1998-123 To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 1 to the Township of Oro-Medonte Official Plan . tI ..,,;~' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LAW NO. 98- 123 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE OFFICIAL PLAN The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte, in accordance with the provision of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as foUows: 1. The attached explanatory text which constitutes Amendment NO.1 to the Official Plan of the Township of Oro-Medonte, is hereby adopted. 2. The Planner is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of Amendment No. I to the Official Plan of the Township of Oro-Medonte. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME, THIS 2 DAY OF Dec. 1998. BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2 DAYOFDecl998. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO- MEDONTE 4 /',' ::1 [? ~~...K. ,"'"K.,,,,,,",,,~. /..:, i:.'.A:!j...l.wjj; Mayor -Ian Beard A l . /' /. ';z:;:.f.,~/tL g,J~ Clerk - Lynda Aiken " It .. AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE e ,. AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE The attached explanatory text constituting Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan for the Township of Oro-Medonte ~f.repared and adopted by the Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte by By-law No. . III accordance with the provIsIOns of SectIOns 17 and 21 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13 on the day ofj)~ "-"m h.,... 1998. Mayor - Ian Beard Clerk - Lynda Aiken - AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO- MEDONTE INDEX PAGE The Constitutional Statement 1 PART A-THE PREAMBLE 2 Purpose Location Basis 2 2 2 PART B - THE AMENDMENT 3 Introduction Details of the Amendment 3 3-5 PART C - APPENDICES Public Meeting Minutes November 4, 1998 Planning Advisory Committee Planning Report August 31, 1998 e THE CONSTITUTIONAL STATEMENT The following Amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Oro-Medonte consists of three parts. PART A-THE PREAMBLE- consists of the purpose, location and basis for the Amendment and does not constitute part of the actual Amendment PART B - THE AMENDMENT - which sets out the actual Amendment and consists of the text, constitutes Amendment No, 1 to the OtTicial Plan of the Township of Oro-Medonte. PART C - THE APENDICES- consists of information pertinent to this Amendment in the form of background information. This section does not constitute part of the actual Amendment. e , ' PART A - THE PREAMBLE 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this Amendment it to add additional policies to the Agricultural, Rural, and Mineral Aggregate Resources Designations to establish a list of criteria to be reviewed for the creation of any new lot for utility purposes. 2.0 Location This Amendment is genera! in nature and would apply to an lands within the boundaries of the Township of Oro-Medonte which are within the Agricultural, Rural, or Mineral Aggregate Resources designations. 3.0 Basis This amendment originated from an application to permit a Provisional Consent for a communications tower. This application was deferred by the Committee of Adjustment until a policy could be established by Council for consideration of such an application. Currently the Official Plan is silent on the issue of new lot creation for utility purposes and as the Township does receive a few applications each year some consideration of such applications is necessary in the Official Plan. PART B - THE AMENDMENT 1.0 Introduction . All of this part of the Amendment entitled Part B.- The Amendment, which consists of the following text, constitutes Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of the Township of Oro-Medonte. 