1980-1402 Oro CaImprim IT-1W
�lMmicipal Corporation of the phipr,¢£ ;fedoaft �
sy-lar i. 1402
Where" b7 by-Im amber 1392 the aeuacil of the Cerperatiea authorised
the borrowing of $166.700.00 by the issue and Bale of dsbeatoras to preside far
the Cost of Aerewboe Talley, local improvement for the construCtiea of waterteine
and peeping station.
And Whayas the eonaat or approval of the Ontario *:tpal board has
been obtained by order ala. 7-0393-80.006 dated the 4th day of October. 19s0.
And ihsseas a tsepesrary, loan is required for the coat of the work until
such tine as debentures are Lowed gad gold and the procoo+le are rssdvsd•
And Vhsrsas no dsbsnturss in respect of the said cork have been sold,
pledged or otherwise disposed of.
Naw, therefore. the Council of the ilanisipal Corporation of the Township
of 14e4oate snaats as follows
lot That the leave and the Trwoursr of the Corperatlsn be and they ars Terrey
authertasd and sap, — I to borrow on behalf of the Osrporstion fret tits to time as
may be required fy= The Tarento-pomiaiea sank euah smss as ry be eoaeseasy but not
emassdissg in all the am of one fhadrod and silty six Thousand, seven Oundred---»-
.-.=/IW Dollars for the puspoess aforesaid.
e Ind That the Reeve and the Treasurer aforesaid be and they an hereby
author€sed to pay or allow the said sank intarest an the said s s so borreaeal at
the Toronto sominisa smoke pries interest rate which rate shall be as notified by
the said to the Tref war from time to tlsr.
#. 3rd 'that the Rema and the Treasurer be and they ars hereby authorised on
behalf of the corporation to sign and em mute under its corporate awl, preatissears
note or nage for any se or enter go borrowed and any renewals thereof as way be rsgairad
and in like newer to enoeswts an hypothecation.of the said debentures and dalilsr the
said note or notes, the said hypothecation and the said debantnnree to the said beak.
-4th That the prosceds of ovary such lean shall be applied for the purpean
eforwaid but The Tereate-Dominion sank shall not be bound to sea to the appliaatisa
of any loss.
5th=hat this by-low shall cote into for" and bow effect immediately frQW
and after the pawing thereof.
Pigged this 11th day of November . 19lime of me vorporatsmi Clem)
A7ivy9fvL�»? �i��rrva�-
I hereby eertifiy that the foregoing is a true espy of by-law No.
" Moonstone Ilth November £0
Dated at
this day of , 14 •
V Nittreaa the Teal
of the Corporation
BY - LAWS ti EDQNTE Twp. 1980
VOLUME 4 1951-1980