Kolbe, CBO/By-Iaw Enforcement, Ms. Kris Menzies, Planner, Mrs. Lynda Aiken, Deputy Clerk, Ms. Andria Darby, Zoning Administrator, Mr. Jerry Ball, Road Superintendent, Mr. Jeff Brydges, Deputy Treasurer. Also Present Was: Mrs. Lynda Aiken, Ms. Andria Darby, Mr. Rex Meadley, Mr. Harry Connolly, Ms. Janine Kilburn, Mr. Matthew Valkpag, Mr. Don Anderson, Mr. Ian Crokam, S. Kellington, Mr. Al Kellington, Mrs. June Beard, Mr. AlIa Baker, Mr. Roger Kerslater, Mr. Allan Lees, Mr. Ron RObinson, Mr. Rich Vandezande, Mrs. Joyce Scott, Mr. Eri Scott, Mr. Henry Neufeld, Mr. Nelson Robertson, Mr. James Adams, Mrs. Nancee Adams, Mr. Ken Brown, Mr. Lair Keith, Mr. Peter Smith, Mr. Jerry Ball, Mrs. Linda Ball, Mr. Paul Devellers, Mr. Jeff Brydges, Mr. Davi Burton, Mr. Bill Hutton, Mr. Burnfiel Wines, Mr. Ralph MacDonald, Mr. Ross Bradley, Mrs. Velma Bradley, Mrs. Shirley Woodrow, Ms. Betty Mathieson, Ms. Beth GOlding, Mr. Bill Gowanlock, E. R. Fleming, J. M. Fleming, Mr. Bernal Johnston, Mr. Bud Ellis, Ms. Norma Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harris, Mr. Gary Thiess, Mr. Edward M Hall, Mr. John Hare, Ms. Joyce Long, Ms. Rene McCutcheon, Mr. Nel Newell. Mr. Stephen Woodrow. " '- - 2 - a) WELCOME AND CALL TO ORDER BY CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER GAR CUNNINGTON who then administered the Declaration of Elected Office and Oath of Allegiance for each member of the Township of Oro-Medonte Council. The County of Simcoe Act (Bill 51) enacted the restructured boundaries and composition of the ne municipalities. Mayor Drury then addressed the meeting and t respective members of Council, each provided remarks and comments. Staff and Special Guests were also recognized. (Attached to the minutes is an addendum being the recorded comments and remarks of such proceedings prior to the commencement of the business agenda items.) Mayor Robert E. Drury assumed the chair and opened the meeting wit prayer. 1. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT": Councillor Walter Dickie declared a pecuniary interest with item 12(c) being proposed resolution re: Simcoe County Board of Education Expenditures and Request for Special Committee t Review Contracts. 2. DEPUTATIONS: None. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: a) Governments of Canada and Ontario, correspondence re: Infrastructure Program; b) Wallace Gilchrist, correspondence re: Appreciation for Assistance of the Committee of Adjustment and staff; c) Karen & Alan Campbell, correspondence re: Appreciation for Work Completed by the Roads Department; d) Frank Whibley, correspondence re: Rezoning Application of Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Mackie; e) North Simcoe Soil & Crop Improvement Association correspondenc re: Donation to Annual Seed and Feed Show; 4. REPORTS OF MUNICIPAL OFFICERS: a) Lynda Aiken, Deputy Clerk, Memo re: Issuance of a Nevada Lottery Licence; s. COMMUNICATIONS: None. MOTION NO. 1 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Martin Be it resolved that the Agenda for the Council Meeting dated Monday January 10, 1994, be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. II " ~ - 3 - MOTION NO. 2 Moved by Beard, seconded by Dalziel Be it resolved that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council, Township of Medonte held, Monday, December 13, 1993, be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. MOTION NO. 3 Moved by Dalziel, seconded by Mortson Be it resolved that the minutes of the Special Meeting of Council, Township of Oro, held Wednesday, December 22, 1993, be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. MOTION NO.4 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Martin Be it resolved that the accounts presented for the period ending Thursday, December 31, 1993, for the Township of Medonte, Voucher #12B in the amount of $92,377.86 in accordance with the informatio presented to Council, be approved for payment. Carried. MOTION NO. 5 Moved by Beard, seconded by Dalziel Be it resolved that the accounts presented for the period ending Thursday, December 31, 1993, for the Township of Medonte, Roads Department Voucher #12B in the amount of $138,592.66 in accordance with the information presented to Council, be approved for payment. Carried. MOTION NO. 6 Moved by Crokam, seconded by Dickie Be it resolved that the Recommendations listed on the Consent Agenda, Item No. 6 be received. Carried. MOTION NO. 7 Moved by Dalziel, seconded by Mortson Be it resolved that the Memo from Lynda Aiken, Deputy Clerk, regarding the Issuance of a Nevada Lottery Licence be received and