06 01 1994 Sp Public Minutes
@ 7100
lIBftIBG 1991-1994 COURCIL
he following members of Council were present:
Deputy Mayor Ian Beard
Reeve David Caldwell
Deputy Reeve Norman Dalziel
Councillor Donald Bell
Councillor Alastair Crawford
Councillor Joanne Crokam
Councillor Walter Dickie
Councillor Leonard Mortson
Mayor Robert E. Drury
Councillor Murray Martin
Kris Menzies, Planner, Mr. Gary
Cunnington, Administrator, Ms. Andria
Darby, zoning Administrator.
so Present Were:
Paul Harris, Inge Vass, Milne Vass,
Jane Corbel, Earl Robertson, George
Lucas, Ron Sommers.
Ian Beard chaired the meeting.
eputy Mayor Ian Beard opened the meeting by explaining to those
resent that this Public Meeting was to receive public comment~ with
espect to a proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment, pursuant to
rovisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O.,1990, Section 34, P. 13. The
pplicant has applied to rezone certain lands described as
art of Lot 17, Concession 9, former Township of Oro.
0 date, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-
edonte have not made a decision on this application, other than
roceeding to this Public Meeting. Only after comments are received
rom the Public, requested agencies and Township Staff, within the
ppropriate time period, will Council make a decision on this
otice of the Public Meeting was mailed out on May 12, 1994, to all
roperty owners within 120 metres of the subject lands.
eputy Mayor Ian Beard then asked the Clerk if there had been any
orrespondence received on this matter. The Clerk responded by
ndicating that no correspondence had been received.
he Deputy Mayor then stated that those persons present would be
fforded the opportunity of asking questions with respect to the
roposed Amendment. He then turned the meeting over to the Township
lanner, Ms. Kris Menzies, to explain the purpose and effect of the
roposed Zoning By-Law Amendment.
is Menzies:
he Deputy Mayor has stated the property is located on Part Lot 17,
oncession 9, in the former Township of Oro. The reason for
onight's meeting is to allow Council an opportunity to hear public
omment on the rezoning application. The rezoning is to rezone a
arcel of land from the agricultural zoning to the rural residential
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zoning in order to permit a single family dwelling unit. The reaso
why the applicants have requested this rezoning is that it is a
condition of severance from the Committee of Adjustment and the
rezoning application is permitted in the Township Official Plan
policies. Is there any questions Mr. Deputy Mayor?
Deputy Mayor:
Is there any questions from Council? Is there any questions from
the Public? Any questions? Any questions? That is three times. I
will make the final statement.
There being no further questions or comments, when being called for
the third time, the Deputy Mayor in closing the meeting, thanked
those in attendance for their participation and advised that Council
ould consider all matters before reaching a decision. He then
advised those present that if they wished to be notified of the
passing of the proposed By-law, they should leave their name and
address with the Clerk.
oved by Caldwell, seconded by Crokam
e it resolved that the Special Public Meeting, Zoning By-law
endment, Pt. Lot 17, Cone. 9 (Oro-Lucas) do now adjourn @ 7:05
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