06 19 1996 Sp Public3 MinutesE
jA 07,S), 0 4.
V81DVNSDAY# JUNE 190 1996 6 7210 P.M. - COUNCIL CWMXRS
The following members of Council were present:
Mayor Ian Beard
Deputy Mayor Murray Martin
Councillor Don Bell
Councillor Neil Craig
Councillor Ron Sommers
Councillor Larry Cotton
Councillor Walter Dickie
Staff Present: Andria Leigh, Development Co-
ordinator, Jennifer Zieleniewski,
Treasurer/ Administrator, Deborah
Broderick, Director, Recreation
Community Economic Development,
Fred Haughton, Director, Public
Works, Ron Kolbe, Director,
Building/ Planning, Jeff Brydges,
Deputy Treasurer.
Also Present was: Rick Hunter, D. Viney, Janet
Gales, Shirley Woodrow, Ron
Mills, Robert Dinning, Marilyn
Dinning, Norm Emms, Betty Veitch,
Don P. Hanney, Bruce Hicks, Earl
Robertson, Oswald Piil, Peter
Mayor Ian Beard chaired the meeting.
Mayor Ian Beard opened the meeting by explaining to those
present that this Public Meeting was to receive public comments
with respect to a proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment, under
provisions of Sections 34 and 39, of the Planning Act. The
applicant has applied to rezone certain lands, East Half Lot 11,
Concession 6, and West Part of Lot 11, Concession 7 former
Township of Oro. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would
rezone the lands to allow for the addition/ renovation of the
present single family dwelling to permit a maximum of 5
Accommodation Units for a period of three years.
To date, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-
Medonte have not made a decision on this application, other than
proceeding to this Public Meeting. only after comments are
received from the Public, requested agencies and Township Staff,
within the appropriate time period, will Council make a decision
on this application.
Notice of the Public Meeting was mailed out on May 29, 1996, to
all property owners within 400 feet of the subject lands. Notice
of the Public Meeting was also placed in both the Barrie
Examiner and Orillia Packet and Times on May 29, 1996.
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Mayor Beard then asked the Clerk if there had been any
correspondence received on this matter. The Clerk responded by
indicating that correspondence was received from the Planning
Department of the County of Simcoe, directed to Lynda Aiken,
Clerk which reads as follows: re: Proposed Zoning By-law
Amendment, Lot 11, Concessions 6 & 7, Oro Hardwood Hills Bed and
Breakfast, Your File: P51/96.
The County of Simcoe offers the following comments concerning
the proposed zoning by-law amendment:
The subject lands abut an active County landfill site with
which the proposed use is incompatible.
The site does not appear to meet the Ministry of the
Environment's Guideline D4 - Land Use On or Near Landfills
and Dumps (enclosed). Comments from the Ministry of the
Environment should be obtained prior to the consideration
of this proposal.
The County is concerned about the available supply of
potable water. The County's information indicates that the
subject lands appear to be hydrogeologically downstream of
the landfill site.
From this perspective, the permitting of additional facilities
beyond those already permitted would be inappropriate.
If you have any questions or require further information, please
do not hesitate to call.
The correspondence was signed by June Little, Planner.
Also enclosed in that package was a document from Barrie
Ministry of Environment.
The Mayor then stated that those persons present would be
afforded the opportunity of asking questions with respect to the
proposed Amendment. He then turned the meeting over to the
Andria Leigh, Development Co-ordinator, to explain the purpose
and effect of the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment.
Andria Leigh:
Thank you Mr. Mayor. As the Mayor has indicated the purpose of
tonight's meeting is to obtain any public comments with respect
to this application.
I would like to give just a brief overview about the proposal
and where the property is located and perhaps, I will stand up
at the map to indicate this and orient people. We are looking
at County Road 11 or the old Barrie Road, the Edgar/Rugby Road,
it has several different names and the unopened, 6th Concession
Line in the former Township of Oro. The subject actually is
actually on (inaudible) but this proposal tonight, specifically
deals with the single family dwelling at this portion of the
property. What the applicants have applied for is a temporary
use by-law for a period of three years to allow for a maximum of
five accommodation units within that dwelling. Presently, there
is six bedrooms within that house, which would accommodate the
five dwelling units that are intended by the applicant. As we
have heard, we did receive comments from the Simcoe County
Planning Department, and Mr. Rick Hunter from Hardwood Hills
will address those first, so I am not going to look at those at
this point in time.
Potentially, they are looking at a three year period because, as
Council is aware, we are looking a new official plan and a new
zoning by-law for the municipality and for the long-term use of
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that property as accommodation units would be addressed through
those consolidated amendments, by the municipality. So at this
point in time, it is temporary, three year accommodation units,
specifically only within that single family dwelling, that is
what the rezoning is for.
