04 17 1996 Sp Public Minutes
1II1Dlœ8laY. APRIL 17. 199C
, 7:00
The following members of Council were present:
Mayor Ian Beard
Deputy Mayor Murray Martin
Councillor Walter Dickie
Councillor Don Bell
Councillor Neil craig
Councillor Larry Cotton
Councillor Ron Sommers
staff Present:
Andria Leigh, Development Co-
ordinator, Jennifer Zieleniewski,
Treasurer/Acting Administrator
Also Present Were:
K. Christiansen, H. Quail, Elgin
McMurchy, Colin and Jean Taylor,
Wayne Benneyworth, Gilbert
Duviner, Charles Clapham, Mr. &
Mrs. Brunt, Margit Rain, Jean
Mitzak, Adolf & Alice Timm, Elgin
& Shanta McMurchy, Marty Rain,
Sheri Rain, Gail & Peter Hayes,
Aubrey & Judith Golden, David &
Willy Bohme, David Edwards, L.
Buchanan, shirley Woodrow, Bill
Mitzak, M. Bohme, Thelma
Halfacre, Howard & Sandra Quail,
Kurt & Wanda Christiansen, Phil &
Mary Fran Brunt.
Mayor Ian Beard chaired the meeting.
Mayor Ian Beard opened the meeting by explaining to those
present that this Public Meeting was to receive public comments
with respect to a proposed Official Plan Amendment, under
provisions of section 17, of the Planning Act. The applicant
has applied to remove the overlapping designation on certain
lands, Part of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 2, formerly Orillia to
correct a mapping error.
To date, the Council of the corporation of the Township of Oro-
Medonte have not made a decision on this application, other than
proceeding to this Public Meeting. Only after comments are
received from the Public, requested agencies and Township Staff,
within the appropriate time period, will Council make a decision
on this application.
Notice of the Public Meeting was mailed out on February 19,
1996, to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject
lands. Notice of the Public Meeting was also placed in both the
Barrie Examiner and Orillia Packet and Times on February 19,
Mayor Beard then asked the Clerk if there had been any
correspondence received on this matter. The Clerk responded by
indicating that correspondence had been received from P. D.
Brunt, Donald Di Pro spero , Linda Mallais, Lyle and Sharen
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Johnston, Margit Rain, Gilbert Duviner, Milos Krajny, Warren
Osak, William Ferguson, Mart Litwin, Charles Clapham, Walter
Noble, Doris Le May, Shelley Wine, Simcoe County District Health
Unit, Larry Grossman, Kathleen Johnson, and from an individual
whose name was not legible as well as a telephone call from
Eunice Phillip. All correspondence was read aloud but is not
transcribed here.
The Mayor then stated that those persons present would be
afforded the opportunity of asking questions with respect to the
proposed Amendment. He then turned the meeting over to the
Development co-ordinator, Mrs. Andria Leigh, to explain the
purpose and effect of the proposed Official Plan Amendment.
Andria Leigh:
Thank you Mr. Mayor, as the Mayor has indicated, the purpose of
tonight's meeting is to obtain public comments only with respect
to the mapping error. Issues in regards to the draft plan on
(inaudible) incorrect piece of information provided in the
notice, we indicated that it was a redesignation of the property
and that was not correct. It is a mapping error. There are two
designations on the property and we are asking for one of those
to be removed so we decided that a second public meeting would
be held. It was scheduled for the 20th of March but due to
inclement weather, we determined that we would not hold it that
as we knew that most of the people coming were from Toronto and
we wanted everyone to have an opportunity to comment and that is
why we are here tonight.
I can show you on the map here (indicated map), this map was
blown up from the original map. I do have the original on the
back if anybody would like to look at it more carefully. We
wanted people to be able to see it from the back of the room.
