1999-002 To Regulate and prohibit signs and other advertising devices
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BY -LAW NO. 99- 2
Being a By-law to regulate and prohibit signs and other advertising devices
Whereas the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M. 45 provides in paragraphs 146 to 148 inclusive of
Section 210, that Councils of local municipalities may pass by-laws for prohibiting or regulating
signs, mobile signs, and other advertising devices and the posting of notices on buildings, vacant
lots, or property of public utilities within the municipality; and
Whereas the Corporation of the Township of Oro-M:edonte deems it advisable to pass this By-
law, applicable to the whole of the Township;
Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-:Medonte enacts as
1. Title and ScoDe
This By-law shall be known and cited as the "Sign By-law" and shall apply to the whole of the
Township of Oro-Medonte.
2. Definitions
Alter - means any change to the sign structure or sign face, \\-lth the exception of a change in the
message being displayed or repair and maintenance.
Building Code - means the Ontario Building Code Regulation 403/97 as amended.
Council- means the Council for the Township of Oro-Medonte.
Frontage - means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines, \\-lth such distance being
measured perpendicularly to the line joining the mid-point of the front lot line with the mid-point
of the rear lot line at a point on that line eight metres (26.2 ft.) from the front lot line. In the case
of a lot with no rear lot line, the point where two (2) side lot lines intersect shall be the point
from which a line is drawn to the mid-point of the front lot line. In the case of a comer lot with
a daylighting triangle, the side lot line shall be deemed to extend to its hypothetical point of
intersection with the extension of the front lot line for the purposes of calculating lot frontage.
Internal Signs - means signs contained within the interior of a building, usually not visible from
off the premises on which the sign is located
Public Highway - means a highway as defined under the Highway Traffic Act, as amended from
time to time.
Sign - means any visual medium, including its structure and component parts, which is used or is
capable of being used to draw attention to a specific matter for identification, information,
advertising, service, activity, person, business, product good, or location thereof.
Sign area - means the total area in square metres of the surface of a sign including the border
and/or frame.
Township - means the Township of Oro-Medonte.
Trailer - means wything which can be or was at one time towed by a motor vehicle, has or had
at one time wheels, can be or was at one time used to haul goods.
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Zone - means a zone established by the Township's Comprehensive Zoning By-law, otherwise
known as By-law 97-95, as amended from time to time.
3. Administration of the Bv-law
3.1 Permits required
Except for the signs referred to in Section 4, no person shall erect, display, repair, or alter a sign
unless a permit is obtained from the Chief Building Official.
3.2 Application for permit
The applicant for a sign permit shall submit:
a) an application on a prescribed form prepared for that purpose;
b) scale drawings and specifications of sufficient detail and quality as is necessary to
ascertain whether or not the sign and its structure will be in compliance with this By-law
and/or the Ontario Building Code;
c) the approval of other authorities having jurisdiction (i.e. Ministry of Transportation,
County of Simcoe); and
d) existing utilities should be plotted on the scale drawings ie. overhead hydro and Bell
3.3 Revocation of permit
A permit may be revoked by the Township under the following circumstances:
a) where the sign does not conform to this By-law;
b) where the sign does not conform to any regulation, law, or requirements of any
government authority having jurisdiction over the area where the sign is situated;
c) where the permit has been issued as the result of false or misleading statements, or
undertakings, in the application; or
d) where the permit has been issued in error.
3.4 Fees
The following fees shall be paid to the Township of Oro-Medonte at the time of application for a
sign permit:
Signs 10 square metres (108 sq. ft.) or less (based on sign area) - flat rate fee of$50.oo
Signs greater than 10 square metres (108 sq. ft.) (based on sign area) - flat rate fee of $100.00
3.5 Removal of illegal si~
If such a sign is erected or displayed in contravention of the provisions of this By-law, the sign
may be removed immediately without notice, at the owner's expense. Where a sign has been
removed by the Mtmicipality, such sign may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of
3.6 Penalty
Every person who contravenes any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence and shall be
liable to a fine in the amount to be determined pursuant to the Provincial Offences Act RS.O.
