11 14 2001 COW Minutes I] , , 8 " TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE REGULAR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, November 14, 2001 @. 9:05 a.m. Robinson Room Present: Mayor Ian Beard Deputy Mayor Neil Craig Councillor Walter Dickie (arrived at 11 :30 am - Council business) Councillor Ralph Hough Councillor Paul Marshall Councillor Harry Hughes Councillor Ruth Fountain Staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO; Marilyn pennycook, Clerk; Paul Gravelle, Treasurer; Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services; Andria Leigh, Township Planner; Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent; Paul Eenhoorn, Fire Chief; Chris Carter, Recreation Co- Ordinator; Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning Also Present: Mike Tenszen (Packet and Times), Walter Connell (EZ Rock), Nick McDonald (Meridian Planning Consultants), Colin (Cal) Tanner, Kathy and Jim Bell, Ms. Thompson, Tim Crawford (Chairperson, Oro-Medonte History Committee) 1. ADOPTION OF nil': AGENDA Motion No. CW-1 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting, Wednesday, November 14, 2001 be adopted with the addition of the following: 6. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: k) Report No. PR2001-29, Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator, rei waiving of ice rental fees for Shanty Bay Public School and surrounding public schools. I) Report No. BD2001-20, Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, rei OPP station. m) Tim Crawford, Chairperson, Oro-Medonte History Committee, rei reprinting book "Kith 'N Kin". n) Councillor Hughes, discussion re: Remembrance Day. 0) Councillor Hughes, discussion rei Chamber of Commerce meeting update. 7. PUBLIC WORKS: a) Report No. PWS2001-22, Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei residents' concerns - Lakeshore Road between 7th and 5th Lines. b) Report No. PWS2001-21 , Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei residents' road safety concerns - Horseshoe Valley. 8. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: d) Andria Leigh, Township Planner, verbal discussion rei proposal for haul route assessment. 12.IN-CAMERA: a) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei personnel matter. Carried. I. . 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: - "IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" Deputy Mayor Craig declared a pecuniary interest with respect to items 6(e)- OMERS buy-back as it affects him personally, and 8(c) - report by Nick McDonald rei Craighurst as his family owns property in the subject lands. Deputy Mayor Craig left the room and did not participate in any discussion regarding these items, nor did he vote on any motion in this regard. 3. RECEIPT OF ACCOUNTS: a) Statement of Accounts for the month of October, 2001. Motion No. CW-2 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that the Statement of Accounts for the month of October, 2001 totaling $1,559,447.50 be received. Carried. 4. DEPUTATIONS: a) 9:00 a.m. Jim and Kathy Bell, R. R. # 2, Shanty Bay, rei Besse Subdivision, Part Lot 15, Conc. 2 (Oro). Mr. Bell was accompanied by Mr. C. Tanner and Ms. Thompson, adjacent landowners. Motion No. CW-3 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that the information presented by Jim and Kathy Bell and the correspondence dated November 13,2001 from Mr. C. Tanner rei Besse Subdivision, Part Lot 15, Conc. 2 (Oro) be received. Carried. Motion No. CW-4 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hughes 8 It is recommended that Resolution No. 14 of Council meeting of November 7, 2001 which reads: "Be it resolved that Report No. ES2001-55 by Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei concerns by Jim and Kathy Bell, Besse Subdivision, 43T-91045, Part Lot 15, Concession 2 (former Township of Oro) be received and adopted and that the Township of Oro-Medonte does not enter into a Subdivision Agreement with 1391191 Ontario Ltd. until all draft plan conditions (43T-91045) have been met, and that the developer be required to construct a post and nine (9) strand wire fence around the southeast portion of the subdivision as shown on Drawing No. G-00034GEN prepared by R. J. Burnside and Associates Ltd. dated November 15, 2000, and further that a condition be added to Section 8.2 of the Subdivision Agreement requiring the construction of the post and nine (9) strand wire fence as shown on Drawing No. G-00034GEN prepared by R. J. Burnside and Associates dated November 15, 2000 prior to issuance of building permits, and further that Mr. and Mrs. Bell and Mr. Veenstra be notified of Council's decision" be rescinded. Carried. 2 II . Motion No. CW-5 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the issues raised by Mr. Bell and Mr. Tanner at the Committee of the Whole meeting be referred to staff for a further report. Carried. 5. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, Press Release re: Congratulations to Province on outstanding moraine protection plan. Motion No. CW-6 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the press release from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, rei Congratulations to Province on outstanding moraine protection plan be received. Carried. b) Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, correspondence rei Conservation Development Charge (CDC). New 2002 Planning and Development Fee Schedule. Motion No. CW-7 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that the correspondence from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority rei Conservation Development Charge (CDC), New 2002 Planning and Development Fee Schedule be received. Carried. c) Ministry of Citizenship, New Release rei Ontario tables Canada's broadest disabilities legislation (full package available in Clerk's office). Motion No. CW-8 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that the news release from the Ministry of Citizenship rei Ontario tables Canada's broadest disabilities legislation be received. Carried. 