1955-984 MedonteV-L��'4 XWOAM P84 UW TM Provxateta. 4ly adopted the Iduk day of August, Q9, 11130 day or 40PO 193% d3sms 14 is expedient to romr that port of Pum. Oilal Drala lzhu--I�-Or -7 ImI W".4 ��Xoveth# TWOOK and Mr. P40 'LLMAS M Gumnail" 1-mis rn W to OW40 by W, 0, MOGOOrgu#' Isq'# Civil Inginemi, Wng 4% f , or vaph purqwm if tt4*, and armin Proposad to bo to mtrod# 1-iaa also procurmd, ovis and estimutes of the t,'r*4oaj,.,,w w= to bo- by Ulb-0 mUd W, 0, Me- hOOVUS. E044.0, PZ.Vk,'OVI tO bO MMOU by Lim otmetittat"! 1-y' nach oramem uiwks *r �,V!Ovr 4.i uY roarAS liable for ejatrlbutlo� td"03-*Ntaq ot'�:tlng f, Alex-. rly �-;,a oun We grejort-lon ot R,'*narlkq cotlat ,19 +" liability, which in his opinion will be MrAw"o or imarred In consequenam of maeb draluage warU by ovwry road and lot, or Partlun of lot, the sold meamia-p4ont so to tkelr4 tjuo *,iasvi4jQpat hey4jaeftor by this "y -low onaitodo to be asooss. ed m oovim 4don tho Poacs P�d io s or on of l000 herein. atter in WN behalf S�OKOITY M f ortllh nolortbod. aad the rel:Ozirt of the 146600rue vos.* tn rospoot Wworooto the md rm'2art ;�weaoc# as rorlws: T"� i�L UD'Y", Fop Wh jWAZU Qr MOIN No* jhvLx IN THAM" OF AssuMp VARY" ""t.ZT1021 "Ev RLKV%NTRI e'.,& ,x.;; ANA, 5?!Wr' NoWn.......... ------- Provxateta. 4ly adopted the Iduk day of August, Q9, 11130 day or 40PO 193% d3sms 14 is expedient to romr that port of Pum. Oilal Drala lzhu--I�-Or -7 ImI W".4 ��Xoveth# TWOOK and Mr. P40 'LLMAS M Gumnail" 1-mis rn W to OW40 by W, 0, MOGOOrgu#' Isq'# Civil Inginemi, Wng 4% f , or vaph purqwm if tt4*, and armin Proposad to bo to mtrod# 1-iaa also procurmd, ovis and estimutes of the t,'r*4oaj,.,,w w= to bo- by Ulb-0 mUd W, 0, Me- hOOVUS. E044.0, PZ.Vk,'OVI tO bO MMOU by Lim otmetittat"! 1-y' nach oramem uiwks *r �,V!Ovr 4.i uY roarAS liable for ejatrlbutlo� td"03-*Ntaq ot'�:tlng f, Alex-. rly �-;,a oun We grejort-lon ot R,'*narlkq cotlat ,19 +" liability, which in his opinion will be MrAw"o or imarred In consequenam of maeb draluage warU by ovwry road and lot, or Partlun of lot, the sold meamia-p4ont so to tkelr4 tjuo *,iasvi4jQpat hey4jaeftor by this "y -low onaitodo to be asooss. ed m oovim 4don tho Poacs P�d io s or on of l000 herein. atter in WN behalf S�OKOITY M f ortllh nolortbod. aad the rel:Ozirt of the 146600rue vos.* tn rospoot Wworooto the md rm'2art ;�weaoc# as rorlws: To tbo Mv* ana Coanotl Gontleman I Juno 28tho 1915 14 ao0ardance Kth InMuotions# I havo Wado an exaWinattoo of khW104.004 NOW Nu0ber I; Ono ourtiodUrly tuo IYAO"V11- 0001 thorooto in tho Twelfth end Thlrteentb Coa*wswwaj I fjP"Id the at -old draia* frqW a point 040at 230 feet eastorly frow Ulm litw, betwocal tho host -half WKI Wost-lmxf of hot Ova Con'. Nasi on 12* to a point Wout 2000 foot wooterly from Mra r*Ad j b Mon Weessions 11 and 121 MUM 046 of Vapalro nn4 orovide# hopes - too for its repojr# The profilo Aod specitlootiono formia to at this rea0vt* live Who W 000YUMOVY for Ma Pro.per tr)ut