11 30 2016 SpCouncil Agenda
The Township of Oro-Medonte
Special Council Meeting Agenda
Council Chambers
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
10:30 a.m. - Closed Session
1:30 p.m. - Open Session
1. Call to Order - Moment of Reflection:
2. Adoption of Agenda:
a) Motion to Adopt the Agenda.
3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest:
4. Closed Session Items:
a) Motion to go In Closed Session.
b) Motion to Rise and Report.
c) Robin Dunn, CAO re: Acquisition/disposition of land; Labour
relations/employee negotiations (Environmental Services).
5. Reports of Municipal Officers:
2 - 41a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic Initiatives; Catherine
Oosterbaan, Ec.D., CEcD, Agriculture and Rural Economic Development
Advisor, Food and Rural Affairs re: Economic Development Strategic
Planning Session.
6. Confirmation By-Law:
42 a) By-Law No. 2016-171: Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the
Special Council meeting held on Wednesday, November 30, 2016.
7. Adjournment:
a) Motion to Adjourn.
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
Stakeholder Feedback (Facilitated discussion with 12 regional ED stakeholders)Lake Country BR+E Highlights (Results from interviews with 40 Oro-Medonte businesses)Tourism Asset Mapping
Project draft recommendationsWhat Your Partners Are Doing?
Information package Creating a visionGoals and objectivesHomework
Economic Development Strategic Planning Session #2
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
the Township according to BR+E results
Marketing opportunityGood for sports, recreation, leisure
Proximity to the GTA, situated between 2 larger municipalitiesHighway 11/Highway 400_Rural living_ with close access to employment opportunities and amenitiesQuality of life/placeAffordable
housing in OrilliaTopographyDestination Marketing PartnershipNeighbouringpost-secondary institutionsLarger labourmarket with adjacent larger citiesStrong business support networksBusiness
retention through strong _local to local_ mentalityCurrent business owners like doing business inNo municipal development charges
Geographic locationOntario_s Lake CountryWorkforce OpportunitiesBusiness Environment
Stakeholder Feedback -Strengths
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
impact on future development opportunities
from County/Province (road access/setbacks)
assets, businesses, and residents
oups resisting growth? Best practices?
Are there areas where there aren_t grOro-Medonte is not development friendly, _Noro_Can be an opportunity to demonstrate commitment to development
Interest groups challenging development opportunitiesPublic perception of Burl_s Creek and if it doesn_t get approvedThe negative image/public perception of Burl_s CreekPotential expansion
of Greenbelt may have Development constraints along major roads Proximity/distance between TownshipNo downtown or retail centre for residents
Resistance to DevelopmentHigher Level Government RegulationAccess to amenities
Stakeholder Feedback _Threats/Weaknesses
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
corridors, not just labour but also access to services
do and what they are allowed to do
realtors can assist you in finding a fit
of what can be put where (zoning)
Advocacy to government on need to expand transportation
Can_t get labour to available jobs (especially youth)Tell realtors what you are looking for and
Need to enhance access to internet and natural gasPublic TransportationNeed to provide a clear understandingMunicipal staff could be more customer friendlyZoning must be consistentDefine
what type of economic development you wantIdentify areas where you want growth and in what wayExplore opportunities for international investmentConflict between what businesses want
Stakeholder Feedback _Threats/Weaknesses
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
ucation and marketing campaign;
Showcase successful businesses in edReview already liberal by-laws to facilitate development (Midland is a good example)Strong social capital, desire to support localChallenges must
look easy
Advocacy to supporting sectors through trade agreementDevelop a list of businesses in Oro-MedonteExpand supports for home-based business Loyalty in rural communitiesBusinesses must see
calm, professional Township staffHow do we connect to goods and services in Oro (Ubereats model) both residents and outsiders (lacking a downtown/commercial district)
Business Development
Stakeholder Feedback -Opportunities
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
regional airport network and LSRA is one of
ice being investigated; look at innovative
ap between training and industry need
Capitalize on GTAA study which is establishing a 10 identifiedLSRA Employment AreaDetermine relative positioning in SWIFT to facilitate access
Leverage major transportation corridorsRetain graduates, determine and address gLSRA Transit -Capitalize on County wide transit servtransportation programs (Rideshare programs)Better
access to the internet _must capitalize on SWIFT
