02 22 2010 History MinutesORO-ME )RO-MEDONTE TOWNSHIP MOT101 00TIOW AF APR 2 1 1010 February 22, 2010 Oro-Medonte History Association Minutes MEETI~ MEETING: COUNCIL ❑ C, OF W. Attendance: Allan Howard, Chair; Geoffrey Booth, Vice-chair; Sheila lr an , roan secretary; Bruce Wiggins Absent: Jadeen Henderson Invited: Justin Hodgkinson, Community Recreation Coordinator Minutes of January 18 meeting were moved by Bruce and seconded by Geoff that .off that they are accepted as circulated. Passed. Old Business 1. Rail Trail is ongoing 2. Allan and Jadeen spoke to Edgar W.I. about "Raise the Spirit" and did an did an antique appraisal. 3. Heritage Day: Will be held this year to try and increase attendance: includf includes an antique car rally, antique tractor rally, music (blue grass), marketing, horse g, horse show, and tractor pull. Date is August 7. • Press release from CAD's office • Justin has a contact with the "Leader" newspaper • Georgian Bay Steam Show an antique tractor and our banner to increase acrease awareness of the date. 4. Terms of Reference: reviewed and will remain the same 5. Carley Hall defer to April when we can go through again with someone i meone who has knowledge of the building suggested we contact Everett Johnston (Bruce i (Bruce). Recent renovations should be documented at the Administration office and lice and Justin will look into it on our behalf. Correspondence 1. Email enquiry regarding pictures of Council 1956-1964. Some of these u these used to be in the main lobby and not sure where they were moved to after the he renovations? New Business 1. Justin will look into grants available for funding for events like the upcomi upcoming celebration of the War of 1812, etc. 2. We are asking for funding for a student to do filing and cataloguing of our of our files. 3. Heritage Building Registry is also mandated to the Township under the On r the Ontario Heritage Act and we have no ability to fund the research for this. this. 4. Elections: • Geoffrey Booth moves to position of Chair of the OMHA OMHA • Bruce Wiggins nominated for Vice-chair by Sheila and se i and seconded by Allan. Bruce accepted the nomination. PASSED • Sheila will remain, as secretary was a group consensus. nsus. Next meeting is at the Northway Restaurant on March 22, 2010 at 6pm. Adjourned at 7:20pm