1999-006 To Authorize the Execution of a Letter of Agreement to Establish the Severn Sound Environmental Association
BY-LAW NO. 99-6
Being a By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Letter of Agreement to Establish the Severo
Sound Environmental Association
WHEREAS the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, Section 207, Paragraph 12, as
amended, provides that a Corporation may become a member of any Association or organization
where in the opinion of Council it would be in the interest of the Municipality to do so, and 10
make contributions for the expenses of the Association or organization;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to enter into a Letter of Agreement to establish the
Severn Sound Environmental Association;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Township ofOro-Medonte hereby
enacts as follows:
1. That The Corporation of the Township ofOro-Medonte enter into a Letter of Agreement to
establish the Severn Sound Environmental Association with Environment Canada, the
Ontario Ministry of the Environment, The Corporation of the Town of Midland, The
Corporation ofthe Town ofPenetanguishene, The Corporation of the Township of Tay, The
Corporation of the Township of Tiny, The Corporation of the Township of Severn, The
Corporation ofthe Township of Georgian Bay, and the Friends of the Wye Marsh Inc., in the
form of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law.
2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation a Letter 0 f
Agreement to establish the Severn Sound Environmental Association in the form of Schedu Ie
"A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law.
3. That this By-law shall come into force and effect on the pI day of January, 1999.
By-law read a first and second time this 61h day of January, 1999.
By-law read a third time and finally passed this 6th day of January, 1999.
Mayor, Ian Beard
~~~ /LL
Clerk, Lynda Aiken
THIS AGREEMENT made this _ day of
, 1999,
(Hereinafter called "Environment Canada")
(Hereinafter called "OMOE")
(Hereinafter called "Midland")
(Hereinafter called "Penetanguishene")
(Hereinafter called "Tay")
(Hereinafter called "Tiny")
(Hereinafter called "Oro-Medonte")
(Hereinafter called "Severn")
(Hereinafter called "Georgian Bay")
Severn Sound Environmental Association /1
(Hereinafter called "Wye Marsh")
WHEREAS the Governments of Canada and the United States have entered into the Great
Lakes Water Quality Agreements of 1972 and 1978 (herein referred to as the GLWQA) and
reaffirmed their determination to restore and enhance water quality in the Great Lakes System
with the signing of amendments as proclaimed in the 1987 Protocol to the GL WQA which
in part commits Canada and the United States, in cooperation with other jurisdictions, to
undertake the development and implementation of Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) for Areas
of Concern;
(2) AND WHEREAS in accordance with Part 1 of the Canada Water Act, Canada and Ontario
entered into an Agreement Respecting Great Lakes Water Quality (herein referred to as the
COA) in 1971 and again in 1976, 1982, 1986 and 1994 (Order in Council #PC1994-1091)
in order to implement the GLWQA and for which specific targets were agreed to for
Canadian RAPs;
(3) AND WHEREAS the Severn Sound Area of Concern is located in southeastern Georgian Bay
and includes Penetang, Midland, Hog, Sturgeon, Matchedash Bays, Port Severn and Honey
Harbour and land drainage covering an area of 1,000 km2 (as illustrated in Appendix 1, Fig.
1) and exhibiting primary problems associated with eutrophication, excessive algae
production, high phosphorus levels as a result of sewage treatment plant inputs, agricultural
activities, shoreline development and other sources, with additional concerns related to shifts
in fish communities and habitat loss;
(4) AND WHEREAS the Towns of Midland and Penetanguishene, the Townships ofTay, Tiny,
Oro-Medonte, Severn, and Georgian Bay are located within the Severn Sound area and are
referred to as "the Municipalities";
(5) AND WHEREAS the Severn Sound RAP Team and Public Advisory Committee have
formally completed the Severn Sound Remedial Action Plan (the "Severn Sound RAP")
which is currently being implemented;
(6) AND WHEREAS the Municipalities acknowledge that changes to the administrative
arrangements with the Province of Ontario will require the Municipalities to assume new
obligations to ensure implementation of the Severn Sound RAP;
(7) AND WHEREAS Environment Canada, OMOE and the Municipalities agree to provide
financial support in order to maintain the current momentum for implementing the Severn
Sound RAP in accordance with the Business Plan to Sustain Restoration in Severn Sound
March 20, 1997 which forms Appendix 1 to this Agreement (the "Business Plan");
Severn Sound Environmental Association /2
(8) AND WHEREAS Environment Canada, OMOE, the Municipalities and the Wye Marsh
(herein referred to as the Parties) agree to work together to ensure the most efficient and
effective method is used to apply resources toward the Business Plan;
(9) AND WHEREAS The Parties recognize the necessity of working together to restore, protect
and sustain a healthy environment in Severn Sound for future generations.
