1948-676 OroFO[ds B-s Y aY -LAW Ho. A BY -LAW 70 PRO= FOR THE TOTAL 19:WFNDITIIRE ON ROADS VL ME TCMHIP OR 0�,,,, TE ME �� OF SzAd'fL £ dye . +e WHnEA5 The Higiwey Irpiovcreot Act, Chop LCr 56, R.5.0., 1937 and emeadrzente re mA,r 'that the Le La'. empeod wt ' en O'U,o Uip mods end brld"g be pro Yldod for -wally by lc� hlp by -law. . follow: T.YEREEORE ton Council of the Cc7&ratSnn of tre call to+.Sbip enacts as ill The awn of i j,_p$¢.'° _io 11C=-I appmprl 9Led fro, monies rxieed by levy, dcberwres and goverrY.cnt subei 0t' for totol expcndLture upon mnsyrvctL On u d moiateoelte of the rb d. ead brl d gca "der ttc Jerlalic[lon dcr1C8 the year 19W ec follows: I Ef. ALI a �« E PE¢ve 1, Clerk Of the eC [porntlpd of the torerah!p T Of tlo hereby certify thet the fumaoSng le a tale copy of Oy °far xo.- pesecd by LLe council of the aMd cerp,eUc, Co [he- _..�6o& t 19 By — Laws VOLUME 1 1922- 19" mkl7syip a= ORO Twp. 1948 Doxsrxucnay w Britlgea E Culverts $ yip -'9 YRiond�ASCD Road9 ^°°. re+ Bri dgee k ClilpErtc $ $ NdOYi - HL' Hex g Repel re g / en MTSCMT6NM C $ -Z �_aa TOTALS - g4e-ra. -OF p2) T:,c said rn i" @@hell be SrPonded order the diaeotton'ef the duly appoloted township mad eupsrSntendenL and on Nark perfomnl In eccnrJ"Ic Witb The Higlow, Ivry rorement Act. The elerk 'sha1S trec1 of the Nan ltlpel ROa R Branch, l t u llcate COPlea of this by -ter to the dlatrlet office Deperl 201h of the Obt of Hle,Eays, for approval on or before February' present' year. Pasecd at ef ._ thlQAzdcy of A.D., 19_fy t I Ef. ALI a �« E PE¢ve 1, Clerk Of the eC [porntlpd of the torerah!p T Of tlo hereby certify thet the fumaoSng le a tale copy of Oy °far xo.- pesecd by LLe council of the aMd cerp,eUc, Co [he- _..�6o& t 19 By — Laws VOLUME 1 1922- 19" mkl7syip a= ORO Twp. 1948