2.0 Details of the Amendment The Official Plan for the Township of Oro-Medonte is hereby Amended as follows: 1. Section D2.3, Agricultural, of the Official Plan is hereby amended by adding the following after subsection D 2.3.8 and renumbering all subsequent sections accordingly: "D 2.3.9 The creation of new lots for utility purposes The creation of a new lot for utility purposes may be pennitted provided: a) the size of the new lot is minimized; b) there are no suitable locations on lands outside of the Agricultural designation for the proposed use; c) the severed lot is located on a property where it would have the least impact on existing and future agricultural operations; d) the proposed lots fronts onto an existing public road that is maintained year round by the Township, County, or Province; e) the proposed lot will not cause a traffic hazard as a result of its location on a curve or hill; and f) the proposed lot is rezoned in the implementing Township Zoning By-law as a condition of Provisional consent to prohibit the use of the property for residential purposes. For the purposes of this section, a lot used for utility purposes can be the site of a communications tower, uses accessory to a gas or oil pipeline or uses accessory to an electrical transmission system." .. 2. Section D3.3, Rural, of the Official Plan is hereby amended by adding the following after subsection D 3.3.6 and renumbering all subsequent sections accordingly: "D 3.3.7 The creation of new lots for utility purposes The creation of a new lot for utility purposes may be permitted provided: . a) b) c) d) e) f) the size of the new lot is minimized; there are no suitable locations on lands outside of the Rural designation for the proposed use; the severed lot is located on a property where it would have the least impact on existing and future agricultural operations; the proposed lots fronts onto an existing public road that is maintained year round by the Township, County, or Province; the proposed lot will not cause a traffic hazard as a result of its location on a curve or hill; and the proposed lot is rezoned in the implementing Township Zoning By-law as a condition of Provisional consent to prohibit the use of the property for residential purposes. For the purposes of this section, a lot used for utility purposes can be the site of a communications tower, uses accessory to a gas or oil pipeline or uses accessory to an electrical transmission system. 3. Section D5.3, Mineral Aggregate Resources, of the Official Plan is hereby amended by adding the following after subsection D 5.3.2: "D 5.3.3 The creation of new lots for utility purposes The creation of a new lot for utility purposes may be permitted provided: a) the size of the new lot is minimized; b) there are no suitable locations on lands outside of the Mineral Aggregate Resource designation for the proposed use; c) the severed lot is located on a property where it would have the least impact on existing and future mineral aggregate extraction operations; d) the proposed lots fronts onto an existing public road that is maintained year round by the Township, County, or Province; e) the proposed lot wiII not cause a traffic hazard as a result of its location on a curve or hi!1;and f) the proposed lot is rezoned in the implementing Township Zoning By-law as a condition of Provisional consent to prohibit the use of the propert'j for residential purposes. . For the purposes of this section, a lot used for utility purposes can be the site of a communications tower, uses accessory to a gas or oil pipeJine or uses accessory to an electrical transmission system." '. SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING UNDER THE PLANNING ACT Proposed Amendment to tbe Official Plan to establisb a set of criteria in tbe Official Plan to be considered for the creation of any new lots for utility purposes. November 4,1998 @ 7:22 p.m. . Present: Mayor Ian Beard Deputy Mayor Don Bell Councillor Lillian McConnell Councillor Ralph Hough Councillor Ron Sommers Councillor Ruth Fountain Absent: Councillor Neil Craig Staff Present: Andria Leigh, Township Planner, Keith Mathieson, Manager Public Works Also Present: Shirley Woodrow, Kelly Best, Jean Watson, Fred Watson, Joan FitzGerald. D. FitzGerald, Rick Hunter, Walter Dickie, Glen Lucas Mayor Beard called the meeting to order and advised that aU persons present would be afforded the opportunity of asking questious in respect to the proposed Official Plan Amendment. Ms. Andria Leigh, Township Planner provided infonnatlon with respect to the proposed amendment. It was indicated that the purpose of the amendment is to allow for the