The subject property is located here on Lots 19 and 20,
Concession 2, which means the 2nd Concession Line and the 3rd
Concession Line of the former Township of Orillia. The orange
areas that we have highlighted indicate all of the lands
designated Shoreline Residential. The green patch lines that
come through indicate the Urban Fringe designation. As we can
see on all of the properties along the lake as well as Mr.
piil's property, both of those designations exist on the
property and as I say, there is a co loured map, the original
from the By-law on the back, so if anybody would like to see
that more clearly, other than the map we have hand done
ourselves, you are more than welcome to do that.
Basically why we are here tonight is that the property, as I
have indicated, has two designations on it, a Shoreline
Residential designation and an Urban Fringe designation.
Obviously, the By-law does not permit two designations on
anybody's property. It is the intention under the new Official
Plan to correct the properties within the 8 Mile Point and the
other areas at that point in time. The reason we are dealing
with Mr. piil's property at this point in time is that he
has asked up to do that based on the Zoning Amendment and Draft
Plan Amendment he provided to the municipality.
This file goes back to almost a year now. I think it was the
27th of March, 1995 when an application for a Zoning Amendment
was provided to this office. Because the applicant believed that
the lands were already designated Shoreline Residential as per
the Township of Orillia Official Plan, and they were intending
to proceed with their development at that point in time. That
same day, they applied to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for
Draft Plan of Subdivision consideration and that was all done on
the 27th of March 1995. It didn't come to light in the planning
department that there was a double designation on this property
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until about three to four weeks later when we went to our
Planning Advisory Committee meeting and it was noted at that
point in time when we got a larger scale map of the area.
Andria Leigh:
Essentially what we are looking at, we have had correspondence
both from David Scott of the Township of Severn, formerly
Township of Orillia and copies of the Council meeting on October
19, 1991 which was the required public meeting under the
Planning Act for Orillia Township's Official Plan that indicated
that at that point in time they were changing Mr. piil's
property from the City of Orillia Expansion Area to Shoreline
Residential. I do have that correspondence in the file should
someone wish to see that at some point in time. So there was
the intention at that point in time, indicated in all the
correspondence that that was what Council was doing. When they
passed their amendment in November of 1991, they changed this
property from City of Orillia Expansion Area to Shoreline
Residential. The problem occurred when it went down to the
Ministry of Municipal Affairs whereby four or five different
staff members were looking at the map and making modifications
and they overlayed the lines over the whole property. They
thought they were suppose to extend right to the lake, all the
way along, over Mr. piil's property and everybody else. So that
is where the error occurred.
We have had correspondence as well from the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs indicating that they are in agreement with
both municipali ties that it is a mapping error and that a
technical official plan amendment is all that is required at
this point in time to correct that mapping error....
Mayor Beard:
We let Andria finish and then we will have questions.
Andria Leigh:
Just a few background points on the property. The property is
about 62 and 1/2 acres in size, in total size, or rather 63 and
a 1/2 and there is at present a draft plan subdivision proposal
at the Ministry for 62 lots. Now that is not a definite at this
point in time and it is being considered and would be amended
once we have all agency comments to some other number or it may
stay the same at 62.
One thing I should clarify, there has been some questions raised
in some of the comments. Notification was sent to any of the
property owners within 120 metres. That notification goes to
the address that is in the assessment book, which in most cases
for Woodland Drive residents, is Toronto, or, they are not
Woodland Drive addresses and that is where we sent all
correspondence, the same place all of your tax bills go. We do
also post a copy of that in the local papers for anybody that is
in the local area and is interested in the property.
Mr. Mayor, Mr. Peter Smith, the applicant's consultant is here
and would like to make a few comments prior to opening it up to
the public if that is suitable for Council.
Hr. smith:
Mr. Mayor, members of Council and the public and residents, I
think you have got to get very clear what this amendment is
about. Fortunately, we do have a Planner who is on Council who
perhaps may add some clarity to this. This is a technical
amendment because of the drafting error. It is following due
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process, designation of Mr. piil's lands and other properties
along the shoreline to Shoreline Residential that came through
on the whole and proper process of the Orillia Official Plan.