the Work* �«Vavidod, for horeivis tod the Ion* uhich Aso or part of Wis roporto -"',uoW8 k"56 loorition, "")t the sawk "04 We laods my uAtimete of the 00st of the work 1$ es followgt To excavution from Stano 04 Ut PQ about 230 fQ A** of line botween V4 nd Wj' Lot 50 to Stako 50 a" 0t'W about 2000 rto A 11.12 own'SK _- 4400 lineal ft* 0i To V*V40V1j1c' bees In drAin trow 1100 botween NJ and Q* Lot $y Son* fit, to notot 400 ft. at **Ad IWO To alb awanoos for dumages to laxwks orapo (it any)j Uader Dminac"o for all 84 of 5140 UQ'Vj Lot 6, 00" I'a 5,00 rot to So Com 12 I10AWS10h) woo 140 for W# -V' Lot 51 0044 22 , Lail) 16 V 00 tar X" Lot $# Con# It (A* bV00=04 30000 or WIV famn'WhIPS 400) Lot 5 F I (miss Xv Roynold*) 0092. Stwvey# plan *jrv�')art* W"O* Assintawas :04 osponses qu aarvy "D Lotting awttl supori�l tic, z 10*000 Q10VU40 fees 443.oic,& flarr 1416 ro, to M-10 anpomod Sobodalog Ogainst tho land's t{cul liablo to 0 w uiew sm uo wovu to p womof palm I tar"*do tho neswi a " to with the 0000 went tar whoInS _ h train* IvIntainod at thto w.-tik�,,n reads as ease for borate : "t 0014 loads C44 rmda n aging to tto some ela ns aa for Said, woft tiorein, ,;,srovided ftor# Your , vant o 04* Q* mcooaruoo SaWAINIA VOM T121"t-fill, lWl","-P',l?lJ111lA— i4lul-pl,"I'Viol-IL AOJFI�l III 24041�,,Ali O'CAt* 1,07 T T 1VT1,10,21. RlFi.AlrZ 1408 MOO w4*tw U004 It"Old q 48 x9s,000 wal-alt RIO* $7000 94*50 Ao Tookoy 48 RIO* a. vlolob 4 48 20*50 J-0 J* Walsh Art or rtoa,* 1c, o 0 0 80"Oo %1*4 ..axl ZI, jvwav '4t,-alsh (060*00) War 036*so) 76 9 48 ta 4 75*130 37*50 -&lob 4 45,0,00 36 75 so V*50 Zrilobo TooderVoon 6 75 lol* 90# a* Furs W3/4 Vi 7 7's 994,000 sisi 7 10 30*010 TO Asmaosammont chatbamt Jun' Al't, 1955 F. 5 r A - �)-Ah f OrON IV Lat a too $105 0 4,111" 6 50 230*0 sh !0 Sao 18*43 9*00 tiallows TO Asmaosammont chatbamt Jun' Al't, 1955 F. t 4 " TIC;,, BKPATIA 1��'0"T' �W MUIIICIPA"�6 tu— 121 Mvlrac S "kviz'VN THE FS'e, I L I h Ch 01. I%* works, ti be dm* undor this spoeiflostiong aosprisov the r*pair of the portioxio of M"Iolpal Drain Stx*b*r 7. frolm StSko $1, at a point about 2$0 foet easterly from tto Unit T*,twovo the oaf t. -half, and, tbe weethalf of Lot Coaeertslon 120 to Vtoko 520, at a point on the east -half of Lot 50 Comovelov 11 and the remaval:of Uars from the portlon -.,f the drato b4twoeo said 5take 59 and aL point SOO foot wosterly from the line be. twoon the east -half and the west -halt of Lot $0 ConeeAsion 11, The Stakeso to vi-Aah rofernonov Is wdes are Plunted slam the C*Urffe of the. Work, 100 feet aysrt, and vaal)erod oonve*utively. 