creation of lots for utility purposes. Those uses would be accessory to such companies as a gas company, an oil company, a communication tower or Bell. The lots would be rezoned to restrict the properties from being used for residential purposes. Rick Hunter (Walton & Hunter Planning Associates): Indicated that his company was in support of the proposed amendment. Councillor McConnell: Inquired as to how many severances would be involved. Andria Leigb: It was indicated that typically there may be one or two a year. The most seen in one year was three. Some utility companies do not require Township approval. Mayor Beard provided closing comments and there being no further comments or questions the meeting adjourned @ 7:25 p.m. These minutes are taken from notes and are not verbatim. A tape recording of the meedn; is available. if required. PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE VINEY, P-76/98 Lot 9, Concession 6(Oro) August 31,1998 . ProDosal David Viney has submitted an application to amend the Oro-Medonte Official Plan. The lands subject to the application are located within part of the east part of Lot 9, Concession 6 in the former Township of Oro. The property fronts onto Line 6 North as indicated on the attached reference plan. The applicant is proposing to sever a parcel of land being approximately 3.78 acres in size and currently contains a communications tower. Official Plan The entire parcel has a split designation with the eastem 213 being Mineral Aggregate Resources and the western 1/3 being Rural, the western 213 is also subject to the Environmental Protection Two overlay designation. The site of the proposed severance is located entirely within the Mineral Aggregate Resources designation. Section D5 Mineral Aooreoate Resources indicates the objectives and permitted use within this designation. There are no policies to permit severances in this designation as residential dwellings would preclude the future extraction of the aggregate resources. The proposed severance, as indicated, is for a communications tower and it is intended that a residential dwelling would be prohibited on this property. The applicant has provided a report from Geological Investigations which reviews the impact of the proposed severance on the aggregate resource of the property. This report is appended for the Committee's review, Zonina Bv-Iaw Currently the portion of the property proposed to be severed is zoned Mineral Aggregate Resource Two Exception 96 (MAR*96). The permitted uses in the MAR2 zone are listed in Table A4. Exception 96 does not permit the construction of new dwelling units within this area. . -2- Exception 96 was established in consultation with the County of Simcoe as a 500 metre boundary around the landfill site. In discussions with the County, it has been indicated that revisions to this boundary may occur. On this basis, it is being recommended that as a condition of provisional consent a rezoning to prohibit a single detached dwelling be required. A Draft Official Plan Amendment is attached for the Committee's review and comment. If the Committee is satisfied with this Amendment, it should be recommended that the proposed Official Plan Amendment proceed to a public meeting. Recommendation Based on the information provided to date, it is recommended that a public meeting under Section 17 be scheduled. SENT BY:MJN OF MVNJCJPAL AFA!R: 2-25-97 10: 12 PAB - CENTRAL SW; 705 487 0133:# 2/11 @ wlnlt1iYaI , .........- .... -..0 "'- Form to be Forwarded to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing For Approval of an Adopted Official Plan or Plan Amendment Note to Munldpatltles ancf Plannltl9 Boards This form is to be used.by municipaliUes and planning beards for the approval of an adopted otfic:ial plan or plan amendment if 1I1e Mlnislry of MunIoipaI Aftai:s and Housing is the approval authOrity. In this form, 1I1e term "subject land" means the land i.