2020-048 By-law to Provide for the Purposed Street Naming, Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 2018-SUB-02 (East Oro Estates) Part of Lot 16, Con. 11 (Oro) Township of Oro-MedonteThe Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte By-law No. 2020-048 A By-law to Provide for the Proposed Street Naming, Draft Plan of Subdivision Application 2018-SUB-02 (East Oro Estates) Part of Lot 16, Con. 11 (Oro) Township of Oro-Medonte Whereas the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, Section 11(3) authorizes a municipality to pass by-laws with respect to highways. And Whereas the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, Section 61(1) provides that the municipality may enter upon land lying along a highway to install and maintain a sign setting out the name of a highway. And Whereas Council for The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte adopted, by Motion No. SC200429-_, that the street name "Eagle Way Court" be assigned to the East Oro Estates subdivision. Now Therefore the Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the highway located within Draft Plan of Subdivision 2018-SUB-02 (East Oro Estates), Part of Lot 16, Con. 11 (Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte, County of Simcoe, shall, on the day this by-law takes effect, be named as: Street `A': "Eagle Way Court". 2. That the name for the public highway "Eagle Way Court" shall be affixed at every affected intersection thereof on public property. Where it is not practical to affix the name on public property, it shall be affixed on private property. 3. This by-law shall take effect on the final passing thereof. By -Law read a First, Second and Third Time, and Passed this 29th Day of April, 2020. The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte Mayor, H.S. Hugos J_Lu__ Clerw Yvonne Aubichon