1999-033 To Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 4 to the Township of Oro-Medonte Official Plan e e , THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LAW NO. 99- 33 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO.4 TO THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE OFFICIAL PLAN The Council of the Corporation of the Township ofOro-Medonte, in accordance with the provision of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. The attached explanatory text which constitutes Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the Township ofOro-Medonte, is hereby adopted. 2. The Planner is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of Amendment No.4 to the Official Plan of the Township ofOro-Medonte. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME, THIS7tlDAY OF APRIL 1999. BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS7thDAY OF APRIL 1999. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO- MEDONTE p "r...)? /' "^,, ft",: .~~. ~/'< ;2...i;;,":.~.,,{ .J- Mayor - Ian Beard ~~ ;/1 Clerk - Lynda Aiken . ~Ii(' . . e " AMENDMENT NO.4 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE t I . ~ ," e AMENDMENT NO.4 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE The attached explanatory text constituting Amendment No.4 to the Official Plan for the Township ofOro-Medonte was prepared and adopted by the Council of the Township of Oro-Medonte by By-law No:lf~>1in accordance with the provisions of Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act RS.O. 1990, c.P. 13 on the day of 1999. Clerk - Lynda Aiken ,.,i' . \.t e AMENDMENT NO.4 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO- MEDONTE INDEX PAGE The Constitutional Statement 1 PART A - THE PREAMBLE 2 Purpose Location Basis 2 2 2 PART B - THE AMENDMENT 3 Introduction Details of the Amendment 3 3-4 PART C APPENDICES Public Meeting Minutes March 17, 1999 Planning Report to Council dated December 16, 1998 Ministry of Transportation Letter dated March 16, 1999 . J ~ II . If e THE CONSTITUTIONAL STATEMENT The following Amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Oro-Medonte consists of three parts. P ART A THE PREAMBLE - consists of the purpose, location and basis for the Amendment and does not constitute part of the actual Amendment PART B THE AMENDMENT - which sets out the actual Amendment and consists of the text, constitutes Amendment No.4 to the Official Plan of the Township of Oro-Medonte. PART C - THE APENDICES- consists of information pertinent to this Amendment in the form of background information. This section does not constitute part of the actual Amendment. ,.,. . . 'I - P ART A - THE PREAMBLE 1.0 Purpose The purpose of this Amendment it to add additional policies to the Agricultural and Rural Designations to establish a list of criteria to be reviewed for the creation of lots to correct situations where two or more lots have merged on title. 2.0 Location This Amendment is general in nature and would apply to all lands within the boundaries of the Township ofOro-Medonte which are within the Agricultural and Rural designations. 3.0 Basis This amendment originated from a number of property owners approaching the Township Planner, Council, and the Committee of Adjustment for consents to re-create properties which had originally been two or more lots at some point in the past. Previously all proposals were denied by the respective authority as there was no basis to approve such an application based on the Official Plan policies. This amendment will be reviewed at the time of the five-year review to determine if this policy is still appropriate. PART B - THE AMENDMENT . 1.0 Introduction All of this part of the Amendment entitled Part B - The Amendment, which consists of the following text, constitutes Amendment No.4 to the Official Plan of the Township of Oro-Medonte. 2.0 Details of the Amendment The Official Plan for the Township of Oro-Medonte is hereby Amended as follows: 1. Section D2.3, Agricultural, of the Official Plan is hereby amended by adding the following after subsection D2.3.9 and renumbering all subsequent sections accordingly: "D 2.3.10 The creation of new lots to correct situations where two or more lots have merged on title The creation of a new lots to correct a situation where two or more lots have merged on title may be permitted, provided the Committee of Adjustment is satisfied that the new lot: a) Was once a separate conveyable lot in accordance with the Planning Act; b) Is of the same shape and size as the lot which once existed as a separate conveyable lot; c) Can be adequately serviced by on-site sewage and water systems; d) Fronts on a public road that is maintained year-round by a public authority; and e) An entrance permit is available for the new driveway accessing the severed lot from the appropriate authority, ifrequired. In order to confirm that the lot to be created was once a conveyable lot, the Committee of Adjustment will require proof, in the form of a registered deed that indicates that the lot was once legally conveyable, and an explanation as to how the lot was merged with an adjacent lot." . 