Presently, the property in terms of the Official Plan is
designated Rural which does allow recreational uses and
as Council may recall, we have a rural exception zoning by-law
to permit the cross-country ski facility operations to occur
within that property. So I think, with your consent, I would
like to turn it over to Mr. Rick Hunter for a few more comments
prior to opening it up to the public.
Rick Hunter:
Thank you Your Worship, I would just like to offer a few
comments. I thank Andria for giving the overview on the
proposal. I think, as this Council is aware, Hardwood Hills has
over the last few years become a world class facility for cross-
country skiing and mountain biking and it is something that this
Township can be quite proud of.
Over a number of years they have worked out some of the zoning
problems that were on the property and I guess that resulted in
the passage of the rural exception and special zone on the
property earlier this year. I believe that application which
was made originally in 1989 and because of concerns from the
County at the time, they spent the next 4 to 5 years working out
an arrangement that would allow the zoning to occur on the
property, and the Ministry of Environment, in fact, had issued
a certificate of approval for the permit to take water for the
new snow making well that is actually in the Concession 7
portion of the property. I guess with that background, that is
why we were surprised with the comments from the County that
were submitted late last week. I understand that the Township
had requested comments from them as early as March and could we
have had additional time we could have probably dealt with their
concerns a little more directly.
Andria indicated that the proposal is for the conversion of the
existing building, so there is no new construction being
proposed on this site. The existing dwelling will be converted
to five accommodation units as strictly bedrooms using the
washroom facilities in the existing building. Any meals would
be done, I believe, through the existing chalet demonstration
The facility itself, at the present time, I believe from the
information I received from the owners, can accommodate up to
1200 people at any one time and have the capacity for staff of
approximately 50 staff. So, there is a capacity for a little
over 1200 people to be operating on this site under the current
This proposal is a conversion of the existing single family
dwelling would not even add an extra 10 people, it would provide
10 people who would also be using the other facilities. This
facility is clearly being used as an accessory use and is
completely incidental to the major recreation use that is going
is on the property. The proposal itself, the accommodation
units are, in my opinion, quite integral and quite compatible
with the recreational use and they are no incompatible with the
landfill site than any of the other uses that are on this
property at the present time.
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I believe the County's concerns can be addressed quite readily.
The, as I mentioned, the existing dwelling is only being
converted, there is no new construction, no new development
going on on the property. The existing building is located
between 850 and 900 feet from the boundary of the landfill
property. The by-law is proposed, as a temporary use by-law.
Temporary use to allow for up to three years. As Andria
indicated, one of the reasons was to allow the Township in it's
discussions over the new official plan, to come up with an
appropriate designation for the site as well some long term
planning policies that would apply to this type of commercial
recreational activity.
The Applicants have been anxious to proceed with the small
scale accommodation units to try to have the by-law in place to
allow some of these units for this particular season, particular
summer. There are a number of events that are going on on the
property where the units would be particularly advantageous.
With respect to the issue of
reinforcing the fact that this
adding a new intensity of use,
existing facilities and existing
on that property that are in
utilize the site at the present
zoning by-law.
potable water, I will keep
is not a new use, it is not
it will be using all of the
wells and water supply that are
ise for the other persons who
time based on the current re-
I would also point out that this proposal conforms with your
existing official plan, particularly in consideration of your
policy on temporary use. The temporary use allows, you as
Council, to review the implications of the proposal and be fully
satisfied with it.
I would point out as well that the County letter, while
expressing concerns, does not specifically indicate their
objection to the proposal. It outlines the opinions of the
planning staff at the District, or rather the County, I guess I
was referring to the District of Muskoka. I believe that there
are sufficient grounds, the significance of this particular
proposal are so minor as to not have any detrimental impact on
the proposed site.
Your Worship, for that reason, I would request that Council
bring the by-law on for readings this evening, later on either
through, at the time of Ms. Leigh's report, or when your by-laws
are normally heard.
Again, we believe that it is a fairly minor use, it is very, it
is an accessory use to an existing commercial/recreational use
that is not going to have any additional impact on surrounding
properties and for those reasons I would request your
concurrence and your approval. Thank you and if there are any
questions Mr. Mayor, I would be pleased to answer them.
Mayor Beard:
Does any member of Council have any questions? Deputy Mayor
Deputy Mayor Martin:
Has there been any problems with water (inaudible)?
Rick Hunter:
Absolutely not.
Mayor Beard:
I will ask people to state their names as we are being recorded.
Questions from anyone here present?
There being no further questions or comments, when being called
for the third time, the Mayor in closing the meeting, thanked
those in attendance for their participation and advised that
Council would consider all matters before reaching a decision.
He then advised those present that if they wished to be notified
of the passing of the proposed By-law, they should leave their
name and address with the Clerk.
Moved by Cotton, seconded by Sommers
Be it resolved that this Special Public Meeting of Council (Part
of East Half of Lot 11, Concession 6, and West Part of Lot 11,
Concession 7 (formerly Township of Oro) now be adjourned at 7:20