12 02 1998 SP Public Minutes
December 2, 1998 @ 7:05 p.m.
Mayor Ian Beard
Deputy Mayor Don Bell
Councillor Lillian McConnell
Councillor Ralph Hough
Councillor Ruth Fountain
Councillor Ron Sommers
Councillor Neil Craig (declared a Pecuniary Interest
and left the room for this meeting)
Staff Present:
Keith Mathieson, Manager Public Works, Andria
Leigh, Township Planner
Also Present:
Derek Anderson, Garth Daniels, Madeleine Rowe,
Dwight Evans, Angie Leigh, Rosemary Dunsmore,
Joyce Long, Neita Keddy, Kathleen Short, Keith
Chamberlain, Paul Fallon, Robyn Fallon, Bob
Johnston, Lynda Johnston, Allan Johnson, Stephen
McCauley, Carl Arnold, David McPhee
Mayor Beard called the meeting to order and advised that all persons present
would be afforded the opportunity of asking questions in respect to the proposed
official plan amendment.
It was noted that correspondence had been received from the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Housing indicating that they have no concerns on the
subject amendment as they understand there are only 13 affected lots, and also
from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority saying that based on the
mandate and policies, they have no objections to its approval.
Andria Leigh, Township Planner, gave an overview of the purpose of this meeting
and the proposed official plan amendment.
Paul Fallon asked what the impact would be on those lots where there were two
properties on one lot before the Township reverted it back to one property (when
it was originally split). Would they be able to retain the original boundaries, or
would they have to adhere to new boundaries? Where there were small lots
beforehand, will there still be allowance?
Ms. Leigh explained that if information could be provided showing that they were
two separate lots, they could ask the Township to recreate the two lots that were
there. She indicated that every situation will be different, so specific lot sizes are
not written into the official plan amendment. Provided there is a septic system on
the property and a well (either a shared well or an individual well), and the Health
Unit says that there is sufficient room for that system, we can recreate the
original parcel size.
Deputy Mayor Bell asked about a time frame for people to get started on this,
and Ms. Leigh said we would likely adopt the amendment as existing when it
comes forward to Council, but in the resolution we would indicate that this
amendment is not to be carried forward in the next review of the Official Plan at
the five year term. It should be taken out at that time.
Councillor McConnell queried whether the people at this meeting would have
time to get this done before the policy is taken away, and Ms. Leigh indicated
that since we're already a year into that process, there is only about 3-1/2 years
until the next review is started. In most cases, it takes six months to a year for a
severance. People really only have about a year to a year and a half to make the
application and get the Committee to approve it. People are encouraged to get
started as soon as possible.
Garth Daniels thought that right now, a farmer could build a house on his
property for his hired help, and Ms. Leigh said that this was true in the previous
official plan, but we were finding that it wasn't actually turning out to be for farm
help and it was taken out of the official plan. In the case where a farmer has
already built a house for hired help, he would still be entitled to build a retirement
house as well. It would not be three residential lots, but the farm and two
residential lots.
Madeleine Rowe asked if there was going to be any requirements needed for
approval from neighbours. Ms. Leigh indicated that as part of the Planning Act,
any application for severance under the Committee of Adjustment care requires
the Township to notify neighbours within 400 feet. Comments could then be
addressed at the Committee of Adjustment hearing.
Motion No.1
Moved by Bell, Seconded by Hough
Be it resolved that this Special Meeting of Council be adjourned at 7: 15 p.m.