THEREFORE the Parties, recognizing the mutual benefits of cooperating on matters of common
interest with respect to the Severn Sound Area of Concern and environmental concerns generally,
herein agree to the following:
1. Establishment of the Severn Sound Environmental Association:
1.1 The Parties agree to establish an association to be known as the Severn Sound Environmental
Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association) and to entrust and delegate the
continued implementation and coordination of the Severn Sound RAP to the Association in
accordance with the Business Plan.
1.2 The Parties agree to provide financial support in accordance with the Business Plan.
1.3 The Municipalities agree to apportion their costs in accordance with Appendix 2 (Municipal
Sharing Based on Properties and Assessment).
1.4 The Parties agree that the Association shall:
1.4 .1- be comprised of one member to be appointed by and at the pleasure of each of the
Parties, provided that substitutions may be made at any time by an appointing council
if, in its discretion, it deems it advisable to do so;
1.4.2- elect a chairperson annually, from among its members, to serve for a term of one year
or until his/her appointment by the appointing council ends, whichever occurs first;
lA.3- meet not less than once every three months or at the call of the Chair in order to
properly manage its responsibilities under this agreement;
1.4.4 keep minutes of its meetings which shall be circulated in a timely manner to the
Association member of each Party;
1.4.5 agree that a quorum for meetings of the Association shall be a simple majority of the
representatives of the Parties and that each member shall have one vote on issues;
1.4.6. make regulations and rules governing the procedures of the Association;
Severn Sound Environmental Association /3
1.4.7 assist Environment Canada and OMOE to satisfY their obligations under the GL WQA
and the COA within the Association's area of responsibility;
1.4.8 ensure all Parties are properly informed of Association activities in a timely manner;
1.4.9. implement the Business Plan.
The Parties agree that the Coordinator shall:
1.5.1- be the Secretary to the Association;
1.5.2- prepare an annual budget of anticipated revenues and expenditures, and
recommendations for revisions to the Business Plan that the Association may consider
appropriate, for the approval of the Parties on or before December 31 of each and
every year for the ensuing year's operations. Any comments or objections, by each
and every Party, concerning the annual budget or revisions to the Business Plan shall
be submitted to the Association by February 15 of the ensuing year, failing which any
Party not objecting shall be deemed to have approved the budget and revisions;
1.5.3- prepare an annual report outlining progress against the objectives of the Business
Plan, as well as indicating overall progress towards delisting the Severn Sound Area
of Concern, by January 31 of each and every year;
1.5.4- provide progress updates to the Parties quarterly;
1.5.5- provide briefing notes on an as-required basis to any of the Parties to this Agreement;
1.5.6- have the authority to recruit and discipline staff and to retain the services of experts
in order to meet the objectives of the Business Plan;
1,5.7- ensure public involvement is retained as an integral part of the implementation of the
Severn Sound RAP; and,
1.5.8- speak at meetings or in public on behalf of Association as directed by the Association.
Severn Sound Environmental Association /4
2. Administration:
2.1 The Parties agree that all projects and activities undertaken will continue to be guided by the
Business Plan and principles of cost-effectiveness.
2.2 The Association shall appoint one ofthe participating Municipalities, with that Municipality's
approval, as Treasurer for the Association. Upon appointment, the Treasurer shall have the
authority to receive and disburse funds on behalf of the Association.
The Treasurer, on behalf of the Association and within its approved budgets, is hereby
authorized to enter into contracts, to bring all applications and to take all actions required to
give effect to the terms of this agreement, which contracts, applications or actions shall be
entered into, brought or taken in the names of the Parties or the Association as the
circumstances require.
2.4 To ensure consistency and Ill1rumlze duplication of effort, the Parties agree that the
administrative standards and procedures of the Treasurer Municipality shall be the standards
employed for all administrative activities associated with this Agreement.
2.5 For the purposes of this Agreement, the Association's fiscal year will be the calendar year,
January 1 to December 3 1.
