2020-100 By-law to Authorize the Execution of An Agreement Between the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte and Elyse Danielle Hauer and Alan Chun-Yue PoonThe Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte By-law No. 2020-100 A By-law to Authorize the Execution of An Agreement Between The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte and Elyse Danielle Hauer and Alan Chun-Yue Poon Whereas Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte did on the 19th day of May 1999, enact By-law No. 99-50, Being a By-law to provide policy for encroachments on road allowances and municipally owned property; And Whereas the Township, pursuant to By-law No. 99-50, has granted permission to maintain the said Encroachment(s) upon the condition of entering into an Encroachment and License Agreement; And Whereas the Municipal Act, 2001,S.O. 2001, c.25, Section 224, as amended, states that it is the role of Council to ensure that administrative practices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of Council; And Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte deems it desirable to enter into an Encroachment and License Agreement with Elyse Hauser and Chun Yue-Poon; Now Therefore the Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte hereby enacts as follows: That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this By -Law. 2. This by-law shall take effect on the final passing thereof. 3. That By -Law No. 2015-168 is hereby repealed in its entirety. By-law read a First, Second and Third time, and Passed this gth day of September, 2020. The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte Mayor, H.S. HHyfgheLicho�n4 s Clerk, vonneAU siy le aauMo ay} Aq panowaJ aq y}IMyllol Ileys (s)}u9wg0eoa0u3 ay} 'digsuMol ay} y}!M luaweeAV luewaoeldej a o}ui .Ialue of sl!el jesego.Ind jo aa.Ialsuejl ay} Juana ay} ul -luaweejBV luawaoeldej yons olui 6uualue ui diysuMol ay} f%q paiinbei aie se seal elepdadde lie lied pue (uiajay se lualuoo pue wiol a�!i ui aq lleys }uawaaa6y yo!gm pue) diysuMol ay} yllM luaweel6y Mau e o}ui .Ialue of paiinbei eq llegs oqm jesegand ao aajalsuejl yons to sseippe pue aweu ay} yl!M diysuMol ay} ap!nad pegs pue loejegl builuM ui diysumol ay} foou gl!Myllol pegs jeuMo ay} 'spue-I s,jeuMo ay} to .Ialsueil jo ales ay} uodn •awil leyl le eoeld ui saoiloeid pue saioilod s,diysuMol ay} y}!M eouep.I000e ui pajap!suoo aq lleys uoi}eoilddy yons os op of awl} ay} le }oage ul seal aleudoidde lie 6uiAed pue sdals tiesseoeu lie buiWj 'awes Mauej of Aldde 'diysunnol ay} of aoilou uaguM aoud sAep (09) !qx!s uodn pue .Iapunajeq suoile6ilgo siy to llnelap ui }ou si aq pepinoid 'Aew aauMo ay} 'paluea6 u!aaay weal aeGA (g) ang yoea to tildxe ay} uodn luaweei6y siy} Mauej o} segs!M .IauMO agl }uana ay} ul •panowaJ aq (s) luawgoecuou3 ay} ley} IenJalul JeaA ani} yoea le }uawaimbei epll euoq Aue paleoipui }ou sey digsuMol ay} ley} papinad 'swial Zl, to lelol a.1ol pue 'swUal JeGA ang jegllnl jol elgeMauaa 'sieeft ang to weal a 101 (s)luawg0eo10u3 ay} to jaloeieyo ay} a6uego jou puedxe Alanguelsgns }ou }nq (s)}uawyoeaou3 p!es ay} uieluiew pue ssessod 'esn Alan!sn!oxe of lg6p ay} sey jaunno ay}leg} saai6e Agaaay diysuMol ay} 'pewioped pue pall!llnl 'panjasgo aq of aauMo ay} to fled ay} uo pau!eluoo jalleuiajeq slueweei6e pue slueuanoo ay} to PUB 'sesiwaid ay} to uoi}e.Iap!suoo u.1 leg} sessoullM }uawaaa6y slyl aaolaaayl MoN 'op of paaa6e sey .IauMo ay} yoIgm 'luawaaa6y sIy} olw saalue ieunno ay} ley} uol}lpuoo ay} uodn (s)}uawyoeojou3 pies ay} u!eluiew of uoissiwaad jeuMo ay} of palueA sey '49dold pauMo AlledioiunN pue seouemopy peon{ uo sluawgoeoaou3 jol Aoilod ap!noJd o} Mel -AS a 6uiaq '09-66 'ON Mel-Ag of luensind 'digsumol ay} seaaayM puy '(„(s)luawyoea3u3 ay}„ SE of paJaalaJ Alangoapoo aapulaiay) o}aaay pegoel}e „8„ elnpegoS ui paquosap lualxa ay} of spuel s,diysuMol ay} uo sluewyoeoaoue suieluiew jeumo ay} seaaayM puy '(„spue-I s,diysuMol„ ag}) a}uopaVq-oao to digsuMol ay} ui 'gZg ueld paja}s!69�{ yl!M aouepa000e ul apeuewasa d ajoyje-} se uMoys spuel ay} to aauMo ayl si diysuMol ay} seaaayM puy !