07 02 1997 Sp Public2 Minutes
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Council met this evening @ 7: 43 p.m. with the following members present:
Mayor Ian Beard
Deputy Mayor Murray Martin
Councilor Walter Dickie
Councilor Don Bell
Councilor Neil Craig
Councilor Thelma Halfacre
Councilor Ron Sommers
Staff Present:
Andria Leigh, Planner, Jennifer
Zieleniewski, CAOlTreasurer.
Also Present:
Nick McDonald, Ron Watkin
Mayor Ian Beard opened the meeting and the Clerk explained to those present that this
Public Meeting was to receive public comments with respect to an Amendment to the
Official Plan and Zoning By-law, under Section 17 & 34 of the Planning Act RS.O. 1990
c.P.13. The proposed Official Plan Amendment would redesignate those lands located at
Concession 5, Part of West Half of Lots 21 & 22 (formerly within the Township of Oro),
from Agricultural and Environmental and Woodlot to Commercial. The proposed Zoning
By-law Amendment would rezone those lands from Agricultural (A) and Inherent Hazard
Lands (OS2) Zones to the Highway Commercial (C2) Zone.
To date, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte have not made a
decision on the application, other than proceeding to this Public Meeting. Only after
comments are received from the Public, requested agencies and Township staff, within the
appropriate time period, will Council make a decision on the application.
Notice of the Public Meeting was mailed out on June 12, 1997 to all property owners within
400 feet of the subject lands. Notice of the Public Meeting was also placed in the Barrie
Examiner, Orillia Packet and Times and Midland Free Press on June 12, 1997.
The Clerk then indicated that no correspondence had been received on this matter.
Mayor Beard stated that those persons present would be afforded the opportunity of asking
questions with respect to the proposed rezoning amendment. He then turned the meeting
over to Andria Leigh, Township Planner to explain the purpose and effect of the proposed
Thank you your Worship. As the Mayor has indicated we are looking today for public
comments on this particular piece of property. This property is located south of Highway
11 and just east of Line 4 of the Township of Oro. There is an existing area of industrial
growth known as _Winfull Developments property, which is located in this location here,
and it would be the 50-acre property to the direct east of that. It is just west of the hamlet
of Guthrie area, and essentially what we are looking at is an Official Plan and Zoning
cha~ge to allo~ for a comm~rcial use of this property. Technically, the property is
designated agricultural, environmental and wood lots and is zoned Agricultural and
Inherent Hazard land. We are looking at changing that to allow for Commercial use of the
property, which would be at this point, is a proposed factory outlet.
(Pointing to the map) This would be Highway 11 in this location, this would be the entire
property length wise. Parking would be in this location and a retail area would be here with
further potential area in the future. And the road structure coming through from the Winfull
Subdivision which I talked to you about. Your Worship, Mr. Ron Watkin is the planner for
the applicant and he would like to make some further comments.
Mayor Beard:
Mr. Watkin.
Mr. Watkin:
Thank you. I will try to be brief on this, but I just want to sort of run through where we are
and what we have done since we have started this proposal back in November of 1996.
Andria has given you the description and the location of the property so I won't proceed
with dealing with that at this moment and also as to what we are proposing to do.
We started off in November 1996 and made the application to you as Council with the
inclusion of the funding to have property redesignated and rezoned. And that brought us
to December 10 to a public meeting that's required by, or sorry, a Planning Advisory
Committee meeting and subsequent recommendation that they supported the application
in principle subject to us meeting four criteria. Those criteria were to be developed in the
concept plan. The indication from M.T.O. of any concerns that they might have, the
hydrogeological report, as well as comments from the Township Engineers specifically
AI Lees. In terms of what was required to do, we proceeded and developed a concept
plan, we've hired the firm of Terraprobe to do the hydrogeological report for us. We've
contacted the Ministry of Transportation and they gave us their comments in respect to the
required set backs from Highway 11, the issue of drainage along Highway 11 and the area
they do want to look at, would be in the future, would be the traffic impact study just to
determine exactly the number of vehicles that will be utilizing Highway 11 South.
Following the preparation of meeting those four requirements, we came back to a second
Planning Advisory Committee meeting on May 13,1997, and as a result of that there were
some further requests by the Planning Advisory Committee for us to proceed to complete.
