1999-098 To Authorize the Issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion and Acceptance (Underground Works) for Maplehill Estates, Phases 1A and 1B, Plan 51M-633 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LAW NO. 99-98 . Being a By-Law to Authorize the Issuance of a Certificate of Substantial Completion and Acceptance (Underground Works) for Maplehill Estates, Phases 1A and 1B, Plan 51M-633. WHEREAS Council for the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte entered into a Subdivision Agreement for Maplehill Estates, Phase 1 A & 1 B, Plan 51 M-633; AND WHEREAS the requirements of this Subdivision Agreement have now been met; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the Certificate of Substantial Completion and Acceptance for Maplehill Estates Subdivision, Phase 1 A and 1 B - Underground Works may now be issued by the township Engineer (R.G. Robinson & Associates) in compliance with the Subdivision Agreement between the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte and 1091402 Ontario Limited. 2. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the final date of passing thereof. By-law read a first and second time this 1st day of September, 1999. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 1st day of September, 1999. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE ~' .I , 1::. t:2.,._ I!fa.~~ Mayor, Ian Beard I \--,.~-".'"'. --. ~~- r R. G, ROBINSON AND ASSOC, eCL 'C' l t. : U,) -- , " 11"64 r. , ',~ , . \' J91TlEI IO DO /:-// ~.VJ . ~ CUNSL!LT1NC; r::"'LaN EEilS ANI) PI.~NNERS ~ ..~- -.-. , ..- r-. f"'"", .DDBINSON Post.lt'" fax Note TD 7671 E OS!ft 2 From ';TFS 18,1\"'0) L TI' CO.iDttqt. Ptmnu . Co. Phone # Fit.. . fax * Ms J, Zidcl1Icwski Acting C.A,OrrrcasL/rcr Township orOro-Medontc P.O. Box HJ() Ora, OOl~rio L()L 2XO IlL/gust 9, 1999 Dcar Ms. Zielcl1i~\\'ski; RE: Township orOr~.Mcdonte ManlehiH Eslnles I'hase IA nntl HI furthcr to " reccnt site inspeciiol1 with Ihe Dcveloper's Engineer and K. Mathicson, we herein providc O'lr rceommendation on the issuance of the Certificate of Substllmial Completion and Accept"n"c (Belo\\' ground Works) tor Plmses I^ and II) of the aforementioned developmenl. Our inspection listed some deficiencies which were considered minor ill nature. 111e Developer will continue 10 rectify Ihese dclicicncies. We arc therefore recommcnding Ih"l the Certificate of Substantial Completion ~nd Acceptance (Below ground Works) be issued for Ph"ses fA and III of the develop men I commcncing the Iwo year main(cnance period. We mist that ~'Oll will lind the above in order , Yours trull'. R.C, ROOlr;SO:-J AND ASSOCIA TES (IIARRIE) L TD, A.M. Lees. C.ET AML:jd A04 File 1/ 12-W042-53 COpY" K M:lihlcs0n - , .,' , ~ .