This is strictly a drafting error, so that any references to
anything more than that is not going to be part of the
consideration at this time. There certainly is no redesignation
involved. There is a double designation involved posed by a
drafting error and that was the unfortunate part I think about
the February 7th notice, I think it has thrown everybody on the
wrong angle. We do have a subdivision plan, we do have a zoning
application file, they are under due process at this point,
there will be a public meeting, obviously on the zoning and I
think a great deal of the issues that the neighbourhood is
expressing can be dealt with at that point. This is strictly a
technical amendment.
Now I wrote a letter, which I must say (inaudible) I was
surprised it was not read out along with the rest. Is that not
normal correspondence.
I believe the letter was on the council agenda.
Hr. smith:
I would like you to have read that just the same as the others.
I think that is only fair. Can we have it read please?
Mayor Beard:
Madam Clerk, can you read the letter?
Hr. smith:
This letter is written from sheer fact, it really explains where
exactly we are today, historically back in 1983.
It is addressed to Mayor Beard, Deputy Mayor Martin, Councillors
Cotton, Sommers, craig, Bell and Dickie:
This letter is to reclarify and reconfirm to you that the
purpose of the February 7th public meeting and the meeting
rescheduled to March 20, 1996, is to correct a technical
drafting error that had put a second and incorrect second
designation of Urban Fringe Area on our client's lands. This
occurred when the final Land Use Schedule of the Orillia
Township Official Plan was drafted after the Plan's approval by
the Township in November 1991. The subject lands were
designated and approved for Shoreline Residential in this
apprqved Official Plan. This designation was then further
reconfirmed in the Ministry of Municipal Affair's approval of
the orillia Township Official Plan in May 1993.
Preparation of the Orillia Township Official Plan was carried
out from 1989 following a comprehensive background study of the
Municipality. This study and the Official Plan preparation
process identified many aspects and needs of the Municipality
including the need for 500 additional and dominantly permanent
single family detached dwelling units in orillia Township by the
year 2001 to meet its projected population growth. Designation
of our client's lands for Shoreline Residential was part of this
identified need and Official Plan process. Our client and
ourselves participated in the Township's Official Plan public
consultation process. The public was fully and properly
informed in the consultation process, also. Prior to the
Official Plan preparation, Orillia Township did not specifically
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have an Official Plan. It was using, as a guide with no status,
a segment of the former Official Plan for the former Couchiching
Planning Board Area which related to the Orillia Township area.
All Planning Boards have been disbanded under the provision of
the 1983 Planning Act and their designations and policies had no
status, including the Long Term Urban Expansion Area (Urban
Fringe Area) designation in Orillia Township. The Township
proceeded, therefore, on a new Official Plan preparation process
in 1989 as required under the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1983.
We were very concerned, therefore, when the notice for the
public meeting on February 7, 1996, for the technical amendment
indicated that our client's lands were being redesignated from
Urban Fringe Area (formerly Long Term Urban Expansion Area) to
Shoreline Residential. This was incorrect and in error. We are
pleased that your Township Planner, Mark stagg, clearly
indicated to yourselves and the public in attendance on February
7, 1996, that the lands are designated and approved for
Shoreline Residential purposes. We expect the same statement to
be made and endorsed on March 20, 1996.
It is unfortunate that another meeting on March 20,1996, has to
be held to correct these inconsistencies. While our client is
willing to co-operate in this process, it is causing delay and
significant additional costs to the approval process for our
client's subdivision and rezoning applications.
You may hear on March 20, 1996, and be asked to receive
submissions that these lands should not be designated or
developed for residential uses. The truth is that they are
designated residential and that to change this is not a
consideration of the public meeting. You should not receive as
input, therefore, anything that requests a change from what is
designated and approved, i.e. Shoreline Residential.