(„spuel s,ieuMo„ ayl) olajay payoelle „y„ elnpegoS ui paquosap Alielnoped ajow aie spuel goigM 'aluopalnl-oao to diysuMol ay} ui pa}en}Is ses!waid pue spuel ulepeo to ieumo ay} sl Jeumo ay} seaaayM lied puooeS ayl 10 („aauMo„ ayl) uood onAmun4o uely jeneH apaluea DSAG }led ls.nd ayl l0 („diysuMol„ ay}) aluopaW-oao 10 dlysunnol ayl ;o uolleaodjoo aq I :uaan4ee 'OZOZ to Aep ' slyl spew luawaal6y esuaol-1 pue luawyoeojou3 'ON Mul-AS 01 olnpe4oS •apeuewad ay; uo palaidwoo eq of speau legj �joM jol awes aimbei Ajgeuoseaj diysuMol aLil pinoys 'paleoolaa ao panowaj eq Aew awes leyl pue `palaidwoo ueeq seq eoueuelulew Aue jelle alels uoilonjlsuoo -ajd sli of apeuewoad ayl wnlaj of say elJapun jaunno ay} leLil papinad 'awes ulelulew of pellgue eq lleys pue 'lu9wa9a6y sly; „g„ alnpayos le paililuepi pue to uognoexe ay} to awl} ay} le eoeld ui •ola 'bupgeo leouloele 'scup eleM se Lions '(uoisinoid sly} to Alp ieueb ay} 6uiliwil lnogliM) ainlonalseilul eoelJns -qns Aue 'uoileool luesaid clay} ui 'ulelulew of slLi6p aLil aney Ileys aauMo ayl •g •sleloillo sli jo diysuMo I ay} to eoue6il6au ay} Aq pasneo si awes ssalun 'awes Aq pasneo oilqnd ay} of tinfui jo apeuewojd ay} uo palols 6ulaq ellynn (s)luewgoeojou3 Ajejodwal ayl to Xue of pasneo abewep Aue jo; elgep eq lou lleys slelogo sll jo diysumol ayl •g •apeuewoad ay; 6uole ssaooe apadwl jo ollgnd ay} of piezeq Ajejes a asod lou saop abejols Lions leyl amsue of 'apeuewwd eql uo pajols (s)luewyoeoaou3 ayl loadsui of ly6u ay} aney pegs diysuMol ayl 'ollgnd ay} of paezey A}a;es a asod ao aleajo lou saop pue epeuewwd ayl 6uole ssaooe ollgnd apadwl lou saop awes ;eql AeM a Lions ui pajols eq peys (s)luawyoeoaou3 Ajejodwal ay; pue 'Nsii s,Jeumo eqj le 'apeuewad ay} uo luaweei6y siLil to „g„ alnpayos le pagiluepi (s)luawyoeaou3 Ajeaodwal ay} ajols of jg6u ay} aney peys aauMo ayl •q •aauMo eqj to asuadxa alos ay; le eq lleys lenowaJ pue uollilowap to lsoo ay; pue 'OS op Aew diysumol eql 'piesejole se aauMo ayl Aq panowaa lou aMe (s)lUeWgoeoaou3 ay} ll •pue ue le peweep eq lleys pue pa�onGU eq lleys (s)luewyoeojou3 aql to aoueualulew ay} 101 ulaJeq uanl6 uolsslwaad ay} pue lenowaU Lions aol Janaos;eyM uogesuadwoo Aue of pellpe 6ulaq lnogllM 'spue-1 s,diysuMol ay} woal (s)lu9wy0ea0u3 pies ayl anowaa 'luaw9aJ6y sly} ul uoislnojd jaylo Aue buipuelsylinnlou 'asuadxa unno sll le `lpM jauMo ay} 'iauMo ay; of aollou ualluM joud sAep (pg) AV!gj uo `leloglo 6wppng lalyo s,diysuMol ay} to uolloelslles ay} of Medea to alels ejes pue pooh a ul (s)luawy3eaou3 eqI 6ulule;ulew ui loa16au ao liel jeunno ayl pinogS •playyliM Xlgeuoseaaun eq lou peys luesuoo golyM 'diysuMol ay} to luasuoo ayl 6ululelgo;sal} lnoyliM '(s)luawyoeoaou3 ay} of suogeogipow palelaj Aue a�ew lou plM pue aledej to alels jedoid pue pooh ul (s)luawy3eaou3 pies ayl ulelulew pue deeM 'lelol}}o 6uippng laiLio s,diysuMol ay} to uoiloelsges ayl of pue asuadxa uMo sli le plM aauMo ayl E •ua� elJapun aaaM snedej tiessaoau ayl leyl looid pue Mainaj Ala;es ayl;o Adoo e yliM diysuMol ayl apinoad lleys aauMo ayl •diysuMol ayl to uoiloelslles elgeuoseaa ayl of 'Main91 ayl Aq pajinbaj se 'snedej tiessaoau Aue a�elJapun pue (s)luawy0ea0u3 ayl to MainaU fllales a lonpuoo of jeaufte leuoissalad pagilenb a ulelej 'luaweei6y siyl to uollnoaxe uodn yliMyljol 'pegs iauMo eql z •diysuMol ayl Aq 'pannbaj li 'spue-1 sdauMo GqI aol pa xel aLil of pappe eq Aew pue aeaA yoee ul Aelnl to Aep Isl• eqj uegl jalel ou elgeAed eq 1pM eal lenuue ayl •sluaweei6y luawy0eoJ0u3 col MelAe seBjeyo pue saad luajmo s,diysuMol ayl ui paleindils se aal lenuue ue diysuMol ayl of !ed of seeift aauMo eq