adopted. Carried. MOTION NO. 8 Moved by Martin, seconded by Caldwell Be it resolved that the Minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Townshi of Oro & Medonte Council held Monday, December 20, 1993, be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. - 4 - MOTION NO. 9 Moved by Beard, seconded by Mortson WHEREAS the Joint Council at their meeting held on December 20, 19 3 directed that fire service for the Forest Home Industrial Park wou d be maintained by Agreement with the City of Orillia; AND WHEREAS this agreement would only be maintained until such tim as the concerns of the Forest Home Industrial Park Association cou d be resolved; AND WHEREAS the Fire Chief has addressed those issues and concerns with a representative of the said Associations; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that effective January 11, 1994 the Forest Home Industrial Park area will solely be provided with all fire protection services available from the Township of Oro-Medont and that the City of Orillia be so advised. Carried. * Note: It was the consensus of the Council that items 12 (b) (c) and (d) on the agenda would be deferred to the appropria e Committee of the Whole meeting as directed. MOTION NO. 10 Moved by Beard, seconded by Bell Be it resolved that By-Law No. 94-1 By-Law No. 94-2 By-Law No. 94-3 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Chief Administrative Officer; Being a By-Law to Appoint a Clerk; Being a By-Law to Appoint a Treasurer, Ta Collector and Deputy Chief Administrative Officer; By-Law No. 94-4 By-Law No. 94-5 By-Law No. 94-6 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Public Works Administrator; Being a By-Law to Appoint a Planner; Being a By-Law to Appoint a Chief Buildin Official and Chief By-Law Enforcement Officer; By-Law No. 94-7 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Parks and Recreation Supervisor; - 5 - By-Law No. 94-8 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Deputy Clerk and Deputy Division Registrar; By-Law No. 94-9 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Deputy Treasurer; By-Law No. 94-10 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Deputy Public Works Administrator and Road Superintendent; By-Law No. 94-11 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Deputy Chief Building Official; By-Law No. 94-12 Being a By-Law to Establish and Regulate a Fire Department; " - 5 - By-Law No. 94-13 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Fire Chief; By-Law No. 94-14 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Deputy Fire Chief; By-Law No. 94-15 Being a By-Law to Appoint the Chief of the Fire Department as Building Inspector; By-Law No. 94-16 Being a By-Law to Appoint Township Engineers; By-Law No. 94-17 Being a By-Law to Appoint Lottery Licensin Officers; By-Law No. 94-18 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Drainage Superintendent; By-Law No. 94-19 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Building Inspector/By-law Enforcement Officer; By-Law No. 94-20 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Building Inspector/By-law Enforcement Officer; By-Law No. 94-21 Being a By-Law to Designate the head of th Municipal corporation for the purposes of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990; By-Law No. 94-22 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Committee of Adjustment; By-Law No. 94-23 Being a By-Law to Create a Water Inspectio Department; By-Law No. 94-24 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Planning Advisory Committee; By-Law No. 94-25 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Recreation Advisory Committee; By-Law No. 94-26 Being a By-Law to Appoint a Site Plan Control Committee; By-Law No. 94-27 Being a By-Law to Appoint Members to a Commission to Control and Manage the Oro- Barrie-Orillia Airport; By-Law No. 94-28 Being a By-Law to appoint an Auditor; By-Law No. 94-29 Being a By-Law of the corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte to Provide for the Annual Interim Tax Levy, Penalty for Non- Payment of Taxes or Instalment during the Current Taxation Year 1994 and Interest on Tax Arrears in Subsequent Years; By-Law No. 94-30 Being a By-Law to Authorize Borrowing; By-Law No. 94-31 Being a By-Law to Authorize the Use of a Grid Promissory Note; By-Law No. 94-32 Being a By-Law to Establish a Fee for Compliance Requests; By-Law No. 94-33 Being a By-Law to Establish a Fee for Tax Certificates; , . - 6 - By-Law No. 94-34 Being a By-Law for the Contracting of Insurance for the Township of Oro-Medonte and its