09 29 2011 Rec Tech Support MinutesThursday, September 29, 2011 Present: Council: Regrets: Staff: Reta Regelink Tim Crawford THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO- MEDONTE RECREATION TECHNICAL SUPPORT GROUP MEETING MINUTES Council Chambers Rick Madden Nancy Stoddart Councillor Kelly Meyer, Chair Councillor Marty Lancaster Tracey Rynard 7:10 p.m. Shawn Binns, Director of Recreation and Community Services Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator Also Present: None 1. ADOPTION OF AGENDA a) Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Motion No. RTSG110929 -1 Moved by Stoddart, Seconded by Crawford. It is recommended that the Recreation Technical Support Group agenda for Thursday, September 29, 2011 be received and adopted, as amended to: Defer Item 5a) Correspondence dated June 6, 2011 from Paul Weber, re: Request for Walking Path to Line 4 Park; and Amend the presenter of Item 5g) from Rick Madden to Shawn Binns, Director of Recreation and Community Services, re: Oro Minor Hockey Ice Time. Carried. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None declared. Page 1 of 5 Recreation Technical Support Group Minutes — Thursday, September 29, 2011 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: a) Minutes of Recreation Technical Support Group meeting held on August 25, 2011. Motion No. RTSG110929 -2 Moved by Regelink, Seconded by Stoddart It is recommended that the minutes of the Recreation Technical Support Group meeting held on Thursday, August 25, 2011 be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. 4. DEPUTATIONS: None. 5. COMMUNICATIONS: a) Correspondence dated June 6, 2011 from Paul Weber, re: Request for Walking Path to Line 4 Park. The Item was deferred. b) Councillor Lancaster re: Possible Placement of Commemorative Sign on Shanty Bay Road /Ridge Road. Motion No. RTSG110929 -3 Moved by Stoddart, Seconded by Crawford It is recommended by the Recreation Technical Support Group 1. That the information presented by Councillor Lancaster re: Possible Placement of Commemorative Sign on Shanty Bay Road be received. 2. And That the Recreation Technical Support Group recommends that the Council of the Township of Oro - Medonte requests that the County of Simcoe permits the placement of a "Share the Road" sign in the area of 350 Ridge Road. Carried. Page 2of5 Recreation Technical Support Group Minutes — Thursday, September 29, 2011 c) Shawn Binns, Director of Recreation and Community Services, re: All Terrain Vehicles on Municipal Roads. Motion No. RTSG110929 -4 Moved by Regelink, Seconded by Madden It is recommended by the Recreation Technical Support Group that the information presented by Shawn Binns, Director of Development Services, re: All Terrain Vehicles on Municipal Roads be received. Carried. d) Tim Crawford, re: War of 1812. Motion No. RTSG110929 -5 Moved by Stoddart, Seconded by Regelink It is recommended by the Recreation Technical Support Group 1. That the information presented by Tim Crawford, re: War of 1812 be received. 2. That the Recreation Technical Support Group recommends that Council supports a War of 1812 Bi- Centennial Event surrounding the Oro African Church, in principle. 3. And That Tim Crawford work with the History Association and staff to develop an event proposal for consideration. Carried. e) Correspondence dated August 23, 2011 from Nathan Westendorp, Planner III, County of Simcoe, re: Draft County of Simcoe Trails Strategy. Motion No. RTSG110929 -6 Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Madden It is recommended by the Recreation Technical Support Group 1. That the information presented by Shawn Binns, correspondence dated August 23, 2011 from Nathan Westendorp, Planner III, County of Simcoe, re: Draft County of Simcoe Trails Strategy be received. 2. And That the Recreation Technical Support Group recommends to Council that the comments reviewed by the Recreation Technical Support Group be submitted to the County of Simcoe. Carried. Page 3 of 5 Recreation Technical Support Group Minutes — Thursday, September 29, 2011 f) Shawn Binns, Director of Recreation and Community Services, re: POL -PR -03 - Funding of Capital Park Improvements /Developments. Motion No. RTSG110929 -7 Moved by Stoddart, Seconded by Crawford It is recommended by the Recreation Technical Support Group 1. That the information presented by Shawn Binns, Director of Recreation and Community Services, re: POL -PR -03 - Funding of Capital Park Improvements /Developments be received. 2. And That the POL -PR -03 - Funding of Capital Park Improvements /Developments be brought forward to a future meeting. Carried. g) Shawn Binns, Director of Recreation and Community Services, re: Oro Minor Hockey Ice Time. Motion No. RTSG110929 -8 Moved by Stoddart, Seconded by Regelink It is recommended by the Recreation Technical Support Group 1. That the information presented by Shawn Binns, Director of Recreation and Community Services, re: Oro Minor Hockey Ice Time be received. 2. And That the Ice Allocation Policy be brought forward to a future meeting. Carried. Page 4 of 5 Recreation Technical Support Group Minutes — Thursday, September 29, 2011 6. ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION: a) Active Transportation. The Committee agreed to add the Item Active Transportation on a future agenda, including the possibility of a test pilot in a hamlet of the Township. 7. NEXT MEETING DATE Thursday, October 27, 2011. 8. ADJOURNMENT a) Motion to Adjourn. Motion No. RTSG110929 -9 Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Stoddart It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 9:38 p.m. Councillor Meyer, Chair Carried. Marie Brissette, Committee Coordinator Page 5 of 5