I :sMopol se diysuMol aqj yllM seaa6e pue slueuanoo Agejeq aauMo ayl 'uolsslwaad Lions to diysuMol 9qj Aq builumb ayl to uollejeplsuoo ul •(s)lu9wy0ea0u3 eglto amleu alenud ayl ftleoipui a6eu6is elgeuoseei apinoid of seeift diysuMol eq I •(s)lu9wy0eoa3u3 ayl to uoissassod pue esn anisnioxe 941 aney pegs aauMo ayl 'loajayl lemaual Aue pue 'luaw99j6y slyl to wwal eqj buunQ •lenowaJ Jo uoililowap to lsoo aLil aol diysumol ayl of algell AIleJanas pue Allulof eq ileys eejejsueal jo jeseLiolnd pue aauMo ayl pue 'os op Aew diysuMol aLil LiolyM 6u!I!el pue `asuadxa alos JaJnsui s,JauMO ay} Juana ay} ul -paJnsui leuoi}ippe ue se diysuMol ay} 6uiweu 'Jean( wee ui ReIN;o Aep asl, ay} uegj Ja}eI ou diysuMol ay} of 'Allenuue aouemsui yons;o aouapina apinoJd IIIM JauMO ayl -pamsui leuoi}ippe se a}uopalnl-oJO ;o diysuMol ay} 6ulweu '(00'000'000'Z$) sJellop uoillln oMl }seal le jo Junowe ay} ul (s)4u9wyoeoJou3 @yJ;o aoueua}ulew ay} 6uUGAo0 eoueansui (96ewep RpecloJd pue J(Jnfui leuosJ@d) AJiligeil oilqnd uie}uiew pue uie}go lleys JauMO aq_L EL •(s)}Iw.aad 6uiplinq e;o eouenssi ay} 'oJ paJiwil Jou }nq '6uipnioui suoiJein6aJ PUB sMel-Aq 'sa}nJe}s elgeoildde lie yJIM Aldwoo Ileys (s)1uawy3eoJ0u3 ay};o eoueua}uiew pue uoi}eJado 'uoi}edn000 'uoi}elle}sui 'uoi}onJ}suoo ayl 'Z6 •saaloldwe Jo sJaMJOM 's}uetuas 'sJaogo s}i;o Aue Jo 'diysumol ay} uodn @pew Jo }suie6e Jy6noJq aq puewep Jo wielo '}Ins 'uoi}oe yons Aue pinoys o}aJay} 6ui}ejaJ Jauuew Aue ui 6uiglAue ao/pue o}aJayJ seoueuelindde pue (s)}uawyoeoJou3 pies ay};o aoueua}uiew pue uoi}oeje ay} Jo/pue uoissiwJad yons;o JauMO ay} Aq esioJaxe ay} Jo/pue pa}ueJ6 AgaJay uoissiwJad eqj jo JauMO ay} of diysuMol ay} Xq 6uqueJ6 ay};o }un000e uo jo jo uoseaJ Aq Jo Jo; 'o}aJay sallied aq A9gj Jou Jo Jay}ayM;o ssalpJe6aJ 'way};o lie Jo Aue Aq pied Jo pennoui 'peuie}sns aq Aew yoiyM Janaos}eyM sasuadxa pue s96ewep 'sa6Jeyo 's}soo 'ssol Ile }suiebe pue woJ; pue way};o lie Jo Aue uodn spew Jo }suie6e ly6noJq aq stew yoiyM Janaos}eyM spuewap pue swielo 's}ms 'suoi}oe Ile 1suie6e pue woJ; 'sJo}oeJJuoo pue 's}ua6e 'saaAoldwa sJa)IJOM 's}uenJas 'sJo}oaJlp 'sJaol;;o anI}oadsaJ Jiay} pue (s)}uGwgOeoJou3 Pies ay};o aoueua}ulew Jo uogoaJa ay} Xq pa}oage eq Jauuew Aue ui Aew yoiyM saolnJas Jo sagililn 6uiney ay} Aq paJoage eq aauuew Aue ui Aew yoiyM saolnJas Jo sei}ililn 6ulney saipoq Jo suoissiwwoo 'spJeoq 'suoiJeJodJoo Jay}o !ue pue 'sJo}oeJluoo pue 's}u96e `seeAoidwa 'sJa�JOM 's}uenJas 'sJo}oa np 'sJaogo s}i 'diysuMol ay} /C;auwapui Alin; pue sselwJey dead pue pua;ap 'anes Alrul pue IIIM Jai;eaJay sawi) Ile le pue owi} of ewil woJ; [Jim JeuMO ayl • I.6 -ydeJ6eJed siyl ui pouieluoo s}y6u s,Auedwoo Align Jo s,diysuMol ay};o asioJaxe elgeuoseaJ ay};o Jlnseu a se uoi}esuedwoo Jo sa6ewep Aue o} pallque aq Jou Ileys JauMO ayl •pa}aldwoo ueaq sey aoueua}uiew Aue JaJ;e a}e}s uoi}onJ}suoo -aid sJl of paum}aJ.si (s)}uauJyoeoJ3u3 ay} }eyl papinoJd 'olaJayJ saoueuaJJndde PUB suoi}elle}sui pue seoinJas Jaylo Jo saJiM 'salod 'sadid se6 'sadid Ja}eM 'suieJp 'SIJanlno 'suiew 'sJannas AUe 6u1nouJaJ Jo 6uioeldaJ '6uiuie}uiew '6upiedaJ '6uilonJlsuoo;o asodJnd ay} Jo; 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Between: The Corporation of The Township Of Oro-Medonte (the "Township") Of The First Part -and - Elyse Danielle Hauer Alan Chun-Yue Poon (the "Owner") Of The Second Part Whereas the Owner is the owner of certain lands and premises situated in the Township of Oro-Medonte, which lands are more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto (the "Owner's Lands"); And Whereas the Township is the owner of the lands shown as Lakeshore Promenade in accordance with Registered Plan 626, in the Township of Oro-Medonte (the "Township's Lands"); And Whereas the Owner maintains encroachments on the Township's Lands to the extent described in Schedule "B" attached hereto (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Encroachment(s)"); And Whereas the Township, pursuant to By-law No. 99-50, being a By-law to Provide Policy for Encroachments on Road Allowances and Municipally Owned Property, has granted to the Owner permission to maintain the said Encroachment(s) upon the condition that the Owner enters into this Agreement, which the Owner has agreed to do; Now Therefore This Agreement Witnesses that in consideration of the premises, and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on the part of the Owner to be observed, fulfilled and performed, the Township hereby agrees that the Owner has the right to exclusively use, possess and maintain the said Encroachment(s) but not substantively expand nor change the character of the Encroachment(s) for a term of five years, renewable for further five year terms, and for a total of 12 terms, provided that the Township has not indicated any bona fide requirement at each five year interval that the Encroachment (s) be removed. In the event the Owner wishes to renew this Agreement upon the expiry of each five (5) year term herein granted, the Owner may, provided he is not in default of his obligations hereunder and upon sixty (60) days prior written notice to the Township, apply to renew same, taking all necessary steps and paying all appropriate fees in effect at the time to do so. Such Application shall be considered in accordance with the Township's policies and practices in place at that time. Upon the sale or transfer of the Owner's Lands, the Owner shall forthwith notify the Township in writing thereof and shall provide the Township with the name and address of such Transferee or Purchaser who shall be required to enter into a new Agreement with the Township (and which Agreement shall be in like form and content as herein) and pay all appropriate fees as are required by the Township in entering into such replacement Agreement. In the event the Transferee or Purchaser fails to enter into a replacement Agreement with the Township, the Encroachment(s) shall forthwith be removed by the Owner at his sole expense; and failing which the Township may do so, and the Owner and Purchaser or Transferee shall be jointly and severally liable to the Township for the cost of demolition or removal. During the term of this Agreement, and any renewal thereof, the Owner shall have the exclusive use and possession of the Encroachment(s). The Township agrees to provide reasonable signage indicating the private nature of the Encroach ment(s). In Consideration Of the granting by the Township of such permission, the Owner hereby covenants and agrees with the Township as follows: The Owner agrees to pay to the Township an annual fee as stipulated in the Township's current Fees and Charges Bylaw for Encroachment Agreements. The annual fee will be payable no later than the 1 st day of May in each year, and may be added to the tax roll for the Owner's Lands, if required, by the Township. 2. The Owner shall, forthwith upon execution of this Agreement, retain a qualified professional engineer to conduct a safety review of the Encroachment(s) and undertake any necessary repairs, as required by the review, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Township. The Owner shall provide the Township with a copy of the safety review and proof that the necessary repairs were undertaken. 