03 17 1999 Sp Public Minutes TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING March 17, 1999 @ 7:07 p.m. PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT Present: Mayor Ian Beard Deputy Mayor Don Bell Councillor Lillian McConnell Councillor Ralph Hough Councillor Ron Sommers Councillor Ruth Fountain ~" Absent: Councillor Neil Craig - declared a pecuniary interest Staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO/Treasurer, Andria Leigh, Township Planner Also Present: A. J. Blauer (Packet and Times), Garth Daniels, Rob Hazlett, Chris Hazlett Mayor Beard called the meeting to order and advised that all persons present would be afforded the opportunity of asking questions in respect to the proposed official plan amendment. It was noted that correspondence had been received from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority indicating that they have reviewed the application, and based on their mandate and policies, they have no objections to its approval. Correspondence was also received from the Ministry of Transportation indicating that they had a concern with the amendment, and they proposed some new wording for certain sections of that amendment. This information has been passed on to Ms. Leigh. Ms. Andria Leigh, Township Planner, gave an overview of the purpose and effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment. Mr. Garth Daniels, Mr. Chris Hazlett and Mr. Rob Hazlett had questions with respect to whether the amendment related to retirement lots, road frontage requirements, survey requirements and the process required for an application. Motion No.1 Moved by Bell, Seconded by Hough Be it resolved that this Special Public Meeting of Council re: a proposed Official Plan Amendment to permit the Committee of Adjustment to consider application for consent for properties to correct situations where two or more lots have merged on title, now be at 7:14 p.m. Carried. A tape of the meeting is available for review.