1990, Chapter P.33, and evetysuch fine is recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act.
The con,,;ction of an offender upon the breach of any provision of this By-law shall not operate
as a bar to a prosecution against the same offender upon any continued or subsequent breach of
any provision, a Judge/Justice may convict any offender repeatedly for continued or
subsequent breaches the By-law, and the provisions of the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990,
".. ..
c.~f.45 Section 327, as amended from time to time, shaH further apply to any continued or
repeated breach of this By-law.
If any court of competent jurisdiction finds that any of the provisions of this By-law are ultra
vires the jurisdiction of the Township, or are invalid for any other reason, such provisions shall
be deemed to be severable and shaH not invalidate any other provision of this By-law which shall
remain in full force and effect.
4. Sips Pet mitted Without a Pet mit
The following signs shall be exempted from the requirements of a peunit
. "No Trespassing" signs, or other'SttCh signs regulating the use of a property, of no more than
0.5 square metres (5.4 sq. ft.) in area.
. Real estate signs vmich advertise the sale, rental, or lease of the premises or lot upon which
said signs are located, of no more than 0.5 square metres (5.4 sq. ft.) in area in residential
zones and 2 square metres (21.5 sq. ft.) in area in all other zones.
. Signs identifying an architect, engineer or other professional consultant, contractor, or sub-
contractor, of no more than 0.5 square metres (5.4 sq. ft.) in area in residential zones and 2
square metres (21.5 sq. ft.) in area in all other zones.
. Identification signs bearing municipal address, estate names, or names of occupants of the
premise~ of no more than 0.25 square metres (2.8 sq.. ft..) in area in residential. zones and 1
square metre (10.8 sq. ft.) in area in all other zones.
. Signs -directing and ~iding traffiC, par~ and ptIDl-i-e 1;afety, but bearing 00 ad\<ertising
. Signs erected by a government or municipal agency or under the direction of such agency
body and bearing no advertising, such as traffic signs and signals, safety signs, signs
identifying pubHc schoois 'and facilities, or signs to assist commerce and the tourist trade.
. Election proclamations or notices under any legislation pertaining to elections and election
signs on private property during any election campaign providing an such signs are erected
and removed in accordance with the provisions as contained in the Municipal Election Act,
as amended from time to time.
. .Sign.Ci that1:lTe used in .conjunction with patrioti~.rcligious,.or charitabJe orgnn17.3tions.
. Temporary signs that are used in conjunction with special events provided they are displayed
a .maximam- '6f feurteen (14).ea-ys prier f6- the event and rel'DtWed within tme (I) week after
the event.
. Signs that -are used to ~ the -sate of fresh: fann products, of no more than 2 square
metres (21.5 sq. ft.) in area.
. Intema-l signs.
5. Prohibited snms.
No person .snallerect, install, post, dispiay~ maintain, or keep on.a premises '%mY. -of the fofiO'wing
types of signs:
.. Signs. -wbiclI inrotpotate in.my manner-any. flashing or moving illumination which -varies in
intensity or which varies in color, and signs which have any visible moving parts, visible
mechanical -movement, or other-apparent -movement, other than that mvotv1ng the time or
.. Signs: which by reason of size, location, content, or coloring obstruct the vision of drivers, or
detract from the visibility or effectiveness of any traffic sign on public highways.
.. Signs: .locatedso-as: to 'Obstn1ctor impede.-anyTet:}'t'rired fir~escape; fir~exit, wai.kway, door,
or window or so as to prevent or impede free access of firefighters to any part of a building.
,. Signs on or -over -pubhc- propeity or pabhc.- rights...'Of--way, 1miess .erected 'and. .approved in
writing by a government agency having jurisdiction.