3. The Owner will at its own expense and to the satisfaction of the Township's Chief Building Official, keep and maintain the said Encroachment(s) in good and proper state of repair and will not make any related modifications to the Encroachment(s), without first obtaining the consent of the Township, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Should the Owner fail or neglect in maintaining the Encroachment(s) in a good and safe state of repair to the satisfaction of the Township's Chief Building Official, on thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Owner, the Owner will, at its own expense, notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, remove the said Encroachment(s) from the Township's Lands, without being entitled to any compensation whatsoever for such removal and the permission given herein for the maintenance of the Encroachment(s) shall be revoked and shall be deemed at an end. If the Encroachment(s) are not removed by the Owner as aforesaid, the Township may do so, and the cost of demolition and removal shall be at the sole expense of the Owner. 4. The Owner shall have the right to store the Temporary Encroachment(s) identified at Schedule "B" of this Agreement on the Promenade, at the Owner's risk, and the Temporary Encroachment(s) shall be stored in such a way that same does not impede public access along the Promenade and does not create or pose a safety hazard to the public. The Township shall have the right to inspect the Encroachment(s) stored on the Promenade, to ensure that such storage does not pose a safety hazard to the public or impede access along the Promenade. 5. The Township or its officials shall not be liable for any damage caused to any of the Temporary Encroachment(s) while being stored on the Promenade or injury to the public caused by same, unless same is caused by the negligence of the Township or its officials. 6. The Owner shall have the rights to maintain, in their present location, any Sub - Surface Infrastructure (without limiting the generality of this provision), such as waterlines, electrical cabling, etc. in place at the time of the execution of and identified at Schedule "B" this Agreement, and shall be entitled to maintain same provided that the Owner undertakes to return the Promenade to its pre - construction state after any maintenance has been completed, and that same may be removed or relocated, should the Township reasonably require same for work that needs to be completed on the Promenade. 7. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as giving to the Owner anything more than permission to maintain the said Encroachment(s) until such time as the removal of such Encroachment(s) from the Township Lands. The Owner agrees that under no circumstances shall additional Encroachment(s) be constructed or placed on the Township's Lands. 8. The Owner hereby releases, waives and forever discharges the Township and its respective agents, officials, servants, contractors, representatives, elected and appointed officials, successors and assigns, of and from all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action, whether in law or equity, in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to the person or any property of the Owner howsoever caused, arising or to arise by reason of the permission granted pursuant to this Agreement. 9. Notwithstanding any consent or approval given by the Township with respect to any plans, specifications or other construction -related matters, the Township will not be in any way liable for the design or construction of any structure, and the party that has obtained the consent or approval of the Township shall be wholly liable for such design and construction. 10. The Owner shall facilitate the construction of any and all utilities over or under the said Encroachment(s), as may be required from time to time. The parties acknowledge and agree that the permission granted in this Agreement does not in any way whatsoever diminish the rights of the Township, or any gas, telephone, telegraph, electric light or other public utility company, their respective officers, servants, workers, employees, agents, and contractors, to enter at all times upon the Encroachment(s) for the purpose of constructing, repairing, maintaining, replacing or removing any sewers, mains, culverts, drains, water pipes, gas pipes, poles, wires or other services and installations and appurtenances thereto, provided that the Encroachment(s) is returned to its pre - construction state after any maintenance has been completed. The Owner shall not be entitled to any damages or compensation as a result of the reasonable exercise of the Township's or utility company's rights contained in this paragraph. 