2. Section D3.3, Rural, of the Official Plan is hereby amended by adding the following after subsection D 3.3.7 and renumbering all subsequent sections accordingly: " D 3.3.8 The creation of new lots to correct situations where two or more lots have merged on title The creation of a new lots to correct a situation where two or more lots have merged on title may be permitted, provided the Committee of Adjustment is satisfied that the new lot: a) Was once a separate conveyable lot in accordance with the Planning Act; b) Is of the same shape and size as the lot which once existed as a separate conveyable lot; c) Can be adequately serviced by on-site sewage and water systems; d) Fronts on a public road that is maintained year-round by a public authority; and e) An entrance permit is available for the new driveway accessing the severed lot from the appropriate authority, if required. In order to confirm that the lot to be created was once a conveyable lot, the Committee of Adjustment will require proof, in the form of a registered deed that indicates that the lot was once legally conveyable, and an explanation as to how the lot was merged with an adjacent lot." pART C - APPENDICES t TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING March 17, 1999 @ 7:07 p.m. PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT . Present: Mayor Ian Beard Deputy Mayor Don Bell Councillor Lillian McConnell Councillor Ralph Hough Councillor Ron Sommers Councillor Ruth Fountain Absent: Councillor Neil Craig - declared a pecuniary interest Staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAOrrreasurer, Andria Leigh, Township Planner Also Present: A. J. Blauer (Packet and Times), Garth Daniels, Rob Hazlett, Chris Hazlett Mayor Beard called the meeting to order and advised that all persons present would be afforded the opportunity of asking questions in respect to the proposed official plan amendment. It was noted that correspondence had been received from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority indicating that they have reviewed the application, and based on their mandate and policies, they have no objections to its approval. Correspondence was also received from the Ministry of Transportation indicating that they had a concern with the amendment, and they proposed some new wording for certain sections of that amendment. This information has been passed on to Ms. Leigh. Ms. Andria Leigh, Township Planner, gave an overview of the purpose and effect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment. Mr. Garth Daniels, Mr. Chris Hazlett and Mr. Rob Hazlett had questions with respect to whether the amendment related to retirement lots, road frontage requirements, survey requirements and the process required for an application. Motion No.1 Moved by Bell, Seconded by Hough Be it resolved that this Special Public Meeting of Council re: a proposed Official Plan Amendment to permit the Committee of Adjustment to consider application for consent for properties to correct situations where two or more lots have merged on title, now be at 7:14 p.m. Carried. A tape of the meeting is available for review. ! ..' <~ > ..., ., . REPORT Dept. Report To: Prepared By: #1998-42 Council Andria Leigh Subject & File #: Department: Council Official Plan Policy for Planning C.ofW. creation of new lots to ., correct merger on title Date : Motion # December 16, 1998 Date: Background: On a number of occasions requests are discussed with the Planner to recreate parcels of land which have inadvertently merged on title for a variety of reasons. Currently the Official Plan does not contain policies to permit the creation of lots to correction situations where two or more lots have merged on title. It is my opinion that an Official Plan Amendment should be considered by Council in order to allow the Committee of Adjustment to consider such applications. Such an amendment can be considered by Council, notwithstanding Section 13 (Amendments to the Plan), since the proposed amendment will deal with this issue of creating lots to correct situations where two or more lots have merged on title on a comprehensive, rather than on a site-specific basis. It is proposed that the Official Plan be amended to permit the Committee of Adjustment to grant severance on properties which have merged on title. This proposed amendment has been presented to the Planning Advisory Committee for their comments and is attached for Council's consideration. The proposed policy is general in nature and provides the framework for the Committee of Adjustment to consider with each application received. Each property owner would be required to apply for a consent application and would be required to provide the appropriate deeds as indicated in the criteria. These deeds can be obtained by the owner/applicant at the Registry office and are necessary to determine the original parcel framework and size. Upon approval of the proposed recommendation, a formal Public Meeting is required in accordance with the Planning Act and the Township Official Plan. This meeting will ensure that the public may come to Council to make their comments known. Notification of such a meeting would be done through the newspapers. , -' Recommendation: 1. That this report be received; 2. That a Public Meeting be scheduled to consider the attached Official Plan Amendment Respectfully Submitted, --.