12 10 2019 SpCouncil Agenda
The Township of Oro-Medonte
Special Council Meeting Agenda
Council Chambers
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
12:30 p.m. - Open Session
The Township of Oro-Medonte is committed to providing and maintaining a working
environment that is based on respect for the dignity and rights of everyone within the
organization and for those individuals visiting our organization.
The Township of Oro-Medonte supports and fosters an environment that is safe,
welcoming and respectful for all residents, visitors, members of Council and staff.
1. Call to Order - Moment of Reflection:
2. Adoption of Agenda:
a) Motion to Adopt the Agenda.
3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest:
4. Deputations:
2 - 5a) 12:30 p.m. Gord Knox re: Short Term Rentals (STR / Airbnbs) \[Additional
information from November 27, 2019 Council meeting\].
5. Confirmation By-Law:
6 a) 2019-130: Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Special Council
meeting held on Tuesday, December 10, 2019.
6. Adjournment:
a) Motion to Adjourn.
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4.a) 12:30 p.m. Gord Knox re: Short Term Rentals (STR / Airbnbs) \[Additi...
Request for Deputation Before Council/Committee
Any written or electronic submissions and background information for consideration by Council/
Committee must be submitted to the Clerk by 9:00 a.m. 7 calendar days prior to the preferred meeting.
Electronic submissions should be submitted in Microsoft PowerPoint /Microsoft Word format.
Preferred Meeting and Date: December 11, 2019
I am requesting deputation to speak:
a) X on my own behalf; or
b) on behalf of a group/organization; please state name below. By stating the group/organization
name below, you confirm that you are duly authorized to act on behalf of the identified group/
organization and that the group/organization hereby gives its approval for you to act on this matter.
I would like to use: projector laptop
Name(s) of Speaker(s) A deputation wishing to appear before Council/Committee shall be limited to no
more than two (2) speakers with a total speaking time of not more than ten (10) minutes.
Name: Gord Knox Name: __________________________
Have you presented a deputation previously on this matter? Yes X No
Subject of Presentation
Please describe below, the subject matter of the requested presentation in sufficient detail, to provide the
Township a means to determine its content and to assess its relative priority to other requests for
presentation. Weight will be given to those requests that provide more detailed descriptions of the
Irecently applied for and was accepted to present my opinion on November 27, 2019 related to regulating
short term rentals in Oro-Medonte. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, my travel
plans and return to Canada were delayed and both I and Kim Pressnail ( the back up speaker) were unable
to attend before Council. I understand that in my place, David Donnelly, a lawyer hired by some
concerned residents, spoke to some of my slides and the opinion letter that I provided to Council.
Since my opinion was written, an LPAT decision in Toronto was released regarding regulating short term
rentals. Thus, I have new material to present. I would like to have the opportunity to present this new
material to Council that will include the potential planning impacts of this recent LPAT decision on
regulating Short Term Rentals. As well, I would like to lay out and evaluate various planning options that
Council should consider given this recent decision.
Please identify the type of action you are seeking of Council/Committee on this issue.
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No Action, e.g., an awareness of topic or organization.
4.a) 12:30 p.m. Gord Knox re: Short Term Rentals (STR / Airbnbs) \[Additi...
To Request Action. Please describe in detail.
If you are requesting action, have you been in contact with a staff member to seek a resolution with
regard to this matter? Yes No
If yes, who were you in contact with? _Not applicable_______________________________________
Reason why this presentation is important to Council and to the municipality:
As I wrote before, I believe that it is vitally important that Council be provided with sound planning advice
related to the regulation of short term rental accommodations. I recently read that this issue may be the
single biggest issue ever to face Council since the original zoning by-laws related to residential uses were
enacted. I agree. The impact of any decision of Council will potentially impact communities and
neighbourhoods for many years to come. I believe that this is an issue that crosses generations and
Council has a unique opportunity to get this right. Therefore, I would like the chance to help Council and
the citizens of Oro-Medonte by providing the best planning information that I can,
Date of Request: December 2, 2019
Name of Requestor: Gord Knox
Address: 653 Lakelands Avenue Innisfil, Ontario L9S 4E5
Telephone: withheld - Private Fax: N/A
Email: gordknox65@gmail.com
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4.a) 12:30 p.m. Gord Knox re: Short Term Rentals (STR / Airbnbs) \[Additi...
December 4, 2019
Janette Teeter
Deputy Clerk
Township of Oro-Medonte,
148 Line 7 South,
Oro-Medonte, ON.
Further to your email yesterday, please find a summary below of the critical information that I intend to
provide to Council and to the members of the public. This summary is the same information that I would
have put on some PowerPoint slides but I regret that I just do not have time to prepare them before 9:00
AM this morning. I can assure you and Council that the information that I hope to provide, is all
additional information that was not originally provided in my written opinion dated November 18, 2019.
This latter opinion was provided to the Township on a pro bono basis. I am a retired planner who is just
trying to assist Council and the public in a matter that is vitally important to communities and
neighbourhoods of Oro-Medonte. Decisions made by Council in this matter will affect communities and
neighbourhoods for a very long time.
At a meeting with the Mayor and the late deputy Mayor Scott Jermey about a month ago, I was personally
invited to address Council regarding the regulation of short term rentals. I am sorry that I was unable to
attend before Council on November 27, 2019. This deputation will be my opportunity to fulfill that
invitation. I look forward to our meeting.
Summary of my Deputation
Working Title: Oro-Medonte
1. Life after the Toronto LPAT Decision (November 18, 2019). I intend to describe the
important findings of the LPAT decision and how it helps us to better understand whether
Short Term Rentals in Oro-Medonte are illegal under the current zoning by-law. In
some people, inexperienced in municipal planning, have been offering thoughts that are
in my opinion, confusing. I would like to try and bring enlightenment and clarity to this
2. The effect of the Interim Control By-law. I have read some learned discussions about the
effects of the Interim Control By-Law and I would like to add my thoughts to this
discussion. My view: The Interim Control By-Law was unnecessary and need not have
been passed by Council.
3. Licensing and why it is a difficult and a dangerous path. Licensing may be suitable for
some jurisdictions like Toronto or Ottawa, but it is a perilous path for the Township. I
will explain why.
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4.a) 12:30 p.m. Gord Knox re: Short Term Rentals (STR / Airbnbs) \[Additi...
4. The challenges of the Township carrying out fair public consultations. Many constituents
are summer-seasonal residents and might find it difficult to attend a public meeting
scheduled in the off-season. Further, providing sufficient and proper notice to these
people is a challenge, particularly given that the Orillia Packet and Times and the Barrie
Examiner no longer exist.
5. Tribunal Hearings. In my opinion, I believe that the Township has a rather steep hill to
climb. Given what I have read, and what I understand from appearing as an expert in over
200 OMB hearings, Council and the public need to know the challenges that Council will
face should it decide to undertake zoning changes.
6. Solutions. I will end my talk with some very frank advice for Council that I believe
everyone in the Township should hear. It is my belief that there is a clear path forward
that needs to be understood and accepted.
That will conclude my talk.
Yours truly,
Gordon Knox. MCIP, RPP. Retired.
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5.a) 2019-130: Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Special ...
Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, C. 25, as amended
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