11. The Owner will from time to time and at all times hereafter will and truly save, defend and keep harmless and fully indemnify the Township, its officers, directors, servants, workers, employees, agents, and contractors, and any other corporations, boards, commissions or bodies having utilities or services which may in any manner be affected by the having utilities or services which may in any manner be affected by the erection or maintenance of the said Encroachment(s) and their respective officers, directors, servants, workers, employees, agents, and contractors, from and against all actions, suits, claims and demands whatsoever which may be brought against or made upon any or all of them and from and against all loss, costs, charges, damages and expenses whatsoever which may be sustained, incurred or paid by any or all of them, regardless of whether or not they be parties hereto, for or by reason of or on account of the granting by the Township to the Owner of the permission hereby granted and/or the exercise by the Owner of such permission and/or the erection and maintenance of the said Encroachment(s) and appurtenances thereto and/or anything in any manner relating thereto should any such action, suit, claim or demand be brought against or made upon the Township, or any of its officers, servants, workers or employees. 12. The construction, installation, occupation, operation and maintenance of the Encroachment(s) shall comply with all applicable statutes, by-laws and regulations including, but not limited to, the issuance of a building permit(s). 13. The Owner shall obtain and maintain public liability (personal injury and property damage) insurance covering the maintenance of the Encroachment(s) in the amount of at least Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00), naming the Township of Oro-Medonte as additional insured. The Owner will provide evidence of such insurance annually, to the Township no later than the 15t day of May in each year, naming the Township as an additional insured. In the event the Owner's insurer is unable or unwilling to add the Township as an additional insured to the Owner's policy, the Township agrees to add the Owner as an additional insured to its public liability policy, and any incurred premium, surcharge or administration fee occasioned thereby shall be the responsibility of and paid by the Owner in addition to those fees set out in paragraph 1. 14. In addition, all such sums and costs so paid, sustained or incurred by the Township, as aforesaid, and all such annual fees, or further or other fees to be paid by the Owner as set out herein, shall form and constitute a charge or lien on the Owner's Lands until fully discharged by payment thereof and may be collected in a like manner as taxes. 15. The Township, its officers, servants, workers, employees, agents and contractors under its control or supervision shall have the right from time to time and at all reasonable times during the currency of this Agreement, to enter in and upon the said lands or any part thereof, with all necessary workers, plant, equipment and material for the purpose of inspecting the said Encroachment(s) provided that such inspection shall not free or relieve the Owner in any way whatsoever from the liability under the covenant hereinbefore set forth to keep and maintain the said Encroachment(s) in good and proper repair and condition. 