1fNlake 8 to -stake 520 the work of excavation *boll follow the existAus, dratr-, wdo as straipht bl s the eXoavatiov being �!oa 81 0 without departing, from said oxistiam, 6r&in* The voric,, from vtaka R to t' -take 52., #hall bo oarried out it accordavee with the doto glveA on the prottlej Qw fivishod bottov to be determined from tho D"oh; Raftso the pasiti*or, ;)f which are tradiestod protilo, aud tq �*,* at no placos higher than 1*01eated by the Drado Line-, on] Vee. proftle. The depth for eaah Stakle'o Sh"t *'a the -r-'rofller to Intended, to to measurod from the surfaoo of the g alawgslde the ""j"take * to tho tialshed bottas and to g1von for the Information -of Contreetors and athors VAervfteag tut the work met he governed by the t5onah ft-rks. From Stake 9 to i -,"'take 30s the bottom width shall be tot I*$* than four foots 4nd, from 3 -2 ot less Uav five feet. !,�,jtde ther loov s, pes shall be so t han *ne to or4. shall oonstat *f the romoval of *xi*tU* bar#, wbleh Intorfero with the free flow of the water in tho dratus and it $t that th4le, work *hall bo oerrio4 ot4 %Wor the direetion of tho Cowisvl*r-ar appoints 4 by the *story eveavatim, und*r the oxisting trV*0 at the 11-12, CM0060iOn IROod, zod Ito is Intended that this Uork shall bt On* WithOUt 6011W, ii' A =6000410- The excavated earth, in the portion of the Work from Stake 0 to Stake lot shall be t#ken out on the landi on the northerly side of the drain. In the remainder of the work,, the excavated earth shall be taken out on the farm lands* on the side or sides of the drain indicated by the Commissioner in charge, it being Intend edo generally, that, where there is a fence on one side of the drain, the earth should be taken out on the other side, so as to avert unnecessary interference with existing fences. Earth placed on farm lands shall be kept not less than four feet clear of the edge ,of the drain,. and shall be levelled back* evehly, for a further distance of at least thirty feet# the levelling to be done with a bulldozer or other suitable machine, and the earth to be .eft In condition foreasy cultivation. Care shall be taken to leave, unobstructed, all ditches or watercourses entering the drain and to place no earth within, the limits of any publichighwayt, without the consent of the proper road authorities. Earth placed on any private lane or roadway shall be levelled sufficiently to permit reasonable use of said land or roadway. All trees and brush, in the portion of the drain,being repaired, shall be removed, and moved clear of the excavated material. Any fences, disturbed in doing the work, shall be handled carefully, d shall ,be promptly replaced in as good condition as the maiterials will permit. The whole work shall be carried out in a neat and work- manlike manner, and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner appolnted,by the Cwinctl to have charge of the work. It is intended that the Commissioner shall have authority to make minor changes In the details of the work, as long as said changes do not lessen the efficiency of the work. Chatham, June 28th, 1955 OW. G. XcOeorg e" O*LoSo' C.B. tbo Said council ovu of M oplales thtt to oevirwo; NOW' u IHIV ok "2101TU* VoVosaut to t4w, q,4,j!,Wj , � WAS40 ACto Odd AmOMMOAS IA,,vV%Vt0# RNAM AS VILIKS1 10 Tho said wort, Plaw spowww"gi and OMMU00 ov* hereby adoptedi #0,1; MW '.wUiaa&v work 00 them - to indtoa*04 004 set forK aball bo 00400 eoastra4.,Vt" Azle, couple. too to *000rdanee Werewith Tbo hoevo of the s*jd jawaSoAp waV boWroW on tho ore - Olt of tho Carpo an at �he aatd TaiwasiIp of Wonto tho au" Wing the fund* noomary for W worU ond uay has dobenturis 1 of tho corporation to that amount to sums not 1000 thao $$0*00 0WO &W Pagablo Uithto $ yoovs ivus tho dato tbor*of W*W U01- tare*t at taro rat* A 4* per oe"t; por wmawg that. -is to say,$ to r r.azu'lual, �*Oyvmits off" �Wlklod.j-wal awd iatarost*witbout clam," in 'VVill" ;of Coldvater't poor POINS tho sum Q *14"#04,0 tvto awow4 Ag�bvod ag*100 tho 00*410040 ond road* for bo�ito OpAwt traw 10040 fula" road$ 001a.-WAiv to or 00"trollod by too NM0QIP^UtY# and tot oev*riog, tntwr.'Ist for 3 years 4t rato per tmr vho total avial rates avwr W aboVe 011 Qh,r retest MPOWIOd to Sahadalo *W ate oohad horyto# all be ao- 808NOQ loviod 000 0011*atod (ta V1,10 sawo wonavr .06 at the sta-wo, time ve Wer taxes ary loviod amd oalloatd, ) upon ond from the tot* and Pang of zots und roadi wonwaod in m ywohod We - We the awount at the vaid total spoetal rat** AW juterost agatost 000h 16t gar i -ort of -lot rgs:<Iootively 1hall 00 UV1404 int* 5 vq001 yarts* P-,wl ane suoh part S4*11 b* aveasood', n k;as VarevQ4 to *ash yow for 5 years after the fWal Pass ina at Uhle UY-lavo 4urlrw Wxiah 'ttta gotd d"400001 - taro* bgv* tq rav For quying Who st'M 1,4 0150*00 tho 40000* U0800604 04010st the mid roads; and lam at tho MUM01001ityw awa Cor 00VOKOO interreat thwroon row 5 Y04" at ttsle rut* Of per aent*, i)or annuma, a speolut rate *n the 4awar SUM01M to pro- tho Z'*'�qttiroo yozrly gDoont Vzxorofor* siall ovorz.1441'e'! all otbor rateso bo loviod vmr4, aar� *tae (in tne sono mgno*p 6nd nt the 'M'40 tAW510, QUOr Lamm* UVO 10VIO4 and C6110tod) WO Ond f Vow the whole roteali4o. property in the aw Townabip of Movonte tit, Oovg% yetr for I worst Mor V40 Mal Oassing this by-law; OvvInv which M said doboat"Xvs havo to ran* The Oarpoivtjon Snell havo at* rjgkt* at Its optiow to radoom Me aNd Ment3res 01thOr to wholo ar 10 ykrt on any Intorovt date Ovior to swWrity at tho Cis w,-'alays in W)Aoltl the Md d0boataroo -,re ux�,�roasofll tok tw, payable; %pm pv-yvvnt of t1*1*irlotpol, omount ftsof ttk':Othor- With IMOVOxt r,*e;MWPd to of redeoption an4 up*a givinN11; w"Ich to rMOOM by ono* In the NOW Oazatto Uad Onoo In a tally UOVIPPOOr of t".Ofxvral Otal 01rculMON PuhltOhOd in tho Olty of Toronto# end onto in a I*oal salh notice to be advertisod as PCOPOOxyd at Halt thirty (30) cnyv before Qu cote ftned for ro400ption. NOU00 of inteation to to rodauess 10hal-I also tw, peat at 10aOt thlrtj (30) vays prior tq tb-'e' date `or such r04OMPUM to Oach pervoo in whose kw,��e i��, debenture so to L'* roo0ex4ed LO r0ol*teved at the addreas Moon In t1un llobacvt'aro MOV- "Iy a ,)Wtioa of tho d4bwn4wr*x of thio isoue is to to UO rodoowod# Oash 10MOn sholl COMPrIve only tfo* dabeatures Chat hav* the Most waturity Moo ano ao debenture A WO Issue Oball be 00110d for SUOU radowp*ion I'A Wrlarity to any v1sh do.. bentury that h�i� s, Intor u.