We request that Council immediately expedite the approval of the
technical amendment to correct a drafting error at the earliest
possible opportunity such that our client can proceed without
undue pressure and unfounded concern. We request that we
receive a copy of the minutes of the March 20, 1996, Public
Meeting and be advised of when the Technical Amendment is to be
Yours truly, M.M. Dillon Limited.
Mayor Beard:
Mr. smith do you have further comments to add?
Hr. smith:
only to thank you for reading the letter as I do think it is
important to get some clarity to this process. We clearly would
expect the technical amendment to be approved, there are a lot
more things to be done in relation to the zoning and subdivision
application. A lot of what has been expressed in those
commenting letters on the planning idea, from tonight's
correspondence relate to technical issues we could probably
resolve, we can't necessarily resolve them all, but I think it
is another day when that should be served. Again, I ask you to
stick strictly to the intent of the amendment, that it has been
a drafting error. You may need to satisfy yourself that there
was a full, due and proper official plan process carried out
through the orillia Township official plan. I believe the
planner has probably already done all of that research already.
And, if an issue is raised by someone in relation to it, I think
that one does have to satisfy that designation of Shoreline
Residential came through the full and proper planning process.
That is what I would like to find. I would be pleased to answer
questions later.
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Mayor Beard:
Before we take questions, Andria from this point is rezoning
needed and if there is a subdivision to go on there? (inaudible)
Andria Leigh:
That is correct your Worship, there will be a public meeting on
the by-law amendment. We have received an application and so we
would expect probably later this year to have that zoning
meeting so that people can address the issues on the draft plan.
Mayor Beard:
At this point we will accept questions from the public here
present or members of Council and would anybody making, asking
a question or making a statement please come forward and speak
into the mike and give your name and address please. Council
would expect you to restrict it the subject at hand which is
not, whether or not there should be houses on there but whether
or not there was a mapping error. That is the only question to
be questioned at this meeting. I think that should be perfectly
David Bohme:
Mr. Chairman, my name is David Bohme, I am a resident of
Woodland Drive and I have been since 1959. My roots go back
much further than that, I had two great grandfathers that came
to this part of the county in 1820. I have an abiding love for
this area and I would make this summation on that background
that I don't want to see it spoiled.
I am not prepared to accept that this has been designated
Shoreline Residential. If one makes an application to have an
area redesignated, to me there are three obvious steps: (1)
there is the consideration by Council and by the public at large
to consider it. (2) is the conclusion reached by Council but
why are they doing this? The whole exercise is to have it set
out in the Official Plan so that the'public can guide themselves
accordingly. The opening words of the Official Plan clearly
indicate that foots the intent. So, if you have something and
I will accept that Council wanted to make it Shoreline
Residential, but if it doesn't get into the plans, it is not
effective. The opening words of the plan: "The whole purpose of
the process is to inform the public," that is the opening words
of the Official Plan. The Plan serves to reduce uncertainty for
both the public and private sectors which may surround land use
development alternatives. It is the intention of the plan to
setforth planning policies to guide both public and private
interests. Now, my friend can say what he likes but all the
public knows is that when they look at that plan is that this is
Urban Fringe and they guide themselves accordingly. To me, if
it doesn't appear in the plan at that time, then it is
ineffective. It is like a marriage that has not been
consummated. It is like an offer where the person wants to
accept it but the acceptance is not communicated to them. I
don't know whether these plans that Andria is showing out, to me
they are not available to the average person of public. I have
got the book which I got, not only the plan, but the Zoning By-
law and the Zoning By-law sets out very clearly in 1993 that it
is shown as Urban Fringe. Let me give you an example.
supposing that in the Official Plan it says that the set backs
from the lake should be 100 feet, so people build accordingly.
After three years, somebody comes along and says oh, that was a
mistake, Council really said 60 feet. Now they start building
60 feet, what are the persons back 100 feet going to say? They
are going to be looking at blank walls.