2.6 All contracting activities will be conducted in an open and fair manner in accordance with the
standards currently employed by the Treasurer Municipality.
2.7 The Treasurer shall invoice Environment Canada, OMOE and the Municipalities on a
quarterly basis (i.e. March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31) in accordance with
the deliverables and commitment outlined in the Business Plan.
2.8 Upon renewal of this Agreement, Environment Canada agrees to provide $35,000.00 to the
Treasurer representing prepayment of its share of the Association's budget in recognition that
the Association represents a new model for cooperation not previously accounted for. This
prepayment will provide the Treasurer Municipality with part of the required cash flow to
undertake the added financial responsibilities of the Association with no penalty to itself or
the participating Municipalities.
2.9 Upon renewal of this Agreement, OMOE agrees to provide $25,000.00 to the Treasurer
Municipality representing prepayment of a portion of its share of the Association's budget
in recognition that the Association represents a new model for cooperation not previously
accounted for. This prepayment represents a portion of OMOE's financial support
commitment as outlined in the Business Plan. This prepayment will provide the Treasurer
Municipality with part of the required cash flow to undertake the added financial
responsibilities of the Association with no penalty to itself or the participating Municipalities.
Severn Sound Environmental Association /5
In order to delist Severn Sound as an Area of Concern and to initiate the transition to a locally
sustained environmental office, OMOE further agrees to provide salary and benefits for the
RAP Coordinator, as defined by current classification and in addition to OMOE's payment
toward the Business Plan, from January 1,1999 to March. 31,1999 in order to carry out the
objectives as outlined in the Business Plan (Appendix 1).
2.10 In those cases where the Wye Marsh, because of its non-profit/charitable status, is the
proponent of a proposal for the donation of funds for the objects of the Association, other
than funds contributed by the Parties, the Wye Marsh will retain 5 per cent of all monies
secured from successful proposals to cover its administrative overhead.
2.11 The Parties further agree that, where the law allows, the Wye Marsh act as a mechanism to
accept private donations or grants designated for specific restoration activities within the
Severn Sound Area of Concern that may be donated from time to time by private individuals
or corporations. It is recognized that the acceptance and expenditure of these donations will
not conflict or interfere with the activities, spirit or intent of this Agreement.
2.12 Subject to paragraph 2.13, this Agreement shall be in effect from January 1, 1999 to
December 31,2000 and may be renewed beyond this date in accordance with paragraph 4.2.
2.13 Any Party to this Agreement may withdraw from the Association upon 120 days written
notice to the other Parties, in which case this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect
unless or until terminated by the remaining Parties. In the event that a Party withdraws or this
Agreement is terminated by the remaining Parties, funds advanced to the Association by the
withdrawing Party or the remaining Parties, as applicable, shall be returned, except to the
extent such funds have been expended or committed to the objects of the Association before
the effective date of the withdrawal or termination.
3. Audit:
3.1 The Treasurer shall maintain adequate documentation and records of revenues and
expenditures of the Association in accordance with accepted municipal financial accounting
practices. The financial records and documentation shall be available for inspection by the
Parties and their auditors upon request. Any discrepancy disclosed by audit between the
amount paid by Environment Canada, OMOE or the Municipalities and the amount payable
shall be considered a debt due to the Association or by the Association from or to the
applicable party or parties, as the case may be, and shall be paid within 30 days of the
4. Terms and Conditions:
4.1 The terms and conditions making up Sections 1 through 4 of this Agreement shall be
considered to be effective upon signature of Environment Canada's Regional Director,
Severn Sound Environmental Association /6
Environmental Conservation Branch, a Director ofthe Ontario Ministry of Environment, and
the signature of the Mayor and the Clerk of the Towns of Midland and Penetanguishene, the
Townships of Tay, Tiny, Oro-Medonte, Severn and Georgian Bay, and the President and
Executive Director, Friends of Wye Marsh Inc., authorized by by-law or motion of their
respective Councils or Boards.
The results achieved by the Association will be evaluated by the Parties by November 30,
2000, at which time the Parties will determine whether it is expedient and advisable to extend
this Agreement commencing on January 1,2001 on such terms and conditions as the Parties
may determine.
4.3 It is recognized by the Parties that the undertaking set out in this agreement is new and that
there is little precedent or guidance available from the past experience of the Parties. Issues
may arise that have not been contemplated in the negotiation and preparation of this
Agreement. In the event that any such issue arises, the Parties are resolved that a common
solution shall be pursued and the tenor of this Section shall always apply.
