04 02 1998 SpCOW Minutes ",,';, . . I THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING Report No. 98-7, Thursday, April 2, 1998 @ 1:00 p.m. - Committee Room Present: Mayor Ian Beard Deputy Mayor Don Bell Councillor Lillian McConnell Councillor Ralph Hough Councillor Neil Craig Councillor Ron Sommers Councillor Ruth Fountain Absent: Staff Present: Deborah Broderick, Director, Recreation & Community Economic Development, Keith Mathieson, Manager Public Works, Ron Kolbe, C.B.O., Jeff Brydges, Deputy Treasurer, Paul Eenhoorn, Fire Chief, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO/Treasurer, Andria Leigh, Planner, Lynda Aiken, Clerk Also Present Were: Mayor Beard chaired the meeting and called the meeting to order at 1 :25 p.m. 1. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: -IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT. None declared. 2. DEPUTATIONS: 3. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: (a) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO/Treasurer, re: 1998 Budget Deliberations 4. PUBLIC WORKS: 5. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT: 6. COMMUNITY SERVICE: 7. ADDENDUM: 8. IN-CAMERA SESSION: '" - ' -2- ~ Moved bY Craig, seconded bY Bell da \Or tl'\B special committee 0\ the Whole It is recommended that t\12e ~~e;8 be adopted as prioted aod circulated. MeetlOg, i\1ursday, Mnl ' carr\ed. ~ Moved bY I-IOUg\1, seconded bY Mcconoell d rule 21ld) 0\ PfOcedural By-law 95-44 in It is recommended t\1at we suspen d t t\1e normal adiDumment \1oUr 0\ 4:00 order to allow the meeting to pfOcee pas p.ro. carr\ed. ~ Moved bY Mcconnell, seconded bY l-IoUg\1 It is recommended t\1at we do nOw adjOUm @ 4:12 p.m. carr\ed. lerk, Jennifer z\eleo\ews\<.i Mayor, \aO aeard