One was a preliminary drainage report, and if you look at the concept plan that is on the
board, you can see the arrows and that's the drainage concept and how we can maintain
water on the land and how it will be impacted on the adjacent lands. The revised concept
plan, one of the areas we had to revise on the concept plan with the exception of the
drainage was to include the Bell Hydro easement - we have Bell Telephone Easement on
the property - so we had to adjust the buildings a bit to make sure at this point in time that
this was not under building and then proposed to talk (inaudible) to see just type of line it
is, (inaudible) or what the issue is in respect to ourselves.
Our servicing plan is to proceed with a rotating-sequencing batch reactor to handle the
sewage flows on this and we've had preliminary meetings with the Ministry of Environment
with respect to that as well as the assessment by Terraprobe in respect to sewaging. And
finally, the other issue was the Letter of Intent from our client indicating he would be
prepared to pay his fair share of the cost for the upgrading of Concession Road 4 and also
the maintenance and protection to both Windstar Road and Hollick Road entering into our
lands from the Concession road to the south.
What we are requesting, we have more work to do obviously, we have to do the traffic
impact study, we have to complete the drainage plan itself, make them firmer, ground
water taps for water supply, complete issues with respect to Bell Telephone and Hydro
Easement - basically finishing off those things. And so, we need some sort of commitment
before we spend a lot more money, we've spent quite a bit of money to get this point. We
are convinced there is no problem with servicing and no problem with drainage and we are
requesting that you proceed on with this to give us the designation to allow the factory
outlet to proceed.
Mayor Beard:
Thank you, any questions from the members of public here present. Any questions on this
particular application. Any member of Council have questions pertaining to this specific
Councilor Dickie:
Question to Andria. How many acres is this property?
I believe it is 50 acres.
Councilor Dickie:
How much was agricultural and how much was other?
I can show you on the map. I would say approximately half the property is Environmental
and Wood lot and essentially the, (pointing to the map) looking at this property here, so
we're talking about a portion that comes down through the center of the property and back
like this. Approximately half, down this way and back this way, that's the Environmental
and Wood lot.
Mayor Beard:
Any questions? Mr. Sommers.
Councilor Sommers:
Mr. Mayor through to Andria. So 50 acres - it is adjoining the Industrial Park that is already
there. So I assume that it goes in behind the Frame Shop. But how far would it be from the
5th Line? Would it go half way between the 4th and 5th?
Based on the mapping I have seen it would be approximately half way between, maybe a
little closer to the 4th Concession Line.
Councilor Craig:
I have a question. I will start with Andria. The rezoning of the property - would the rezoning
include the whole 50 acres?
Councilor Craig that is the applicant's proposal at this point in time, that the entire property
be rezoned and redesignated.
Councilor Craig:
Supplementary questions to Mr. Watkin. I am curious, why are you seeking the rezoning of
the whole property rather than just the area that the factory outlet would be located on?
Mr. Watkin:
I can answer that question in two ways. The first thing is, if you look at the area we are
speaking about, the actual commercial area runs half way between lot line and half way
between Holllick and Windstar. This would be the main commercial area that we are
looking at. The problem that I have in only doing part of it is that we've got a parking area
here and we've also got a servicing area here. There are some questions and some
thought too about potentially on this side of Windstar ..there might be some sort of like a
Farmers' Market thing, stalls, Farmers Market thing, but that's not solid yet.
I'm not sure how you would want to treat the parking and servicing area which is this
particular part of that. We're not intending to putting, filling the entire lot with commercial -
that's not our intention because we need a fair amount of area for servicing, storm
drainage, and parking, etcetera.
Councilor Craig:
One more question. The extension of the road there, Windstar or whatever, does that
sever off then a portion of your lands if that road was to go through?
Mr. Watkin:
No, our intention was not for that to happen. We are not selling the property.
Our initial intent was to build the road ourselves it would not be a Municipal road it would
be our own road so that there would no requirement to maintain it. We had this road being
in six feet wide bringing in the back area, traffic into the back area of the truck stop At
one point in time we had the road go across the eastern boundary into a double lane road.
Just a very small road and there was questions and concerns raised from your Planning
Advisory Committee and your engineer that we might have a problem with respect to snow
plowing and particularly in respect to having a cul-de-sac in this location. And here we
would have to increase the width to accommodate his concerns with snow and so forth.
Councilor Craig:
What kind of marketing studies have you done or the people that you are working for have
done, maybe your not apprised of this? But, I just want to get a feel of the need or
necessity for this type of outlet mall or was there any marketing research done?