3 e) Report No. ADM2001-19, Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, rei OMERS Buyback. Motion No. CW-13 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Marshall Deputy Mayor Craig declared a pecuniary interest on this item and did not participate in any discussion nor did he vote on any motions with respect to this matter. It is recommended that Report No. ADM2001-19 by Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, rei OMERS buy-back be received and adopted, and that the Township of Oro-Medonte adopt a policy of absorbing 50% of the cost of a buy-back for past service to the municipality occurring subsequent of January 1, 1994 with the decision to purchase past service being made by the employee by December 31,2001 or one year from the date of enrollment into OMERS, whichever is later. Carried. f) Report No. BD2001-17, Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, re: SPCA Contract. Motion No. CW-14 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that Report No. BD2001-17 by Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, re: SPCA contract be received and adopted and that the SPCA be granted a two year extension to the Animal Control Contract currently in effect. Carried. g) Report No. ADM2001-61, Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, rei Draft Purchasing and Tendering Procedures By-law. Motion No. CW-15 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that Report No. ADM2001-61 by Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, rei draft purchasing and tendering procedures by-law be received and adopted and that the appropriate by-law be brought forward for Council approval. Carried. Council recessed for lunch at 12:20 p.m. and reconvened at 1 :25 p.m. 5 h) Report No, 802001-18, Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, re: Township of Oro-Medonte Building By-law. Motion No. CW-16 Moved by Hough Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that Report No. BD2001-18 by Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, rei Township of Oro-Medonte building by-law be received and adopted, and that the appropriate by-law be brought forward for Council consideration. Carried. i) Deputy Mayor Craig, verbal report rei executive summary of Simcoe York District Health Council on the need for a regional cancer care center (for information only). Motion No. CW-17 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the information presented by Deputy Mayor Craig rei Simcoe York District Health Council on determining the need for a regional cancer center in York, Simcoe and Muskoka be received for information. Carried. j) Deputy Mayor Craig, verbal report re: hospital funding policy adopted by County Council (for information only). Motion No. CW-18 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the information presented by Deputy Mayor Craig rei County of Simcoe General Services Committee Report No. 01-052, rei Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital redevelopment project and County hospital funding be received for information. Carried. k) Report No. PR2001-29, Chris Carter, Recreation Co-ordinator, rei waiving of ice rental fees for Shanty Bay Public School and surrounding public schools. Motion No. CW-19 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that Report No. PR2001-29 by Chris Carter, Recreation Co-Ordinator, rei waiving of ice rental fees for Shanty Bay Public School and surrounding public schools be received and adopted, and that Council waive the ice rental fees for Shanty Bay Public School and the surrounding Oro- Medonte public schools when ice time requested (upon availability). Carried. 6 I) Report No. BD2001-20, Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, rei OPP station. Motion No. CW-20 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the correspondence to Mayor and Members of Council dated November 13, 2001 rei proposed OPP substation from Val Bloom, Sales Representative, Royal LePage, be received. Carried. Motion No. CW-21 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the motion rei Report No. BD2001-20 by Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning rei OPP station, be deferred to the Council meeting of November 21,2001. Carried. Motion No. CW-22 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that Report No. BD2001-20 by Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, rei OPP station be received and adopted, and that Cowden Woods be awarded the OPP station tender at a cost of $548,241.00 (GST included) on the basis of all tender instruction followed and acceptable construction time frame with the substantial completion date as proposed, and that the funding for this project be allocated as follows: Development Charges Account - $80,000, Policing Reserve Account - $150,000, Working Fund Account - $318,241.00, and further that the Director of Building/Planning be appointed the project contact and the Fire Chief as the alternate. Deferred. m) Tim Crawford, Chairperson, Oro-Medonte History Committee, rei reprinting book "Kith 'N Kin". Motion No. CW-23 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the information provided by Tim Crawford, Chairperson, Oro-Medonte History Committee, re: reprinting book "Kith 'N Kin" be received and that the request to reprint 200 books at a cost of $15,175.38 be approved and that the cost of $15,175.38 be set up as a receivable from the History Committee. Withdrawn. 7 Motion No. CW-24 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the Kith 'N Kin reprint be deferred to a future date and any corrections to be made be referred to the History Committee for a recommendation rei incorporation of the changes in the book. Carried. n) Councillor Hughes, discussion rei Remembrance Day. Motion No. CW-25 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the Oro-Medonte Council pay tribute to volunteers by endorsing and officially recording the following: The International Year of the Volunteer took on a special meaning when the volunteers rose to the occasion to organize outstanding Remembrance Day ceremonies in schools, places of worship and at local community sites throughout Oro-Medonte. Their efforts enabled us, at a time when many feel our way of life and freedoms are being threatened, to better understand and to better appreciate the individual and collective contributions of generations of volunteers to the quality of life in Oro-Medonte. Carried. 0) Councillor Hughes, discussion rei Chamber of Commerce meeting update. Motion No. CW-26 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that the verbal report by Councillor H. Hughes rei the Chamber of Commerce Special meeting held on November 13, 2001 be received for information. Carried. 