,. stps.painted.oo; .attaclted- to, orsuppmted.-by.a' tree; 'Sttme", or other mtural object, or utility
pole located on a Township road allowance andlor public lands.
.. Btgns.~-orrorattaclted-.to.iTailersandlO'f-anypartof:a--dismantled motor vehTcte:-whether
or not it is licensed or on wheels.
4t., ~!.
"" ~eDend Pnnisiofts
"6.1 C-ompiianc.e--withsite-pian---agreements.
Where-anapproved-site pbm-:agreement provides. 'Standards. for ~ -and- the signs.. for
development comply therewith, such signs shall be deemed to comply with this By-law.
"6.2 -Compliance:-~1th-the ~Bv"'law
NO-Fson-shaiterectorma-intain-~-sigrnlpon--a--parcetof-bmd.or-buiidingtf1'liess1t is.acc.essoryto
a use that is lawfully being operated on such land in accordance with By-law 97-95, as amended.
"6.3 -Bigns.-permitted-by-pemrit-in-c.ommercialandindustriat zones:
~} Huilding-Big'ft -:a:sigrnvhieli--is.erected-~the-waiiof~-huiiding.
-.Bt.ttlding Signs.-may-be-erected--on-each-wall-of~-httlding-butshaHcover-no-l'11'Ofethan- five
(5) percent of the total area of a building face, unless otherwise approved by the appropriate
-b)Carropy Sign - -~-siglrawhed to the:s:urfare-of -a-canopy; -not -necessariiyattached to--a
building, which does not extend horizontally or vertically past the limits of the awning.
-c} Uround- -Stamiing fugn- - -a. -~verticalsign- -which- -may -be:-~- .bya-
permanent column(s) and foundation in the ground.
d} Uluminatetl-Sign -a-sigrrthat -provicles-artificw-light-directly-or-throughmmsparem-or
translucent material, from either a source of light incorporated within the sign or by a
-. A .business-is-limited-to-tme--.ormore:-iH:uminated-:$igns-which-do-not.~-.4-square-metres
(43 sq. ft.) in size in total.
e} -Mobile-'Sign -a-:Sign--oot -permanently--:auached -to-a- -buil:di1'lg;structure;-or-thegrotmd
surface and is capable of being moved or relocated, and may display lighted directional
.. A -business is limited-to-one:{l) Mobile.Sign.
--6:4 :Sigm-~-by-:pefmit-m-residentialzones:
-Hotne~-Sign -:a:sfgru1Sed-ro-advertise-ttn-occupatitmronducted -fur-gain-ma-dwellmg
unit by the resident( s) of that dwelling unit.
.. The:home:occupation -use.must -:be:appr~ -by -the: Municipality -:as:eomplytJ:1g -with -the:
Comprehensive Zoning By-law.
.. A-residence:-is1imitedw-on:e{l}I-:lmrteBccupatiooSign.
· A Home Occupation Sign is limited in size to 0.5 square metres (5.4 sq. ft.) in area.
6.5 Signs permitted bv permit in the Agricultural/Rural (A/RU) zone:
accessory to a permitted use of the property which may take the form of:
--a} "a -.Ground-Standing S.ign- --afreestmlding -~l-sign- -whi.cll--may --be -su~--by --a
permanent column(s) and foundation in the ground.
-b) .a-€anopy..~. --s-sigrrapplied-m-1he-"SUl'face'.-ofa-caoopy; -nat--necessarily-attachedtcr-a-
building, and Wllich does not extend past the limits of the canopy.
'. . .-... .~
'v' .~
Billboard Sign - a' sign' which' advertises goods> products; services, or facilities not necessarily
sold on the premises or lands upon which the sign is located.