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David Bohme:
If you set a precedent on this that you don't have to really
consummate it by putting it in the Official Plan, I think you
are asking for sorts of problems. Now the other way around it,
I suggest that you leave it as it is, Urban Fringe. Oro-Medonte
is doing an Official Plan itself. I suggest that this should be
taken in the whole picture when you are considering densities of
populations, what you are going to do for other Shoreline
Residential, etc. Mr. piil has not lost a lot, he has all of
his professional reports and so on, he could bring those to
those meetings and we will go back and we can start from
It may be that Orillia Township put notice of the Official Plan
meeting in the Packet and Times, completely unsatisfactory. I
can tell you Mr. Mayor without any quivocation, I have talked to
50 people, nobody knew this was happening. Now thank you Oro-
Medonte for when something happens you send us a critical
notice. But nobody knew, and if we had known, this would not be
happening. Why don't you wait until you deal with it with your
Official Plan and do it properly. Because I say, it has not
been consummated, the public didn't know for 4 and a 1/2 years,
you go and your by-law say Urban Fringe. Well, it not Urban
Fringe now, you are saying it is something else. Thank you very
Mayor Beard:
On that I note I would comment that we are getting our Official
Plan done and we welcome comments, that is what it is all about.
Dave Edwards:
Thank you Mr. Mayor, my name is Edwards and I am a resident of
Lot 89 Woodland Drive. Having lived there now for 40 years, I
am quite familiar with the process that has taken place over the
years and the Mayor invited us to go back and do some further
research as of February 7th, so I did. I went and met with
David Scott. Mr. Scott could not show me an Official Plan that
this land was properly designated as Shoreline Residential which
I am hearing tonight, with the greatest respect for my friend
here. He did show me though a, I have got it here, a copy of a
secondary plan for the lands between Highway #12 and the
Division Road, which is the Horseshoe Valley Road extension
towards Highway #11. That plan, that is in the By-law, Official
Plan, for this secondary plan does show land down here, Mr.
piil's to be Shoreline Residential. But I would suggest that
that in itself did not create the mapping error, or didn't
create proper designation for Shoreline Residential. The effect
of an secondary plan does not change the rest of the Township.
You have heard a number of, one other point I wanted to make
out, make to you sir, members of Council, was that I spoke with
the former Reeve of Orillia Township, Jack Fountain, and I know
to a great extent is hearsay, but Mr. Fountain irrevocably said
no, they did not designate this land. We have at least 12
lawyers who are resident on Woodland Drive and I know that the
residents that are there permanently would have noticed any due
process if due process had of been taken to amend back in 1991.
I know with the earlier Official Plan designated does, the City
of Orillia Urban Expansion for the protection of the land for
proper development when the City of Orillia demonstrated a need
for the land. The designation at that time was that it was a
very restricted designation, no severances allowed, no
development whatsoever, recognized only the existing lots. At
that point I took it up with the City of orillia Planning
Department. The City of orillia Planning Department knew of no
application to amend that land down there to Shoreline
Residential. So this, prior to the notice from the Township of
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Dave Edwards:
Oro-Medonte, none of the residents, the city of Orillia who has
a vested interest in that area or member of the council of the
day that I spoke with knew anything about it so I am not certain
as to how we can be satisfied that due process was involved.
Thank you very much for the opportunity.
Aubrey Golden:
My name is Aubrey Golden and with my wife, Judith, we own 64
Woodland Drive where we have been summer residents for 31 years.