~:s subject of the proposed official plan or official plan amendment. Become familiar with the Provincial Policy Statement before compjeting this form and submiWng the application. Table 1 (Significant Fe..u.es Checklist) is intended to assist the municipality or planning board to detennirle whether significant provincial features or circumstances may be affected by a plan amendment which proposes to change the use ot a specific site. II describes potential information needs. Please note that the Information to accompany an amendment as prescribed by Regulation to the Planning Act must be Included In this form or In the material submlt:l8d to the Minister with the applIcation. t Besides specified information prescribed by Regulation the Ministry needs: " 3 copies of this completed form . 3 certilled copies of the proposed official plan or amendment 5 working copies of the proposed official plan or amendment . 5 copies of any accompanying infotmation/mporls , \ , , \ Consultation with Munlclpel Affalra and HouOJlng f The Planning Act requires councit to consult with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing during the preparation of an official plan or amendment poor to atfoption. The Ministry will prov;de a co-ordJnated provincial response on behalf of OIher Ministries. FcrHelp You can call the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Plans Administration Branch at (416) 585-6014 and ask for the community planner that handles your area or call the appropriate regional office of the Ministry's Regional Operations Branch as listed below: C_al Region (Toronto) (416) 3Z7-0017 or Toll free: 1-800-668-0230 Easl8m Region (KIngston) (813) 545-4310 or Toll fr....: 1-800-267-9438 Southwestern Region (London) (519) 873-1611 or ToU free: 1-800-265-4736 Northeastern Region (SudbUry) , (705) 560-0120 or Toll free: 1-800-461-1193 Northwestern Region (Thunder Bay) (807) 475-1851 or Toll fr....: 1-80Q..465-5027 '102(o&t:I6) Disponible en fran~s SENT BY:MIN Of MUNICIPAL AfAIR: 2-25-97 10: 13 PAB - CENTRAL SW~ 705 487 0133:# 3/11 YOUR CHECKLIST FOR SUBMISSION OF THE FORM: Have you rememb81'11d to attach: YES A certified copy of the by-law adopting the proposed official plan or plan .amendment? o . certified copies of the official plan or plan amendment? A minimum of 5 working copies of the official plan or plan amendment? o o A minimum of 3 copies of this form. completed and signed? o 5 copies of alllnformalion or reports as Indicated in the form? o An atfldallit or swom dectan1lion concerning the requirements for giving of notice and the holding of a public meeting and 1118 requirements for gMng notice of adoption? o A copy of any planning report considered by councilor the planning board? o A list describing the information that was made available to the public prior to the adoption of the oflicial plan or plan amendment? o A copy of the minutes of the public meeting, if any? o The original or copy of all written submissions and comments and when they were received? o A Ust (in the form of an affidavit or swom declaration) of all persons and public bodies that made oral submissions at the public meeting? o A Ust of any outstanding oblectors and their addresses? o Forward to: Mlnisby of Municipal Affairs and Housing Plans Administration Branch 777 Bay Street. 14th Floor Toronto. Ontario M5G 2E5 SENT SY:MIN Of MUNICIPAL AfAIR: 2-25-97 10: 13 PAS - CENTRAL S!V~ 705 487 0133:# 4/11 '1. General Information Munlolpolily '" PIarJrnng eo_ Name at u. QffidaI PlDin _No. Date '" Public Meeting Oat. of Adaptkm MMAH p"""",,_on Na. 101110 R_S.......-1O CouncIl 2. Contact Information Nemo at Municipel or Planning: Board StaffConlad: (..9- ......... .-.....,.....--) Telephone No_ Fax No. Noma 0/ a1I1e, _ W& may _10 ~ (e.g. municipoJ planning _1Iant) Tolophcne Nb. F_ No. Telephone No. F_ Na. icBbIo. provido "'0 ~ infanmIIion ....... _ _ """"'" Of ....... body "'''' req_ _"""""",,ant. I Telephone No. I::~ Ad....... 3. Laca1Ion of Subject Lands 3.1 If this amendment proposes to change en official plan poticy related to a specific site. or proposes to change the approved official plan land use designation of a site. please complete applicable portions of the following. C_ Numb...