--,ot-a.rlty 64 %Nlis D"Y-14-U, ".ad MOO* sho"IX ba printed at MANQ in Wth SoMan 25 of the Pktntelpsml Praill.. Ace Aoto Ond stall a0we into Vora* UP= .06 after tho Mal paos- iao khoroots, avO ovy bo (Atod -vs t4v MpaIr of vroln NO* 7 of tho Townabip of 144%'t."�Vnto of 1q$$*'* it 1) if X C F to hf--rrbj give toot the caf NOVI M11*11-Arl 14 Its Mot ti F''. Whe ++L!(In tba mr cuoh Oomplaint Or appeal to be a"d trial of 0"Mylvints And appeale We a,olnut tht ebovv asaeasment or my Psyt tharw* in, tho naamp pzP1o*# AM for jj�the municipal WoMmay Amto a mr cuoh Oomplaint Or appeal to be a"d trial of 0"Mylvints And appeale We a,olnut tht ebovv asaeasment or my Psyt tharw* in, tho naamp pzP1o*# AM for jj�the municipal WoMmay Amto a mr cuoh Oomplaint Or appeal to be rervW on the Cpl ork of the Void MUM01001115 at 14SOR to",(10) djIg befgre the Arat g1tImm or to said KIM of ROV10104# AI'1'D fiarther natJoe to horlby gwpa";rl Wet, tendina to anpeal to h ve !the Spolr-,w oiv a y iw'xrt t4wre,,* of qoaohmat mus% not later th'm ('10) i1ays n4ta'v ttte,' ruml tv'te aerve a noti oe to U� r Reeve or other Head Of V nor ifl r- �ul *,'Yaa the Clerk. of the set !TU 101oality, of his, IntwitUd W We for llikt t'.") toe DrOnAle hefereq WOW mW six WSOU next onsurly the Wal Pai'vLa""', of 7 A � 7*"-�"') MY of So 150 Howard Pab%now, WV Ohio clervo n ISN }} All S of Rd.E2 6 i 6 E2 7 S2E2 8 N2E.2 8 52E2 Ire. xc,f n�: 1P ,,�.,.+� Ye si ? 3'i 2' , f v AL .y+'�r 'OX N021 14 »fes eV5, may"' 1� L.' i� , y��V^� y�G�, -'wA J4 S� :lY u,, o;014 94*!io 111#0 W*4 P-143 *)Lot ISN }} All S of Rd.E2 6 w2S2 and all N of Rd. E.2 6 E2 7 S2E2 8 N2E.2 8 52E2 9 f S2 -W2 4 N2W 14 N021 14 96 48 *I,r oOU# V 1.1,000$ xou polo � '*40 100 ISN All S of Rd.E2 6 w2S2 and all N of Rd. E.2 6 E2 7 S2E2 8 N2E.2 8 52E2 9 f S2 -W2 4 N2W 14 N021 14 a 40 u,, o;014 94*!io 111#0 W*4 P-143 U0 Wit Z0030 XIP. 96 48 *I,r oOU# V 1.1,000$ xou polo � '*40 100 ISN "V0,0i4a 1000,E +� �► 40 14 oiylpr US -00► * 4 15T 1 UOO * a 40 u,, o;014 94*!io 111#0 W*4 P-143 U0 Z0030 40 it ,ri o Z0430 )# >244!' 61049 , 96 , zoj� 7.%o 10,* 0040 1700 23 C. Ruby I* to 1804 Jerome Walsh &) 60.0 ,o tiotop,* o 110 Lawrence Walsh) 36.5 96 W. Arnold 120.00 &%* 27x: 148 N.. Goass 76.50 10*4$ a7*,Is +17+043 148 S. Reid 55.00 7*65 62*0 U053 148 W. Mercer 8-600 1*10 9040 1*8 ,5.0 A. Robinson 37;50 50 Mrs. E. Walsh 37.50 * 42*" 0*34 50 Mary Robbins 22.50 4 Vs uaioh %,10 411100Ssaw * a $1W mar" 443 7h U0 . * 4"1 15*00 9010 121#34 3*44 ag COX- LOT OR PART OF LOQ` ACRES OUR OR VALUE O COVER TOTAL ANNVAL AFFECTED ASSESSED 1' OF INTEREST SPEC. ASSESS. BETWEVIT FOR _5 RATES DURING YRS. A �.� , o t Lot a 100 Y'J'P-Malsh . Sheridan 0 7 r 0 59 joanxes Sol 44 a 50 A* Walsh 16 m 0 -1:31 d010 26'.20 Wi 100 .,,: Sa.11ovs 9.00 1 10-25 P-.03 Modonte eF 1-7795 'R � Jw 004010;19 4010