05 07 1997 Sp Public Minutes
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
Council met this evening @ 7:00 p.m. with the following members present:
Mayor Ian Beard
Deputy Mayor Murray Martin
Councillor Walter Dickie
Councillor Don Bell
Councillor Neil Craig
Councillor Thelma Halfacre
Councillor Ron Sommers
Staff Present:
Andria Leigh, Planner, Jennifer
Zieleniewski, CAOlTreasurer, Jerry Ball, Road
Superintendent, Keith Mathieson, Public Works.
Also Present:
Nick McDonald, Jim Drury, Robert Swerdon,
Shirley Woodrow, Bob Currie, Richard
Vandezande, Wayne Neal, Ralph Hough, Kris
Menzies, Rick Hunter, Garth Daniels.
Mayor Ian Beard opened the meeting and the Clerk explained to those present that this
Public Meeting was to receive public comments with respect to the new draft Zoning By-
law, under Section 34 of the Planning Act RS.O. 1990 c.P.13. The proposed Zoning By-
law will implement the new Township Official Plan, which was adopted by Council on
February 5, 1997. The new Zoning By-law is intended to replace the five existing Zoning
By-laws that formerly applied to the Township of Oro, and portions of the Township of
Medonte, Orillia, Flos and Vespra.
To date, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte have not made a
decision on the draft new Zoning By-law, other than proceeding to this Public Meeting.
Only after comments are received from the Public, requested agencies and Township sta
within the appropriate time period, will Council make a decision on the draft new Zoning
Notice of the Public Meeting was placed in the Barrie Examiner, Orillia Packet and Times
and Midland Free Press on April 17, 1997.
The Clerk then indicated that correspondence had been received on this matter from:
Barbara and Floyd Sinton, Conc.1, Lot41, Plan 91, Lots 35-38 (Inclusive) & pt. Lot 4,
former Medonte.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony DeGroot, Conc. 1, Lot 41, Plan 91, Part of Lots 4 and 5 (former
Medonte ).
Vince Racco, Conc. 7, Part of Lot 21 (former Oro)
Robert and Janet Currie, Conc. 9, Part of Lot 8 (former Oro)
Larry D. Cotton, Conc. 10, Part of West Half of Lot 8 (former Oro)
R Marrus, President, Eight Mile Point Cottagers Association, Conc. 14, Plan 780, South
Part of Lot B (former Oro/Orillia)
Michael Smith, Conc. 8, Part of Lot 22 (former Oro)
The second principal that was applied was that every effort was made to ensure that we
were not creating situations of non-conformity and non-compliance. When you have five
different by-laws with five different standards and sets of standards and five different sets
of permitted uses, we had to be very, very careful that when we started combining things
that we were not creating situations where one former part of the municipality a certain
permitted use was no longer permitted for whatever reason or the standards have change
such that (inaudible) so we certainly tried to make sure that the standards were looked at
very carefully in order that situations were not created.
The third principal that was applied here was that every effort was made to make the by-
law and the mapping as clear and concise as possible. We tried to use tables as much a
possible throughout the by-law and the mapping is also being created very detailed and
we are using the same type of maps as we used in the Official Plan.
We've also tried to effectively implement the Official Plans goal in simulating economic
activity were ever possible. This means broadening community service in certain areas
especially in Industrial and Commercial areas.
I will very briefly go through some of the zoning document. It is very lengthy and very, ve
technical. I will briefly explain what zones are in this by-law and what their intent is, where
they apply in a very general sense. If you have questions, I will be happy to answer them
There are twenty-one zones in the proposed by-law. There are six residential zones.
There is Residential One (R 1 ) zone that generally applies to residential properties in the
rural settlement areas and the backlot areas adjacent to Lake Simcoe and Bass Lake. Th
R2 zone applies to industrial areas with townhouses and apartment building development.
There are a couple of Rural zones that are RUR1 zone and RUR2 zone that was
previously zoned for residential areas of Medonte and Oro. The RUR2 zone applies to
some designated country residential areas of Oro and also the rural lots that have been
created by consent to sever. The zoning by-law also applies land around the Shoreline
generally those lots that are directly on the water. The RLS Zone which have been
developed to apply to land that are located on municipal roads.