. A Billboard Sign is limited in size to 1 square metre (10.8 sq. ft.) per each 1 metre (3.3 ft.) of
ltontage Oftbe- property on whiCh fhe-signis tobe-erected' up toa maximum of6tf3Ysquarc
. Biffboard Signs are considered to be structures and shan be setback from Tot Tines no Tess
than.the..minimum.require.cLdistance..for ..the..main .use.on ihe.JoLin .ac.cordance. with.By-Jaw
97-95 and a distance in accordance with the setback standards as established by the Ministry
..{).f T-Fansportati0n,.whicllever is greater.
7:.. Non'"CODfOl B'liw!: SiIDts.
Anysi.gn-lawfuliy.erected...(;}f'displayed':berore:-the:dcty .this'By"1aw.~IeS'i:tlW:-furre'may'ren:raiu
and be maintained notwithstanding that it does not conform with the By-law, provided that such
:sign:shall'not:be::al.tefed, ':unless.the:San:te::shallcitheram-fuun.(;}f 'oo:n1ade: ':ro:ctmf.om:lin:all
respects with this By-law.
-8.. -€om>>li:auee'with-ether-Aitthorities.
'fn:additionro :my':pr-O'risi.ot1S:COfl:ta;ined-within:.:this.'B.y4aw, '''Wber:e-:a:sigtl'isrobe:~d'o1"l :a
property abutting a county maintained public highway, such sign must also be erected in
acc.m:dance: .;th . . .fiie.d by the Botmty f 8:. wheT;" be
':. '. .~'.':m.y'pr:Cr\l:J;S;W:Jj$.:as'spect: "':.': c.. _ .:(}: .tmcoe)w'. ;e::a:Stgnt.s'w':
erected on a property abutting a provincially maintained public highway, such sign must also be
erected' inaccordance:wi:th anyprO\L1:.sWm as. specified- by th:e:-MirnstIy. of Tl'amportation~ lnthe:
case where such sign falls under more than one set of provisions, the more restrictive provisions
'9.,. MaiukD311"Ce
'f:he f:the hmds . which. ~.. :dev;. .
-. .: ':owner;'.or--agent;:(); :h. . :-. '.:orpr.em;18eS.':upon"'.. _ ~:2ttlY:SI;gr:r':or.: -, -. .... f:ce:-1S
located shall maintain or cause such sign or advertising device to be maintained in a proper state
f . :that uch. =" derice does bee fe danp
-- - - -... .. -. - " . . . ~ -
:0. :t:epaJ.:f:So." - :$'. ::stgn'Of: - 'VefllSlng: ::. .:not: .OO1e::'tlflSa; :'Of: -:ous.
'w;"Ma tE riali::amt~Sti uctund' -Recruil emeDts.
Building Code.
. 8igns':amltheir"stn1.c:ttmd::membefS'sha1:1~be':designed:w:ha:v.e'stmctura-J:.::capacity.::UT. :resist :safely
and effectively all effects of loads and influences from the environment that may be expected,
:and.:sha1:1 :m~aDY-:case7satisfy:the:requirem.ems~of:the::0ntari0:Bui1ding-'Code;
11.. -1:ria:bitity-for-Dama!eS:
The::pr:O:V-isioos~of:this"B.y..la:w:::shall:not:be-:.Constmed:cas"relie:v.ing':Of limiting- :the:cresponsibility:Ol'
liability of any person erecting or owning any sign from personal injury or property damage
:resulting' ffom::the-:placing-:o-f:such:sign~ :Of :resulting- :ftom::the::negligence':or :willfuLacts.:of :such
person, or their agent, in the construction, erection, maintenance, repair, or removal of any sign
::erected.:m~accoulance:-:w.ith~a::pem1i:t:hereunder. :Eurther, :the::pr-tWisions:of:this:By..law:cannot:be
construed as imposing upon the Municipality, or its officers, or employees, any responsibility or
:liabi-li:ty:by:reason:of:the:appr..owl'.:o-fany>signs:under:the:pr-tW'-isions :of:this ~By..,1a:w,
. .
day of ..1anuary
, 1999
BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed this 6th day of January
~ L,,- J; egc,v{l
Mayor - Ian Beard