1964-840 OroPanm oB�wR.ia F34165 Bu LAW T;a fL�% _ k'` Naerro,.. A RY.LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 6Ll EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE CO TOWNSHIP OF AEA y iN THE . I'NTY 6 OF /MCaF 'i B#STR #CP 4,�` r a F t +L ^t^ llgho,v j1npR1 a ont Art. 7,nuos Nrat tk jut al uxpmdiE [e on mods t b prondcd 4or. "uuduy L+ JY law rd that tza bF luw be tubaitied to the Minister of HIl;hway. "t r fP" appiov5l ". TH£r2Ei VD the Co"o"' of tFe Coxpgraltor of the tnid Tortnentp enoeL ns falloas t p' „'. t dv EU 'A�c aura of IW :be y esVma[ed m the xpe dawe nppn tha v 0na;� Gaa9 uod vm¢(enaaze of the r adg ilpg yf�� LodeC Yb juy--djw., durN6lhe i lo A v� i A '' CFLatNH.pn MAtfthw co 1fite1 r $ y 12nn ov ------------ a BRTDCES & C:,ZVERTS _ F �,..+n _A+ g x $_ __s�°T✓•� '11M MACIMI RY --- .t, SITPERPiTE\'AFeYCE & (A'MfIEAD ----- s L s _ TOTAEs t o70:o+s -eo t M Th - d 111111 be pendAl loRj, th pt'll3l.. of tie duly zppoimm tome ship tood Farrar dent end n. ork i peKOnnod Act l ie ae —dol witlr T M h,, fmpiotreLaent (3) Ih darL } l IY . d ll f Lies ; IC. byl w f the di..tl'ict 4(�eC nt the M ;p_t Boads Br noh, Depatomot tf H ¢huays, p E rio, not inter it an Mart, 31s of the 4) TP app t the out Af ,pol Ectrd hall he obt P b f re'.any oxpenffi 4a thorwed -1 utolk oorameutcd h oh to b, Csanety Cy the 1rnol of dabontune ar movc rals sobregn t Peal L 2aued of 1Zf? th "u.. ^{K�! daY ofd Sh AD 19r�,e (SEAL) Perk �' .< - ' -- -- _ -- -- 0 4 of tha Corporaffiot of the Sorvnalup of -- - - -- _ to lu^lby 2Cifj that the fagngoi g is a ttv_ tapr o` Ry law F tie Counai at thn tad Corpomhon try tho nF day o vt Y _F S a �/�.(, �M F.v i'A Rey :826 TOWNSHIP OF �FD RE: BY-LAW N.. _94!0 I CONSTRUCTION ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 Gy . L «,n (nY LOr nxo CONtCbelIXfl - -- - xarunp eF wopn ma., .1 MAT. __ .­­TS TreE AM 1.ER - e LOGrIOx pvn -TOTA1 % IS, `CM AO-t.. wNn MacM,NE aNE« NrMIZO) SM._TDrAL ,D, aDREgMVDMENDl „ „D DNERRpAS IaEE FUSTMOTE, j Tor,u Foq 2. MAINTENANCE AD - OXTRAO8u1NARY ... Rt FAOma IFwv[mrnn MILES_�� uSUAFAS NO.lanwv El OR eTo Rl MILE! SURFACE TRUTMENT MILES -.... D,TCxEE. 111E SR—.. cATaf SAD , mrzpG, aUTTEna. DRUxnpE,uappxRAT Np eulnEgaIL. p, B. ZON[ MARKING FEHCC BONUS W,NTUR CONTRq -- SNOW FENCE. YLOw,NC, SANDING, SUTMZ M4oq pFpwlPe (OEStS,U.Sl (c) 6 FSRINTINOENCE AND OV ..EAD (GEE POOTNOip TOTAY FOR DONarpumON OUBITAL MAIMTENANCE Gn,nD To-rA1 — a�G OT'3•� t� `/ m � —r —nlo v a s ve i ulla:m (/ If Mwfll[IYI tmv AM" wDuO w MUDD OR" SO yh In @e IMm R,t M.d RM, Sunrint tl D mf meemm mry R 413hIE61uE WWW OmDirm93n US MtlRInS. le @O DIRTRI tM, :o" OI IRS, 1(D M[ ]2) LNr lO 1.1, Al Ihme &tl MO Nh