Mr. Watkin:
They believe that it has. I haven't seen any of it. They've talked to me about looking at a
similar proposal that is along Hwy 89. Except your looking at higher end units as opposed
to what that (Hwy 89) they consider the lower end. Part of the proposal we feel that this
could be the catalyst for you to start your own Industrial Park going through. (inaudible)
Mayor Beard:
Mr. Bell
Councilor Bell:
Mr. Mayor. I think Councilor Craig is concerned regarding that road, severing the property
and also the reason for designating the entire property Commercial. It seems that the
servicing in the area could be done under the present zoning. I think that there is going to
be some discussion on that road in as far as the maintenance and I know we had
discussed It at the Planning Advisory but the road could be linked right through and it
could make it easier for the Township to maintain rather than a cul-de-sac, and that's fine.
Mr. Watkin:
The alternative is to take the cul-de-sac that sits here and move it to there.
Councilor Bell:
I guess the other thing that I had in my file is drainage. Is there a diversion of water from
the east side into the retention pond or something.
Mr. Watkin:
I think there's a small stream that runs down through here.
Councilor Bell:
I think that our engineer had some concerns about that.
Mr. Watkin:
His concern was, if I'm reading him correctly, we had to change the map because the first
map showed.... it would be diverted off the property (inaudible). So he said we better put it
on the property.
Councilor Bell:
Mayor Beard:
Any further questions or comments?
Councilor Halfacre:
I just have one comment, your worship. It puzzles me as to why he would choose that
particular site. I would have thought down by the seventh would be a much more suitable.
Mr. Watkin:
There's (inaudible) at the seventh but your new Official Plan requires a full Secondary Plan
be done (inaudible) Development. Our clients are prepared to go ahead with this as soon
as possible and bring in some employment. Obviously its the only land (inaudible) .And its
adjacent to your industrial park and as well as (inaudible) commercial along Highway 11.
(inaudible) It's the industrial commercial part.
Deputy Mayor Martin:
Andria, do you have concerns about these Environmental, there's a creek back there, wet
lands (inaudible) do you have concerns.
Through to the Deputy Mayor. It has not been recognized on our new Official Plan
mapping, again it may be an area where it was primarily a wood lot area. Yes, we do
recognize the creek area does run through there and there is some drainage that would
obviously have to be addressed as part of the development of the property and certainly
we wouldn't like to see the building structure going over that area and that's why they are
using it for their servicing area instead.
Mr. Watkin:
I would like to add the original environmental woodlot designation just south of Highway 11
(inaudible ).
Deputy Mayor Martin:
Mayor Beard:
Councilor Dickie.
Councilor Dickie:
Andria, is this amendment that is before us that we're considering tonight for both the
Official Planning and Zoning By-law to the existing Official Planning and Zoning By-laws or
to the ones we're just about past.
Through to Councilor Dickie, the application was received to amend the existing by-law
because the Council Adopted Official Plan is not of course in effect and not approved by
the Minister. Mr. Watkin cannot ask for an amendment to that at this point in time. So it's
our existing documents that are still in force and in affect that he is asking for an
amendment to.
Councilor Dickie:
Mr. Watkin, if I might, did you come to us before when we were discussing the Official Plan.
I know that, I think I saw you in the audience but we're you talking about this then.
Mr. Watkin:
Our application was before you in advance of the public meeting on the Official Plan.
My client came to me in November, so you would be well into your Official Plan by that
time. We looked at it with this approach: Well, what do we do? Do we sit and wait until
after the Official Plan is in place and goes into circulation in advance of this and stop the
work that we feel we need done? So we made the application to amend your existing
Official Plan and Zoning By-law, on the other hand, we are not opposed to you as Council
recommending that we modify your Official Plan to put it in. We've gone through all the
steps necessary, we've done all the preliminary work so that certainly would be what ever
you want. At some point in time we're going to have to amend the new Official Plan.
Mayor Beard:
Any further questions or comments at this time? Thank you
There being no further questions or comments, when being called for the third time, the
Mayor in closing the meeting, thanked those in attendance for their participation and
advised that Council would consider all matters before reaching a decision. He then
advised those present that if they wished to be notified of the passing of the proposed By-
law, they should leave their name and address with the Clerk.
Motion #1
Moved by Martin, seconded by Dickie
Be it resolved that this Special Public Meeting of Council (P-62/96, West Half of Lots 21 &
22, Conc. 5 (Oro) now be adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
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