10 24 2001 COW Minutes I! I I' II II il II TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE REGULAR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday. October 24. 2001 @ 9:05 a.m. Robinson Room . Present: Mayor Ian Beard Deputy Mayor Neil Craig Councillor Walter Dickie Councillor Ralph Hough Councillor Paul Marshall Councillor Harry Hughes Councillor Ruth Fountain Staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAD; Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk; Paul Gravelle, Treasurer; Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services; Andria Leigh, Township Planner; Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent; Paul Eenhoorn, Fire Chief; Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning Also Present: Mike Tenszen (Packet and Times); Nick McDonald (Meridian Planning Consultants); Shari Lovelock, (Campaign Director, United Way of Greater Simcoe County); Catherine Riffer-Wessel, United Way Campaign Representative; Versha Szczebior, Mike Drumm and Len Leach (Lake Simcoe Regional Airport) 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Motion No. CW-1 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that the agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting, Wednesday, October 24, 2001 be adopted with the addition of the following: . 4. DEPUTATIONS: c) 9:40 a.m. Versha Szczebior, 279 Line 4 South, request for screening/buffering. 5. CORRESPONDENCE: d) O'Brien House, correspondence rei request to waive the Site Plan fees and letter of credit. 6. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: e) Report No. ADM2001-48, Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, rei Financial Assistance, O'Brien House. f) Report No. BD2001-16, Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, re: O'Brien House. g) Report No. ADM2001-53, Marilyn pennycook, Clerk, rei Use of Council Chambers. h) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAD, verbal report rei costing comparison, newspaper advertising. 7. PUBLIC WORKS: d) Report No. ES2001-49, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei Abbeyfield Housing Society of Shanty Bay, request for waiving the Site Plan fees and letter of credit. e) Report No. PWS2001-18, Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei Speed Reduction, East Oro School. 12. IN-CAMERA: d) Councillor Hughes, personnel matter (reports). e) Deputy Mayor Craig, discussion re: personnel matter (Roads). Carried. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: - "IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" Nil. . 3. RECEIPT OF ACCOUNTS: Nil. 4. DEPUTATIONS: a) Shari Lovelock, Campaign Director, United Way of Greater Simcoe County, made a presentation regarding the 2001 United Way Campaign. Motion No. CW-2 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the information provided by Shari Lovelock, Campaign Director, United Way of Greater Simcoe County and Catherine Riffer-Wessel, United Way Campaign Representative, rei 2001 Campaign be received. Carried. b) Walter Dickie, President, Lake Simcoe Regional Airport and Nick McDonald, Meridian Planning Consultants Inc., rei Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Agreement. Motion No. CW-3 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Marshall Be it resolved that WHEREAS pursuant to s.210.1 of the Municipal Act, RSO 1990, c.MA5, as amended, and regulations thereto, a Council may enter into agreements for the provision of municipal capital facilities by any person; AND WHEREAS in order to promote the continued viability and increased growth of the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport (LSRA) the Township of Oro- Medonte wishes to provide for additional powers to the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Commission (LSRAC), and to make provision for the sale of certain of the LSRA lands for airport-related commercial development; AND WHEREAS the Government of Canada, through correspondence dated September 12, 2001, has authorized the sale of certain lands within the Airport Site; . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the report dated October 19, 2001 from the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Commission be received and adopted; AND FURTHER, that the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte enter into a joint agreement with the Corporation of the City of Barrie and the Corporation of the City of Orillia to provide for the continued management, operation, maintenance and improvement of the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport; 2 AND FURTHER, that the necessary by-law to authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the "Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Agreement" be brought forward for Council consideration. Recorded Vote Requested By Councillor Dickie . I Ii II Deputy Mayor Craig Councillor Dickie Councillor Fountain Councillor Hough Councillor Hughes Councillor Marshall Mayor Ian Beard Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Carried. c) Versha Szczebior, 279 Line 4 South, presented a request for screening/buffering. Motion No. CW-4 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall Be it resolved that the information provided by Ms. Versha Szczebior, 279 Line 4 South, re: request for screening/buffering be received. Carried. 5. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Guthrie Public School, correspondence rei appreciation of Township's commemoration of World Teachers' Day. Motion No. CW-5 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that the correspondence from Guthrie Public School rei appreciation of Township's commemoration of World Teachers' Day be received. Carried. b) City of Toronto, correspondence re: Tax Holiday Proposal. Motion No. CW-6 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie . It is recommended that the correspondence from the City of Toronto, correspondence rei Tax Holiday Proposal be received. Carried. 3 c) Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, correspondence re: Canada's Citizenship Week. Motion No. CW-7 8 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the correspondence from the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration re: Canada's Citizenship Week be received. Carried. d) O'Brien House, correspondence re: request to waive the Site Plan fees and letter of credit. Motion No. CW-8 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that the correspondence from O'Brien House rei request to waive the Site Plan fees and letter of credit be received. Carried. 6. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: a) Report No. ADM2001-45, Joe Casey, CFEI, Deputy Fire Chief, re: Fire and Emergency Master Plan. Motion No. CW-9 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that Report No. ADM2001-45 by Joe Casey, CFEI, Deputy Fire Chief, rei Fire and Emergency Master Plan background information (Folder C) as provided be received and that Folder C be incorporated in the Fire and Emergency Master Plan. Carried. b) Report No, BD2001-15, Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, re: Building Report for September, 2001. Motion No. CW-10 . Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that Report No. BD2001-15 by Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, re: Building Report for September, 2001 be received. Carried. 4 c) Township of Ramara, correspondence re: Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority expansion of jurisdiction within the Township of Ramara, matter of attendance, December 13, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. . Motion No. CW-11 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the correspondence from the Township of Ramara rei Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority expansion of jurisdiction within the Township of Ramara, matter of attendance, December 13,2001 at 2:00 p.m. be received and that Mayor Beard and Councillor Fountain be appointed as representatives to attend a meeting to approve Ramara's joining the Conservation Authority. Carried. d) Lake Simcoe Regional Airport, correspondence rei assumption of main access road at the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport. Motion No. CW-12 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the correspondence from the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport rei assumption of main access road at the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport be received and that staff be authorized to begin the process of assumption, by the Township of Oro-Medonte of the main airport access road leading past the Airport Terminal Building, from the 7th Line to the SW Commercial Development Area and hence northerly along the frontage of the five (5) lots in the SW Commercial Development Area, as a public right-of- way, all in order to facilitate the establishment of hangars in the SW Commercial Development Area." Carried. e) Report No. ADM2001-48, Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, rei Financial Assistance, O'Brien House. Motion No. CW-13 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that Report No. ADM2001-48 by Paul Gravelle, Treasurer, re: financial assistance, O'Brien House be received and adopted, and that financial assistance in the form of tax relief not be provided to O'Brien House. . Carried. Council recessed for lunch at 12:35 p.m. and reconvened at 1 :35 p.m. 5 f) Report No. BD2001-16, Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, rei O'Brien House, . Motion No. CW.14 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that Report No. BD2001-16 by Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning, rei O'Brien House be received and adopted, and that Council waive the building permit fee to a maximum of $100.00 to remain consistent with past practice. Carried. Motion No. CW-15 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Marshall ,I :1 :1 I Ii II II II II II II I It is recommended that the Township of Oro-Medonte contribute in the amount of $5,000 toward the capital building campaign of O'Brien House in recognition of the achievements of the volunteers involved in the campaign in this Year of the Volunteer, and that this donation be considered an overrun to the budget as a one-time grant. Carried. g) Report No. ADM2001-53, Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, rei Use of Council Chambers. Motion No. CW-16 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that Report No. ADM2001-53 by Marilyn pennycook, Clerk, re: use of Council Chambers be received and adopted, and that Committee of the Whole meetings be held in the Council Chambers at the Oro-Medonte Administration Office, and further that the Robinson Room be converted to office space, costs to be reported back to Council for approval. Carried. h) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, memorandum and verbal report rei costing comparison, newspaper advertising. Motion No. CW-17 . Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the memorandum and verbal report by Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: costing comparison, newspaper advertising be received. Carried. 6 7. PUBLIC WORKS: . a) Report No. ES2001-47, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei Charles Richards and Sons Limited, Site Plan Agreement, pt. Lot 15, Concession 1, E.P.R. (former Oro Township), being all of PIN # 58544-0004 (Lt). Motion No. CW-18 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Report No. ES2001-47 by Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, re: Charles Richards and Sons Limited, Site Plan Agreement, pt. Lot 15, Concession 1, E.P.R. (former Oro Township), being all of PIN # 58544-0004 (Lt) be received and adopted and that the Township of Oro-Medonte enter into a Site Plan Agreement with Charles Richards and Sons Limited to construct a 52' x 120' storage building at pt. Lot 15, Concession 1, E.P.R. (former Oro Township), being all of PIN #58544-0004 (Lt), and further that the appropriate By-law be brought forward for Council consideration. Carried. b) Report No. ES2001-48, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, re: follow-up to verbal report, Versha Szczebior, 279 Line 4 South, request for screening/buffering. Motion No. CW-19 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that Report No. ES2001-48 by Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei follow-up to verbal report, Versha Szczebior, 279 Line 4 South, request for screening/buffering be received and adopted and that the draft correspondence attached from Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, be sent to Ms. Szczebior. Carried. c) Report No. PWS2001-20, Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei addition to gate to hand rail at Shanty Bay Wharf. Motion No. CW-20 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes . It is recommended that Report No. PWS2001-20 by Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei addition to gate to hand rail at Shanty Bay Wharf be received and adopted and that upon written confirmation from Ms. Morgan that Public Works proceed with arrangements for installation of the gate in the handrail at Shanty Bay Wharf. Carried. 7 " Ii . I d) Report No. ES2001-49, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, re: Abbeyfield Housing Society of Shanty Bay, request for waiving the Site Plan fees and letter of credit. Motion No. CW-21 . Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that Report No. ES2001-49 by Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei Abbeyfield Housing Society of Shanty Bay, request for waiving the Site Plan fees and letter of credit be received and adopted, and that the Site Plan fee of $1 ,250.00 and the recommended $5,000.00 Letter of Credit already posted by Abbeyfield Housing Society of Shanty Bay be held by the municipality accordingly, prior to entering into a Site Plan Agreement with the Township. Carried. e) Report No. PWS2001-18, Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei Speed Reduction, East Oro School. Motion No. CW-22 i. I' I: II II II i: I' i. I' I I Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that Report No. PWS2001-18 by Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, re: speed reduction, East Oro School be received and adopted, and that the Clerk be authorized to prepare the necessary By-law to reduce the speed limit to 50 km/h on Line 11, north and south of 15/16 Sideroad, and on 15/16 Sideroad, east and west of Line 11, and that the Public Works Department erect the proper speed signage, and further that the Public Works Superintendent notify the Principal of East Oro Public School accordingly. Carried. 8. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: a) Report No, PD2001-40, Andria Leigh, Township Planner, rei reduction of application fees for Modco Investments Ltd., Concession 7, Plan M-367, Phase IV (Oro). Motion No. CW-23 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain . It is recommended that Report No. PD2001-40 by Andria Leigh, Township Planner, rei reduction of application fees for Modco Investments Ltd., Concession 7, Plan M-367, Phase IV (Oro) be received and adopted and that no additional parkland dedication be required at the time of consideration of the Consent applications, and that the Development Charges be received at the time of building permit in accordance with the Township requirements for a plan of subdivision; and that the Application fees submitted under Development Application P-118/01 be utilized for the consent applications to be submitted and no additional fees excepting legal costs and those required for the stop up and close of Ironwood Trail be required by Modco Investments Ltd., and further that Modco Investments Ltd. be so advised. Carried. 8 I: 'I. b) Report No. PD2001-41, Andria Leigh, Township Planner, rei Committee of Adjustment decisions for October 11, 2001. . Motion No. CW-24 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Report No. PD2001-41 by Andria Leigh, Township Planner, re: Committee of Adjustment decisions for October 11, 2001 be received, Carried. c) Planning Advisory Committee minutes of meeting held on Tuesday, October 16,2001. Motion No. CW-25 Ii II II II II 'I :1 II I, II Ii " Ii Ii I I I: I' Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the minutes of the Planning Advisory Committee meeting held on Tuesday, October 16, 2001 be received. Carried. Motion No. CW-26 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Development Application P-124/01, a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for Seleri Investments, Concession 3, Part of Lot 27 (Oro), not proceed to a Public Meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act as the application is deemed not to comply with the intent of the Official Plan and is not considered to represent good planning, Carried. Motion No. CW-27 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Craig . It is recommended that Development Application P-125/01, a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for Horseshoe Resort, Concession 4, Part of Lot 2 (Oro), for a 64 unit timeshare establishment proceed to a Public Meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. Carried. 9 I' I ! ' Motion No. CW-28 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain . It is recommended that Development Application P-116/01, a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for FSP Holding Inc., (Settlers Ghost Golf Club), Concession 2, Part of Lots 41 and 42 (Medonte), proceed to a Public Meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Planing Act. Carried. Motion No. CW-29 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Development Application P-123/01, a proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment for Combustion Research, Concession 3, Part of Lot 20 (Oro), proceed to a Public Meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. Carried. 9. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Ii II II II " I: Nil. 10. ENVIRONMENTAL TASK FORCE: Nil. 11. ADDENDUM: Items have been incorporated in the minutes. 12. IN-CAMERA: Motion No. CW-30 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera at 3:04 p.m. to discuss personnel and legal matters. Carried. Motion No. CW-31 8 i , i II Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera at 4:50 p.m. Carried. 10 a) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Personnel Matter (Restructuring). Motion No. CW-32 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Craig 8 I It is recommended that Confidential Report No. ADM2001-47 by Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: personnel matter (restructuring) be received and adopted. Carried. Motion No. CW-33 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that we suspend rule 21 (d) of Procedural By-law 95-44 in order to allow the meeting to proceed past the normal adjournment hour of 4:00 p.m. I " !. I, I, II I II II I I I I Carried. b) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Legal Matter, (S. pt. Lot 8, Conc. 4 (Oro). Motion No. CW-34 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Confidential Memorandum from Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Legal Matter, Pallets North, S. pt. Lot 8, Conc. 4 (Oro) be received. Carried. c) Marilyn pennycook, Clerk, rei correspondence from Graham, Wilson & Green re: Legal Matter. Motion No. CW-35 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the correspondence from Graham, Wilson & Green rei legal matter be received for information only. Carried. d) Councillor Hughes, personnel matter (reports). Motion No. CW-36 8 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the memorandum by Councillor Hughes rei communication updates for items referred to staff be received. Carried. 11 I' . e) Deputy Mayor Craig discussion rei personnel matter (Roads). Motion No. CW-37 . Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 4:55 p.m. Carried. ÞL A'iøal Mayor, Ian Bear . 12