We also, received no notice of any sort that this land behind us
was intended to be designated as anything other than what it is,
Urban Renewal. This is a very difficult problem because there
isn't a sole on that street who had any notice of any change or
any proposed change in the use of that land either in the
Official Plan or in the Zoning By-law. Now that is a very
difficult hurtle to overcome. Aside from that, I should say,
what is going through my mind as I point that out is welcome to
Orillia Township (inaudible) and you know what? You can't get 12
lawyers to agree to anything except that notice has to be given
and notice wasn't given. The other point that I think 12
lawyers would agree on is that a municipality must act through
its by-laws, its resolutions and in writing. Unless
municipalities act that way, there is nothing verbal about a
commitment with a municipality, as you all know, that is very
important in planning and the reason for that is the certainty
(inaudible). So we are in a situation where the by-law, whether
it is conflicting, or whether it is actually legal the way we
think it is. That by-law is whatever it says it is. If someone
wants to change the Official Plan, the Official Plan is the same
thing, what it says it is. I hate to be literal about it and we
all know that people can make mistakes but in municipal law you
don't make mistakes (inaudible) with a resolution saying there
is a duplication here. Of course there are important planning
issues, the planner should is usually involved in all of this
and that is a separate question, but addressing the question of
the technical error and whether or not is should be corrected by
a resolution of this Council, it is my respectful submission to
you is that it can't be. The only way the Official Plan can be
amended is by amending the Official Plan according to procedures
set out in the Planning Act. That would also be true of a
Zoning By-law. This is not a small map. This is not somebody
forgetting to cross a T or dot an I, this is 63 acres of land in
very, very prime residential areas in which we all have an
incredible large emotional and historical investment. I don't
think this council would start governing our part of Simcoe
County by taking something like this at face value and saying,
alright, we are going to correct a technical error and face you
with an Official Plan of which you have never of before, which
would involve the construction of any number of residences.
There is a subdivision to the south of us on the next
concession, on the 2nd Concession; I am sorry, Maplewood. When
people go and buy a lot in Maplewood, they know exactly what
they are getting. When people buy a lakefront lot in Maplewood,
they know they are buying part of the subdivision. No one on
Woodland Drive is in that privileged position. This is not an
area in which you would normally zone that way. The Official
Plan might very well have refused to put that area of deciduous
land onto what is a Shoreline designated area. I strongly urge
you to stay with the precept that it is written, that is what it
is and it can't be changed unless the process of your Official
Plan development, you choose to bring the matter forward and I
am quite sure Mr. piil and representatives would be glad to do
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Mayor Beard:
Further questions from the members of the public?
forward and state your name.
Please come
william Mitzak:
My name is William Mitzak of Lot #74, Woodland Drive. I believe
that this does go beyond a mapping error. I mean, letters were
written here showing general concern and I think that the
concern should also be voiced now.
I have taken a few notes here and taken a look at a few things
and it is quite evident that whatever errors have been made over
a period of time, be it from the Township of Orillia or
whatever. I believe that this is a new day now, I believe that
the Township of Oro-Medonte has gained control of this area and
I don't believe it is worthy to maintain errors in the past and
for you to continue those. I really believe that you have a
huge outcry here. And, you also represent our interests and
based on that, I think that it is a new day and it should be
taken from scratch. Thank you.
Mayor Beard:
Any further questions?
Martin Rain:
My name is Martin Rain and my wife's letter has already been
read earlier. I got the Committee of Adjustment Application
back in 1992 to the Township of Orillia. At no time, was there
indication to make Shoreline Residential, in other words, for
about six or eight months, I was back and forth to the Committee
of Adjustment so that I could sever a piece of land from the
back lot, and that is the little 240 x 240 parcel, which is
excluded. The intent was that you cannot develop that land. We
don't want it developed, we don't want it touched, we want it
Open Space and whenever the Committee on any occasion, and I
think we were up there 3 or 4 times, their indication was,
whatever you are going to do with this land, you are not going
to create a building lot. Very, very simple, you are not going
to create anymore building lots in that back lot. Well that was
fine, we had no intention of doing that. The severance was
technical because it was owned by two owners, one of which was
getting very old and feeble. We never proceeded with it because
of the restrictions as the letter said, were so stringent that
you probably are going to end up with a piece of land, 240 x 240
that would never, ever, and I mean ever, change from any kind of
designation over the next 100 hundred years. So we didn't
proceed with it.