(s) Ld_(s) fUilgistered Plan No. I.ot(.). Block(a) R....nrc:e Plan No. I Parcel No. Putt('} Name at Street/Read S!I'eet No. Sedlon or MInIng Lccatlon No. T_f'II'<>m- Township I Ap~ Aroa of!ho Subject ~ 3.2 Does the proposed plan amendment apply to lands affec1Dd by aboriginal land claim n$!lotiations or an area CXI\IVf1Id by a provincial/abCIriginal co-management agreement? o Yes o No o Unknown 4. Status of OUler Appllcatlona Under the Plll1nlng Act 4.1 Ate there any other appUcations under the Planning Act, including apptications before the Ontario Municipal Board. for approval of an official plan amendment, a zoning by-law amendment, Ministers zoning order amendment, a minor variance. a plan of subdivision. a consent or a site plan that includes land: a) that Is the subject land 0 Yes (If knoWn. complete below) 0 No 0 Unknown NIII'IU:I at the Appnw&I Authority' consi~rin9 1M TIF. . an Type of AppUeadon and File No. (o.g. Mlniolry of MunIdpaI All. end H......,g. Land Div-. Com_) L~" ooscriptlon of the land _ io the ~ect 01 the 1IpPiIoo"<>'1 P_ '" the -,""",on _ tI1e ofIeCI on _ _ad oflldol plan or offidlll pian lIlTIondmont c.m_ _us "'!he 1If'''-- (..g. in _ _oIed) b) that Is within 120 metres of the subject land 0 Yes (if known. complete below) 0 No 0 Unknown N_ of..... Ap_ AurhoriIy _...tdering the eppIioaIion (o.g. MinloUy ot M1JnicI!'III A_ and T_ of Application and FIle No. H....Ing, Land DMoIon CommItIee) Logoi d....-iplion 0/ the land the Is the .....ect '" the ~- Purpose ai the appDca1k:tn 1U\d. tha effod on tile pIOpOGed ctfic::iai pJM or official p(an amondrnenl Current status ot th. IIf'pi:-~n (o.g.. in pf0C8SS. OPpeated) SENT BY:MIN OF MLNICIFAL AFAIR: 2-25-37 10: 14 FAB - CENTRAL sw~ 705 487 0133:# 5/11 . 5. Type of Planning Document Describe the type of planning document. 5.1 a) Is this a new afficiaI plan, or a major update (e.g. a five-year review) at an official plan? b) Does the pJannlng document only clarify wording or COlTec1 mistakes? c) Does the planning document propese Ie add, deleIa or relllse currentoffic:iaJ plan poiicy without redesignating areas at the municipality or the planning area? DYes DYes o Yes If Yes to any of the above, p/'CIceed to SectIon 9. .) Does this plan amendment propose a site specifIC r&-designation at a parcel of land? If Yes, pr_d to SectIon 5.2. o Ves 5.2 If this is an official plan amendment that is a site specific re-<lesignatlon of a parcel of land: a) What is (are) the current deslgnatlon(s) of the subject land in the OffIcial Plan? b) What land uses are pennitted by the current designation on the subject land in the Official Plan? c) What land uses will be permltled by the proposed designation(s) on the subjec1land? 6. SERVICING - To be completed for proposed plan amendments described in Sections 5.1 (d) 6.1 Indicate In A) and b) the proposed seNldng type for the subjec1land. Select the appropriate servicing type from Appendix A found at the end of this form. AtIach and provide the name of the sefViclng informationlrepor1s as indicated in Appendix A. 8) Indicate the proposed sewage disposal system b) Indicate the proposed waler supply system c) Name of servicing Information/report o Attached 0 Not Attached (If not attached, where can it be be found?) 6.2 Indicate In a), b) and c) the proposed access and storm drainage for the subject land. Select the appropriale type from Appendix B found at the end of this form. Attach and provide the name of any servicing information as indicated in Appendix B. a) Indicate the proposed road access. b) Is water access proposed? 0 Yes 0 No. If Yes, attach a description of the parking and doc:klng facilities 10 be used and the approximele distance of these !acUities from the subject land and the nearest public road. 0 AttachGd c) Indicate the proposed storm drainage system. d) Is the preliminary stonnwaler management report attached? 0 Yes 0 No. If not attached as a separate report. where can it be found? 6.3 Is the proposed plan amendment conslslenl with the recommendations of the watershed plan, if any? o Yes 0 No 0 Not appllcalJje SA Does the proposed plan amendment conform to the master drainage, sub-watershed or shoreUne management plan, if any? o Yes 0 No 0 Not applicable So~T SY:MIN Of MUNICIPAL AfAIR: 2-25-97 10: 14 PAS - CENTRAL SW~ 705 487 0133:# 6/11 . 7. CURRENT end PREVIOUS USE OF THE SUBJECT lAND - To be completed tor proposed plan amendments deseribed in Sections 5.1 (d). 