Council Members and Staff; By-Law No. 94-35 Being a By-Law to Provide for Signing Authority; By-Law No. 94-36 Being a By-Law Under the Building Code Ac Respecting Permits and Related Matters; By-Law No. 94-37 Being a By-Law for Licensing and Regulati g of Dogs and Kennels; By-Law No. 94-38 Being a By-Law to Regulate the Proceeding of Council; By-Law No. 94-39 Being a By-Law to Authorize Entering into Employment Contracts; By-Law No. 94-40 Being a By-Law to Establish Retention Schedules; By-Law No. 94-41 By-Law No. 94-42 By-Law No. 94-43 Being a By-law to Appoint a Poundkeeper; Being a By-law to Appoint Fence Viewers; Being a By-law to Appoint Live Stock Valuers; By-Law No. 94-44 Being a By-law Prescribing the Tariff of Fees for Processing Planning Applications; By-Law No. 94-45 Being a By-law to Appoint Representatives to Various Committees; By-Law No. 94-46 Being a By-law to Authorize the Borrowing of $3,000,000.00 from Reserve Funds; By-Law No. 94-47 Being a By-law to Provide for the Adoptio of a Corporate Seal; By-Law No. 94-48 Being a By-law to Authorize Participation in Simcoe County Emergency Fire Service Plan and Program; be introduced and read a first, second and third time, passed and numbered, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Mayor Carried. MOTION NO. 11 Moved by Beard, seconded by Dalziel Be it resolved that a By-Law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council, be introduced and read a first and second time and numbered By-Law No. 94-49. Carried. That By-Law No. 94-49 be read a third time and finally passed, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Mayor. Carried. " - 7 - MOTION NO. 12 Moved by Mortson, seconded by Beard Be it resolved that we do now adjourn at 8:45 p.m. R~Rr:.~ kJ;</;.n7~ ~~~'O(j{: ~LERK DARLENE SHOEBRID . - 8 - ADDENDUM Mayor Drury I want to welcome the new Council of Oro- Medonte, there are ten members now on our Municipal Council and we are certainly looking forward to the remainder of 1994 and getting a lot of work done. To all the people here it has been a tryi time for Municipal Councils in County of Simcoe over the last two or three years with regard to restructuring with a lot 0 ups and downs and a lot of highs and a lo of lows. We have all shared in those and think this evening we are at a point, a high point in it and we are certainly grateful to be at this point in our life where we have sweated, we have argued and we have discussed things and it has gone 0 for many many months and we came to the resolution of this Council and I believe all the other Councils of the County of Simcoe that Bill 51 has passed. I think it is a good Bill and it can lead us into the twenty-first Century in the type of way we should go into the twenty-first Century, w are only six years away from that and it i very close for us. It has been an interesting term since we came onto restructuring, it goes back to the second term of Council - two terms ago and they began it and this Council picked it up and carried it along and it has worked out very very well for us. I would like to say to new Council members that this is going to be a year that I hop is not Lame Duck Council. I think that we all have our opinions and most stress them very strongly and I am grateful for that. It is great to have Council members that are not afraid to come to the table and speak their opinion and hammer the people once in a while that need to be hammered, think that works out very well for us. I am going to be very brief this evening. have one little thing I would like to read and that is a statement. A Mission Statement that Oro Township Council brough into being several years ago and hopefully that our new Oro-Medonte Council will adop this Mission Statement and Council's Share Values. I will read the Mission Statement The Township of Oro, hopefully Oro-Medonte is committed to leadership and planned growth while being sensitive to the needs and aspirations of the people within our community. Council and staff strive to provide quality services at a reasonable cost. Council's Shared Values. When this Counci was elected we had a small seminar and we all sat down and brain ~ Deputy Mayor Beard. Mayor Drury Reeve Caldwell. - 9 - stormed with Department heads and we sort of came up with these ideas and very strongly we are striving for a fair compromise for the benefit of the communi as a whole. Openness of Council - approachable, good communications both in and out. Respect for each other and respect for each other's opinion and the right to have different opinions and agre to