Capitalize on location and proximity to GTACapitalizeon accessto labour force _large centres, post-secondaryInfrastructure
Stakeholder Feedback -Opportunities
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
t, what are the benefits
g, highlight and share ou
us tours around region/service to Horseshoe)
Creek), can be a catalyst for further growth
eneRoad corridor near RVH and Hospital
map on the Chamber of Commerce guide
on with neighboring municipalities
Continue investing in cycling initiativesPackage opportunities
Explore opportunities for PenetanguishCraighurst/Horseshoe development opportunityNeed for a downtownMessaging to residents _Development is a good thinMusic scene opportunity (Casino
Rama, Burl_s Cooperation amongst _sectors_ _ag, music, artFarm Fresh Map -County exploring alternatives to current modelOpportunity to capitalize on the Oro Rotating street fairs around
regiContinue tourism initiativesOpportunity to expand recreationOpportunity to leverage GO service to Barrie (b
GrowthProduct development
Stakeholder Feedback -Opportunities
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
rk together where there is alignment with
ties to all economic development partners
Share opportunities and link in CDCUse as conduit to business communityOpportunity to increase partnership
Continue to be involved in Ontario_s Lake Country partnershipsContinue to be involved in regional partnershipsBe a sounding board for regional partners and woyour priorities on items
such as, advocacy and funding Stay involved as a partner in regional initiativesFeed advocacy information to CountyFeed events/promotions/initiative opportuniInformation sharing with
partnersLeverage Chamber of Commerce more
Increase and expand existing partnerships with economic development support services across the board, such as Orillia CDC
Stakeholder Feedback -Opportunities
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
age expansion (recreation and retail)
ture development _become the # 1
Brings people into area
Keep Burl_s Creek here and encourClarity of development areas and what can happen therePlay liaison/concierge role for business between Township and CountyInform our residents about
the possibilities of development (positive development spin)Cut red tapeFind solution to public transportation challengesMake sure there is clear zoning for value-add agriculture opportunitiesSuppor
t cycling trail and infrastruccycling destination in Ontario
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Stakeholder Feedback -Township potential biggest impacts
5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
How do we drive people to their door?How do we facilitate?Identify barriers
Package tourism experiences with themes _art, food, cyclingPlay a unifying role to bring the right people together (connecting resources and opportunities)Broader distribution of natural
gasEnsure proper staff capacity to implement economic development effectivelyReview and create more liberal rules for home based businessFocus on how to leverage/capitalize on LSRA
and related landsGrow home-based business with incubator structure
Stakeholder Feedback -Township potential biggest impacts
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
each of the project partners for further
Reduce barriers to the planning and development processesFoster regional collaboration for short and long term development and growth to ensure investment readinessImproved internet
services (affordability, access, speed, reliability)Improved cost of electricity
Lake Country BR+E Municipal/Area Goals Given the need for project partners to address these individually, the Leadership Team recommended that these goals be shared withreview, evaluation
and the development of specific action items that are relevant for their respective area. The municipal/area goals include:
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
and events taking place
hours with major festivals
Develop a _Love Your Community Campaign_Develop a _Regional Investment Attraction Strategy_Enhance existing, and develop new training opportunities for local industryDevelop a regional
welcome package for businessesHost a _Home Grown_ entrepreneurial eventEncourage and support businesses to better align store Improve dialogue between event organizers, businesses and
accommodationsDevelop packages for sports tourism conferences/eventsDevelop a Workforce Communications EventDevelop innovative regional transportation options
Lake Country BR+E Regional Goals (18 months)Regional Goals (3-5 years)
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
Lake Country BR+E
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
positive and 20%
ness in Oro-Medonte was unchanged
ticular the Hitch House and Burl_s
porting feeling more
ffice and more red tape; and
de to doing busi
Cycle Simcoe and Ontario_s Lake Country initiativesincreased diversity in the region;a better business location;more home construction; and positive development projects, in parCreek.
an increase in taxes;lack of internet services and other utilities;difficulty with the township othe lack of skilled workers.