Mayor Beard:
You don't have a problem with releasing information..
Excuse me Chairman, I am not talking about that, I am only
talking about that, I am only talking about the time it was
written back then. That was correspondence, that wasn't a public
thing, but if somebody is looking to find out what the situation
was, they wouldn't get any enlightenment from those letters.
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Mayor Beard:
I was just making the point
Let me say that Mr. stagg, when he was here when I came down,
was most helpful and I have no objections at all.
Aubrey Golden:
Is it possible that the zoning didn't actually take place,
because there was no water access provided. They said it was
clear that they were not going to do it and there is no
indication that they actually passed it, I would just like to
clarify that.
Mayor Beard:
Your name again sir?
Aubrey Golden.
Mayor Beard:
Thank you, I should have explained earlier, we tape these so
that we get an accurate transcript and if you don't speak your
name of course then we can't put your name in the transcripts.
Andria Leigh:
Maybe I could address that point. Just to clarify, we are
dealing with the Official Plan at this point and I do have some
other comments that I will talk about afterwards.
That letter clearly indicates that they have redesignated it to
Shoreline Residential but they were not willing to waive the
requirement for the water access. So, Mr. piil is still
required to provide public access as per the Shoreline
Residential requirement. So it did say, yes, we will
redesignate it but you have to deal with the water access issue
at some point, before development occurs.
Aubrey Golden:
What is the water access issue.
How much are they suppose to
Andria Leigh:
If I can look it up, there is a requirement within the policies,
I get 319 Andria.
Andria Leigh:
Yes, I will read it out for Council and the members of the
Public. It indicates "such waterfront access shall generally be
used for public use, comprised of 1 lot area, not a series of
smaller lots spotted along the shoreline and located within the
exterior boundaries of the proposed backlot site, extended
towards the shoreline and not at some other location on the
shoreline. The maximum density of this development shall not
exceed 2.5 dwelling units per net hectare or may otherwise be
determined by the conditions of the local authorities of ground
water supply". There is a specific requirement that I will read
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out. It says "the minimum waterfront access requirement shall
be 1.5 metres of frontage and 30 sq. meters of beach area for
each back lot where the number of back lots proposed is less
than 50 units. Where the level of back lot development proposed
exceeds 50 units, a waterfront access site plan shall be
prepared by the applicant with respect to the location, extent
and nature of the facilities and provided for review and
consideration by Council.
Do they have that?
Dave Edwards:
Just on that point then, we are getting into the planning nature
of the application, that the applicant doesn't have that water
access that is required to be, that
Mayor Beard:
You are getting into the, it is not dealing with whether there
was a mapping error or not.
Aubrey Golden:
By restricting it to a mapping error, we just can't lose site of
the fact that there may be a reason why, it doesn't get into the
zoning by-law, besides the fact that there is a mapping error.
It may not have gotten in there because this is spot zoning, we
are talking about one little piece of land and you don't do spot
zoning if the people don't qualify. I have never seen a Council
yet who would give you a spot zoning if you didn't meet the
terms of the spot zoning, I don't think this Council and I don't
think anybody would.
Mayor Beard:
Mr. cotton, you had a question a while ago.
councillor cotton:
I would like to ask a couple of questions. Are you satisfied
Andria that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs created this
alleged technical error?
Andria Leigh:
Through to councillor Cotton, yes, I am satisfied.
councillor cotton:
So therefore, you are satisfied that at the time the Township of
Orillia passed the Official Plan these lands before us tonight
were designated Shoreline Residential on the adopted schedule?
Andria Leigh:
I can't say that specifically because the schedule shows both
designations. It would be an intent to only show the Shoreline
Residential designation and that I am satisfied of but the
schedule clearly shows the two designations and that is why the
applicants are back before Council at this point in time.