5. Endorsement:
We the undersigned hereby agree to the terms of this Agreement including Appendix 1 and
Appendix 2 and any schedules or appendices thereto.
F or Environment Canada
Simon Llewellyn, Regional Director
Environmental Conservation Branch,
Ontario Region, Environment Canada
4905 Dufferin Street
Downsview, ON. M3H 5T4
Ontario Ministry of Environment
135 St. Clair Ave. West, Suite 100
Toronto, ON
Severn Sound Environmental Association /7
For the Corporation of the Town of Midland
George J. MacDonald, Mayor
Fred G. Flood, C.A.O./Clerk
T own of Midland
575 Dominion Ave.
Midland, ON. L4R IR2
For the Corporation of the Town ofPenetanguishene
Robert Klug, Mayor
George Vadeboncoeur, C.A.O./Town Clerk
Town ofPenetanguishene
10 Robert St. W.
Penetanguishene, ON. L9M 2G2
For the Corporation of the Township ofTay
Jack Hunter, Mayor
Edmund Walker, Administrator - Clerk
Township ofTay
P.O. Box 100
Victoria Harbour, ON. LOK 2AO
Severn Sound Environmental Association /8
, I
For the Corporation of the Township of Tiny
Anthony P. Lancia, Mayor
Vicki Robertson, Clerk
Township of Tiny
Perkinsfie1d, ON. LOL 2JO
For the Corporation of the Township ofOro-Medonte
Ian Beard, Mayor
Lynda Aiken, Clerk
Township of Oro-Medonte
P.O.Box 100
Oro, ON. LOL 2XO
For the Corporation of the Township of Severn
Ron Stevens, Mayor
Janet Lunn, CAO
Township of Severn
P.O.Box 159
Orillia, ON. L3V 613
Severn Sound Environmental Association /9
For the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay
Michael Kennedy, Mayor
Winanne Grant, Administrator - Clerk
Township of Georgian Bay
R.R.#l Port Severn, ON. LOK ISO
For the Friends ofWye Marsh
Lois McQuirter, President
Friends ofWye Marsh Inc.
Robert Heming, Executive Director
Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre
P.O. Box 100, Midland, ON. L4R 4K6
Severn Sound Environmental Association /10
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Appendix 1
To the Letter of Agreement to Establish
the Severn Sound Environmental Association
Business Plan to Sustain Restoration
in Severn Sound
March 20, 1997
revised December 1998
Prepared for the Severn Sound Remedial Action Plan
Keith Sherman, Implementation Coordinator, Severn Sound RAP
Danny Epstein, Manager, Restoration Programs Division, Environment
Carol Dimock, Communications Officer, Severn Sound RAP
This Business Plan was produced through the efforts of a transition team which included community
volunteers, federal representatives and Severn Sound Remedial Action Plan personnel. This document
serves as Appendix 1 to the Letter of Agreement to establish the Severn Sound Environmental
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Severn Sound Public Advisory Committee
members Sandy Agnew, George Dawson, Bob Whittam and Bruce Wood, who participated in
meetings which helped to clarifY goals for the Business Plan; sincere thanks also go to Sandy Agnew,
Shirley Bellehumeur, Murray Cayley and Patrick Northey, who assisted with the production and
review of the Plan.
Special thanks go to YA. Gagne for his extraordinary contribution oftime and effort on behalf of our
community and our cause.
March 20, 1997
The successes and challenges of the Severn Sound Environmental Association's first two years were
shared by many partners. Our thanks go to Chairperson Mary Jo Quilty and former members Neil
Craig, T. Milne Dick, Doug Leroux, Roger Robitaille and Carol Sackville-Duyvelshoff for their
valued contributions.
The support of current Chairman Brian Jones (also a member in 1997), Brian Cummings, Rob
Heming, Ralph Hough, Rimi Kalinauskas, Gail Krantzberg, David Lowrey (1997 and '98), Patricia
O'Driscoll, David Parks (1997 and '98), and Bill Thompson is very much appreciated.
Many thanks to Sue Gignac and Judy Robitaille for their excellent work in setting up and maintaining
a new accounting system for the S SEA.
Special thanks also go to Brian Jones, Rimi Kalinauskas and Bev Thorpe for their help with revisions
to the Business Plan.