72% of businesses in Oro-Medonte thought it was a good or excellent place to do business. Most reported their attituover the past three years with 20% refeeling more negative. Positive
changes were attributed to:Negative changes were attributed to:
Lake Country BR+EBusiness Information
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
Job Gains/Losses
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
oject began in March, 2016 and is
the most valued investment tourism
Tourism Asset Mapping Project The Tourism Asset Mapping (TAM) pra partnership between Ontario_s Lake Country, the Orillia and Area CDC, RTO7, Tourism Simcoe County, Lake Country municipalities,
and Rama First Nations. It had three objectives:1. To identify demand generator tourism assets across the region through the development of an inventory with associated mapping;2.
To assess best practice in terms ofassets in Southern Ontario; and3. To identify opportunities for tourism development in the region.
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
to the
5 Core Attractors
Outdoor RecreationFestivals and EventsResort ExperienceGamingRecurring Sports Competitions
Tourism Asset Mapping Project 2007 Premier-Ranked Tourism Destinations Framework Project, Lake Simcoe Tourism Area Assessment identified region.
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
vities that prevent disease
ch as cycling or paddling.
ts centres, museums or art in the built
ection, authenticity, and acti
er passive or active involvement in competitive sport,
d well-being, including activities like spas and local
ort venues: MSL Moonstone, Horseshoe, Hardwood Ski & Bike,
s and learning experiences which are characteristic of the
experience, and is low risk, su
ties and facilities such as performing ar
ding Aboriginal cultural tourism)
Examples include: Studios, Burl_s CreekExamples include: Oro-Medonte_scycling route, Hardwood Hills mountain bikingExamples include: Horseshoe Resort Examples include: A Critical mass
of competitive winter spCopeland Forest
Creative Tourism focuses on active participation in courseholiday destination where they are undertaken.Cultural Tourism includes cultural activienvironment.Is a type of adventure tourism
that requires little or no Travel experiences featuring healthy living, meaning and connand proactive maintenance and improvement of health anculinary experiences.Travel outside of
a participant_s usual environment for eithwhere sport is the prime motivational reason for travel.
Cultural and Creative Tourism (incluSoft AdventureWellness TourismSports Tourism
Tourism Asset Mapping Project Best Bet Opportunities
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
s, should provide a variety of experiences
festivals and events, and parks and trails.
ups showcase natural landscapes, and allow
cts that provide visitors with a well-rounded
retail, restaurants, festivals and events and
Alternative cottagingconcepts and resort set-visitors to experience more of the natural environment in place. Includes glampingand yurts.Authentic small town arts and culture distriauthentic
experiences including retail, culinary,Typically themed, small town waterfront districtincluding for art, history, scenery, tourist animation.
Alternative Cottagingand Resorts ConceptAlternative Camping ConceptsSmall Town Arts/Culture DistrictsSmall Town Waterfront Districts
Tourism Asset Mapping Project Best Bet Opportunities
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
Refer to Township for planning and growth issuesOn current business issues, such as social media
Start-upPlanning and growth stagesProfessional DevelopmentSpecial projects (ex. BR+E)Hosts quarterly regional meetings
Provide access to capital/business financing Provide business information services and coaching Participate in Community Strategic Planning Contribute to Community Economic Development
Build greater awareness of the CDC, its products & its services Secure operational funding
What are your partners doing? Orillia and Area CDC
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
legislation, training opportunities, industry
area, while promoting the association and
NetworkingIndustry promotionAdvocacyKeep members informed on changes/updates in trends, and issues important to the construction and associated industry.Support the broader community
of Orillia & driving our mission forward.NetworkingAdvocacy and business developmentCommunication
What are your partners doing? Orillia and District Construction AssociationOrillia Manufacturing Association
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
tourism as an economic driver and
organizations working towards common
ill increase overnight stays and tourism
Measurement, Advocacy and Engagement-Nurturing innovative business to business relationships; a strong voice for partnerships with local and regional tourism goals.Strategic Marketing
_Maintain & develop measureable, targeted marketing tactics that invite people to the region, encourage spending by visiting friends and relatives; that wreceipts.Product, Market and
Destination Development _Taking a grassroots, industry led approach; work with industry stakeholders to expand reasons to visit Ontario's Lake Country.