16. (a) All notices, consents, approvals or other communications permitted or required to be given under this Agreement (collectively "Notices") shall be in writing, shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed unless otherwise specifically provided for in this Agreement, and shall be: personally delivered; sent by prepaid mail (except during a postal disruption or threatened postal disruption), or; sent by facsimile, in each case to the applicable address set out below: (i) in the case of the Township: 148 Line 7 South, Oro-Medonte, ON LOL 2E0 Attention: Clerk (ii) in the case of the Owner: 13 Myrtle Ave, Hawkestone, ON, LOL 1T0 (b) Any Notice shall be deemed to have been validly and effectively given and received: if personally delivered, on the date of delivery; if sent by prepaid mail, on the third (3ro) business day next following the date of mailing, provided, however, that during any postal disruption or threatened postal disruption, delivery shall be in person; and if sent by facsimile, on the business day next following the day on which it was sent. (c) Either party under this Agreement may from time to time by Notice to the other party change its address for service under this Agreement. 17. Nothing in this Agreement derogates from, interferes with, or fetters the exercise by the Township of all of its rights and obligations as a municipality (whether discretionary or mandatory), or imposes any obligations on the Township in its role as a municipality, and the Township shall not be prevented from or prejudiced in carrying out its statutory rights and responsibilities, including its planning rights and responsibilities. Nothing in this Agreement derogates from, interferes with, or fetters the exercise by the Township's officers, employees, agents, representatives or elected and appointed officials of all of their rights, or imposes any obligations on the Township's officers, employees, agents, representatives or elected and appointed officials, other than as expressly set out in this Agreement. 18. This Agreement shall be registered on title to the Owner's Lands and on title to the Lakeshore Promenade and the cost of preparation as stipulated in the Township's current Fees and Charges By-law as the application fee for encroachment agreements, and registration of the same shall be borne by the Owner. 19. This Agreement shall be transferrable by the Owner, upon the approval of the Township which shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided that the renewal period(s) under this Agreement has not expired and that the transferee agrees to be enter into a new Agreement with the same provisions and be bound by the Agreement. In Witness Whereof the Township has caused to be affixed its corporate seal under the signatures of its duly authorized officers. Executed at this day of , 2020. The Corporation of The Township Of Oro-Medonte Per: Name: H.S. Hughes Title: Mayor Per: Name: Yvonne Aubichon Title: Clerk UWe have authority to bind the Corporation. In Witness Whereof the Owner hereto has hereunto affixed its hand. Executed at Oii ll iti this -Q4 day of Se.(�tx 2020. V) Elyse Dan eli le Hauer Alan Chun-Yue Poon Schedule "A" Owner's Lands: Lot 53, Part Lot 58, Plan 626, Township of Oro-Medonte, County of Simcoe. PIN 58561-0172 (LT) Municipally known as 13 Myrtle Avenue. Schedule "B" Township Lands: Part of the Lakeshore Promenade North-East of Owen Road, Registered Plan 626, designated as Part 18, Plan 51 R-36152, (Geographic Township of Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte, County of Simcoe, being Part of PIN 58561-0002 (LT) Encroachments as set out below: Permanent Encroachments 1. Concrete stairs As located on Part 18 Plan of Survey 51 R-36152. Temporary Encroachments 1. Seasonaldock Sub -surface Infrastructure 1. Waterline 2. Electrical cabling