09 26 1996 SpCouncil Minutes . ' .. e -- . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP 01' ORO-MBDONTE SPECIAL COUNCIL KEETING THURSDAY, SEPTBMBER 26, 1996 6:30 P.M. - COUNCIL CHAMBERS EIGHTY-SIXTH MEETING 199.-1997 COUNCIL Council met this evening @ 6:30 p.m. with the following member present: Deputy Mayor Murray Martin Councillor Walter Dickie Councillor Don Bell Councillor Neil Craig arrived @ 6:33 p.m. Councillor Ron Sommers Absent: Mayor Ian Beard Councillor Larry Cotton staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski, TreasurerjCAOjActing Clerk, Andri Leigh, Development Co-ordinator. Gary Cunnington, Graeme Clark and ,I Lorne Borgal. I II This Special Meeting of Council was called in accordance with thJ Procedural By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan ~ control by-law. Deputy Mayor Martin assumed the chair and calle the meeting to order. II 1. "DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATUR THEREOF. - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" Also Present: None Declared. 2. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA: MOTION NO. 1 Moved by Bell, seconded by Dickie Be it resolved that the Agenda for the Special council dated Thursday, September 26, 1996, be adopted as printed. Carried MOTION NO. 2 Moved by Bell, seconded by Dickie Be it resolved that By-law 96-65 be read a third time and final passed, be engrossed by the Acting Clerk, signed and sealed by Deputy Mayor. Recorded vote requested by: Councillor Dickie Councillor Bell Yea Councillor Dickie Yea Deputy Mayor Martin Yea Councillor Sommers Yea Carried ~ MO~ed bY DicKie. seconded bY sell "~ 1\ \\ II \ \ \ f'~m tbe p~oceedings of counci~ se it ~esol~ed tbat a Sy-l~~ ~o c~s~cond time and numbe~ed Sy-la~ be int~oduced and read a o_rs an \ 96 99 Ii _ . ca~riedl and tinaliY passed. b\ ~cting ClerK. \ , d"\ ca-r-rl.e ~ \i\ II \ II \:\ II 'i" \\ car~ied\ ~I II 1\ \ r"\ '~ ~~)L-/~ Ji~J.,ENlf.\'1S1<~ \1 'II II \\ _ 2 - ,~ 6 99 be ~ead a tbi~d time 'rhat By-1a'W 9 1- d '\-..y tbe DeputY MaYo~ and signed and sea e ~ ~ Mo~ed bY DicKie. seconded bY sell d nO~ adjOurn @ 6,35 p.m. se it resol~ed tbat ~e 0 \,1 \\ DE \\ II '\\ \\ II II \\ \\ \\ "\ \1 \\ \1 \\ \\ II \1 1\ \ e