- 12 -
councillor Cotton:
So the principal of development or for development has been
established as part of the property as the schedule shows from
1991, part of the Shoreline Residential parcels.
Andria Leigh:
No, all of it is both.
councillor cotton:
Based on the overlapping?
Andria Leigh:
Based on the overlapping designations on the map.
councillor cotton:
Was this done
Andria Leigh:
It was done by the Ministry.
councillor cotton:
Is there correspondence from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs
that they are admitting that they made an error?
Andria Leigh:
No, not at this point in time but they would certainly be
(inaudible) .
councillor cotton:
I am wondering if they admit that they made the mistake, why
wouldn't they modify the plan if they made the mistake because
tonight it is a technical issue you are allegedly dealing with,
you are also, by modifying and amending that Official Plan, you
are establishing principal of development on that property.
Andria Leigh:
We asked the Ministry to look into a modification of the plan
and I have to look back and see, but they did not recommend it
at that point, they saw it as a time overlap, but I can check
and see what Mr. Zubowski letter specifically said as to why
they did not want to proceed with that route.
councillor Cotton:
Yes Mr. Mayor, just to the audience here, one point of
information. When the Township Official Plan for Orillia was
adopted by Council in November of 1991, there is no requirement
under the Planning Act to circulate notification of the passage
of that document to each and every ratepayer. That is
regulation in the Planning Act. They do have to notify the
public which is usually done through a newspaper ads,
advertisements saying that we have adopted this Official Plan.
But there would be no independent individual notification to
ratepayers. You have a whole series of schedules and written
documentation, so you have to sort of watch when things are
happening with the Public Notices in the paper.
- 13 -
Hr. Bohme:
Mr. Chairman, in answer to that Sir, the proof of the pudding is
in the eating. There are seventy people along that lakefront and
nobody knew about this. Now granted, it appeared in the Packet
and Times, but this is a public area, people don't get the
Packet and Times and after the summer months, there is less
chance of getting it and I think there is an alternative, you
could do it that way or else you could mail notices, to
particularly the ratepayers themselves. We get the Notice of
Assessment and the tax bills out, I don't know why that can't be
done too. It is probably budgeting but it is obviously not
advisable in these circumstances.
Now I go back to your question about the department of Municipal
Affairs. In the letter of Mr. stagg's dated May 18, 1995
writing to David Scott. He talks about the problem that there
is and Mr. Stagg says "three possibilities seem open to correct
this error. (a) Use an eraser in the back room, which may have
been the best way, (b) Request Ministers modification of
approval of Township of Orillia Official Plan and (c) Initiate
an amendment to the Official Plan," and then he goes on to say
"route (a) is not a way that is appropriate, Mr. Lou Zubowski
advises route (b)" which is the one that gets Municipal Affairs
to do it "Mr. Zubowski say is not acceptable and we are now
discussing route (c)", which is what we are doing now. So they
refused to do it.
Mayor Beard:
Your name sir?
Hr. Bohme:
Bohm, B. O. H. M.
Mayor Beard:
Any further questions on this particular issue of the alleged
mapping error.
Dave Edwards:
Just one very brief matter, I am not sure what, you have read
letters from almost everybody on Woodland Drive, but there was
the gathering of 36 some such signatures opposing the mapping
error amendment.
Mayor Beard:
Do you wish to comment members of Councilor members of the
There being no further questions or comments, when being called
for the third time, the Mayor in closing the meeting, thanked
those in attendance for their participation and advised that
Council would consider all matters before reaching a decision.
He then advised those present that if they wished to be notified
of the passing of the proposed By-law, they should leave their
name and address with the Clerk.
- 14 -
Moved by Craig, seconded by Cotton
Be it resolved that this Special Public Meeting of Council (Part
of Lots 19 and 20, Concession 2, formerly Township of Orillia)
now be adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
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