disagree. Trust, commitment, confidentiality, respect confidentiality 0 in-camera issues. So I would like this to be one of the first items on our Committee Meeting to discuss this and hopefully this will be adopted by the new Oro-Medonte Council. At this point I would like to call upon th members of Council to favour us with a few words. Now that is a new title. It has been a long haul to get to this point and we have all worked very hard to get here. We are going to have differences and we are going to make mistakes as everybody is. I would hope that the people will continue to come out to meetings to find out what is going on. All of our meetings are open and ther are very specific reasons why you would close a meeting. The one thing I would sa for the members of this Council as well as Councillors, we are all interested in our own ways in making this the best municipality that we possibly can. We hav had a unique opportunity in the last 150 years in Simcoe County that never happene before since when it was set up and we hav the opportunity to make this the best municipality that can be and with your input, that is what we will do. Thank you Thank you Deputy Mayor Beard. Reeve Caldwell. Thank you Mayor Drury. I want to welcome everybody here this evening as the new Deputy Mayor suggested and it is certainly a pleasure to see a full room and I would look forward to seeing this kind of participation at all of our Committee and Council meetings. We certainly always welcome a good audience. I know we are going to be facing a number challenges in the coming year and the years to follow. know from my dealings with members of our own Council and the Medonte Council over the last year in Committee meetings that w have our differences of opinions that we have been able to reach or resolve and I think that we can continue to do that and hopefully we can remain friends in that Mayor Drury Deputy Reeve Dalziel. Councillor Mortson Mayor Drury Councillor Bell Mayor Drury - 10 - process, so far so good. Thank you. Thanks again for coming. Thank you Reeve Caldwell. Thank you Mayor Drury. Good evening ladi and gentlemen. One sits here and wonders what nine other people are going to say a since no one has said it yet, I wish to commend the staff of both Oro and Medonte and particularly the people you see on yo right, my left and the lady behind me here who is the Clerk of Oro. I also see some of the staff members out there in the audience. They have done a tremendous job in giving this amalgamation a start and think we all owe them a round of applause. (applause) Thank you Mayor Drury - that is going to b a hard term to get use to but I guess we will all work at it and we will get use to the new term of Mayor and Deputy Mayor. I would just like to welcome everyone here tonight. It is going to be a real challenge this year, I know that there is ten members on our Council and you know that you will have twice as much discussio as we each had with five members. It is going to be more of a challenge but I know we have worked together for the past two years and we have always come to an agreement and we didn't always agree at th time but everyone worked together to com~ to an agreement and I am sure that we will do that in the future but I am just please to be part of it and will try and have a good year. We only have ten months really until election time so it is going to be a short year but hopefully a good structured year. Thank you Councillor Mortson. Councillor Thank you Mayor Drury. Special guests, ladies and gentlemen it is certainly an honour to be a member of the first Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte, I feel ver comfortable and confident that I can represent the whole Township. I have been a resident of Medonte all my life. I married a girl from Oro. Owned property i what was the former Orillia Township and that is why I feel I know the area fairly well and hopefully I can do my best for everyone. Thank you. Thank you Councillor Bell. Councillor Crawford. Councillor Crawford Mayor Drury Councillor Martin. Mayor Drury Councillor Crokam. - 11 - Thank you Mayor Drury. I too am looking forward to challenges that we have before us and I am sure that we will meet them a we go along. I am looking forward to meeting the new people. The people that I have not known before, those people that are coming into the municipality that we didn't serve before as an Oro Council. S I am looking forward to meeting those people and rubbing shoulders with them an exchanging ideas with them so on and so forth. I am also looking forward to knowing more intimately the