What are your partners doing? Ontario_s Lake Country
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
s, provides regional solutions
e labourforce and find employees
ic development goals and initiative
gional Chambers of Commerce
community and the Township
Incentives for employers and occasionally job seekersDelivers programming to support businesses (ex. _Understanding the Tax Code_)
Knows labourmarketSupports employers to understand thLiaison between business Works in partnership with reRegional partner of similar economCommunication linkAdvertise to members for
trainingNetworkingStrong role in Tourism-Orillia events draw people into the areas
What are your partners doing?
AgilecOro-Medonte Chamber Chippewasof RamaOrillia Chamber of Commerce
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
ue chain connections across region)
Identifies common issuesLabourinitiativesSector development initiatives (valInvestment attractionShared education and training opportunities
Supports regional municipalitiesRegional partnerships may be possible dependent on sector _health and wellness, manufacturing, agriculture, and tourismOften the first contact for potential
investmentNew contacts would benefit from access to a concierge service with clear pathways through the planning process and clear zoning direction
What are your partners doing?
County of SimcoeEDCNS (Economic Development Corporation of North Simcoe)Barrie and Area Real Estate Association
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
(Up to $100,000, must be leveraged)
work in shared booth space
ship may not be able to access
and further from Simcoe County
joint marketing materials
inancial, research, staff)
Good GIS mapTap into markets that the TownComplementary to local tourism efforts
Hosts regional alliancesProduces and distributes Does marketing activities 80K Has Simcoe County Tourism Development FundProduct developmentWorking with businesses to become tourism
readyConsumer shows _opportunities toCycling, agri-culinary, culture focusesPlace marketing and quality of life is strongTourism sector support (fPromote area in a larger way
What are your partners doing?
Tourism Simcoe CountyRTO7
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
prioritize use of limited resources,
Provides directionIdentifies a desired end state _what does success look likeCan be used to motivate the group, as well as keep decisions and discussions on-track
Creating a vision
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
tistic and cultural resources, thriving
riving tourism and hospitality industry.
businesses are engaged and connected
business community and its economic
Township of West LincolnBlind River Development CorporationPeterborough Economic Development
West Lincoln enjoys a thriving, diversified economy with a balanced supply of workers and jobs. The Township proactively supports business and attracts investment in cooperation with
the development partners. Residents and to their community.Blind River is a well-managed and resilient community with a rich heritage and robust economic base. It is a desirable community
in which to live, work, grow and invest. The Town has vibrant arcommunity celebrations, and exceptional visitor services and infrastructure providing the necessary support for a thTo
be a vibrant, innovative economy with a unique rural-urban lifestyle.
Vision examples
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
Oro-Medonte continues to be a progressive, collaborative community where everyone can live, work, and play.To provide the best customer service while meeting the needs of our community
today and tomorrow.
Vision StatementMission Statement
Your Vision and Mission Statements
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
Customers First!Creativity and InnovationHonesty, Fairness, and RespectCourageous and Responsible Decision-MakingOpennessEngagement
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
uses that rely on these
ote economic activity that does not negatively impact
features while ensuring that
identified employment and residential developments.
plement the policies of the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan
tion, and tourism are promoted and strengthened.
the corporation_s environmental footprint.
ile protecting our natural environment.
