1998-012 For the Regulating and Licenscing of establishments for the breeding and boarding of dogs within the Township of Oro-Medonte. (Kennel Licensing By-Law) and to amend Oro-Medonte By-law 1994-037 I ~ " ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LAW NO. 98-12 Being a By-law for the Regulating and Licensing of establishments for the breeding and boarding of dogs within the Township of Oro-Medonte. (Kennel Licensing By-law) and to amend Oro-Medonte By-Law 94-37. e WHEREAS Section 210, Faragraphs 2 and 11(8) 0: the ~unicipal ~;:~C::., 8..3.0. 1990, :::<-:J 3-menaec :.::cm ::..:ne to ::":T'~ef ;:er:-:1i:s the Council of a local municipality to pass by-laws fer ~egulating and ~icensing establishments for the Breeding or boarding of animals, or any ~lass thereof, Nithin the mu~icipality or def:..ned areas thereof; AND WHEREAS the ::cuncil c.t :':-.8 Corporation elf the -:":)wnship of Oro-Medonte deems i: advisable to exercise the authority :0 regulate and license establishments for the breeding and/or boarding of dogs, Hi:h the corporate limits cf the Township of Oro-Medonte; AND WHEREAS Council cf che ~ownship By-Law No. 94-37 and being a by-law regulating of dog and kennels; 8: Oro-Medon:e ~assed ::::;r " , i.lCenslLg and NOW THEREFORE the Council of ~he Corporation of the ~ownship of Oro-Medonte enacts as follows: SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS ?or the purpose or this By-~aw the following definitions shall apply: ...... . ..... BOARDI~G: shall mean the taking in of dogs for a period of time for capital gains; , ~ BREEDING: shall mean c~e generating of offspri~g resulting ~.i quali::~l ::.f upbringing as i~i pure-bred dogs; -,-...:.. " . ~ COUNCI~: shail ~ean :~e Council of The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medon:e; _.4 DOG: shall have an ordinary ~eaning and shall include spayed or neutered, ~ale or :emale over the age of twelve weeks; -. ~ H~NE SOCI~T:: shall ~ean the Ontario Society :or :he Prevention of Cruel:} :0 Animals or any ~ocal craneh or the Ontario Humane Society, or a Veterinarian designated the society, or an Animal Control Of:icer designated by the :ownship for the purpose of t~is by- law; e :.0 KENNEL: means any premises where dogs are boarded or are kept for :he p~rposes of breeding, or~egis~ered hounds =cr ~he purposes of h~nti~g, C~ Gogs kept solely =0= ~~e pur90se c= ~ou~i~el! entering 51ea C~ other simi~Gr ~3ces :r ~ersc~al ~ses. L:C2NSE: 3ha~~ De3~ a ~er~i:~cate ~ssued OJ :~e 70wnship upon comp~iance :0 :n~s By--aw permi:t~ng an owner :0 operate a ~enne~i -2- ..;...() OWNER: shall mean the person who is the registered owner of the property on which the Kennel is located; - . ~ PURE-BRED: shall mean any dog that is registered or eligible for registration with an association incor- porated under the Animal Pedigree Act (Canada); e 1.10 PERSON: shall mean an individual human being, his/her personal agent, heir, successors and assigns and shall include a corporation with or without share capital; 1.11 TOWNSHIP: shall mean The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte; 1,12 PLANNER: shall mean the official or employee of the Township charged with the duty of ad~inistering the provisions of the Zoning By-laws. SECTION 2: LICENSING 2.1 No person shall own, operate, ~anage, 2ontrol, supervise, or have on any property any Kennel unless a license has been issued for such Kennel by the Township. 2.2 Only the owner of the property upon which the Kennel is proposed to be located may apply for and receive a kennel license. 2.3 Every owner who applies for a license shall do so on the form prescribed by this By-law as Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. 2.4 Every owner applying for a license for breeding purposes shall submit the following documentation: a) Copy of active membership in the Canadian Kennel Club or any other Association incorporated under the Animal Pedigree Act (Canada) (i f avai lable) ; b) A written, up-to-date approval from the Humane Society with any costs involved borne by the applicant; to ensure compliance with this By-law; c) A site plan drawn to scale showing all buildings on the subject property and the location of all kennel structures, and must also specify the distances which separates the kennel structures from all property lines and all buildings, including any buildings situated on an adjacent property; e d) Verification of current rabies vaccination for all dogs kept or to be Kept at the subject kennel for breeding purposes. -, ~ Every applicant for a kennel license for boarding purposes shall submi~ the ~ollowing documentation: a) A written, up-to-date approval f~om the Humane Society with any cost involved borne by the applicant; to ensure compliance with this By-law; -4- SECTION 5: CONFINEMENT OF DOGS All dogs shall be confi~ed i~side the ~ennel struct~re juring the hours of 11:00 p.