>f 99iTlEI lS0l K, G, ROBI\SO\ A\D ASSOC, ~r; :...;,..' J -j~ n~ :; 002 - '-' ~ R.G. HO[.lINSON AND ASSOCIATES (BARRIE) LTD. TOWNSHIP ENGINEEI~S . CERTIFICATE Of S\JBST,\NTIAL COMPLETlON AND ACCEPTANCE !UNDERGROUND WORKS) MUNIClPAL.ITY Tawnshin tor Ora-Medon!e (ral'lJlerlv Townshi,> or Ora) PIWJECT Mnnlehill F..lllles - Phn.e IA nruj 1 B - Plnn 51 M-633 I)EVF.LOpF.l~ 1091 ~02 Onll1";" Limih'" FILE NO. 12-90042-53 (MMA&1I4JT-90fl55) Oescriotinl\ ~r the Worl.s: . Srorm ,ewcr s\'stcm and S\\I1\1 Ibcility i" the 1\1:11'1chill [',t;\les Subdil'ision - Phase IA ~nd IB, We, R,G, Robinson and Associatcs (Barrie) Ltd.. notify rhe Mnl1lclpa1ity that the above mentioned IVories \Vere illspected by LIS on Jqly 15. I ~~9 "lid to the best of our kno\\'led!:" and judgement, arc conlplete in '!,cardancc wieh Ihe Subdivision Agrecment except for the dclicil'ncies belo\\': . Deficlcncles a;; ULlllinl'd in IlIspectlon Report. \\Ie hereb,' "ccept [hcsc works for use alld operation by the Municipality suhject to the rectification of the ,d)l1V~ Ilok'd deticiefl.:ie5 ;lnd to the rcctine'!tiofl of 3f1)' further delicie11cies th"t may becomc apparent during thc m311I1ena11C<: periud and !II the maintenance thot i~ requir.: by th.: Subdivision Agreement. The (!:it" or Suhsr'!nti:ll Completiull :llld Acceptall"" (UllderL:rulII,d W()r~s) ;5 established by the Ccnilicn[c as Jelly I), 1999, D;lIe - -- ----- SignalUfl;: --,- -- hll.:lil::!.fJO(\.I:!-.I:1If! ::J; !24 99 ITUE) 1501 R. G. ROB 1 \SON m ASSOC, " "05 "3.\ 0"6.\ P 003 .../ ~ INSPECTION REPORT JulV 15, J999i7i) 1~:3(JAM . i Date: I Prol.cct: \ . I ~' R..G. Robmson ~Ojcct N~ 12-90042-53 _.~__ I I I Purpose: Und~rground Works fnspcclinn .1 L.__ For Subslnnlial COI11[1/(;lion__.,-- Maplchill Estatcs Attcndces: . T Collingwood, C.C. Tatham . T Kmsk:1, C.c. Talham . K. Mathicson, Oro-Medonte The following <lrc oLl!standing dcticiencics 11l1Icd in Ihe ins[1ection of the works for Ihc aforcmentioned devcfopment. J. TI1e inle[ head",;]1I at f1lock 76, C;J!;I of Red Pine Courl rcquircs;] grale, 2. The sIVak/ditch gradc iSla b" vcrificd li'oml3l(lck 7710 the hcadwall at Block 7(,. 3. M;]jor erusion is lakinr, pbee at Deli :'1 clil-de-sac (111 Rcd Pinc COUlt tn SWM pond at Block 7X. Proper erosion prolection in Ihe to I'm of 2.4m wide cable 111m is to bc provided. 4 The hc~dw~1I ~l mocl; 7~ is h~lf fil.II or sill, TIlis is 10 he cleaned out along wilh surrounding :\rea m pond. 5. RCll1statc rhe silt fcncc :ulhe rear of Block 7X and Lot 3. G. Clcan out the ~Ichbasin on Ihe IVC,I sidc of Rcd Pine Court at mid point of Lot 1. 7. (Ic;]n out the ~tchb~sin at existing Lulll al Woool;]nd Crescent :lnd Red Pine Court. X, Clean out tl,e c~tchbasin ;It c"'Sling Lol 12 on Woodland Crescent. 9. Cle:m out the CBMH Opposile c:.llchb~sin ~t Lul 12 on Woodlalld Crescent. \{), Clcall oul calehbasin :It Lot 35 Block G7 on cast sidc of Pillevie\V Drive as silted to invert of pipe II, !,Iace silt fCllcc ;11 DfCf1 at f_uI37/Bloek X I oll!'inevicl\' Drive. 12. Repl~cc bl'Q~en grale ::It c.:\lchb:lsin ill LOI ;~ 011 I'incview Drive. 13. The ollllall :11 I.ul 5667 " hall" silled in. ('Jean (Hit pipc and down gradient including silt b~1sin 1-1, The stl'ectJighls which ::Ire insmlled. \\'il/ Ix lesled prior to occupancy of houses. AM, Lces. c.F..T. RG IWf1INSON AND ASSOCIATES (!JARRIE) LTD