1934-564 OroBYLAW 7 r n 4 A By Uw of <he Mm,ivpaliry of �l4,;,, Fs - �.; ' . -.- _ —_ enaxled a BvIaw m andaon,. the c- nswevon and ;'In --- of roads wi'N- she said Mvnidpaliry, n xhe cmpl -ymmx d a Road Avarice, or the 1- 16ase aE oaa.hime, moil and eg.ip nm.q or any of :hem, m rbe year 193,8, cod Ohr"B9 corder she Cobowamn A.& Au, P.S.O. 2927 and am dmrn a th em, cenam Manid ahriu are aorhorbad so prepac and approve a By.Law or By -Lawn, Anb W4M'116 aft, a BpLaw, v aforesaid, has been approved, as prodded in ahe said Colo�ad— Roads Aar, and eapnnd:mra have 6cen made in accordance wick he said Colewz- don Reads. Am, and a Smtamenc hm b—n m6mined, by thn C'nmlcd of the Municipdiry making si d:e a ,.dituo, m he Depaxmenr of Norrhem Deveiopmeac recd,., Eooh the eapendiunn made, oal-hci wish :he Dcxlaracion of the Treasurer of ehe laid MwlGpallry r6 , such & ,_,on is and an the ""' by the Provin,,d Trcvurei of such S...e t and Dedaadon wish ,ho Repors and CeoA— of cbe L Nln,c of Col.izivaa Roads for the Diana in which ehe espendinm was mud, or an Eli—, of cho Doparnaenr, chat the said capenditure is in accord ma with the aforesaid B, -Law, and ehe reg- ladons of dac Repanm of Northam Dcvdop- menq ttrd6ed and approved by the proper -Bier of die De➢-em,mr of Norrlaeru Dcvelopmmr, d,a Lirv«nanc- Gwcmoriri.Cound may d,. xhc paymon, m suA Mvni�pat Cn,_,nn, an aforesaid, o s of r6 Smda vocal by dac lagizlane for vhar purpose, a sum of ner mam d6- dn, proper i. aurhodzed 6, ehe An. Anb N#rra8 nudcr she authority of die "MUN=AL ACT of Onvcio;' the power is given w Mnnldpaiidrs arias and U, a cam -va and ab-ve the ordinary uamre Lb— nr arherwue provide a snSdear emn w defray the colt of r-zd eomemedon and inp,a,,,,, wish. in the Mmdupaliry. (�gBCPfflCP chc COLNCE, of the Ll.runpal:ry of (ell', /J — .,, io the Couory oc Disma of ,�- G�rKI�, --P _ , rnaas as full ws. i. The ldghway ne highwayz, m be cony u...d -r impravad ondec rhis By.Law, and the m m be expended on mch eonztxum -n and nn,--nn on -&, :hall be d, s which are da bed and as forsh in the "achrdule" herewih araah d m rhia By -Law. 2, Th. .._.._. u appointed Towradup and wecseer r supemarmden F a:,rd mwusF p Er-m the .,... day of _.... _ ..... and during the Pleasure of A. oa cound oad sbZ L, pvd a she aam of $ pro shore he may 6 mployd. v /13 TLa, machin``� oryeguipm c v fellewa. �u-a et zr, c, „a,L7 -..YL /✓-(�'u5ia'rr.''.ai �?+.� „� r� may/ if�zt ar Y �t /.9�r:. be pvrd,>ned. By — Laws ORO Twp. 1935 VOLUME 4 1922 -1960 I 254?: 4. Thar rho By.Iew, afro be second aeadieg tbemof w Connell, be -6,m;tred so the Min - iucr charged with the AdminnmmAao of ehd Dep.trmene of Norrhen. D-elopro a, who may sppoam -lost of modify i� and open its hang amended fn 6aoedana .6th die .Far— d appaoval, almradon or madificadon of the said Nfiamee, and finally pasud by the Cm„ct l of doe °":d .,. Munidpah , it shall be forwarded to the Depmvomt of Nerthem Developmmr eo be kept. by , ? than.. 5. That the ..I a«pend'ma under that By-Law shall be - ..:..,. dollars and that the sum o4 dollars shall be Hued locally by r6 said Munitlpa , for the purpose of defraying the proponion of rho cosy m be borne by Them under this B,Law, Recd . firs, and second /dose this day of ._..P -f (.i!E..P�J _.._.. A.D. 193,171. �I� —/. /fir/ Read a Goi e;me and fio.Ily p---d this ....'ge _.. . day of _..... _. A D 193,1 /.. Ji tarr�r%L;� cote. Ca PO lddm., C!n# /`ll7 PO. Adele.... .'VYeFTpG �e ye ovEer iE Cdcuirnion Fvey l 1SCe A m Yeemn ! 8P4lsloss O I M mua a vMa v0 Jupe rtvn rEC wo,onewen o e, pe nlyl�LSV eamWe e n eE epe n.oe app4n �Ne .mowv im n emo sue- cry v sL 1. —il.. oIee clot t,,x c ave J_ Addeee m ease a eu m ryen Ylo4ty e( eEC FceWVCC pvekpnmt ➢ e, Potliamem aeJJ{nm, Sxv..ln I hereby apf T of a ioml p d'mre under 6b; B,r— of ehe cum of _........ (p J p... 0, 0 of which the pro�y ruav ro be PU! by the Gavnvmmt will Hoc be mom ,bang ....._.. J.� S..o:.� Ake, Dt➢vh of N M1 rDa-lsa 4 1e11 D I pells, mA Toeovro, __... __._.. : 193..,,,, By — Laws ORO Tw.p. 1935 VOLUME 4 1922-1964 SCHEDULE No.. 0-- 'm of R.dA I Expend ivee emduwe {, z A( 3.44. Pm..o /(r @v r 0..�/rs-. r'1.�✓.��.°... p f� ALA 4. -4 ml &9z e 9 _ .. 7 Teal HxPrndmromRwd.. _ $eJ lO �'O °�` $ j?7Z?0!� $ .__...._. "' mdUP Road O ersr r or Supemieendene $ _ ,., $ $ Rend Mnehin<ry TOTALS By — Laws ORO iwp. 1935 VOLUME 4 1922 -19M Declaration of Township Treasurer of the £awnslup of _._ in he D •ma of d0 6erehy e.IwoAy dedz,e: 1. Ti., I am rho duly appomred reu — of the Mwh.:pel Co Taradoo of the Munidpahry 2. Th., I ha wcefuhy examined be arar<menr of oe,eod,wre —de —do, Hy Law No. of the Mu d'a' of .m hed herexuh and found 1, ro be mast. 3. Thar I h ad oaa of fi fwd, of the s d M iuptGty of io the Yrar[r'193 a( m ucotdanee with the arav 000ea of Abe aid B,..� Ne r(' lI Lj di sum of ]. >(�n. dY/�aas• y//K *V //00 V.1h a and I do hold bova fide pay bas and vouch,,, for ,ucoh paymenn, which I am pmp_od m produce u, vonfiwvon rherrof. Tmunn , Q ur die D:srrier ofd o < A.D. 193 aS R d> h n - IP. o. Cammv r $G.O. APPROVED I hereby approve and zmhorize the paymeer of _ ../00 D.U.. m the Trea,urer of the Mu ,U, of __... _......_ �. 3v paymmr of he Government of Ommtia's propercov of rho abovq mx. , x n.o.n ol.n<uide,. dmld,:ra ene nem;.9n,e;.,, e(.ln ➢emimmi -a1 NwiMa Dere4ynm. Tomnro, ..._ 193._... IMlen.I9H By — Laws ORO Twp, 1936 VOLUME 4 1922 -1996