~. to 7:00 c.m. SECTION 6: REVOCATION OF LICENSE e 6.1 Any kennel license application which fails to ~eet the minimum requirements prescribed herein, shall ce refused for reasons of ~on-compliance with t~e provisions of this By-~aw. In the event that a license is refused, the owner has the right to a hearing under the Statutc~y Powers ?rocedures Act, R.3.0. 1990, 3.22, as amended. 6.2 Any license issued under the previsions of this By-law may be revoked prior t~ expiration for any breach of the provisions of this 3y-law, in which case t~e owner shall have the right to a hearing under the Statutory Powers Procedures Act, ;.S.O. 1990, S.22, as a~ended. SECTION 7: OFFENCES Any person who contravenes any provisions of this By- law is guilty of an offence and subject to a penalty pursuant to the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, P.33. 7.2 The conviction of an offender upon the breach of any provisions of this By-law shall not operate as a bar to a prosecution against the same offender upon any continued or subsequent breach of any provisions of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, M.45, s327, as amended from time to time, shall further apply to any continued or repeated 2reach of this By-law. ~.3 If any court of competent j~risdiction :l~dS ~hat any of the provisions of :~is By-law are ultra vires the jurisdiction of Council, or are invalid for a reason, such provision shall be deemed to be severable and shall not invalidate any of the other provisions of the By-law which shall remain in full force and e==ect. SECTION 8: MISCELLANEOUS S.l Where the context permits, words importing the singular member of or the mascu~ine gender, also include more than one persons, parties or things of the same kind than one and female as well as ~ale. 8.2 That this By-~aw may be cited as the "Kennel :icensing By-law". e S.3 That this Bv-law shall properties WiL~i~ the apply to 2J..1. lands and corporate limits of :he -:::'ownship. SECTION 9: ENACTMENT :'HAi:' Sect:..on of 3v-:aw 94-37 is hereby deleted i~ i:s en'Cirety. THAT this By-~aw shall take of final passi~g :~ereof. fo::-ce and effece :''''''('1'"' .--!::--.,-", :~.e date -5- READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 4th DAY OF FEBRUkRY, 1998. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1998. e THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE (l~ z; ebv'{ Mayor, Ian Beard ~ '_'~/',/<;:."'.:,__./(.,.~>..f. ~<'__"'_L__".' " _____/'~, ~ i --...-,'<,.. .. Clerk, Lynda Aiken e e e SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW NO. 98-12 FEE SCHEDULE BOARDING KENNEL LICENSE...............,........,.........,.........,.......,....,..,...,......,.....,. $50 . 00 BREEDING KENNEL LICENSE.......,...,.................,......,.....,........................,..,......" $50.00 BOTH BOARDING & BREEDING KENNEL LICENSE..............................$100. 00 SCHEDULE "B" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE APPLICATION FOR KENNEL LICENSE ~his application is a: New Application Renewal e Pure-Bred Kennel License ( ) Boarding Kennel License ( NAME OF KENNEL: APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: POSTAL CODE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: !come Dusiness (If more than one registered owner with different address, attach separate sheet) Legal Description of Property on which Kennel is to be operated: Lot Con. Plan Kennel will be operated by: or ) same as registered owner; Name: Address: Postal Code: Telephone: (home) (business) If Owner is a Corporation: Name of all Shareholders Address % of shares Professional Affiliation of Owner (or operator) Canadian Kennel Club: yes() no( C.K.C. No. Other (specify) e ... I DECLARATION - I hereby certify that I have knowledge of the particulars contained in the foregoing statement, and I solemnly affirm that the same are in every respect fully and truly stated to the best of my knowledge and belief, as if made under and by virtue of The Canada Evidence Act and I solemnly affirm that I (we) have not been convicted under Section 446 of the Criminal Code of Canada Pertaining to animal cruelty. Dated this the day of , 19 Applicant Applicant Boarding Kennel Applicants Only.. T ~, hereby certify on behalf of , a boarding Kennel establishment, that dogs kept on our premises and under our watch and care are not being offered for sale. Date Signature Note: Council has the right to refuse any Kennel application. e '" . OFFICE USE ONLY Application received by: e Township Employee Date Application for License recommended by: 1) Ontario S.P.C.A. or Veterinarian Date 2) Chief By-law Enforcement Officer Date 3) Planner Date 4) Director of BUilding/Planning Development Date Application for Kennel License issued by: Issuer Date Note: Upon Issuance a copy of the application form shall be given to the applicant, along with a copy of the Kennel By-law. This license has been revoked by resolution of Council due :0 the following reasons: Resolution No. e C::"erk Jate