1997-006 To Authorize the Issuance of a Certificate of Maintenance and Final Acceptance (Above Ground Works) for Horseshoe Highlands - Phase 1 (51M-391) t'f'cate of . the :t55usnC8 of " ce" ;!. ;!. 1>8;.n9 " BY-1."" to. 1'>11 tho,,~~e tanOe lp.)>O"e G,,011nd \10,,1<5) f 0" 1!I1ai.ntenance ,and i'3.dna: ~~a~ 1 lSlM-391) ~orsesboe ~3.gb1an s 1> 01' op..o_14EDO}t'rF. or11F- cOiU'O"l\P>or:toN OJ! or11F- oroWNS!!:t ~~_~~ ~O. 91- 06 . of t~e TOwns~iP of oro_~edonte T~e Council of T~e corporat>on enactS as {alloWs: 2. SEcoND orne: or!!:tS 5th D1'>'L OJ! ~UJIll'L. fI'L-1>>' ~ 1'> 11:tp.Sor p.}1I) 1991. ~'L 1?1'SS~ or!!:tS 5th 1)1\.'1 OJ! fI'L-1>>' ~ 1'> 't!!:t1'D or:tbl$ p.}1I) J!:t i"S'Bp..u:AP-~' 1991. ~ . tenance and final ~cceptance T~at t~e certificate of ~~~ses~oe ~ig~la~dS - p~ase 1 \~o..,e Ground works) for ed bY t~e Towns~>P ~ng>neer \51~-391) ~aY now be >ss~ ) in co~pliance wit~ t~e \R.G. Robinson and ~ssoc>ates T~e corporation of t~e . .. Mree~ent between d SDbd~V~s~on d S l..,il In..,est~entS ~t . Towns~iP of oro an a .ntO force and take effect on T~at t~iS By-laW s~all.Co~e > f t~e final date of pass>ng t~ereo . 1. or11F- COiU'O"I\P>or:toN OJ! or11F- oroWNS!!:t1? OJ! oW>-~ ------ ,. ~~. R l:' .<.~~/~ . }O..~Op.., 't~ ~~ --- "7 Roadways in the Horseshoe Highlands - Phase I subdivision consisting of: . IDGHLAND DRIVE from the 4th Line of Oro, westerly to the west limit of Phase 1, a distance of 853.5 metres (2,800.2 feet) . F AIRWAY COURT from Highland Drive, southerly the west, north and east to Fairway Court, a distance of 769.88 metres (2,525.8 feet). , - p'.U'."" .rI r#o,.. ., r-.< - ~7 ~ R.G. ROBINSON AND ASSOCIATES (BARRIE) LTD. TOWNSIDP ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE OF MAINTENANCE AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE (ABOVE GROUND WORKS MUNICIPALITY Township ofOro-Medonte (formerlv Township ofOro) PROJECT Horseshoe Hi!!hlands - Phase I (51M-39n DEVELOPER Salvil Investments Ltd. FILE NO. 12-8837-51 (MMA 43-87028) Description ofthe Works: Roadways in the Horseshoe Highlands - Phase I subdivision consisting of: . HIGHLAND DRIVE from the 4th Line ofOro, westerly to the west limit of Phase 1, a distance of853.5 metres (2,800.2 feet) . F AIRWAY COURT from Highland Drive, southerly the west, north and east to Fairway Court, a distance of769.88 metres (2,525.8 feet). We, RG. Robinson and Associates (Barrie) Ltd., notify the Municipality that to the best of our knowledge and judgement: 1. The Developer named herein has complete4 the required maintenance work, has rectified known deficiencies and has fulfiIIed the other terms of the Subdivision Agreement dated May 29, 1989. 2. The period of maintenance of this Subdivision Agreement expires on the issuance of this ~:iL~ Siprure t&l Jf2 Date: File #8837#1