December 1998
Severn Sound Remedial Action Plan
Business Plan to Sustain Restoration in Severn Sound
The community-based mission of the Remedial Action Plan is
to restore environmental quality and to ensure continued protection
through implementing a legacy of wise stewardship
of Severn Sound and its tributaries.
The Severn Sound Remedial Action Plan (RAP) is an environmental success story. Since 1993, the
RAP has been coordinating a government-financed, community-driven program which has brought
millions of dollars into the area for environmental restoration projects.
Beyond its value as a government program, the RAP is also a process where a community recognizes
the necessity of working together to restore, protect and sustain a healthy environment for future
The Severn Sound Environmental Association links the partners and secures the resources needed
to complete the implementation of the RAP to delist Severn Sound as an Area of Concern.
The Remedial Action Plan is a federaVprovincial program that was initiated in 1987 in direct response
to the commitment between Canada and the United States to complete Remedial Action Plans on 43
Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes (Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978 as amended
1987, International Joint Commission). In each Area of Concern, a detailed Remedial Action Plan
must be developed, taking an ecosystem approach to restoring and protecting environmental quality.
The Severn Sound Area of Concern is located in southeastern Georgian Bay and includes Penetang,
Midland, Hog, Sturgeon and Matchedash Bays. Municipalities within the Area of Concern include
the Townships of Tiny, Tay, Springwater, Severn, Oro-Medonte and Georgian Bay and the Towns
of Midland and Penetanguishene. The watershed covers an area of 1,000 km2 (see Figure 1).
Severn Sound Business Plan /1
The primary problems in the area are nutrient enrichment and habitat loss, which have led to a
degraded, unhealthy environment. The main sources of nutrients (especially phosphorus) are sewage
treatment plant inputs, agricultural activities, shoreline development and storm water. Destruction
of habitat has been linked to undesirable changes in the fish community in coastal and tributary areas.
A team of government scientists was appointed to study the environmental conditions in Severn
Sound, find the sources of pollution and recommend remedial actions. The RAP Team has worked
with the community to develop environmental goals and a plan to restore the ecosystem. When these
environmental goals are reached, Severn Sound can be "delisted", that is, taken off the list of Areas
of Concern.
Since 1993, the Severn Sound RAP Implementation Office has been based at the Wye Marsh Wildlife
Centre. In 1996, the RAP Coordinator's assignment to Severn Sound was due to end, with RAP
implementation about half completed. Delisting of Severn Sound is projected for the year 2000.
Environment Canada's intent to maintain momentum towards RAP Implementation in Severn Sound
was expressed through an offer of financial support for a broad local partnership, based on a business
plan with clear deliverables. This support was a catalyst for commitments from the municipalities and
the province. Seven of the eight municipalities in the watershed passed resolutions of support for
entering into a new partnership to support the RAP, and in February OMOE confirmed financial
support and agreed to maintain the Coordinator's assignment for the next two years.
In early May of1997, the federal and provincial environment ministries, the Towns of Midland and
Penetanguishene, the Townships of Tiny, Tay, Oro-Medonte, Severn and Georgian Bay, and the
Friends ofWye Marsh Inc. signed an agreement to form a new partnership, named the Severn Sound
Environmental Association.
The Severn Sound Environmental Association agreement has been hailed as a model for Remedial
Action Plans throughout the Great Lakes Basin. It has strengthened the partnerships needed to
support the implementation of the Remedial Action Plan and has served the needs of municipalities
and the public by providing cost-effective environmental information and management services.
RAP Implementation
Since 1993, the RAP Implementation Office at the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre has been providing the
community with environmental information and contacts and arranging successful partnerships
between the public, municipalities and governments to facilitate implementation projects.
From 1993 to 1996, over $5.6 Million was secured by the RAP Office to implement restoration
activites. This includes $722,000 worth of donations and in-kind support from community groups and
individuals. The provincial government provided almost $2.5 M and the federal government, $1.8 M.
Local municipalities contributed $571,000.
Severn Sound Business Plan /2
In 1997, the SSEA Office coordinated projects valued at more than $1.7 Million to implement the
Remedial Action Plan. This figure includes both cash and in-kind contributions. Project funding in
1997 is as follows: $699.4 K from the federal government, $432.4 K from the province, $136.5 K
from the municipalities, and $491.3 K from the community. This funding is in addition to the
contributions of the SSEA partners for Implementation Office operations (a total of$l 07.8 K). For
more details on projects and project partners, see the 1997 SSEA Annual Report.
