05 23 2001 COW Minutes 11 ~ I ¡I 1 + I I TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE REGULAR COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, May 23, 2001 @9:00a.m. Robinson Room Present: Mayor Ian Beard Deputy Mayor Neil Craig (arrived at 9: 15 a.m.) Councillor Walter Dickie Councillor Ralph Hough Councillor Paul Marshall Councillor Harry Hughes Councillor Ruth Fountain Staff Present: Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk; Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent; Paul Eenhoorn, Fire Chief; Kim Allen, Facilities Manager; Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning Also Present: Mike Tenszen (Packet & Times), Jerry & Joline Dennis, Jani te Nyenhuis, Anne Louise Carney, Bev Parcells, Judith Carson, Reginald Carson, Sharon Lutes (Mid Ontario Disposal) Mayor Beard chaired the meeting and called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m. I 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: - "IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACT" None. 3. RECEIPT OF ACCOUNTS: Nil. 4. DEPUTATIONS: a) 9:00 a.m. Bev Parcells, Harbourwood Subdivision, presented information for Council consideration with respect to vandalism, garbage, unattended dogs, and Poop & Scoop. II II ¡ i! II II II il I I I 5. CORRESPONDENCE: a) Simcoe County Di$trict Health Unit, correspondence rei Trail Inventory Survey. 6. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: a) Councillor Dickie rei Volunteer Appreciation. b) Councillor Hughes, Report on Simcoe County District School Board Revised Policy and Rate Schedule rei Community Use of Schools. 7. PUBLIC WORKS: a) Report No. PWS2001-09, Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei 24 Hours of Adrenalin, Mountain Bike Festival, August 17,18, and 19, 2001, Hardwood Hills. ~ II II il II + !i II ! ! I I i I I I I b) Report No. ES2001-20, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei Moonstone Public School Request to Connect to Robincrest Water Distribution System, Conc. 9, Pt. Lot 16, Township of Oro- Medonte. c) Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, Verbal Update, rei CN Trail Realignment. d) Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, Verbal Update, rei Road Detour, Horseshoe Valley Road, Construction Between Line 10 & Line 12, from May 22 - June 8, 2001. 8. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: a) Report No. PD2001-23, Andria Leigh, Township Planner, rei Committee of Adjustment Decisions for May 10, 2001. 9. COMMUNITY SERVICE: a) Report No. PR2001-16, Kim Allen, Recreation & Community Economic Development, re: Contract No. PR2001-01, Replacement of Arena Ice Surface Lighting. b) Report No. PR2001-19, Kim Allen, Recreation & Community Economic Development, re: Contract No. PR2001-02, Replacement of Steel Roof on Edgar Hall. 10. ENVIRONMENTAL TASK FORCE: a) Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, correspondence rei Ontario Small Town and Rural Development (OSTAR) Infrastructure Initiative. b) Councillor Fountain, Discussion rei Garbage Pick-Up. 11. ADDENDUM: Items incorporated in Minutes. 12. IN-CAMERA: . II a) Report No. PR2001-15 by Kim Allen, Recreation and Community Economic Development, rei Request for Letter of Support for Grant Applications, Ramey Memorial Park. 2 IJ 'I ~ ¡I I] II I 'I I: Motion No. CW-1 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting, Wednesday, May 23, 2001 be adopted as printed and circulated with the addition of the following: 6. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: b) Councillor Hughes, Report on Simcoe County District School Board Revised Policy and Rate Schedule rei Community Use of Schools. 7. PUBLIC WORKS: c) Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, verbal update rei CN Trail Realignment. d) Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, verbal update rei Road Detour, Horseshoe Valley Construction. 10. ENVIRONMENTAL TASK FORCE: a) Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, correspondence rei Ontario Small Town and Rural Development (OSTAR) Infrastructure Initiative. b) Councillor Fountain, discussion rei Garbage Pick-up. 12, IN-CAMERA: a) Report No. PR2001-15 by Kim Allen, Recreation and Community Economic Development, re: Request for Letter of Support for Grant Applications, Ramey Memorial Park. Carried. Motion No. CW-2 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that the additional verbal information presented by Ms. Bev Parcells, Harbourwood Subdivision, rei vandalism, garbage, unattended dogs, and Poop & Scoop be received and referred to staff. Carried. Motion No. CW-3 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall i I I II II Ii . I' I' II II It is recommended that the correspondence from the Simcoe County District Health Unit rei Trail Inventory Survey be received and referred to staff for a response. Carried. Motion No. CW-4 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that the information from Councillor Dickie rei Volunteer Appreciation rei Coldwater Curling Recreation Centre be received and that Wendy Oakley and Brian Binns be recognized for their volunteer efforts with Township shirts, and further that a certificate to recognize the combined volunteer efforts by Oro-Medonte citizens be presented on June 9, 2001. Carried. 