_sunset clauses_ for development.
to high speed internet.
cess to natural gas.
Review and update the Township_s Official Plan to imEnsure land use planning policies manage change and promthe Township_s natural heritage features and attributes.Encourage the protection
of the Township_s natural heritagefeatures such as home-based businesses, recreaDevelop and implement a strategy to reduceAdopt an _Open-for-Business_ philosophy.Review by-laws that
affect the health and viability of local businesses.Limit and enforce the renewal of Facilitate increased access Facilitate increased acProvide leadership in providing municipal services
Balanced Growth Goal We support business and job creation whWe will:
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
unity in a hot air balloon in five
wishes for economic development in
What it is that you see? What has changed? What are the things we did that made a difference?
Picture yourself flying over the commyears. What would you see, if your the Township of Oro-Medonte came true? Individually, on a sheet of paper, write down or draw a picture of:
Exercise: Creating a vision Activity:
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
In pairs, share your results with each other. Each pair should select what they feel are the top three words, concepts or ideas that are the most important. Write each idea clearly on
large post-it notes, one idea per note. Share your three ideas with the larger group.Identify themes
Exercise: Creating a vision
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
Does your statement motivate people? Is it easily understood and memorable? Does it make you reach?
Identifying the statement:
Exercise: Creating a vision
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
Describe what your group wants to accomplish.Refer to the desired end results (outcome) that a group wants to achieve in fulfilling its mission and moving towards its vision.Are broad
statements of what the group hopes to achieve and are qualitative in nature. More specific than your vision, goals describe areas of emphasis and describe what your group wants to accomplish
or achieve related to your mission and vision
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
expect that we can accomplish this?
we are progressing or if we_ve reached our target?
Do we have the capacity to achieve this?
of our group, is it realistic to
Objectives drive strategy formation and should follow the SMART formula which is:S -SIMPLE AND SPECIFIC_ Is this easy to understand and communicate to others?M -MEASURABLE_ How can we
measure our achievement? How will we know ifA -ACHIEVABLE_ Is this something we are capable of doing?R -REALISTIC_ In light of the day-to-day work
T -TIMELY_ Have we identified a timeframe or deadline for achieving this?
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
d must continue undertaking in
late to economic development?
taking and if partnerships could be a possibility?
significant towards economic development?
opportunity for economic development?
velopment activities that exist?
cusing their efforts as they re
the Township are undertaking an
Are there sectors that require more focus than others?Are we missing critical infrastructure for success?Could there be strategy around mitigation?Consider the scope of work your partners
are under
Identify themesNote any significant or interesting results
Where are there areas with the most Are there any areas where the barriers are What are the scope of economic deWhat are the core activities thateconomic development?Where should the
Township be fo
Organize the data that_s been collectedAssess opportunities and barriers within each themeKeep the economic development matrix in mind
Translating the data to action
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
by December 9, 2016.
Keeping the principles of the previous slide in mind, review your information package and supplement (from today, to be sent out shortly), and create 3-5 potential goals you think should
be a focus for the Township of Oro-Medonte Economic Development Department over the next 5 years. These goals must relate to how the Township will achieve it_s desired vision for economic
development. Keep in mind your Council Strategic Plan _Balanced Growth goal.Please email your proposed goals to me: catherine.oosterbaan@ontario.ca
Your Homework
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5.a) 1:30 p.m. Donna Hewitt, Director, Corporate & Strategic...
ne goal statements and prioritize
goal statements, and as an
velop objectives under each goal.
will be shared with the group for
All of the goal statements providedconsideration at the next meeting.Depending on how many statements can be developed, we may have to determine how many goals are feasible to include.
I will compile and analyze proposedoutcome, develop 3+ goal statements. Next meeting we will discuss and refithem. You will work in small groups to deAs a larger group we will refine
and prioritize objectives.
Next Steps
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6.a) By-Law No. 2016-171: Being a by-law to confirm the proc...
Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, C. 25, as amended
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