2015-017 To provide for an interim tax levyThe Corporation of the Township of Oro - Medonte
By -Law No. 2015 -17
A By -law to provide for an interim tax levy
and to provide for the payment of taxes and
to provide for penalty and interest
Nhereas Section 317(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended,
)rovides that the Council of a local municipality may before the adoption of the
:stimates for the year pass a by -law levying amounts on the assessment of
)roperty in the local municipality rateable for local municipality purposes;
4nd Whereas Section 317(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as
amended, provides that the amount levied on a property shall not exceed 50%
,percent) of the total amount of taxes for municipal and school purposes levied on
he property for the previous year;
4nd Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro - Medonte
teems it expedient to enact such a by -law;
Vow Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro - Medonte
Dnacts as follows:
There shall be levied and collected upon all properties having rateable
assessment in the Corporation of the Township of Oro - Medonte an amount
of 50% of the total amount of taxes for municipal and school purposes
levied on the property for the previous year.
The said interim tax levy shall be due and payable in two equal installments
on or before Friday February 27th, 2015 and Thursday April 30th, 2015.
The Treasurer is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice
of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the
person to whom such notice is required to be given as shown on the latest
revised Assessment Roll.
A penalty for non - payment of taxes shall be imposed not exceeding 1 '/4%
on the first day of default, and on the first day of each calendar month
thereafter during the year 2015, until taxes are paid.
That there be added an interest charge of 1 1/4% on the first day of each
month on any outstanding tax arrears from the 31St day of December in the
year in which the taxes were levied until the taxes are paid.
Taxes are payable at the Township of Oro - Medonte Administration Office or
at most financial institutions which accept and process payments on behalf
of customers, with the onus on the financial institution to remit payments on
That the Treasurer be authorized to accept part payment from time to time
on account of any taxes due and to give a receipt for such part payment,
provided that acceptance of any such payment shall not affect the collection
of any penalty or interest or any other levies, rates, charges or collections
imposed, collectable and due in respect to any non - payment.
That By -law No. 2014 -002 is hereby repealed.
9. That this by -law comes into force and takes effect on and from the date of
the final passing.
By -law read a First, Second and Third time and passed, this 28th day of
January, 2015.
The Corporation of the Township of Oro - Medonte
ayor, H.
J.Ibofdlas Irwin