7.1 What Is the current and previous use of the sub/ect land? Current use(s): All previous known uses: 7.2 Has there been an industr1al or commercial use on the subject land or land adjacent to the subjec;:t land? 0 Yes 0 No It yes, specify the use 7.3 Has the grading of the subject land been changed by adding earth or other material? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Unknown .as a gas station been ~ on the subject land or land adjacent to the subject land at any lime? o V.... 0 No 0 Unknown 7.!5 Has thare been pelrOieum or other fuel slDred on the subject land or land adjacent to the subject land? o Ves 0 No 0 Unknown 7.6 Is there reason to be&eve the subject land may have been contaminated by fonner uses on the site or adjacent sites? DYes 0 No 7.7 What information did you use to determine the answers to the above questions? 7.8 If YES to 7.2. 7.3, 7.4. 7.5, or 7.6, a previous use inventory is needed, showing aU tonner uses of the subject land, or n appropriate, the adjocent land. Is the previous use Inventory all.aChed7 0 Yes 0 No, If no, where can it be found? S. Provincial Policy 8.1 Table 1 bejow lists the features or dewlopment circumstances of interest to the Ministry. Complete Table 1 and be advised of the potential IntormaUon requirements in noted sections. Table 1 - Significant Features Cheddist (ajlf.............on _..._1n6oo Featurea or Development _OR If a feldu... specify (b) If a dS71!1lcpment Poten1lallnformatlon Needs Clrcumstancet!I cil'CLlil.aaa.~l).... d~lnm_ -- oppIy7 YES (..., NO(..., Non-farm development ......... Demonstrate _ent need within 2O-year projections designa1led urban areas or rural end that proposed devalopmem Will not hinder e_ setdement areas lIDpan$ion of urban are_ a rural $aUlement areas. aass 1 Industry Assess de\lO!lopmenl for residentiaJ end od18r sensitive m_ uses wi1hln 70 metres. Class 2 Industry development tor residential and _ """"'""" m"""s uses witt'1W1 300 metres. Oass 3 IndUstry" within Assess de....omenl tor residential and _ sensitive 1000 me1res . me....... uses wi1hin 1000 metres. Land Fill Site _ss possible 1eachaI8. odour. vermin end _ melreS impactS. Sewage Treatmem Plant __ _ need fer a feasibility study for reoIdential and mefres other sensitive land uses. Wasrs Stabilization pond """""S tile need fer a teasibiDIy study fer r_ and m_ other sensitive land uses. Active railway line Evajuate impactS within 100 metres. me1mS SENT BY:MIN OF MUNICIPAL AFAIR: 2-25-97 10: 15 PAB - CENTRAL SW~ 705 487 0133:# 7/11 , . (allta_.4on ___500 Fe_res 0' Oorvelopm_ _OR II . fUlUfe, apecIfy (b) If a _Ic."'"g,a PotBntlallnformldlon _ Crcumstane_ - dlstence In m_ _t""",,,,, VES(I"') NO (I"') Controlled access highways or Evaluate impacts within 1 00 melmS. Ir_ys, including des4gna1ecl fu1ure ones m_ Opemting mine silll Will development hinder continuation or """""""'" of melms operaUons? '-1'19 mine site within Haw poten1181 impacts been 8ddr8ssed? Has mine 1<I1res memos been rehalHlllaIIJd so th..... will be no.__? ) is where noise exposure -Iitf at development -.. 28 NEF forecast (NEFJ or noise for sensitive land tJSe9.. Abow the 35 NEF/NEP conlDur. """""un> projection (NEP) is 28 development of _ land uses is MOl Pllllllit18d. or greater E!edrie transfonner station Determine possible impacts __n 200 mell'eS. metres High voltage elec1ric Consult the appmpnate eleC1lic po...... SeMce. D'aI'1Smission line meln!s . Transporlation and in1ras1n.l<:lUre WIll the corrtdor be pr0tected7 corridors Prime agricul11JraJ land Demonstrate need for use other than agliculluraJ and indlcale how impaclS are to be mitigalecl. Agt1cu1tuno1 oper2lllans De\oeIopment to comply with the Minimum DIsIance metre. Separation .Formulae. Mineral aggregate l'eSOU,ce Will development hinder access to the n.."",,,,, or the - escabIishment at new resource operations? Mineral aggregate opO!f8tions WIll development hinder cantinU8.tion at eXlr8Clion? ma1n>S MInenaI and pe1roleum _ Will development hindat' &:Ce8S to the """"""" or the ...... establishment of new resource operations? Existing pits and quames WIll devek>pment hinder cantinued operation or m_ e__? Significant wetlands CemonsIrate no negative Impacts. metres Signl1lcant portions of habitat of o..monstrate no neg_ impacts. endangered and threatened -''''' me1res Signftcant: 1ish habitat, Demonstrate no negaJ:ive impacts. woodlands southeast at the canadian Shlekt, valleylands. _ at n_rat and sden1lftc IntIOnIst, wildlife _ metres Sensi1ive groundWaIBr I'8Ctwge Demonstmt8 thai ground__ ",chBl'gO ...