A couple of Commercial Zones that have been developed in Local Commercial Zone (LC)
which is applied to local commercial usage from the Municipalities. The General
Commercial Zone (GC) which is applied to highway commercial development along the
highways. There are five Industrial Zones that are being developed. There is Rural
Industrial Zone (IR) which applies to rural and industrial uses that are not located in the
settlement area or adjacent to Highway 11. There is the Local Industrial (LI) Zone which
applies to preliminary plans that are used for industrial purposes. There is an Economic
Development Zone (ED) which applies to industrial land along Highway 11. There is
Airport Zone (AP) which obviously applies to the airport. And there is a Waste Disposal
Zone (WD) which applies to the one open waste disposal site and the one closed waste
disposal site in the Township.
There are a number of other zones. There is the Agricultural/Rural Zone which generally
applies to a very large area in the Municipality and applies to land that is currently
designated or is suppose to be designated agricultural and rural. There is an
Environmental Protection Zone (EP) which applies to wetlands and river valleys. There is
Open Space Zone (OS) which applies to parkland areas in Municipalities. There is Private
Recreational Zone (PR) that applies to cross-country ski facilities, down-hill ski facilities,
golf courses in the Municipalities. There is Mineral Aggregate Resource One Zone (MAR1
applies to lands that are the site of a pit. There is a Mineral Aggregate Resource Two
Zone (MAR2) that applies to lands that have been identified in the Official Plan as having
potential use for aggregate extraction. There is an Institutional Zone (I) that applies to
lands that are used by the community, such as places of worship and schools. There is
Future Development Zone (FD) that applies to lands in the Horseshoe Valley Village.
Mr. Anderson:
Requested clarification on page 82, paragraph 7.83 and 7.84.
Sam Cancilla:
Plan 712, lot 4 and lot 8 - Object to H (holding) symbol on their properties. Read letter
from former Reeve indicating that all the roads were responsibility of Township.
Bill Darby:
Plan 712, lot 10 and lot 11 - Has maintained the road over the years and has paid for thes
services. Does not want to sign an agreement as it relieves the Township of Liability.
Feels that the road on Plan 712 should be maintained to some degree by the Township.
Mr. Darby had petition from other residents in Plan 712.
Rhonda Leeman:
Speaking on behalf of Mrs. Wiles Lot 5, Plan 712 objects to the H (holding) symbol being
placed on land. Taxes are high on this property and she felt servicing should be done by
Ruth Darby:
Spoke for Mr. Buchanan and indicated that maintenance of this road in Plan 712 should b
assumed by the township.
Chris Forrester:
Lot 1, Plan 712 - Has signed off on his property as he needed to build a house on Plan
712 and wishes to indicate this was under duress.
Frank Tecklenberg:
Lot 12 and Lot 18, Plan 712 - Lot 12 has a house but Lot 18 does not. Investigating
building on Lot 18, Mr. Tecklenberg objects to the Holding symbol.
Gary Bell:
Skelton Brumwell- Conc. 8, pt. Lot 21, encourages Council to establish a way in which thi
property may move forward without a Secondary Plan.
. Pits and Quarries - Mineral Agriculture Two - He believes agricultural uses should be
. Portable Asphalt Plants should be added to chart
. Before special provisions would create a non-conformity with most of the pits in
Nick McDonald:
Further discussion needs to occur with the land owners in Conc. 8, pt. Lot 21 and the
matters concerning Pits and Quarries will be looked at .
Deputy Mayor:
Agriculture uses in Pits and Quarries is already covered in County Plan. Changes have
just been made.
- 5-
Bill Darby:
What is a private road on a lane?
Mr. Anderson:
Mineral Aggregate Resources Two has no markings on the third line to a certain point and
was seeking clarification as to whether this was a Shoreline Residential Zone.
Nick McDonald:
Yes, this should be indicated as a Shoreline Residential Zone.
There being no further questions or comments, when being called for the third time, the
Mayor in closing the meeting, thanked those in attendance for their participation and
advised that Council would consider all matters before reaching a decision. He then
advised those present that if they wished to be notified of the passing of the proposed By-
law, they should leave their name and address with the Clerk.
Motion #1
Moved by Halfacre, seconded by Sommers
Be it resolved that this Special Public Meeting of Council (new Draft Zoning By-law) now b
adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
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