To date, over $33 Million has been spent or committed on infrastructure upgrades to meet RAP
recommendations. The Province, in the past, has committed over $19 M with the municipalities
contributing almost $14 M.
The RAP process in Severn Sound has been a significant success. Remediation activities to date have
resulted in the following:
· 67% of phosphorus and other pollutant targets have been met;
· 51 % of degraded areas have been restored;
· 66% of stream fish and wildlife habitat targets have been met;
· economic viability of the area has improved through upgraded infrastructure, local job
creation, and cost-effective decisions assisted by RAP studies; and
· increased volunteer hours and positive media support indicate community acceptance of the
RAP principles of maintaining a healthy environment.
More work needs to be done
Additional resources are required to complete the necessary remedial action projects as outlined in
the RAP in order to:
· fully meet phosphorus and other pollutant loading targets;
· fully meet the habitat restoration targets;
· continue monitoring the state ofthe environment and the effectiveness ofremedial measures
implemented; and
ensure that economic and environmental sustainability are built into municipal plans.
In order to maintain and build on the restoration of Severn Sound, the community will need:
· monitoring of environmental status to detect new problems;
· access to and coordination of government agency resources;
· expertise in planning, designing, funding and implementing environmental projects;
· a "neutral informed voice" that will assist the community in putting a priority on efforts,
implementing inter-municipal projects and assist in planning and infrastucture decisions; and
· continued access to and coordination of the Severn Sound environmental database.
Severn Sound Business Plan /3
Business plan
The Severn Sound Environmental Association is intended to serve local needs as well as complete
the federal and provincial commitments to the RAP program. The role of the organization includes:
bringing together the federal, provincial and municipal governments and other stakeholders
to provide cost-effective environmental management of Severn Sound;
pooling skills, expertise, perspectives and resources to implement the Severn Sound RAP;
overseeing the development of annual project workplans to implement the Severn Sound
operating a local implementation office;
administering an intermunicipal agreement, an agreement with the federal and provincial
governments and an affiliation with a non-profit corporation;
restoring the Severn Sound ecosystem and ensuring that it stays healthy for future
The structure of the Severn Sound Environmental Association is illustrated in Figure 2. Members
of the Association include representatives of participating municipalities, Environment Canada,
Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Friends of the Wye Marsh Inc. and may include other
supporting agencies and groups. All members (except Friends ofWye Marsh) commit to share in
funding the Association through a Letter of Agreement.
The Severn Sound Public Advisory Committee (PAC) is represented at SSEA meetings by its
Chairperson or designate. The PAC representative is a non-voting member. This arm's-length
position allows the PAC to maintain its independent role as public monitor and advisor to the RAP
Office operations
The RAP Office function includes staff, space, equipment and services required to carry out the
following responsibilities:
1) oversee all aspects of Severn Sound Remedial Action Plan implementation; coordinate the
activities of the Severn Sound Remedial Action Plan Team, project committees and work
groups, and project staff and contractors;
2) act as lias on between local stakeholders (public, interest groups and municipalities) and
government agencies to ensure that RAP requirements are integrated into the programs of all
3) involve the Severn Sound community in remediation, monitoring and conservation.
Severn Sound Business Plan /4
Specific duties include the following:
maintain an office in the Severn Sound area in order to implement the RAP and to
ensure continued community support and involvement;
plan, direct and coordinate the development, submission and delivery of proposals for
plan and administer office and project budgets, workplans, contracts and agreements;
provide visionary guidance to the Severn Sound community, recommending and
coordinating research, surveillance and monitoring activities, including the
development of an annual work plan for tracking environmental conditions and the
effectiveness of remedial actions;
provide an informed opinion on planning matters that may have an impact on the
Severn Sound ecosystem;
direct and maintain an ongoing public involvement and communications program
including continued liaison with the Severn Sound RAP Public Advisory Committee;
complete RAP documentation required under Annex 2 of the Great Lakes Water
Quality Agreement and the FederalIProvincial RAP Steering Committee;
coordinate the production of technical reports, brochures, fact sheets, presentations
and journal articles of technical studies;
maintain and coordinate a reference library of publications, databases and technical
respond to requests related to the Severn Sound environment;
produce annual progress reports on implementation for the Implementation
Committee and as required by funding agencies;
prepare briefing materials for the Implementation Committee and for use by provincial
and federal agencies;
represent Severn Sound RAP interests at public and/or official meetings.