7. PUBLIC WORKS: a) Report No. PWS2001-22, Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei residents' concerns - Lakeshore Road between 7th and 5th Lines. Motion No. CW-27 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that the correspondence from Mr. and Mrs. P. Franchetto dated November 9, 2001 rei pedestrian/vehicle safety issues on Lakeshore Road West between 5th and 7th Lines be received. Carried. 8 I. Motion No. CW-28 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that Report No. PWS2001-22 by Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei residents' concerns - Lakeshore Road between 7th and 5th Lines be received and adopted, and that the Public Works Department paint a center line on the entire Lakeshore road as part of the 2002 Maintenance Program, and that the Public Works Department appropriately place "Pedestrian Warning" signs along the Lakeshore from the 5th to the 7th Lines in the spring of 2002, and further that the Public Works Department place one "Hidden Driveway" sign on the curve prior to Lot #247 before the winter season (2001), and that the existing speed limit of 50 km/h remain on Lakeshore Road from the 5th to the 7th Lines, and further that the OPP be requested to increase radar patrol enforcement on Lakeshore Road from the 5th to the 7th Lines, and that the Director of Environmental Services correspond directly with Ms. Franchetto with regard to the street lighting request. Carried. b) Report No. PWS2001-21 , Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei residents' road safety concerns - Horseshoe Valley. Motion No. CW-29 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that Report No. PWS2001-21 by Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent rei residents' road safety concerns, Horseshoe Valley, be deferred to the next Committee of the Whole. Carried. Motion No. CW-30 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that Report No. PWS2001-21 by Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei residents' road safety concerns - Horseshoe Valley be received and adopted and that the existing speed limit of 50 km/h remain for Cathedral Pines, and that the speed limit for Pine Ridge Trail be reviewed in the ski season to consider the winter traffic count and a report forwarded to Council at that time, and that the Public Works Department place the required "Pedestrian Advance" signs within the entrances to all phases of subdivisions within the Horseshoe Valley community, and further that the Public Works Superintendent advise the Horseshoe Valley Property Owners' Association accordingly. Deferred. 9 8. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: a) Plan of Subdivision, Concession 5, Part of Lot 10 (Oro), OM T-93016, Roll # 010-002-28500. Motion No. CW-31 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Report No. PD2001-42 by Andria Leigh, Township Planner, re: Edgar Estates draft Plan of Subdivision, Concession 5, Part of Lot 10 (Oro), OM T-93016, Roll # 010-002-28500 be received and adopted, and that Council support the extension of the draft plan approval for OM T- 93016 for an additional period of six months from February 5,2002 to August 5, 2002, and further that the County of Simcoe, as the approval authority, be advised of Council's support of the extension of the draft plan approval for OM T-93016. Carried. b) Report No. PD2001-43, Andria Leigh, Township Planner, re: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, Concession 6, Part of Lot 26 (Oro), Roll # 010- 008-30300. Motion No. CW-32 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that Report No. PD2001-43 by Andria Leigh, Township Planner, rei proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, Concession 6, Part of Lot 26 (Oro), Roll # 010-008-30300 be received and adopted, and that the appropriate by-law be brought forward for Council consideration, and further that Council give favourable consideration to the zoning by-law amendment for a site specific agricultural/rural zone to permit the motor vehicle repair garage. Carried. c) Nick McDonald, RPP, Meridian Planning Consultants Inc., report rei Craighurst. Motion No. CW-33 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes Deputy Mayor Craig declared a pecuniary interest with respect to this matter (land is adjacent to his property), and he did not participate in any discussion regarding this matter nor did he vote on any motions in this regard. It is recommended that the report by Nick McDonald, RPP, Meridian Planning Consultants Inc rei Craighurst be received and that the decision on Craighurst be deferred until the OPA implementing the Land Use Strategy is adopted by Council and that a formal public meeting be scheduled to discuss the Secondary Plan OPA and the Land Use Strategy OPA simultaneously. Carried. 10 d) Andria Leigh, Township Planner, verbal discussion rei proposal for haul route assessment. Motion No. CW-34 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the verbal information provided by Andria Leigh, Township Planner re: proposal for haul route assessment be received and that Cansult Tatham be authorized to proceed with the assessment of the haul routes in accordance with their proposal dated October, 2001 at a cost of $13,450, and further that the Township correspond with the County of Simcoe to request that the County of Simcoe provide the funding for the assessment of the County Roads at a cost of $3,150. Carried. 9. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Nil. 10. ENVIRONMENTAL TASK FORCE: Nil. 11. ADDENDUM: Items have been incorporated in the minutes. 12. IN-CAMERA: Motion No. CW-35 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera at 2:52 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter. Carried. Motion No. CW-36 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera at 2:55 p.m. Carried. 11 a) Confidential Report No. ADM2001-55, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Personnel Matter - Operator. Motion No. CW-37 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that Confidential Report No. ADM2001-55, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Personnel Matter - Operator be received and adopted. Carried. Motion No. CW-38 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 3:00 p.m. Carried. (:/ - )¡'J'~ Mayor, Ian Beard 12