areas that I have not been in before and what is now t municipality. I have got to know Oro fairl well having lived here all my life and except for a few trips up to Medonte and down into South Orillia, I haven't known the areas as well and that is what I am looking forward to over the next year. There is only one thing about this set up that concerns me and that is that as far a I am concerned it is not a democratically elected Council in that 50% of the Council represents twice as many people and three times the assessment that the others have. So until we have a democratically elected Council I won't feel completely comfortabl but I am sure with the goodwill of all the people around this table that we will be able to deal with that and get the job don satisfactorily. Thank you. Thank you Councillor Crawford. Councillor Martin. Two years ago I dedicated myself to take old Medonte Township into the future and I believe I played a part and that future is here tonight in Oro-Medonte and my challenge to you people is to accept the new Township of Oro-Medonte and I also challenge you to demand the very best of those people you have elected sitting at this table who you have put in trust to take Oro-Medonte into the future. To the Mayor and the remainder of the rest of thi Council, my challenge to you is to forget our differences. Bury the past, build on that proud heritage we have and represent these people to the Council, not necessarily the Council to the people and take this wonderful Township into the future. Thank you. Thank you Councillor Martin. Councillor Crokam. Thank you Mr. Mayor. I too would like to welcome everyone and also to thank you for being here tonight to help celebrate this special occasion which I look at as - 12 - Mayor Drury the wedding of Oro-Medonte. I look at th process of Simcoe County and a lot of the Townships throughout the County and the marriage of Oro-Medonte is a very smart move as I see it. Our courtship lasted a year or so and we dated quite regularly a now here we are married at last. Even though this wedding was arranged by our b' brothers somewhat, it's been a successful union, we are all going to have to work hard to make this marriage work as all marriages require a lot of work. They require not only a lot of work but dedication, commitment and support and wh really helps is that we each have strong family commitments on both sides and I think that this will strengthen this unio today and into the future. In this day a age of blended families where that is qui common, we know that with co-operation, respect and a willingness to listen to ea other we can have a healthy and happy relationship. And now it is onto the business at hand which is getting our hous in order and I look forward to that and I look forward to this union and what is ahead for this year. I also look forward t working together co-operatively with this our new extended family. Thank you. Thank you Councillor Crokam. Councillor Dickie. Councillor Dickie I would just like to welcome everybody her tonight and I will do my best to serve everybody in Oro-Medonte. Thank you. Mayor Drury Thank you Councillor Dickie. I would just like to begin, first of all, my wife sends her regrets that she couldn' be here this evening, our little boy, Parker, he is 2~, we had a babysitter all lined up who backed out at the last moment so she had to stay home and look after him, she wanted to be here this evening but couldn't make it. I would like at this time to introduce our department heads. Gary cunnington our Chief Administrative Officer, Darlene Shoebridge our Clerk, Fred Haughton, our Public Works Administrator, Henry Sander our Treasurer, assistant C.A.O., Paul Eenhoorn our Fire Chief, Kris Menzies, Township Planner, Ron Kolbe, Chief Buildin Official, Jerry Ball our Roads Superintendent. That is your department heads ladies and gentlemen. I would like to recognize a few special guests here this evening starting with Ron Robinson and Al Lees of R. G. Robinson & Associates, the Township Paul Devillers Mayor Drury Superintendent Hutton - 13 - Engineers. Peter smith from Reid & Associates also our Township Engineers. Rich Vandezande also from Ainley & Associates. Rex Meadley is here from C.C. Tatham & Associates from Collingwood they are not our engineers but we work with th a lot. I would also like to recognize Henry Neufeld former Clerk/Administrator Oro for 20 years, Henry and served the municipality well for many years. Gary Thiess who is here from Orillia Township, Gary sat on our Joint Committee for a couple of years and was a real asset to u welcome Gary and thanks for coming. Davi Burton is here a former Oro Township Council member, nice to see you out David thanks for coming. At this time I would like to call on our for Simcoe North, Paul Devillers for a fe words, Paul, welcome. Thank you Mr. Mayor. Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, members of Council, staff, honoured guests and ladies and gentlemen it is indeed a pleasure to be here, I think Mayor Drury has been at thr or four of these events, inaugural meetin with me so he knows the speech by now. I is certainly a pleasure to attend these inaugural meetings with the new Council in the new municipalities, certainly a historic event and I appreciate the opportunity of being here as a new MP I a looking forward to working with the new municipality and the province I am sure you will have more day to day conduct with the Provincial MPP's than with myself but there certainly will be issues that we wil be able to work together on and I am looking forward to that and I just want yo to know that I will be available whenever you desire me. Obviously the hot ticket item right now will be the municipal restructuring program or the infrastructur program rather that you will be dealing with so I think we will have some contact in the ver near future. I wish you every success and I am sure given the proud histories of the two municipalities and with the leadershi material that is sitting around this table today that you will enjoy that success and I thank you very much for the opportunity. Thank you Paul and you will be comforted t know that I have your telephone number in my day timer already. Superintendent Hutton from the O.P.P. woul you care to say a few words today. Thank you very much Mr. Mayor and members of Council. As the member of Parliament - 14 - suggested, several of us have been on the tour since last Monday, of the inaugural meetings that I can't get to, my inspecto have filled in. This is unique for me tonight, I am not only the Chief Constable for the County of Simcoe but I am also a resident of Oro-Medonte, but I can't guarantee you that will give you anymore cruisers. So just as you now have to star governing for everybody in the two townships I also have to look after the other 15 Councils as well. Will our job b any easier going from 28 to sixteen? I don't know. Perhaps it will give me the opportunity to see the Councillors in the future a bit more, but I can guarantee you that if we continue with our policing in Simcoe County it will be in the philosophy of community policing and we will work wit the township as we have with all the other municipalities in the past. So on behalf of the 450 men and women of the O.P.P. in this area we wish first of all, Seasons Greeting to you and secondly, best wishes in your deliberations for the next couple of months. Thank you. Mayor Drury Harry Connolly from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, a few words Harry please. Harry Connolly Thank you Mr. Mayor. I am very pleased to be here first of all, I am sure I bring th greetings of Ministry of Municipal Affairs As you realize as I do, I have only been working in this process for the last year but the work and background done by Councils and Members of Staff were appreciated. Thank you very much. Mayor Drury Janine Kilburn was the lady that was very inspirational for all Council. She is the lady that had to balance the ball when it was all in one end and picked it up and kept things going and did an excellent job as the transitional co- ordinator, worked with us out at the Count Office for over a year. Janine would you say a few words please. Janine Kilburn Your Worship I would be privileged to say a few words. Thank you very much for your kind remarks. I have to say that in many respects, this amalgamation was inspirational to me because we touched a bit this evening on the fact that there wa some dark moments in this restructuring, there is no question that when you get close to it you get caught up in it emotionally. One of the things that I tak real solace in saying to people is that Oro-Medonte is working well continually, and we were getting those messages and I witnessed it myself at a number of meetings. So I would like to say publicly to you, congratulations to members of Council and the staff for a Mayor Drury Mayor Gowanlock Mayor Drury Reeve Ralph MacDonald Mayor Drury Reeve Wines - 15 - fine effort, I think that bodes well for the next twelve months and certainly the next century. Thank you. There are a few of our colleagues from County Council here this evening, to star