In order to meet these objectives, the RAP Coordinator will have the authority to recruit and
supervise staff and to retain the services of contractors.
The goals of the RAP office can be divided into three timeframes:
· short-term (two years) - to delist Severn Sound as an Area of Concern and to initiate the
transition to a local self-sustaining environmental office;
· medium-term (five years) - to complete a smooth transition from RAP program delisting to
completion of implementation studies and startup of a locally sustained environmental office;
· long-term (ten years) - monitoring and completion of long-term implementation projects and
ongoing environmental management.
Severn Sound Business Plan /5
Short-term (two years)
The RAP Office will continue to facilitate project proposals that lead to implementation of the RAP,
coordinate monitoring of progress toward meeting objectives and produce the necessary reporting.
This work will be carried out with the specific goal of delisting Severn Sound as an Area of Concern
by the year 2000. The RAP program in Severn Sound will be funded through renewed or new
agreements between Environment Canada, MOE, the municipalities and the Wye Marsh. The RAP
Coordinator as well as the RAP Office will be supported under these agreements.
Medium-term (five years)
Many RAP implementation projects will extend beyond the official delisting of the RAP. For
example, the retrofitting of urban storm water quality treatment and the strategy for dealing with
storm water will continue well beyond the medium-term. During this period, municipalities will be
required to assume more responsibility for environmental management and development approvals.
Environmental projects will still require faciliation for design and funding, as before. Funding for an
Environmental Coordinator and Office during this period will become a responsibility of the
municipalities with specific project funding from government programs and other funding agencies
arranged through the office.
Long-term (ten years)
The community of Severn Sound will continue to need the services of an Environmental Coordinator
and Office to assist in forging cooperative initiatives to address environmental isssues, to coordinate
increased monitoring of environmental status to detect new problems, to provide expertise in
planning, designing, funding and implementing environmental projects and to provide a "neutral
informed voice" that will assist the community in putting a priority on efforts, implementing inter-
municipal projects and assist in planning and infrastucture decisions.
The cost of RAP operations is estimated to be $195,000 for Fiscal Years 1999 and 2000, with a
decreasing estimate for the Fiscal Year 2001, as government requirements for reporting and
implementation projects and studies are completed. The operational costs include staff costs for
support staff, site costs, administrative costs and materials costs for all fiscal years and will include
the salary for the RAP Coordinator commencing April 1, 1999. Table 1 details costs to run the RAP
Office and to produce the deliverables for 1999 and 2000.
The proposed funding partnership to support the office is shown in Table 2. The municipal
component is shown as a total but will be divided between participating municipal partners according
to a mutually agreeable formula described as part of an Agreement.
The RAP Office can also develop and facilitate individual projects which specifically benefit one or
Severn Sound Business Plan /6
I ".."
more municipalities and which would be funded by those municipalities and other partners, through
agreements arranged by the RAP Office. For example, plan review or site-specific monitoring can
be done on a cost-recovery basis.
Each year's planned expenditure schedule and work plan will be reviewed and approved by the
Association prior to submission to the parties for approval.
In 1999 and 2000, the Severn Sound Environmental Association Office will continue to carry out its
responsibilities as outlined under "Office Operations" on Page Four of this document.
The SSEA Office will continue to facilitate RAP implementation projects in the following five
categories: phosphorus control, habitat restoration and protection, pollution prevention, planning and
environmental monitoring, in order to meet delisting targets set in the Stage 2 Remedial Action Plan.
Work will continue on producing the documentation required by the International Joint Commission
and the FederalIProvincial RAP Steering Committee for the official delisting of Severn Sound as an
Area of Concern. Assuming that availablility of project funding and participation by stakeholders
continues, deli sting should take place in 2000.
The official delisting of Severn Sound will be an opportunity for the partners to celebrate our
achievements and receive credit for our commitment to environmental restoration. Removing the
stigma of being a "water pollution hotspot," which has stained our area's image internationally for
over ten years, will benefit all Severn Sound stakeholders. The lessons of wise stewardship learned
through this process will help us avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and will sustain a healthy
ecosystem for future generations.