-. head. areas, h_ and aquifers watans and aquitem will bA pro1l>Cl>od. 6ignficant built herilage Dellelopment should con_ s<gniflcant built hert1age resources and cutturaJ heritage resourcas and cuttural heritage landscapes. landscaps,. Signmcant archaeological Assess development proposed in area of medium and resources high potential for significant archaeological resources. lhe8e SOUrces are to be studied and presetWd. Dr wner.. appropliale, remowd, cataJoguad and analyzed prior to dewlopment. SENT BY:MIN Of MUNICIPAL AfAIR: 2-25-97 10:16 PAB - CENTRAL SW~ 705 487 0133:# 8/11 . . (ejlta_ls.an _",_500 Fe""'''''' 01' OeveIDpIIMM . _OR It _ --... apecIIy lb) Ifa. '. .... __Ilnformallon _ cJtcumsmnces .._ _In ...- _11If'I'I'I' VESCo') NOlo') Great Lakes - SL Lawrence Wllttin !hI> regulatoly shoreline "- the Impect at Ri_ System devetopment Erosion haZ.a/ttS Detarmine feasibility within the 1:100 yew __ limits of ravines, river valleyS and S1niIII/I'IS. Roodplains Where ~ _ plain management ill in eII8ct, development Is no! pennillad within the load plain. \IIIhere 1"oNO-:oane 1Iood plain man&gernGnt Is in efIoct. development Is not pennil!ed -.... the 1oDdWaV. Where . Sped;sJ Policy Area (SPA) is in efleer, d&Velepment must meet the affldal plan potIeIe8 for tI1e SPA. Hazardous siteS and For deveiopment on rehlJlbllJta1sd mine _. an rehahili1atsd mine sites appt_ for approval from the MlnI5Iay at Northern melmS DeW>lopmcnl and Mines should be-made COfI<:I.IITBI1Iy. Contaminated sites Assess an in"""""Y at previous usa> in areas at possible soil contamlnallon. t. C1a3rJ 1 IndUStry ~ sm" acaIe. ~ PMt. no oc.aIde :&tcfage. low probatJility af fugitNe emisaions and daytime ~1Mtt anty'. 2. c..... 2Ind_oy. ......"",...,.Ie ~ one! ~ with """"""......ag... pe_ outputdf _ sbift _....-- d.....trucI< traffic. 3. Clam 3 Industry. indic::-*a jf wtrhIn 1000 metres _ po... -.:.' .g and manufac::turing with frequent and intcInsa atf-clle irnp-=ts and a high prat..f'*f of tugill". t!I~OM. 4. Hazardo,," ..... _ proplOltV '" lands \hili cauld be tM1MIe for _eiopm<ont ", _ d.... to nalUlally ,,""'Ring hlWllds. n- - -- "_I. ..... (..._.. m..... cIa1'8 Pedal. organic sails) or "_ bedrock (KaISO to_raphy). IL2 Regard 10 the P.......lnclal poUcy StIItem.m For eadl feature or development drcIImstanc:e of potential concern identified in Table 1, identify how regard was had to 1I1e provincial Policy Statement. ExpIaJn below or attach on a separate page. SENT BY:MIN Of MUNICIPAL AfAIR: 2-25-97 ". i. 10: 16 PAB - CENTRAL SW~ 705 487 0133;# 9/11 8.3 For Proposed plan amendments IhaI: include pennanent housing (i.e. not seasonal) complete Table 2 - Housing , AffordabiIlty. For each type of housing and unit size, complete lIIe rest of the raw. If lots are to be sold as vacant lois, indicate lIIe lot frontage. IntonnaIion should be based on the best information available at lIIe time lIIe official plan amendment was adopted. If addillonel space is needed. attach on a separate page. Table 2 - Housing Atfardabllity For example: Semi-ctetadled - 10 unils: 1000 sq.ft./ 5.5 me1res, $119.900 Housing Type II of Units Unit SIze (sq.ft) andlor Lot Frontage ESUmated Selling Ptfc:elRent Single De1ached Semi ~ched Row or Townhouse Apartment Block . Other Types or Multiples 8.4 Is lIIere any other Information which may relate to the effordability of the proposed housing. or the type of hOUsing needs served by the proposed plan amendment? o Yes 0 No. If Va.. explain In secUon 9.1 or attai:n on a _panda page. 9. OTHER INFORMA110N 9.1 Is the... is any otller Information \hat may be useful to the Ministry in reviewing this official plan or plan amendment (e.g. efforts made to resolve outs1anding ob(eclions or concerns)? If so. explain below or attach on a separate page. 10. Affidavit or Sworn Declaration for the Prescribed Information (Note: The Deponent Dr Declarant must be the clerk, commissioner or director of the planning of the municipaJity or the secretary-trBssurer 01 the planning