with Mayor Gowanlock from the Township of Severn. Thank you Mayor Drury. It is a pleasure be here tonight and to our member of Parliament Paul Devillers here this eveni and to Mayor Drury, Deputy Mayor Beard, Reeve Caldwell, Deputy Reeve Dalziel, members of Council and staff we want to wish you well. I am sure staff has worke as our staff has, they have done a tremendous job for us putting the restructuring thing together. I think my Chairman, my Deputy Reeve, who handled a lot of the restructuring did a good job 0 it. I am thankful that you invited our Councillor Gary Thiess to sit in on your deliberations, I think he sat in on most your meetings anyway since you allowed hi to and we appreciate that very much. I c understand your concerns of being represented by population as our new council has two thirds of the councillors representing one third of the people and these are difficult situations. However, with the calibre of the councillors that have I am sure they make this thing work and work well. And the same is extended to you Mayor Drury, and your Council, you have an excellent Council and I know they will work well together and accomplish all they possibly can. Thank you. Reeve Ralph MacDonald from the Village of Creemore and I referred to you tonight as Reeve Ralph. Thank you Mr. Mayor, I have to congratulat you and your Deputy Mayor and Council and your staff. I know the work that you have come through in the last couple of years, we have been doing the same thing and I will tell you, it has not been easy at times. There were many nights you went home and laid there and wondered if you made the right move, whether you had or yo had not, but I have to congratulate you al and thank you very much and I wish you the best in the near year. Reeve Burnfield Wines of the Township of Sunnidale. Maybe perhaps you will explain to us your proper title. I guess I am like Ralph, I still retain my title as Reeve of new municipality of Clearview. I wish you well Mayor Drury, I bring you greetings and best wishes from the new mayor of our municipality, Carol Currie who wishes you all the best . '; - 16 - both you, your Deputy Mayor and Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors. As my counter-part Reeve MacDonald has mentione , it has been a trying time for us, we have 23 on Council, however, we bared down on and we are kind of proud of where we sit today also. And also, I guess Mayor Drur , there is a challenge also facing you tomorrow and I also wish you good luck there and also Happy New Year to each and everyone of you here this evening and may this year be a good year for everyone. I am kind of pleased here also Mayor Drury have a colleague here I met a year ago, I guess or so. I had a chance to be in District Headquarters (7) at Barrie and m up with the Commander, Hutton and of cour he understands our situation out in our part of the Country as well as you here Mayor Drury. Once again congratulations and good luck to you and your Council. Mayor Drury Thank you. I have a letter I would like read that was addressed to myself and members of Council. . "I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere congratulations, as the Township of Oro-Medonte embarks on an historic path into municipal politics in Simcoe County. This one-year term will be most vital and important in shaping the way your new municipality will be structured and governed for years to come. I want to assure you that I look forward t working with you, as we turn this new page in our county's history, on behalf of thos we represent in our jurisdictions. Sincerely yours, McLean, M.P.P. for Simcoe East." away in Florida and I believe he back sometime this evening. Allan K. Al is is coming Before we do begin our meeting, I would like to announce that the meeting will, probably should only take twenty minutes t half an hour and then we have a social time, we have coffee and donuts afterwards I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff, all the staff, not just department heads. The department heads hav a larger responsibility than the other staff but all the staff play a very important role and have played an importan role in getting us through this restructuring. At the beginning we worked many, many hours of overtime and my sincer thanks on behalf of Council to all staff for the overtime put in and you went up an above and beyond the call of . .. " t - 17 - duty and it was certainly appreciated. Thank you very much one and all of our staff. Paul Devillers Mr. Mayor, I wonder if I might be excused as I have another meeting to attend. Thank you.