3 Motion No. CW-5 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that the report by Councillor Hughes rei Simcoe County District School Board Revised Policy and Rate Schedule - Community Use of Schools be received and the recommendations adopted. Carried. Motion No. CW-6 Moved by Dickie, Seconded by Marshall It is recommended that Report No. PWS2001-09 by Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei 24 Hours of Adrenalin, Mountain Bike Festival, August 17,18, and 19, 2001, Hardwood Hills be received and adopted, that Council authorizes the temporary closure of the 6th Line from Old Barrie Road North to Bass Lake Side Road from 8:00 am. on Friday August 17th to 2:00p.m. on Sunday, August 19th, 2001, and further that Matthew Goulin of Trilife Sports International be so advised. Carried. Motion No. CW-7 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that Report No. ES2001-20 by Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and Environmental Services, rei Moonstone Public School request to connect to Robincrest Water Distribution System, be received and that the Moonstone Public School be allowed to connect to the Robincrest municipal water system, and that the Township enters into a water service connection agreement with the Simcoe County District School Board, and further that the appropriate By- law be brought forward for Council consideration and the Simcoe County District School Board be so advised and a review of rates be undertaken by staff. Carried. Motion No. CW-8 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the verbal update by Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei CN Trail realignment at the 4th Line be received. Carried. Motion No. CW-9 ! . I i ¡, i II II Ii II Ii I; i Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the verbal report by Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent, rei road detour, Horseshoe Valley Road construction be received. Carried. 4 Motion No. CW-10 Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Dickie It is recommended that Report No. PD2001-23 by Andria Leigh, Township Planner, re: Committee of Adjustment Decisions for May 10, 2001 be received. Carried. Motion No. CW-11 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Report No. PR2001-16 by Kim Allen, Recreation & Community Economic Development, re: Contract No. PR2001-01, Replacement of Arena Ice Surface Lighting be received and the tenders opened and referred to staff for a report to Council. Carried. Motion No. CW-12 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that Report No. PR2001-19 by Kim Allen, Recreation & Community Economic Development, rei Contract No. PR2001-02, Replacement of Steel Roof on Edgar Hall be received and the tenders opened and referred to staff for a report to Council. Carried. Motion No. CW-13 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that the correspondence from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs rei Ontario Small Town and Rural Development (OSTAR) Infrastructure Initiative be received and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement between Her Majesty, The Queen In Right Of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and The Township of Oro-Medonte, and further that the appropriate By-law be brought forward for Council consideration. Carried. Motion No. CW-14 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera at 12:06 p.m. to discuss a property matter. Carried. Motion No. CW-15 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera at 12:10 p.m. Carried. 5 II ~ Ii ~ i + I Motion No. CW-16 Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Fountain It is recommended that Report No. PR2001-15 by Kim Allen, Recreation and Community Economic Development, rei request for letter of support for grant applications, Ramey Memorial Park, be received and adopted. Carried. Motion No. CW-17 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the discussion rei garbage pick-up be received. Carried. Motion No, CW-18 (As Amended) Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that the discussion re garbage pick-up be received and that Mid Ontario Disposal be authorized to complete the large item pick"up. Carried. Motion No. CW-19 Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Hughes It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 2:20 p.m. Carried. I' . I Mayor, Ian Beard 6