bOard or 01l1er employee designated by resotution.) ~ ottlle in the make oath and say (or solemnly declare) that tI1e information contained in thIS form and the accompanying material (Including 1I1et prescribed by the Ontario Regulation for Of1icial Plans and Plan Amendments) is !rUe. Swom (or declared) before me at the in the this day of 19_ Commissioner of Oaths Deponent (or Declaral11) SENT BY:MIN Of MUNICIPAL AfAIR: 2-25-97 'I- " 10:17 PAB - CENTRAL SW~ 705 ~87 0133:#10/11 APPENDIX A - Sewage Disposal and Water Supply . servtce Type PotIIntlallnfonnaUon./ReportS Sewage a) Public piped sewage Municipality should canfinn lhat capacity wiN be available In sef\Iice the DJsponl system d;MJIopment at the time of lot creation or re..mning. b) Public or prM118 Communal systems tor the development of more than 5 Iotslunlts: communal sepuc seNicing options statement'. hydrogeological repo.rt". and indication whether systems a public body is wilrmg to own and operate the system'. Communal systems tor Ihe development of 5 or Ie.. Iol:lr/Unlts and gene.ratlng ..... than 4500 Ilt,es per day effluent: hydrogeological report". c) Indlllidual septic individual septic systems for the dewlopment of Il1Ol'8 thans lotsfunlts: system(s) seNicing options statement' and hydrogeological report". Individual septic systems tor the devek>pment of 5 or less JobI/Unlts and gener8llng ..... than 4500 III'.. per day effluent: hydrogeological report". dl Other To be described by the applicant. Water a) Pubfic piped water Munioipality should confirm lhat capacity wi" be available \0 service the Supply system development at the time of lot creation or re-mnlog. b) Public or private Communal well systems tor Ihe development of mare than s Iots/unlts: communal well(s) 58fVicing options statement', hydrogeological report" and indication whether a public body Is wiIRng to own and operate the system>. Communal well systems tor non-re_denUaI devolapment where wate, will be used for human consumption: hydrogeological report". d) Individual well(s) IndividtJaI wells for the development of more than 5 lots/units: servicing options staternent' and hydrogeological report". Individual wells for nan-resJdenual development whe... water will be used for human consumption: hydrogeological report". e) Communal surface Approval of a "water taking permit" under Section 34 of the Ontario Waler water Resources Act Is necessary for this type of servtcing. f) Individual soI1ace Servtcfng options report water g) Other To be described by appUcant. - '. Confil"l'N!ltlon that: theo rnLII'Iic:IIpaf c:onc:ur..t with the IiOfYicing ophoos SUlCament wilt fadJiteiIe the 'OVMw af the .",.,...drnent. 2. Before I.Jt'IciertaJdn a hydmgeofogicaIleport, consult MMAH about the type of hydrogeotogical #S=es:m'I01"ft: that expocttd <Jive" tn. nawre and Ioc:aiion at the ctfickIJ ploN\ amendment. 3. Where commUl1at ~ are p~ (WId- and/or ~). thne $IMVtces ml.l61 be owned by the munldpaJity. SENT BY:MIN Of MUNICIPAL AfAIR: 2-25-97 ,')Ii " 10: 17 PAB - CENTRAL SW"" 705 ~87 0133:#11/11 APPENDIX e - Storm Dramage, Road Access and W~r Access . ServIce Type PoIenllallnformatlonlRepotts Storm a) Sewers A preliminal'f stormwater management report is recommended, and should Ora/nage b) Ditches Of swales be prepared concurrent with any hydrogeological reports for submission with the amendment A stann water management ptan wdl be needed prior to final c) 01her approvaJ of a plan of subdivision or as a requirement of site ptan approval. Road a) ProVincial highWay Apptication for an access permit shoutd be made concurrent with this Access amendment. An access permit is required from MTO before any deVelopment can occur. b) Municipal or other Detailed road alignment and access will be confirmed when the dewlopment public mad malntaJned application is made. all year c) Municipal road Subdivision or condominium development is not usually pennitted on maintained seasonally seasonally maintained roads. d) Right of way Access by right of ways on private roads are not usually pennittsd, except as part of condominiUm. - Water Infonnation from the owner of the docking facility on the capacity to Access accommodate the proposed amendment will assist the review.