Severn Sound Business Plan /7
Table 1
Severn Sound
Environmental Association
Schedule of Expenditures
(as of December 9, 1998 - DRAFT)
1999 2000
Total Total
Deliverable Budget Budget
Overall Coordination $15,000 $19,000
Liason between stakeholders & gov't. $15,000 $19,000
Secretariat to Assoc. $10,000 $10,000 .
Treasurer expense $7,400 $7,400
Travel expense $4,000 $4,000
Conference expense $4,000 $4,000
Meeting expense $1,200 $950
Printing $7,000 $6,100
Supplies & equipment $2,000 $2,000
Software upgrades & maintenance $3,500 $3,000
Hardware upgrades & maintenance $1,000 $1,000
Sub total: $70,100 $76,450
Site expenses at Wye M.
Space $4,800 $4,800
Reception/F aX/Phone $3,300 $3,300
Photocopy $2,400 $2,400
postage $2,000 $2,000
Sub total: $12,500 $12,500
Prepare and Maintain Databases
private system review $0 $0
farm database $1 ,000 $1 ,000
trib rehab database $1,000 $1,000
fish habitat database $1 ,000 $1,000
Sediment database $500 $0
GIS base coverages $20,000 $18,000
library $1,500 $900
photo archive $1,000 $1,000
map archive $500 $500
trib quality database $1 ,500 $1,500
Data Analyses (no new data collection)
Requests and Reviews
. . -Table 1
Severn Sound
Environmental Association
Schedule of Expenditures
(as of December 9,1998 - DRAFT)
Produce Reports
Annual Report
Sevem Sound Restoration Status Report
Open Water Quality Status Report
Tributary Flow and Quality Report
Complete IJC and COA documentation
Project Proposals & reporting
Sub total:
Open w. monitoring
chem analyses (3)
phytoplankton analysis (OMOE In-kind)
zoopl analysis (contractor)
Tributary monitoring
chem analyses (OMOE In-kind)
flow stations
Marsh monitoring coord.
Sub total: $23,800 $20,550
Public Involvement
Secretariat support to PAC $7,000 $7,000
Developing communications materials $16,000 $16,000
Displays and events $1,100 $1,100
Sub total:
. .
Table 2
Proposed Funding Partnership
to support the RAP Office ($OOOs)
1999(6) 2000
Federal $35 $10
Provincial (1) $25 $25
Municipal (2) $60 $60
Community/Private (3) $25 $40
Projects (4) $20 $20
Recoveries (5) $30 $40
Total $195 $195
(1) not including salary and benefits of coordinator to end of March 31, 1999
(2) as per funding formula for municipalities (Appendix 2 of Letter of Agreement)
(3) private and corporate donations
(4) assumes 10% per project to Association
(5) projects, data or tasks done by the Office for the Partners and/or third parties
(6) support for coordinator through Agreement starts April 1 , 1999
Georgian (j.r;,~
Bay Twp.~I>~~~
Figure 1:
Severn Sound Watershed
4 0 4 Kilometers
Figure 2
. . .
.....Severn Sound
<.. ..Environmental
. Association
Municipalities . .
Environment Canada
Wye Ma~hT':.':::;
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Appendix 2
Municipal Sharing Based on
Properties and Assessment
(for 1998 municipal boundaries)
Municipality Properties Properties Assessment Assess Cost Cost Cost
in W'shed Sharing in W'shed Sharing Sharing Share Share
% % % 1999 2000
Tiny 2026 7.71 235028600 6.96 7.33 $4,399 $4,399
Penetanguishene 3287 12.50 490016600 14.51 13.50 $8,102 $8,102
Midland 5690 21.64 906895100 26.85 24.24 $14,546 $14,546
Tay 6053 23.02 534891105 15.83 19.43 $11,656 $11,656
Severn 3189 12.13 379141572 11.22 11.68 $7,006 $7,006
Oro-Medonte 4171 15.86 564115700 16.70 16.28 $9,769 $9,769
Georgian Bay 1878 7.14 267949200 7.93 7.54 $4,522 $4,522
Totals: 26294 100 3378037877 100 100 $60,000 $60,000
note: Determination of Cost Apportionment (as of December 8, 1998)
1. the number of properties within the watershed area of each municipality was determined
and from that, a percentage for cost sharing was calculated
2. the assessment within the watershed area for each municipality
was determined and from that, a percentage for cost sharing was calculated
3. the average of 1 and 2 was used as the cost sharing percentage