11 24 2011 Accessibility Advisory Committee AgendaTOWNSHIP OF ORO ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE  COUNCIL CHAMBERS *The AAC will be touring various Township Facilities* Thursday, November 24, 2011 TIME: 1:00 p.m. Page 1.ADOPTION OF AGENDA a)Motion to Adopt the Agenda. 2.DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: 2-6 a)Minutes of Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting held on 4.PRESENTATIONS: a) 5.COMMUNICATIONS: 6.ANNOUNCEMENTS 7.NEXT MEETING DATE 8.ADJOURNMENT a) Page 1 of 6 3a) Minutes of Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting he... THE TWNSHIPOF ORO-EDONTE OOMM CCESSIBILITYVISORYOMMITTE AIADDCCEE CouncilChamberss Thursdaay, Septemmber 22, 20011Timme: 1:03 p..m. 2010 - 22014 COUNNCIL Presentt: Councillor Lancastter, Chair Andreww Brierley Randyazlett HH Glen Tbe aar Staff Prresent: Donnaewitt, Dirctor of Coporate an Strategic Initiatives HHeerrdd Marie BBrissette, CoommitteeCCoordinator Also Present:None. 1.ADOOPTION OFF AGENDA a) Motion to Adoppt the Agenda MotionNo. AAC1110922-1 Movedy Brierley, Secondedby Hazlett bb It is recmmendedthat the aenda for te Accessiility Advisry Commitee meetin of oogghhbboottgg Thursdaay, Septembber 22, 2011 be receivved and adoopted. Carrried. 2.DISCCLOSURE OF PECUNNIARY INTEREST: None deeclared. 3.ADOOPTION OFF MINUTESS OF PREVVIOUS MEEETING: None. 115 Page of Page 2 of 6 3a) Minutes of Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting he... Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes – Thursday September 22 4.PRESENTATIONS: a) Councillor Lancaster, Chair, re: Introductions. Committee Members and staff were introduced. b) Councillor Lancaster, Chair, re: Meeting Schedule. Motion No. AAC110922-2 Moved by Taber, Seconded by Brierley It is recommended that the Accessibility Advisory Committee schedule to meet every last Thursday of every second month at 1:00 p.m. at the Township’s Administration Office. Carried. c) Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator, re: By-Law No. 2011-027, A By-law to Continue an Accessibility Advisory Committee And to Repeal By-law Nos. 2007-002 and 2007- 019. Motion No. AAC110922-3 Moved by Hazlett, Seconded by Taber It is recommended that the information presented by Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator, re: By-Law No. 2011-027, A By-law to Continue an Accessibility Advisory Committee And to Repeal By-law Nos. 2007-002 and 2007-019 be received. Carried. d) Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator, re: By-Law No. 2011-011, A By-law to Govern the Proceedings of Council and Committees/Technical Support Groups of Council in the Township of Oro-Medonte and to Repeal By-law No. 2010-080. Motion No. AAC110922-4 Moved by Brierley, Seconded by Hazlett It is recommended that the information presented by Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator, re: By-Law No. 2011-11, A By-law to Govern the Proceedings of Council and Committees/Technical Support Groups of Council in the Township of Oro-Medonte and to Repeal By-law No. 2010-080 be received. Carried. 25 Page of Page 3 of 6 3a) Minutes of Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting he... Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes – Thursday September 22 e) Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator, re: By-Law No. 2011-012, By-law to Provide for Remuneration and Expenses for Members of Council and Council’s Appointees to Local Boards and Committees/Technical Support Groups, and Expenses for to Repeal By-law Nos. 2010-081 and 2010-116. Motion No. AAC110922-5 Moved by Taber, Seconded by Brierley It is recommended that the information presented by Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator, re: By-Law No. 2011-012, By-law to Provide for Remuneration and Expenses for Members of Council and Council’s Appointees to Loca Committees/Technical Support Groups, and Expenses for Employees, and to Repeal By-law Nos. 2010-081 and 2010-116 be received. Carried. f) Donna Hewitt, Director of Corporate and Strategic Initiatives, re: OADA Standards: Customer Service Employment Transportation Built Environment Communication Motion No. AAC110922-6 Moved by Hazlett, Seconded by Taber It is recommended that the information presented by Donna Hewitt, Director of Corporate and Strategic Initiatives, re: OADA Standards: •Customer Service; •Employment; •Transportation; •Built Environment; •Communication be received. Carried. g) Donna Hewitt, Director of Corporate and Strategic Initiatives, re: Review of 2006-2010 Accessibility Advisory Committee Accomplishments. Motion No. AAC110922-7 Moved by Brierley, Seconded by Hazlett It is recommended that the information presented by Donna Hewitt, Director of Corporate and Strategic Initiatives, re: Review of 2006-2010 Accessibility Advisory Committee Accomplishments be received. Carried. 35 Page of Page 4 of 6 3a) Minutes of Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting he... Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes – Thursday September 22 h) Donna Hewitt, Director of Corporate and Strategic Initiatives, re: Update on 2009 Accessibility Plan. Motion No. AAC110922-8 Moved by Taber, Seconded by Brierley It is recommended that the information presented by Donna Hewitt, Director of Corporate and Strategic Initiatives, re: Update on 2009 Accessibility Plan be received. Carried. i) Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator, re: Accessibility Standards for Customer Service. Motion No. AAC110922-9 Moved by Hazlett, Seconded by Taber It is recommended that the information presented by Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator, re: Accessibility Standards for Customer Service be received. Carried. j) Donna Hewitt, Director of Corporate and Strategic Initiatives, correspondence dated August 2, 2011 from Karen Wallace, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, re: Enabling Accessibility Fund (Federal). Motion No. ACC110922-10 Moved by Brierley, Seconded by Hazlett It is recommended that the information presented by Donna Hewitt, Director of Corporate and Strategic Initiatives, correspondence dated August 2, 2011 from Karen Wallace, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, re: Enabling Accessibility Fund (Federal) be received. Carried. k) Donna Hewitt, Director of Corporate and Strategic Initiatives, re: Community Development Corporation Workshop for Employers. Motion No. ACC110922-11 Moved by Taber, Seconded by Brierley It is recommended that the information presented by Donna Hewitt, Director of Corporate and Strategic Initiatives, re: Community Development Corporation Workshop for Employers to be held on October 21, 2011 be received. Carried. 45 Page of Page 5 of 6 3a) Minutes of Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting he... Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes – Thursday September 22 5.COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6.NEXT MEETING DATE: Thursday, November 24, 2011. 7.ADJOURNMENT: a) Motion to Adjourn Motion No. ACC110922-12 Moved by Hazlett, Seconded by Taber It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 2:10 p.m. Carried. Councillor Lancaster, Chair Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinat 55 Page of Page 6 of 6