2019-033 By-law to amend the zoning provisions which apply to lands at Part of Lot 40, Concession 1 WPR (Vespra) Township of Oro-MedonteThe Corporation of the Township Of Oro-Medonte By -Law No. 2019-033 A By-law to amend the zoning provisions which apply to lands at Part of Lot 40, Concession 1 W.P.R. (Vespra) Township of Oro-Medonte 2019-ZBA-05 (Brunelle) Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte is empowered to pass By-laws to regulate the use of land pursuant to Sections 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13; And Whereas Council deems it appropriate to rezone the subject lands. Now Therefore the Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte hereby enacts as follows: Schedule 'A14' to Zoning By-law 97-95, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone symbol applying to the lands located in Part of Lot 40, Concession 1 W.P.R. (Vespra), Township of Oro-Medonte, from the Agricultural/Rural Exception 15 (A/RU*15 ) Zone to a Residential One (Ri) Zone, as shown on Schedule 'A' attached and forming part of this By-law. 2. Schedule "A" attached to By-law No. 2019-033 is declared to form a part of this By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect upon the date of passage hereof, subject to the provisions of the Planning Act, as amended. By -Law read a First, Second and Third Time, and Passed this 31d Day of April, 2019. The Corporation of The Township Of Oro-Medonte Dep y Clerk, Janette Teeter Schedule "A" To By -Law No. 2019-033 The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte :$4T2 04 09 3406 3239 2106 \\ 3396 2019 e t5eero 3392 3225 O 2093 3386 10 21 3378 3209 3191 3370 3362 3185 6 3175 3342 3276 3350 3145 A eh 7 sus 13 3324 3127 3119 3300 3119 Lands to be Rezoned ®From AgdculturaVRural Exception 15 (A/RU`15) Zone To Residential One (R1) Zone This is Schedule "A" to By -Law 2019-033 passed the 3rd day of April, 2019 Mayor Deputy Township of Oro-Medonte (Application 2019-ZBA-05) 3015