10 10 2001 COW Minutes TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE , REGULAR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, October 10, 2001 @ 9:05 a.m. Robinson Room Present: Mayor Ian Beard Deputy Mayor Neil Craig Councillor Walter Dickie Councillor Ralph Hough Councillor Paul Marshall Councillor Harry Hughes Councillor Ruth Fountain Staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO; Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk; Joe Casey, Deputy Fire Chief; Chris Carter, Recreation Coordinator; Andria Leigh, Township Planner; Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning; Paul Gravelle, Treasurer; Jerry Ball, Manager of Public Works; Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services Also Present: Walter Connell (EZ Rock); Mike Tenszen (Packet and Times); Rene DeMartini (President, Modco Homes) 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Motion No. cW-1 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting, Wednesday, October 10,2001 be adopted with the addition of the following: e) CORRESPONDENCE: Ontario Heritage Foundation reo Young Heritage Leaders Program 2001. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: DRAFT Letter by Mayor Ian Beard to the City of Barrie reo Greater Barrie Area Local Government Review Report No. PR2001-28, Kim Allen, Facilities Manager reo Proposals for Voice Mail System - Administration Office Councillor Harry Hughes, discussion reo Updates on Reports from Staff. 5. m) 6. c) d) And that In Camera Items 12 (b) and 12 (c) be withdrawn. Carried. 8 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: - "IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" Nil. 3. RECEIPT OF ACCOUNTS: a) Statement of Accounts for the month of September 2001. Motion No. CW-2 . Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that the Statement of Accounts for the month of September, 2001 totaling $4,078,573.12 be received. Carried. 4. DEPUTATIONS: Nil. 5. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Township of Ramara, correspondence rei Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Expansion of Jurisdiction within the Township of Ramara. Motion No. CW-3 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the correspondence from the Township of Ramara rei Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Expansion of Jurisdiction within the Township of Ramara be received and that Mayor Beard and Deputy Mayor Craig be appointed representatives to attend a meeting to approve Ramara's joining the Conservation Authority. Carried. b) County of Simcoe, correspondence rei size and composition of Simcoe County Council. Motion No. CW-4 (Amendment) Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the motion with regard to the correspondence from the County of Simcoe reo Size and composition of Simcoe County Council be amended to read "that a presentation by the County be postponed until such time as the County's restructuring report is released". Carried. . Motion No. cW-5 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the correspondence from the County of Simcoe rei size and composition of Simcoe County Council be received and that a presentation by the County be postponed until such time as the County's restructuring report is released. Carried as Amended. 2 c) Hawkestone and Area Community Association, correspondence rei Council support of Ministry of Natural Resources grant application for CFWIP Program. Motion No. CW-6 . Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that the correspondence from the Hawkestone and Area Community Association rei Council support of Ministry of Natural Resources grant application for the Canadian Fisheries and Wildlife Involvement Program be received and that staff prepare a letter for the Mayor's signature in support of the application; and further that the Township work with the Hawkestone and Area Community Association to fulfill their endeavours in 2002. Carried. d) Barbara J. Brechin, Coldwater, correspondence rei annual inspection report on Municipal Drain # 7 (pictures available in Clerk's office). Motion No. cW-7 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the correspondence from Barbara J. Brechin of Coldwater rei a request for an annual inspection report on Municipal Drain # 7 be received and referred to staff (Drainage Superintendent) for a report to Council. Carried. e) Modco Investments Ltd., correspondence rei Resubdivision of Phase 4 Sugarbush, RP51 M-367 and Realignment of Ironwood Trail. Motion No. CW-8 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the correspondence from Modco Investments Ltd rei Resubdivision of Phase 4 Sugarbush, RP51M-367 and Realignment of Ironwood Trail be received and referred to staff for a report. Carried. f) Lake Simcoe Regional Airport, correspondence rei customs service. 8 Motion No. CW-9 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the correspondence from Lake Simcoe Regional Airport rei customs service be received. Carried. 3 g) Rosemary Dunsmore, Shanty Bay, correspondence rei support of smoke free public places. . Motion No. CW-10 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Craig It is recommended that the correspondence from Rosemary Dunsmore of Shanty Bay rei support of smoke free public places be received. Carried. h) Oro Agricultural Society, correspondence rei appreciation of use of Township Garage and Township assistance. Motion No. CW-11 Moved by Craig, Seconded by Fountain , I ! I , , " I I !I ,I It is recommended that the correspondence from the Oro Agricultural Society rei appreciation of use of Township Garage and Township assistance be received. Carried. i) Corporation of the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, correspondence rei OSTAR funding levels to all municipalities. Motion No. CW-12 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the correspondence from The Corporation of the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie rei OSTAR funding levels to all municipalities be received. Carried. j) Simcoe County District School Board, meeting highlights of September 26, 2001 meeting. Motion No. cW-13 . Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the highlights of the Simcoe County District School Board meeting of September 26, 2001 be received. Carried. 4 " . k) Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, minutes of meeting held on August 24, 2001. Motion No. CW-14 . Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the minutes of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority meeting held on August 24, 2001 be received. Carried. I) Severn Sound Environmental Association, correspondence rei invasion of the Biting Lady Beetles. Motion No. CW-15 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the correspondence from the Severn Sound Environmental Association rei invasion of the Biting Lady Beetles be received. Carried. m) Ontario Heritage Foundation reo Young Heritage Leaders Program 2001. Motion No. cW-16 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that the information from the Ontario Heritage Foundation reo Young Heritage Leaders Program 2001 be referred to the Recognition Committee. Carried. 6. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: a) Report ADM2001-42, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Christmas Shutdown. Motion No. CW-17 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie . It is recommended that Report No. ADM2001-42 by Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Christmas Shutdown be received and adopted, and that the holiday shutdown commence at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 21, 2001 to 8:30 a.m. Thursday, December 27, 2001 and again at 4:30 p.m. Friday, December 28, 2001 to 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 2, 2002, and further that the Administration Building and the Roads Yards be posted accordingly. Carried. 5 b) Report ADM2001-46, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Christmas Party. . Motion No. CW-18 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that Report No. ADM2001-46 by Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Christmas Party be received and adopted, and that Council waive the rental fee in the amount of $267.00 for the Guthrie Arena on December 8, 2001. Carried. c) DRAFT Letter by Mayor Ian Beard to the City of Barrie reo Greater Barrie Area Local Government Review. Motion No. cW-19 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the DRAFT letter by Mayor Ian Beard to the City of Barrie reo Greater Barrie Area Local Government Review be redrafted to reflect Council's suggestions. Carried. d) Report No. PR2001-28, Kim Allen, Facilities Manager reo Proposals for Voice Mail System - Administration Office Motion No. cW-20 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that Report No. PR2001-28, Kim Allen, Facilities Manager reo Proposals for Voice Mail System - Administration Office be received and adopted, and that in light of the cost difference, the proposal from MSC Communications be accepted, and that funding for this system be considered a budget overrun. Carried. e) Councillor Harry Hughes, discussion reo Updates on Reports from Staff. . Councillor Hughes requested clarification of outstanding requested reports. The Chief Administrative Officer gave an update. 6 I' I .- . I 7. PUBLIC WORKS: a) Report No. PWS2001-17, Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei Upgrades to Line 2, Shanty Bay. Motion No. CW-21 . Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that Report No. PWS2001-17 by Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei Upgrades to Line 2, Shanty Bay be received and adopted and that Line 2, south of Ridge Road, be placed in the five-year forecast for 2002, and further that the Public Works Superintendent advise Ms. Eleanor Brown accordingly. Carried. 8. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Nil. 9. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Nil. 10. ENVIRONMENTAL TASK FORCE: Nil. 11. ADDENDUM: Items have been incorporated in the minutes. 12.IN-CAMERA: Motion No. cW-22 Moved by Hough, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera at 11 :25 a.m. to discuss property and personnel matters. Carried. . Motion No. cW-23 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera at 12:35 p.m. Carried. 7 I' -' 'I a) Confidential Report No. ADM 2001-49, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Property Matter - Indian Park Association. Motion No. CW-24 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie . It is recommended that Confidential Report No. ADM2001-49, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Property Matter, Indian Park Association be received and the recommendations therein be adopted. Carried. b) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Personnel Matter - Treasury Restructuring. Withdrawn. c) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Personnel Matter - Administration. Withdrawn. d) Confidential Report No. 2001-50, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Personnel Matter - Chamber of Commerce. Motion No. CW-25 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough It is recommended that Confidential Report No. 2001-50, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, rei Personnel Matter, Chamber of Commerce be received and the recommendations therein be adopted. Carried. Motion No. cW-26 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 12:37 p.m. Carried. . ~ Æ_I Mayor, Ian Beard ì 8