1996-039 To Repeal By-law 1994-088 respecting the licensing of public Halls
t the oro""shiP ot oro_lIJ,e40nte
Being a By-1.a- ot orhe corPoratio';. 0 the ~icensing ot pu'I>~i" p1.1.s.
~epea1. By-1.a1l 140. '4-88 respect nil
S 0 ~990 c. p.39 provides tbat a
1I1t~ tbe puJo1.iC aa1.1.S ~~:-. :~e 'f;OI!1 tb~ ",unicipa~itY;
pub1.iC ba~1. sha1.1. bo1.d a ~ce
'on of the ~o..msbiP of or~-
JI>>D 1I1t~1!)JI counci1. of '!!be corPora~ ~8 ~994 to 1.icense pub1.~C
lIJ,edonte did pass By-La~ NO. 94-88 on aY ,
ba1.1.S; S b du1.e 1IJ.,
JI>>D 1I1t~~S ';he savings ~:d t~:s~~l~ ~iisci~:'9it~ s. 0 ~ ~ 990, c.
part V, sect~on 70 repea
f tne ~o~nshiP of 0100-
>>OW or1t~IIFO~1I counci1. of ~be corPoration 0
1o\edonte enactS as f01.1.""'s'
~. orpt By-L&~ NO. 94-88 is berebY repea1.ed.
and effect on itS
'!!bat thiS By-1.a~ sha1.1. co",e into fU~1. fo1Oce
2. fina1. date of passing tbe1Oeof.
CO~\'01l1'or10N OF ~11 or()1l11S1t't\' OF 0~0-lIJ,~1I
B~-~1f }to. 96- 39
~~ a first and
1.l11J'P a tbird ti",e and fina1.1.Y
second ti",e tbiS ~7th daY of ~pri1., ~996.
passed thiS ~ 7th daY of ~pri1.,
~1I co1U!o1l1'or10N OF orBS or()1l11S1t1\' OF 0~0_1IJ!D01\'f1l
)I).~O~ 11\1!1 B
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