-- ~1 ~ Y aia Leigh, Hons. B.A., MCIP ,RPP .er attach(s). C.A.O. Comments: Date: C.A.O. Dept. Head ~ft; r 1.0 Details of the Amendment Dbi~,. The Official Plan for the Township of Oro-Medonte is hereby Amended as follows: I. Section D2.3, Agricultural, of the Official Plan is hereby amended by adding the following after subsection D 2.3.9 and renumbering all subsequent sections accordingly: e "D 2.3.10 The creation of new lots to correct situations where two or more lots have merged on title The creation of a new lots to correct a situation where two or more lots have merged on title may be permitted, provided the Committee of Adjustment is satisfied that the new lot: a) Was once a separate conveyable lot in accordance with the Planning Act; b) Is of the same shape and size as the lot which once existed as a separate conveyable lot; c) Can be adequately serviced by on-site sewage and water systems; and d) Fronts on a public road that is maintained year-round by a public authority. In order to confirm that the lot to be created was once a conveyable lot, the Committee of Adjustment will require proof, in the form of a registered deed that indicates that the lot was once legally conveyable, and an explanation as to how the lot was merged with an adjacent lot. 2. Section D3.3, Rural, of the Official Plan is hereby amended by adding the following after subsection D 3.3.7 and renumbering all subsequent sections accordingly: "D 3.3.8 The creation of new lots to correct situations where two or more lots have merged on title The creation of a new lots to correct a situation where two or more lots have merged on title may be permitted, provided the Committee of Adjustment is satisfied that the new lot: a) Was once a separate conveyable lot in accordance with the Planning Act; b) Is of the same shape and size as the lot which once existed as a separate conveyable lot; c) Can be adequately serviced by on-site sewage and water systems; and d) Fronts on a public road that is maintained year-round by a public authority. In order to confirm that the lot to be created was once a conveyable lot, the Committee of Adjustment will require proof, in the form of a registered deed that indicates that the lot was once legally conveyable, and an explanation as to how the lot was merged with an adjacent lot. . . -.I', , \ ,. ,-- it! ,~ Ministry of Ministere des Transportation Transports 659 Exeter Road London,ONT N6E 1L3 Telephone: (519) 873-4597 Fax: (519) 873-4600 March 16, 1999 ,,'\1::, ,p'I '. ./-fI~; " Ao.. '::" '" , . !~: , ..,- ::J _~,"i '," . Lynda Aiken, Clerk . Township of Oro-Medonte P.O. Box 100 Oro, Ontario LOL 2XO \".,,~~y .,,\./ RE: Applicant: Township of Oro-Medonte Submission No.: OPA -01/99 Lot: Various Concession: Various County of Simcoe Township of Oro-Medonte The ministry has completed its review of the above noted amendment. The amendment has been considered and reviewed in accordance with the requirements of our highway access control policies and the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. The following outlines our comments. The ministry advises that it has serious concerns with the amendment as presented. The ministry will not grant entrance permits for the recreation of lots that have merged on title that front on a provincial highway, unless they meet with our highway access control policies. In order to satisfy the ministry's concerns, we would suggest that point (d) under the proposed new subsections D 2.3.10 and D 3.3.8 is revised as follows: (d) Fronts on a public road that is maintained year-round by a public road authority, with the exception of a provincial highway under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportation. Creation of new lots that require access to a provincial highway must meet with the Ministry of Transportation's highway access control policies. The ministry advises that entrance permits for the creation of lots that do not meet with our highway access control policies will not be granted. We would appreciate receiving a copy of the adopted official plan amendment should it obtain approval. Should you have any questions, please contact our office. (Tea1J1 Corridor Control Technician Planning and Design Section Southwestern Region, London c. D. Thomas - Owen Sound District C. Riepma - Corridor Policy Office http://www.gov.on.ca/MTO Made tram recovered materials Fait de materiaux recycles